# SNES instrument editor these tabs are unique to the editor for SNES instruments. # SNES **Use envelope** enables the ADSR volume envelope. if it's on: - **A**: attack rate. - **D**: decay rate. - **S**: sustain level. - **D2**: decay rate during sustain. - **R**: release rate. - **Sustain/release mode**: - **Direct**: note release acts as note cut. - **Effective (linear decrease)**: after release, volume lowers by subtractions of 1/64 steps. - **Effective (exponential decrease)**: after release, volume decays exponentially. see [gain chart](../7-systems/snes.md). - **Delayed (write R on release)**: after release, waits until A and D have completed before starting exponential decrease. if envelope is off, select gain mode as described below. # Macros - **Volume**: volume. - **Arpeggio**: pitch in half-steps. - **Noise Freq**: preset frequency of noise generator. - **Waveform**: waveform. - **Panning (left)**: output level of left channel. - **Panning (right)**: output level of right channel. - **Pitch**: fine pitch. - **Special**: bitmap of flags. - invert left: inverts output of left channel. - invert right: inverts output of right channel. - pitch mod: modulates pitch using previous channel's output. - echo: enables echo. - noise: enables noise generator. - **Gain**: sets mode and value of gain. - 0 - 127: direct gain from 0 to 127 - 128 - 159: linear gain from -0 to -31 - 160 - 191: exponential gain from -0 to -31 - 192 - 223: linear gain from +0 to +31 - 224 - 255: exponential gain from +0 to +31