# keyboard everything on this list can be configured in the "Keyboard" tab of the Settings dialog: - click on a keybind then enter a key or key combination to change it. - right-click to clear the keybind. the keys in the "Global hotkeys" section can be used in any window, though not within text boxes. | action | default keybind | |--------------------------------------------------------|------------------| | **Global hotkeys** | | | New | `Ctrl-N` | | Clear song data | — | | Open file | `Ctrl-O` | | Restore backup | — | | Save file | `Ctrl-S` | | Save as | `Ctrl-Shift-S` | | Undo | `Ctrl-Z` | | Redo | `Ctrl-Y` | | Play/Stop (toggle) | `Return` | | Play | — | | Stop | — | | Play (from beginning) | `F5` | | Play (repeat pattern) | — | | Play from cursor | `Shift-Return` | | Step row | `Ctrl-Return` | | Octave up | `Keypad *` | | Octave down | `Keypad /` | | Previous instrument | `Shift-Keypad /` | | Next instrument | `Shift-Keypad *` | | Increase edit step | `Ctrl-Keypad *` | | Decrease edit step | `Ctrl-Keypad /` | | Toggle edit mode | `Space` | | Metronome | `Ctrl-M` | | Toggle repeat pattern | — | | Follow orders | — | | Follow pattern | — | | Toggle full-screen | `F11` | | Request voice from TX81Z | — | | Panic | `F12` | | | | | **Window activation** | | | Find/Replace | Ctrl-F | | Settings | — | | Song Information | — | | Subsongs | — | | Speed | — | | Instrument List | — | | Wavetable List | — | | Sample List | — | | Orders | — | | Pattern | — | | Mixer | — | | Grooves | — | | Channels | — | | Pattern Manager | — | | Chip Manager | — | | Compatibility Flags | — | | Song Comments | — | | Instrument Editor | — | | Wavetable Editor | — | | Sample Editor | — | | Edit Controls | — | | Piano | — | | Oscilloscope (master) | — | | Oscilloscope (per-channel) | — | | Volume Meter | — | | Clock | — | | Register View | — | | Log Viewer | — | | Statistics | — | | Effect List | — | | Debug Menu | `Ctrl-Shift-D` | | About | — | | Collapse/expand current window | — | | Close current window | `Shift-Escape` | | | | | **Note input** | | | _see "note input" section after table_ | | | | | | **Pattern** | | | Transpose (+1) | `Ctrl-F2` | | Transpose (-1) | `Ctrl-F1` | | Transpose (+1 octave) | `Ctrl-F4` | | Transpose (-1 octave) | `Ctrl-F3` | | Increase values (+1) | `Ctrl-Shift-F2` | | Increase values (-1) | `Ctrl-Shift-F1` | | Increase values (+16) | `Ctrl-Shift-F4` | | Increase values (-16) | `Ctrl-Shift-F3` | | Select all | `Ctrl-A` | | Cut | `Ctrl-X` | | Copy | `Ctrl-C` | | Paste | `Ctrl-V` | | Paste Mix (foreground) | `Ctrl-Shift-V` | | Paste Mix (background) | — | | Paste Flood | — | | Paste Overflow | — | | Move cursor up | `Up` | | Move cursor down | `Down` | | Move cursor left | `Left` | | Move cursor right | `Right` | | Move cursor up by one (override Edit Step) | `Shift-Home` | | Move cursor down by one (override Edit Step) | `Shift-End` | | Move cursor to previous channel | — | | Move cursor to next channel | — | | Move cursor to next channel (overflow) | — | | Move cursor to previous channel (overflow) | — | | Move cursor to beginning of pattern | `Home` | | Move cursor to end of pattern | `End` | | Move cursor up (coarse) | `PageUp` | | Move cursor down (coarse) | `PageDown` | | Expand selection upwards | `Shift-Up` | | Expand selection downwards | `Shift-Down` | | Expand selection to the left | `Shift-Left` | | Expand selection to the right | `Shift-Right` | | Expand selection upwards by one (override Edit Step) | — | | Expand selection downwards by one (override Edit Step) | — | | Expand selection to beginning of pattern | — | | Expand selection to end of pattern | — | | Expand selection upwards (coarse) | `Shift-PageUp` | | Expand selection downwards (coarse) | `Shift-PageDown` | | Delete | `Delete` | | Pull delete | `Backspace` | | Insert | `Insert` | | Mute channel at cursor | `Alt-F9` | | Solo channel at cursor | `Alt-F10` | | Unmute all channels | `Alt-Shift-F9` | | Go to next order | — | | Go to previous order | — | | Collapse channel at cursor | — | | Increase effect columns | — | | Decrease effect columns | — | | Interpolate | — | | Fade | — | | Invert values | — | | Flip selection | — | | Collapse rows | — | | Expand rows | — | | Collapse pattern | — | | Expand pattern | — | | Collapse song | — | | Expand song | — | | Set note input latch | — | | Clear note input latch | — | | | | | **Instrument list** | | | Add | `Insert` | | Duplicate | `Ctrl-D` | | Open | — | | Open (replace current) | — | | Save | — | | Save (.dmp) | — | | Move up | `Shift-Up` | | Move down | `Shift-Down` | | Delete | — | | Edit | `Shift-Return` | | Cursor up | `Up` | | Cursor down | `Down` | | Toggle folders/standard view | `Ctrl-V` | | | | | **Wavetable list** | | | Add | `Insert` | | Duplicate | `Ctrl-D` | | Open | — | | Open (replace current) | — | | Save | — | | Save (.dmw) | — | | Save (raw) | — | | Move up | `Shift-Up` | | Move down | `Shift-Down` | | Delete | — | | Edit | `Shift-Return` | | Cursor up | `Up` | | Cursor down | `Down` | | Toggle folders/standard view | `Ctrl-V` | | | | | **Sample list** | | | Add | `Insert` | | Duplicate | `Ctrl-D` | | Create wavetable from selection | `Ctrl-W` | | Open | — | | Open (replace current) | — | | Import raw data | — | | Import raw data (replace current) | — | | Save | — | | Save (raw) | — | | Move up | `Shift-Up` | | Move down | `Shift-Down` | | Delete | — | | Edit | `Shift-Return` | | Cursor up | `Up` | | Cursor down | `Down` | | Preview | — | | Stop preview | — | | Toggle folders/standard view | `Ctrl-V` | | | | | **Orders** | | | Previous order | `Up` | | Next order | `Down` | | Cursor left | `Left` | | Cursor right | `Right` | | Increase value | — | | Decrease value | — | | Switch edit mode | — | | Toggle alter entire row | `Ctrl-L` | | Add | `Insert` | | Duplicate | `Ctrl-D` | | Deep clone | `Ctrl-Shift-D` | | Duplicate to end of song | `Ctrl-E` | | Deep clone to end of song | `Ctrl-Shift-E` | | Remove | `Delete` | | Move up | `Shift-Up` | | Move down | `Shift-Down` | | Replay | — | | | | | **Sample editor** | | | Edit mode: Select | `Shift-I` | | Edit mode: Draw | `Shift-D` | | Cut | `Ctrl-X` | | Copy | `Ctrl-C` | | Paste | `Ctrl-V` | | Paste replace | `Ctrl-Shift-V` | | Paste mix | `Ctrl-Alt-V` | | Select all | `Ctrl-A` | | Resize | `Ctrl-R` | | Resample | `Ctrl-E` | | Amplify | `Ctrl-B` | | Normalize | `Ctrl-N` | | Fade in | `Ctrl-I` | | Fade out | `Ctrl-O` | | Insert silence | `Insert` | | Apply silence | `Shift-Delete` | | Delete | `Delete` | | Trim | `Ctrl-Delete` | | Reverse | `Ctrl-T` | | Invert | `Ctrl-Shift-T` | | Signed/unsigned exchange | `Ctrl-U` | | Apply filter | `Ctrl-F` | | Preview sample | — | | Stop sample preview | — | | Zoom in | `Ctrl-=` | | Zoom out | `Ctrl--` | | Toggle auto-zoom | `Ctrl-0` | | Create instrument from sample | — | | Set loop to selection | `Ctrl-l` | ## note input the settings for note input keybinds operate differently. each entry in the list of keybinds is made of the following: - **Key**: key assignment. - **Type**: type of note input. left-click cycles through "Note", "Note off", "Note release", and "Macro release". - _note:_ the list is sorted by type. on changing a key's type, it will instantly move to its new sorting position! - **Value**: number of semitones above C at the current octave. only appears for note type binds. - **Remove**: removes the keybind from the list. below all the binds, select a key from the dropdown list to add it. it will appear at or near the top of the list as a note with value 0.