# Part of SAASound copyright 1998-2018 Dave Hooper # # freqdat.py # You can use this to generate an alternative SAAFreq.dat # # By default, the SAA-1099 generator will compute a frequency table at runtime # but you can set the SAA_FIXED_CLOCKRATE define flag and supply your own (fixed, # precompiled) frequency table named SAAFreq.dat # # This is not super-useful for general-purpose computing devices (e.g PCs), but is # useful for embedded or low-capability devices, or for hardware-based implementations # # To use this simply run the file and pipe the output into src/SAAFreq.dat BASE = 8000000 SCALE = 4096 for octave in range(0,8): for offset in range(0,256): f = 2 * SCALE * (BASE/8000000) * 15625 * (2**octave) / (511-offset) print(int(f), ',')