/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef _FUR_GUI_H #define _FUR_GUI_H #include "../engine/engine.h" #include "../engine/waveSynth.h" #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui_impl_sdl.h" #include "imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fileDialog.h" #define rightClickable if (ImGui::IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Right)) ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(-1); #define ctrlWheeling ((ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl) || ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey_RightCtrl)) && wheelY!=0) #define handleUnimportant if (settings.insFocusesPattern && patternOpen) {nextWindow=GUI_WINDOW_PATTERN;} #define unimportant(x) if (x) {handleUnimportant} #define MARK_MODIFIED modified=true; #define WAKE_UP drawHalt=16; #define RESET_WAVE_MACRO_ZOOM \ for (DivInstrument* _wi: e->song.ins) { \ _wi->std.waveMacro.vZoom=-1; \ _wi->std.waveMacro.vScroll=-1; \ } #define CHECK_LONG_HOLD (mobileUI && ImGui::GetIO().MouseDown[ImGuiMouseButton_Left] && ImGui::GetIO().MouseDownDuration[ImGuiMouseButton_Left]>=longThreshold && ImGui::GetIO().MouseDownDurationPrev[ImGuiMouseButton_Left]=buttonLongThreshold && ImGui::GetIO().MouseDownDurationPrev[ImGuiMouseButton_Left] ord; std::vector pat; }; // -1 = any struct MIDIBind { int type, channel, data1, data2; int action; MIDIBind(): type(0), channel(16), data1(128), data2(128), action(0) {} }; struct MIDIMap { // access method: map[type][channel][data1][data2]; // channel 16 = any // data1 128 = any // data2 128 = any int**** map; std::vector binds; bool noteInput, volInput, rawVolume, polyInput, directChannel, programChange, midiClock, midiTimeCode, yamahaFMResponse; // 0: disabled // // 1: C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B- // o1 1 3 6 8 A // 0 2 4 5 7 9 B // C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B- // o2 D F // C E // // 2: C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B- // o1 1 3 6 8 A // 0 2 4 5 7 9 B // C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B- // o2 D F 2 4 6 // C E 0 1 3 5 7 // // 3: C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B- // o1 A B C D E // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B- // o2 F // 7 8 9 // // 4: use dual CC for value input (nibble) // 5: use 14-bit CC for value input (MSB/LSB) // 6: use single CC for value input (may be imprecise) int valueInputStyle; int valueInputControlMSB; // on 4 int valueInputControlLSB; // on 4 int valueInputControlSingle; // 0: disabled // 1: use dual CC (nibble) // 2: use 14-bit CC (MSB/LSB) // 3: use single CC (may be imprecise) int valueInputSpecificStyle[18]; int valueInputSpecificMSB[18]; int valueInputSpecificLSB[18]; int valueInputSpecificSingle[18]; float volExp; int valueInputCurMSB, valueInputCurLSB, valueInputCurSingle; int valueInputCurMSBS[18]; int valueInputCurLSBS[18]; int valueInputCurSingleS[18]; void compile(); void deinit(); int at(const TAMidiMessage& where); bool read(String path); bool write(String path); MIDIMap(): map(NULL), noteInput(true), volInput(false), rawVolume(false), polyInput(false), directChannel(false), programChange(true), midiClock(false), midiTimeCode(false), yamahaFMResponse(false), valueInputStyle(1), valueInputControlMSB(0), valueInputControlLSB(0), valueInputControlSingle(0), volExp(1.0f), valueInputCurMSB(0), valueInputCurLSB(0), valueInputCurSingle(0) { memset(valueInputSpecificStyle,0,18*sizeof(int)); memset(valueInputSpecificMSB,0,18*sizeof(int)); memset(valueInputSpecificLSB,0,18*sizeof(int)); memset(valueInputSpecificSingle,0,18*sizeof(int)); memset(valueInputCurMSBS,0,18*sizeof(int)); memset(valueInputCurLSBS,0,18*sizeof(int)); memset(valueInputCurSingleS,0,18*sizeof(int)); } }; struct Particle { ImU32* colors; const char* type; ImVec2 pos, speed; float gravity, friction, life, lifeSpeed; bool update(float frameTime); Particle(ImU32* color, const char* ty, float x, float y, float sX, float sY, float g, float fr, float l, float lS): colors(color), type(ty), pos(x,y), speed(sX,sY), gravity(g), friction(fr), life(l), lifeSpeed(lS) {} }; struct OperationMask { bool note, ins, vol, effect, effectVal; OperationMask(): note(true), ins(true), vol(true), effect(true), effectVal(true) {} }; struct TouchPoint { // an ID of -1 represents the mouse cursor. int id; float x, y, z; TouchPoint(): id(-1), x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(1.0f) {} TouchPoint(float xp, float yp): id(-1), x(xp), y(yp), z(1.0f) {} TouchPoint(int ident, float xp, float yp, float pressure=1.0f): id(ident), x(xp), y(yp), z(pressure) {} }; struct Gradient2DPoint { ImVec4 color; float x, y, prevX, prevY; float spread, distance; bool selected, grab; Gradient2DPoint(float xPos, float yPos): color(1,1,1,1), x(xPos), y(yPos), prevX(0.0f), prevY(0.0f), spread(0.0f), distance(0.5f), selected(false), grab(false) {} Gradient2DPoint(): color(1,1,1,1), x(0.0f), y(0.0f), spread(0.0f), distance(0.5f), selected(false), grab(false) {} }; struct Gradient2D { ImVec4 bgColor; std::vector points; std::unique_ptr grad; size_t width, height; String toString(); bool fromString(String val); void render(); ImU32 get(float x, float y); Gradient2D(size_t w, size_t h): bgColor(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), width(w), height(h) { grad=std::make_unique(width*height); } }; struct FurnaceGUISysDefChip { DivSystem sys; float vol, pan; const char* flags; FurnaceGUISysDefChip(DivSystem s, float v, float p, const char* f): sys(s), vol(v), pan(p), flags(f) {} }; struct FurnaceGUISysDef { const char* name; const char* extra; String definition; std::vector orig; FurnaceGUISysDef(const char* n, std::initializer_list def, const char* e=NULL); }; struct FurnaceGUISysCategory { const char* name; const char* description; std::vector systems; FurnaceGUISysCategory(const char* n, const char* d): name(n), description(d) {} FurnaceGUISysCategory(): name(NULL), description(NULL) {} }; struct FurnaceGUIMacroDesc { DivInstrumentMacro* macro; int min, max; float height; const char* displayName; const char** bitfieldBits; const char* modeName; ImVec4 color; unsigned int bitOffset; bool isBitfield, blockMode, bit30; String (*hoverFunc)(int,float,void*); void* hoverFuncUser; FurnaceGUIMacroDesc(const char* name, DivInstrumentMacro* m, int macroMin, int macroMax, float macroHeight, ImVec4 col=ImVec4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f), bool block=false, const char* mName=NULL, String (*hf)(int,float,void*)=NULL, bool bitfield=false, const char** bfVal=NULL, unsigned int bitOff=0, bool bit30Special=false, void* hfu=NULL): macro(m), height(macroHeight), displayName(name), bitfieldBits(bfVal), modeName(mName), color(col), bitOffset(bitOff), isBitfield(bitfield), blockMode(block), bit30(bit30Special), hoverFunc(hf), hoverFuncUser(hfu) { // MSVC -> hell this->min=macroMin; this->max=macroMax; } }; struct FurnaceGUIMacroEditState { int selectedMacro; FurnaceGUIMacroEditState(): selectedMacro(0) {} }; enum FurnaceGUIFindQueryModes { GUI_QUERY_IGNORE=0, GUI_QUERY_MATCH, GUI_QUERY_MATCH_NOT, GUI_QUERY_RANGE, GUI_QUERY_RANGE_NOT, GUI_QUERY_ANY, GUI_QUERY_NONE, GUI_QUERY_MAX }; enum FurnaceGUIFindQueryReplaceModes { GUI_QUERY_REPLACE_SET=0, GUI_QUERY_REPLACE_ADD, GUI_QUERY_REPLACE_ADD_OVERFLOW, GUI_QUERY_REPLACE_SCALE, GUI_QUERY_REPLACE_CLEAR, GUI_QUERY_REPLACE_MAX }; struct FurnaceGUIFindQuery { int noteMode, insMode, volMode, effectCount; int effectMode[8]; int effectValMode[8]; int note, noteMax; unsigned char ins, insMax; unsigned char vol, volMax; unsigned char effect[8]; unsigned char effectMax[8]; unsigned char effectVal[8]; unsigned char effectValMax[8]; FurnaceGUIFindQuery(): noteMode(GUI_QUERY_IGNORE), insMode(GUI_QUERY_IGNORE), volMode(GUI_QUERY_IGNORE), effectCount(0), note(0), noteMax(0), ins(0), insMax(0), vol(0), volMax(0) { memset(effectMode,0,8*sizeof(int)); memset(effectValMode,0,8*sizeof(int)); memset(effect,0,8); memset(effectMax,0,8); memset(effectVal,0,8); memset(effectValMax,0,8); } }; struct FurnaceGUIQueryResult { int subsong, order, x, y; signed char effectPos[8]; FurnaceGUIQueryResult(): subsong(0), order(0), x(0), y(0), effectPos{-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1} {} FurnaceGUIQueryResult(int ss, int o, int xPos, int yPos, const signed char* fxPos): subsong(ss), order(o), x(xPos), y(yPos) { memcpy(effectPos,fxPos,8); } }; struct FurnaceGUIImage { unsigned char* data; SDL_Texture* tex; int width, height, ch; FurnaceGUIImage(): data(NULL), tex(NULL), width(0), height(0), ch(0) {} }; class FurnaceGUI { DivEngine* e; SDL_Window* sdlWin; SDL_Renderer* sdlRend; SDL_Haptic* vibrator; bool vibratorAvailable; SDL_Texture* sampleTex; int sampleTexW, sampleTexH; bool updateSampleTex; String workingDir, fileName, clipboard, warnString, errorString, lastError, curFileName, nextFile, sysSearchQuery, newSongQuery; String workingDirSong, workingDirIns, workingDirWave, workingDirSample, workingDirAudioExport; String workingDirVGMExport, workingDirZSMExport, workingDirROMExport, workingDirFont, workingDirColors, workingDirKeybinds; String workingDirLayout, workingDirROM, workingDirTest; String mmlString[32]; String mmlStringW, mmlStringSNES, grooveString, grooveListString; std::vector sysSearchResults; std::vector newSongSearchResults; std::deque recentFile; std::vector makeInsTypeList; std::vector availRenderDrivers; bool quit, warnQuit, willCommit, edit, modified, displayError, displayExporting, vgmExportLoop, zsmExportLoop, vgmExportPatternHints; bool vgmExportDirectStream, displayInsTypeList; bool portrait, injectBackUp, mobileMenuOpen; bool wantCaptureKeyboard, oldWantCaptureKeyboard, displayMacroMenu; bool displayNew, fullScreen, preserveChanPos, wantScrollList, noteInputPoly; bool displayPendingIns, pendingInsSingle, displayPendingRawSample, snesFilterHex; bool mobileEdit; bool willExport[DIV_MAX_CHIPS]; int vgmExportVersion; int vgmExportTrailingTicks; int drawHalt; int zsmExportTickRate; int macroPointSize; int waveEditStyle; int displayInsTypeListMakeInsSample; int mobileEditPage; float mobileMenuPos, autoButtonSize, mobileEditAnim; ImVec2 mobileEditButtonPos, mobileEditButtonSize; const int* curSysSection; DivInstrumentFM opllPreview; String pendingRawSample; int pendingRawSampleDepth, pendingRawSampleChannels; bool pendingRawSampleUnsigned, pendingRawSampleBigEndian, pendingRawSampleSwapNibbles; ImGuiWindowFlags globalWinFlags; FurnaceGUIFileDialogs curFileDialog; FurnaceGUIWarnings warnAction; FurnaceGUIWarnings postWarnAction; FurnaceGUIMobileScenes mobScene; FurnaceGUIFileDialog* fileDialog; int scrW, scrH, scrConfW, scrConfH, canvasW, canvasH; int scrX, scrY, scrConfX, scrConfY; bool scrMax, sysManagedScale; double dpiScale; double aboutScroll, aboutSin; float aboutHue; std::atomic backupTimer; std::future backupTask; std::mutex backupLock; String backupPath; std::mutex midiLock; std::queue midiQueue; MIDIMap midiMap; int learning; ImFont* mainFont; ImFont* iconFont; ImFont* patFont; ImFont* bigFont; ImWchar* fontRange; ImVec4 uiColors[GUI_COLOR_MAX]; ImVec4 volColors[128]; ImU32 pitchGrad[256]; ImU32 volGrad[256]; ImU32 noteGrad[256]; ImU32 panGrad[256]; ImU32 insGrad[256]; ImU32 sysCmd1Grad[256]; ImU32 sysCmd2Grad[256]; char noteOffLabel[32]; char noteRelLabel[32]; char macroRelLabel[32]; char emptyLabel[32]; char emptyLabel2[32]; struct Settings { int mainFontSize, patFontSize, iconSize; int audioEngine; int audioQuality; int audioChans; int arcadeCore; int ym2612Core; int snCore; int nesCore; int fdsCore; int c64Core; int pokeyCore; int opnCore; int pcSpeakerOutMethod; String yrw801Path; String tg100Path; String mu5Path; int mainFont; int patFont; int audioRate; int audioBufSize; int patRowsBase; int orderRowsBase; int soloAction; int pullDeleteBehavior; int wrapHorizontal; int wrapVertical; int macroView; int fmNames; int allowEditDocking; int chipNames; int overflowHighlight; int partyTime; int germanNotation; int stepOnDelete; int scrollStep; int sysSeparators; int forceMono; int controlLayout; int restartOnFlagChange; int statusDisplay; float dpiScale; int viewPrevPattern; int guiColorsBase; int guiColorsShading; int avoidRaisingPattern; int insFocusesPattern; int stepOnInsert; int unifiedDataView; int sysFileDialog; int roundedWindows; int roundedButtons; int roundedMenus; int loadJapanese; int loadChinese; int loadChineseTraditional; int loadKorean; int fmLayout; int sampleLayout; int waveLayout; int susPosition; int effectCursorDir; int cursorPastePos; int titleBarInfo; int titleBarSys; int frameBorders; int effectDeletionAltersValue; int oscRoundedCorners; int oscTakesEntireWindow; int oscBorder; int oscEscapesBoundary; int separateFMColors; int insEditColorize; int metroVol; int pushNibble; int scrollChangesOrder; int oplStandardWaveNames; int cursorMoveNoScroll; int lowLatency; int notePreviewBehavior; int powerSave; int absorbInsInput; int eventDelay; int moveWindowTitle; int hiddenSystems; int horizontalDataView; int noMultiSystem; int oldMacroVSlider; int displayAllInsTypes; int noteCellSpacing; int insCellSpacing; int volCellSpacing; int effectCellSpacing; int effectValCellSpacing; int doubleClickColumn; int blankIns; int dragMovesSelection; int unsignedDetune; int noThreadedInput; int saveWindowPos; int clampSamples; int saveUnusedPatterns; int channelColors; int channelTextColors; int channelStyle; int channelVolStyle; int channelFeedbackStyle; int channelFont; int channelTextCenter; int midiOutClock; int midiOutMode; int maxRecentFile; int centerPattern; int ordersCursor; int persistFadeOut; int exportLoops; double exportFadeOut; int macroLayout; float doubleClickTime; int oneDigitEffects; unsigned int maxUndoSteps; String mainFontPath; String patFontPath; String audioDevice; String midiInDevice; String midiOutDevice; String c163Name; String renderDriver; String initialSysName; String noteOffLabel; String noteRelLabel; String macroRelLabel; String emptyLabel; String emptyLabel2; DivConfig initialSys; Settings(): mainFontSize(18), patFontSize(18), iconSize(16), audioEngine(DIV_AUDIO_SDL), audioQuality(0), audioChans(2), arcadeCore(0), ym2612Core(0), snCore(0), nesCore(0), fdsCore(0), c64Core(1), pokeyCore(1), opnCore(1), pcSpeakerOutMethod(0), yrw801Path(""), tg100Path(""), mu5Path(""), mainFont(0), patFont(0), audioRate(44100), audioBufSize(1024), patRowsBase(0), orderRowsBase(1), soloAction(0), pullDeleteBehavior(1), wrapHorizontal(0), wrapVertical(0), macroView(0), fmNames(0), allowEditDocking(1), chipNames(0), overflowHighlight(0), partyTime(0), germanNotation(0), stepOnDelete(0), scrollStep(0), sysSeparators(1), forceMono(0), controlLayout(3), restartOnFlagChange(1), statusDisplay(0), dpiScale(0.0f), viewPrevPattern(1), guiColorsBase(0), guiColorsShading(0), avoidRaisingPattern(0), insFocusesPattern(1), stepOnInsert(0), unifiedDataView(0), sysFileDialog(1), roundedWindows(1), roundedButtons(1), roundedMenus(0), loadJapanese(0), loadChinese(0), loadChineseTraditional(0), loadKorean(0), fmLayout(4), sampleLayout(0), waveLayout(0), susPosition(0), effectCursorDir(1), cursorPastePos(1), titleBarInfo(1), titleBarSys(1), frameBorders(0), effectDeletionAltersValue(1), oscRoundedCorners(1), oscTakesEntireWindow(0), oscBorder(1), oscEscapesBoundary(0), separateFMColors(0), insEditColorize(0), metroVol(100), pushNibble(0), scrollChangesOrder(0), oplStandardWaveNames(0), cursorMoveNoScroll(0), lowLatency(0), notePreviewBehavior(1), powerSave(1), absorbInsInput(0), eventDelay(0), moveWindowTitle(1), hiddenSystems(0), horizontalDataView(0), noMultiSystem(0), oldMacroVSlider(0), displayAllInsTypes(0), noteCellSpacing(0), insCellSpacing(0), volCellSpacing(0), effectCellSpacing(0), effectValCellSpacing(0), doubleClickColumn(1), blankIns(0), dragMovesSelection(1), unsignedDetune(0), noThreadedInput(0), clampSamples(0), saveUnusedPatterns(0), channelColors(1), channelTextColors(0), channelStyle(1), channelVolStyle(0), channelFeedbackStyle(1), channelFont(1), channelTextCenter(1), midiOutClock(0), midiOutMode(1), maxRecentFile(10), centerPattern(0), ordersCursor(1), persistFadeOut(1), exportLoops(0), exportFadeOut(0.0), macroLayout(0), doubleClickTime(0.3f), oneDigitEffects(0), maxUndoSteps(100), mainFontPath(""), patFontPath(""), audioDevice(""), midiInDevice(""), midiOutDevice(""), c163Name(""), renderDriver(""), initialSysName("Sega Genesis/Mega Drive"), noteOffLabel("OFF"), noteRelLabel("==="), macroRelLabel("REL"), emptyLabel("..."), emptyLabel2("..") {} } settings; struct Tutorial { int userComesFrom; bool introPlayed; bool taken[GUI_TUTORIAL_MAX]; Tutorial(): userComesFrom(0), introPlayed(false) { memset(taken,0,GUI_TUTORIAL_MAX*sizeof(bool)); } } tutorial; char finalLayoutPath[4096]; DivInstrument* prevInsData; int curIns, curWave, curSample, curOctave, curOrder, prevIns, oldRow, oldOrder, oldOrder1, editStep, exportLoops, soloChan,orderEditMode, orderCursor; int loopOrder, loopRow, loopEnd, isClipping, extraChannelButtons, patNameTarget, newSongCategory, latchTarget; int wheelX, wheelY, dragSourceX, dragSourceXFine, dragSourceY, dragDestinationX, dragDestinationXFine, dragDestinationY, oldBeat, oldBar; int curGroove; float soloTimeout; double exportFadeOut; bool editControlsOpen, ordersOpen, insListOpen, songInfoOpen, patternOpen, insEditOpen; bool waveListOpen, waveEditOpen, sampleListOpen, sampleEditOpen, aboutOpen, settingsOpen; bool mixerOpen, debugOpen, inspectorOpen, oscOpen, volMeterOpen, statsOpen, compatFlagsOpen; bool pianoOpen, notesOpen, channelsOpen, regViewOpen, logOpen, effectListOpen, chanOscOpen; bool subSongsOpen, findOpen, spoilerOpen, patManagerOpen, sysManagerOpen, clockOpen, speedOpen; bool groovesOpen; bool basicMode; bool clockShowReal, clockShowRow, clockShowBeat, clockShowMetro, clockShowTime; float clockMetroTick[16]; SelectionPoint selStart, selEnd, cursor, cursorDrag, dragStart, dragEnd; bool selecting, selectingFull, dragging, curNibble, orderNibble, followOrders, followPattern, changeAllOrders, mobileUI; bool collapseWindow, demandScrollX, fancyPattern, wantPatName, firstFrame, tempoView, waveHex, waveSigned, waveGenVisible, lockLayout, editOptsVisible, latchNibble, nonLatchNibble; bool keepLoopAlive, keepGrooveAlive, orderScrollLocked, orderScrollTolerance, dragMobileMenu, dragMobileEditButton, wantGrooveListFocus; FurnaceGUIWindows curWindow, nextWindow, curWindowLast; std::atomic curWindowThreadSafe; float peak[DIV_MAX_OUTPUTS]; float patChanX[DIV_MAX_CHANS+1]; float patChanSlideY[DIV_MAX_CHANS+1]; float lastPatternWidth, longThreshold; float buttonLongThreshold; String nextDesc; String nextDescName; OperationMask opMaskDelete, opMaskPullDelete, opMaskInsert, opMaskPaste, opMaskTransposeNote, opMaskTransposeValue; OperationMask opMaskInterpolate, opMaskFade, opMaskInvertVal, opMaskScale; OperationMask opMaskRandomize, opMaskFlip, opMaskCollapseExpand; short latchNote, latchIns, latchVol, latchEffect, latchEffectVal; DivWaveSynth wavePreview; int wavePreviewLen, wavePreviewHeight; bool wavePreviewInit; // bit 31: ctrl // bit 30: reserved for SDL scancode mask // bit 29: shift // bit 28: meta (win) // bit 27: alt // bit 24-26: reserved int actionKeys[GUI_ACTION_MAX]; std::map actionMapGlobal; std::map actionMapPat; std::map actionMapOrders; std::map actionMapSample; std::map actionMapInsList; std::map actionMapWaveList; std::map actionMapSampleList; std::vector pgProgram; int pgSys, pgAddr, pgVal; std::vector curQuery; std::vector curQueryResults; bool curQueryRangeX, curQueryBackwards; int curQueryRangeXMin, curQueryRangeXMax; int curQueryRangeY; int curQueryEffectPos; int queryReplaceEffectCount; int queryReplaceEffectPos; int queryReplaceNoteMode; int queryReplaceInsMode; int queryReplaceVolMode; int queryReplaceEffectMode[8]; int queryReplaceEffectValMode[8]; int queryReplaceNote; int queryReplaceIns; int queryReplaceVol; int queryReplaceEffect[8]; int queryReplaceEffectVal[8]; bool queryReplaceNoteDo; bool queryReplaceInsDo; bool queryReplaceVolDo; bool queryReplaceEffectDo[8]; bool queryReplaceEffectValDo[8]; bool queryViewingResults; struct ActiveNote { int chan; int note; ActiveNote(int c, int n): chan(c), note(n) {} }; std::vector activeNotes; std::vector cmdStream; std::vector particles; std::vector> pendingIns; std::vector sysCategories; bool wavePreviewOn; SDL_Scancode wavePreviewKey; int wavePreviewNote; bool samplePreviewOn; SDL_Scancode samplePreviewKey; int samplePreviewNote; // SDL_Scancode,int std::map noteKeys; // SDL_Keycode,int std::map valueKeys; // currently active touch points std::vector activePoints; // one frame points std::vector pressedPoints; std::vector releasedPoints; int arpMacroScroll; int pitchMacroScroll; ImVec2 macroDragStart; ImVec2 macroDragAreaSize; unsigned char* macroDragCTarget; int* macroDragTarget; int macroDragLen; int macroDragMin, macroDragMax; int macroDragLastX, macroDragLastY; int macroDragBitOff; int macroDragScroll; bool macroDragBitMode; bool macroDragInitialValueSet; bool macroDragInitialValue; bool macroDragChar; bool macroDragBit30; bool macroDragSettingBit30; bool macroDragLineMode; bool macroDragMouseMoved; ImVec2 macroDragLineInitial; ImVec2 macroDragLineInitialV; bool macroDragActive; FurnaceGUIMacroDesc lastMacroDesc; int macroOffX, macroOffY; float macroScaleX, macroScaleY; int macroRandMin, macroRandMax; ImVec2 macroLoopDragStart; ImVec2 macroLoopDragAreaSize; unsigned char* macroLoopDragTarget; int macroLoopDragLen; bool macroLoopDragActive; FurnaceGUIMacroEditState macroEditStateFM, macroEditStateOP[4], macroEditStateMacros; ImVec2 waveDragStart; ImVec2 waveDragAreaSize; int* waveDragTarget; int waveDragLen; int waveDragMin, waveDragMax; bool waveDragActive; int bindSetTarget, bindSetPrevValue; bool bindSetActive, bindSetPending; float nextScroll, nextAddScroll, orderScroll, orderScrollSlideOrigin; ImVec2 orderScrollRealOrigin; ImVec2 dragMobileMenuOrigin; int layoutTimeBegin, layoutTimeEnd, layoutTimeDelta; int renderTimeBegin, renderTimeEnd, renderTimeDelta; int eventTimeBegin, eventTimeEnd, eventTimeDelta; std::map images; int chanToMove, sysToMove, sysToDelete, opToMove; ImVec2 patWindowPos, patWindowSize; // pattern view specific ImVec2 fourChars, threeChars, twoChars; ImVec2 noteCellSize, insCellSize, volCellSize, effectCellSize, effectValCellSize; SelectionPoint sel1, sel2; int dummyRows, demandX; int transposeAmount, randomizeMin, randomizeMax, fadeMin, fadeMax; float scaleMax; bool fadeMode, randomMode, haveHitBounds, pendingStepUpdate; int oldOrdersLen; DivOrders oldOrders; DivPattern* oldPat[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; std::deque undoHist; std::deque redoHist; // sample editor specific double sampleZoom; double prevSampleZoom; double minSampleZoom; int samplePos; int resizeSize, silenceSize; double resampleTarget; int resampleStrat; float amplifyVol; int sampleSelStart, sampleSelEnd; bool sampleInfo, sampleCompatRate; bool sampleDragActive, sampleDragMode, sampleDrag16, sampleZoomAuto; void* sampleDragTarget; ImVec2 sampleDragStart; ImVec2 sampleDragAreaSize; unsigned int sampleDragLen; float sampleFilterL, sampleFilterB, sampleFilterH, sampleFilterRes, sampleFilterCutStart, sampleFilterCutEnd; unsigned char sampleFilterPower; short* sampleClipboard; size_t sampleClipboardLen; bool openSampleResizeOpt, openSampleResampleOpt, openSampleAmplifyOpt, openSampleSilenceOpt, openSampleFilterOpt; // mixer // 0xxx: output // 1xxx: input unsigned int selectedPortSet; // any value not between 0 and 15 are "none" int selectedSubPort; unsigned int hoveredPortSet; int hoveredSubPort; bool portDragActive, displayHiddenPorts, displayInternalPorts; ImVec2 subPortPos; // oscilloscope int oscTotal; float oscValues[512]; float oscZoom; float oscWindowSize; bool oscZoomSlider; // per-channel oscilloscope int chanOscCols, chanOscColorX, chanOscColorY; float chanOscWindowSize; bool chanOscWaveCorr, chanOscOptions, updateChanOscGradTex, chanOscUseGrad; ImVec4 chanOscColor; Gradient2D chanOscGrad; SDL_Texture* chanOscGradTex; float chanOscLP0[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; float chanOscLP1[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; float chanOscVol[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; float chanOscPitch[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; float chanOscBright[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; unsigned short lastNeedlePos[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; unsigned short lastCorrPos[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; struct ChanOscStatus { double* inBuf; size_t inBufPos; double inBufPosFrac; unsigned short needle; fftw_complex* outBuf; fftw_plan plan; ChanOscStatus(): inBuf(NULL), inBufPos(0), inBufPosFrac(0.0f), needle(0), outBuf(NULL), plan(NULL) {} } chanOscChan[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; // visualizer float keyHit[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; float keyHit1[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; int lastIns[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; // log window bool followLog; // piano enum PianoLayoutMode { PIANO_LAYOUT_STANDARD = 0, PIANO_LAYOUT_CONTINUOUS, PIANO_LAYOUT_AUTOMATIC, PIANO_LAYOUT_MAX }; enum PianoInputPadMode { PIANO_INPUT_PAD_DISABLE = 0, PIANO_INPUT_PAD_REPLACE, PIANO_INPUT_PAD_SPLIT_AUTO, PIANO_INPUT_PAD_SPLIT_VISIBLE, PIANO_INPUT_PAD_MAX }; int pianoOctaves, pianoOctavesEdit; bool pianoOptions, pianoSharePosition, pianoOptionsSet; float pianoKeyHit[180]; bool pianoKeyPressed[180]; int pianoOffset, pianoOffsetEdit; int pianoView, pianoInputPadMode; // TX81Z bool hasACED; unsigned char acedData[23]; // wave generator int waveGenBaseShape; int waveInterpolation; float waveGenDuty; int waveGenPower; float waveGenInvertPoint; float waveGenAmp[16]; float waveGenPhase[16]; float waveGenTL[4]; int fmWaveform[4]; int waveGenMult[4]; int waveGenFB[4]; int waveGenScaleX, waveGenScaleY, waveGenOffsetX, waveGenOffsetY, waveGenSmooth; float waveGenAmplify; bool waveGenFMCon0[5]; bool waveGenFMCon1[5]; bool waveGenFMCon2[5]; bool waveGenFMCon3[5]; bool waveGenFMCon4[5]; bool waveGenFM; // intro double introPos; void drawSSGEnv(unsigned char type, const ImVec2& size); void drawWaveform(unsigned char type, bool opz, const ImVec2& size); void drawAlgorithm(unsigned char alg, FurnaceGUIFMAlgs algType, const ImVec2& size); void drawFMEnv(unsigned char tl, unsigned char ar, unsigned char dr, unsigned char d2r, unsigned char rr, unsigned char sl, unsigned char sus, unsigned char egt, unsigned char algOrGlobalSus, float maxTl, float maxArDr, float maxRr, const ImVec2& size, unsigned short instType); void drawGBEnv(unsigned char vol, unsigned char len, unsigned char sLen, bool dir, const ImVec2& size); bool drawSysConf(int chan, DivSystem type, DivConfig& flags, bool modifyOnChange); void kvsConfig(DivInstrument* ins); // these ones offer ctrl-wheel fine value changes. bool CWSliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format=NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0); bool CWVSliderScalar(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format=NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0); bool CWSliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0); bool CWSliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0); bool CWVSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0); // inverted checkbox bool InvCheckbox(const char* label, bool* value); // mixer stuff ImVec2 calcPortSetSize(String label, int ins, int outs); bool portSet(String label, unsigned int portSetID, int ins, int outs, int activeIns, int activeOuts, int& clickedPort, std::map& portPos); void updateWindowTitle(); void autoDetectSystem(); void prepareLayout(); ImVec4 channelColor(int ch); ImVec4 channelTextColor(int ch); void readOsc(); void calcChanOsc(); void pushAccentColors(const ImVec4& one, const ImVec4& two, const ImVec4& border, const ImVec4& borderShadow); void popAccentColors(); float calcBPM(const DivGroovePattern& speeds, float hz, int vN, int vD); void patternRow(int i, bool isPlaying, float lineHeight, int chans, int ord, const DivPattern** patCache, bool inhibitSel); void drawMacroEdit(FurnaceGUIMacroDesc& i, int totalFit, float availableWidth, int index); void drawMacros(std::vector& macros, FurnaceGUIMacroEditState& state); void actualWaveList(); void actualSampleList(); void toggleMobileUI(bool enable, bool force=false); void pushToggleColors(bool status); void popToggleColors(); FurnaceGUIImage* getImage(FurnaceGUIImages image); SDL_Texture* getTexture(FurnaceGUIImages image); void drawImage(ImDrawList* dl, FurnaceGUIImages image, const ImVec2& pos, const ImVec2& scale, double rotate, const ImVec2& uvMin, const ImVec2& uvMax, const ImVec4& imgColor); void drawMobileControls(); void drawMobileOrderSel(); void drawEditControls(); void drawSongInfo(bool asChild=false); void drawSpeed(bool asChild=false); void drawGrooves(); void drawOrders(); void drawPattern(); void drawInsList(bool asChild=false); void drawInsEdit(); void drawWaveList(bool asChild=false); void drawWaveEdit(); void drawSampleList(bool asChild=false); void drawSampleEdit(); void drawMixer(); void drawOsc(); void drawChanOsc(); void drawVolMeter(); void drawStats(); void drawCompatFlags(); void drawPiano(); void drawNotes(); void drawChannels(); void drawPatManager(); void drawSysManager(); void drawRegView(); void drawAbout(); void drawIntro(); void drawSettings(); void drawDebug(); void drawNewSong(); void drawLog(); void drawEffectList(); void drawSubSongs(); void drawFindReplace(); void drawSpoiler(); void drawClock(); void parseKeybinds(); void promptKey(int which); void doAction(int what); bool importColors(String path); bool exportColors(String path); bool importKeybinds(String path); bool exportKeybinds(String path); bool importLayout(String path); bool exportLayout(String path); float computeGradPos(int type, int chan); void resetColors(); void resetKeybinds(); void syncSettings(); void commitSettings(); void commitState(); void processDrags(int dragX, int dragY); void processPoint(SDL_Event& ev); void startSelection(int xCoarse, int xFine, int y, bool fullRow=false); void updateSelection(int xCoarse, int xFine, int y, bool fullRow=false); void finishSelection(); void finishDrag(); void moveCursor(int x, int y, bool select); void moveCursorPrevChannel(bool overflow); void moveCursorNextChannel(bool overflow); void moveCursorTop(bool select); void moveCursorBottom(bool select); void editAdvance(); void prepareUndo(ActionType action); void makeUndo(ActionType action); void doSelectAll(); void doDelete(); void doPullDelete(); void doInsert(); void doTranspose(int amount, OperationMask& mask); String doCopy(bool cut, bool writeClipboard, const SelectionPoint& sStart, const SelectionPoint& sEnd); void doPaste(PasteMode mode=GUI_PASTE_MODE_NORMAL, int arg=0, bool readClipboard=true, String clipb=""); void doChangeIns(int ins); void doInterpolate(); void doFade(int p0, int p1, bool mode); void doInvertValues(); void doScale(float top); void doRandomize(int bottom, int top, bool mode); void doFlip(); void doCollapse(int divider); void doExpand(int multiplier); void doUndo(); void doRedo(); void doFind(); void doReplace(); void doDrag(); void editOptions(bool topMenu); DivSystem systemPicker(); void noteInput(int num, int key, int vol=-1); void valueInput(int num, bool direct=false, int target=-1); void doGenerateWave(); void doUndoSample(); void doRedoSample(); void play(int row=0); void setOrder(unsigned char order, bool forced=false); void stop(); void previewNote(int refChan, int note, bool autoNote=false); void stopPreviewNote(SDL_Scancode scancode, bool autoNote=false); void keyDown(SDL_Event& ev); void keyUp(SDL_Event& ev); void pointDown(int x, int y, int button); void pointUp(int x, int y, int button); void pointMotion(int x, int y, int xrel, int yrel); void openFileDialog(FurnaceGUIFileDialogs type); int save(String path, int dmfVersion); int load(String path); void pushRecentFile(String path); void exportAudio(String path, DivAudioExportModes mode); bool parseSysEx(unsigned char* data, size_t len); void applyUISettings(bool updateFonts=true); void initSystemPresets(); void encodeMMLStr(String& target, int* macro, int macroLen, int macroLoop, int macroRel, bool hex=false, bool bit30=false); void decodeMMLStr(String& source, int* macro, unsigned char& macroLen, unsigned char& macroLoop, int macroMin, int macroMax, unsigned char& macroRel, bool bit30=false); void decodeMMLStrW(String& source, int* macro, int& macroLen, int macroMin, int macroMax, bool hex=false); String encodeKeyMap(std::map& map); void decodeKeyMap(std::map& map, String source); const char* getSystemName(DivSystem which); public: void showWarning(String what, FurnaceGUIWarnings type); void showError(String what); String getLastError(); const char* noteNameNormal(short note, short octave); const char* noteName(short note, short octave); bool decodeNote(const char* what, short& note, short& octave); void bindEngine(DivEngine* eng); void updateScroll(int amount); void addScroll(int amount); void setFileName(String name); void runBackupThread(); void pushPartBlend(); void popPartBlend(); bool detectOutOfBoundsWindow(); int processEvent(SDL_Event* ev); bool loop(); bool finish(); bool init(); FurnaceGUI(); }; #endif