# Contributing contributions to Furnace are welcome! # Getting ready log into your Github account, and click the Fork button in the header of the project's page. then open a terminal and clone your fork: ``` git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/furnace.git ``` (replace `USERNAME` with your username) # Working ## Code bug fixes, improvements and several other things accepted. the coding style is described here: - indentation: two spaces. **strictly** spaces. do NOT use tabs. - modified 1TBS style: - no spaces in function calls - spaces between arguments in function declarations - no spaces in operations except for `||` and `&&` - no space between variable name and assignment - space between macro in string literals - C++ pointer style: `void* variable` rather than `void *variable` - indent switch cases - preprocessor directives not intended - if macro comprises more than one line, indent - no new line after `template<>` - prefer built-in types: - `bool` - `signed char` or `unsigned char` are 8-bit - when the type is `char`, **always** specify whether it is signed or not. - unspecified `char` is signed on x86 and unsigned on ARM, so yeah. - the only situation in where unspecified `char` is allowed is for C strings (`const char*`). - `short` or `unsigned short` are 16-bit - `int` or `unsigned int` are 32-bit - `float` is 32-bit - `double` is 64-bit - `long long int` or `unsigned long long int` are 64-bit - avoid using 64-bit numbers as I still build for 32-bit systems. - two `long`s are required to make Windows happy. - `size_t` are 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on architecture. - in float/double operations, always use decimal and `f` if single-precision. - e.g. `1.0f` or `1.0` instead of `1`. - prefer `NULL` over `nullptr` or any other proprietary null. - don't use `auto` unless needed. - use `String` for `std::string` (this is typedef'd in ta-utils.h). - prefer using operator for String (std::string) comparisons (a==""). - if you have to work with C strings, only use safe C string operations: - snprintf - strncpy - strncat - any other operation which specifies a limit some files (particularly the ones in `src/engine/platform/sound` and `extern/`) don't follow this style. you don't have to follow this style. I will fix it after I accept your contribution. additional guidelines: - in general **strongly** avoid breaking compatibility. - do not touch loadFur/saveFur unless you know what you're doing! - new fields must be at the end of each block to ensure forward compatibility - likewise, the instrument read/write functions in DivInstrument have to be handled carefully - any change to the format requires a version bump (see `src/engine/engine.h`). - do not bump the version number under any circumstances! - if you are making major changes to the playback routine, make sure to test with older songs to ensure nothing breaks. - I will run a test suite to make sure this is the case. - if something breaks, you might want to add a compatibility flag (this requires changing the format though). - do not use `#pragma once`. ## Demo Songs just put your demo song in `demos/`! be noted there are some guidelines: - avoid Nintendo song covers. - avoid big label song covers. - avoid poor quality songs. # Finishing after you've done your modifications, commit the changes and push. then open your fork on GitHub and send a pull request. # I don't know how to use Git but I want to contribute with a demo song you can also contact me directly! [find me here.](https://tildearrow.org/?p=contact)