#ifndef _ENGINE_H #define _ENGINE_H #include "song.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "dataErrors.h" #include "safeWriter.h" #include "../audio/taAudio.h" #include "blip_buf.h" #include #include #include #include #define DIV_VERSION "0.5.5pre1" #define DIV_ENGINE_VERSION 43 enum DivStatusView { DIV_STATUS_NOTHING=0, DIV_STATUS_PATTERN, DIV_STATUS_COMMANDS }; enum DivAudioEngines { DIV_AUDIO_JACK=0, DIV_AUDIO_SDL=1, DIV_AUDIO_NULL=2, DIV_AUDIO_DUMMY=3 }; enum DivAudioExportModes { DIV_EXPORT_MODE_ONE=0, DIV_EXPORT_MODE_MANY_SYS, DIV_EXPORT_MODE_MANY_CHAN }; enum DivHaltPositions { DIV_HALT_NONE=0, DIV_HALT_TICK, DIV_HALT_ROW, DIV_HALT_PATTERN, DIV_HALT_BREAKPOINT }; struct DivChannelState { std::vector delayed; int note, oldNote, pitch, portaSpeed, portaNote; int volume, volSpeed, cut, rowDelay, volMax; int delayOrder, delayRow, retrigSpeed, retrigTick; int vibratoDepth, vibratoRate, vibratoPos, vibratoDir, vibratoFine; int tremoloDepth, tremoloRate, tremoloPos; unsigned char arp, arpStage, arpTicks; bool doNote, legato, portaStop, keyOn, keyOff, nowYouCanStop, stopOnOff, arpYield, delayLocked, inPorta, scheduledSlideReset, shorthandPorta; DivChannelState(): note(-1), oldNote(-1), pitch(0), portaSpeed(-1), portaNote(-1), volume(0x7f00), volSpeed(0), cut(-1), rowDelay(0), volMax(0), delayOrder(0), delayRow(0), retrigSpeed(0), retrigTick(0), vibratoDepth(0), vibratoRate(0), vibratoPos(0), vibratoDir(0), vibratoFine(15), tremoloDepth(0), tremoloRate(0), tremoloPos(0), arp(0), arpStage(-1), arpTicks(1), doNote(false), legato(false), portaStop(false), keyOn(false), keyOff(false), nowYouCanStop(true), stopOnOff(false), arpYield(false), delayLocked(false), inPorta(false), scheduledSlideReset(false), shorthandPorta(false) {} }; struct DivNoteEvent { int channel, ins, note, volume; bool on; DivNoteEvent(int c, int i, int n, int v, bool o): channel(c), ins(i), note(n), volume(v), on(o) {} }; struct DivDispatchContainer { DivDispatch* dispatch; blip_buffer_t* bb[2]; size_t bbInLen; int temp[2], prevSample[2]; short* bbIn[2]; short* bbOut[2]; bool lowQuality; void setRates(double gotRate); void setQuality(bool lowQual); void acquire(size_t offset, size_t count); void fillBuf(size_t runtotal, size_t size); void clear(); void init(DivSystem sys, DivEngine* eng, int chanCount, double gotRate, unsigned int flags); void quit(); DivDispatchContainer(): dispatch(NULL), bb{NULL,NULL}, bbInLen(0), temp{0,0}, prevSample{0,0}, bbIn{NULL,NULL}, bbOut{NULL,NULL}, lowQuality(false) {} }; class DivEngine { DivDispatchContainer disCont[32]; TAAudio* output; TAAudioDesc want, got; String exportPath; std::thread* exportThread; int chans; bool active; bool lowQuality; bool playing; bool freelance; bool speedAB; bool endOfSong; bool consoleMode; bool extValuePresent; bool repeatPattern; bool metronome; bool exporting; bool halted; bool forceMono; int ticks, curRow, curOrder, remainingLoops, nextSpeed, divider; int cycles, clockDrift, stepPlay; int changeOrd, changePos, totalSeconds, totalTicks, totalTicksR, totalCmds, lastCmds, cmdsPerSecond, globalPitch; unsigned char extValue; unsigned char speed1, speed2; DivStatusView view; DivHaltPositions haltOn; DivChannelState chan[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; DivAudioEngines audioEngine; DivAudioExportModes exportMode; std::map conf; std::queue pendingNotes; bool isMuted[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; std::mutex isBusy; String configPath; String configFile; String lastError; String warnings; struct SamplePreview { int sample; int wave; unsigned int pos; SamplePreview(): sample(-1), wave(-1), pos(0) {} } sPreview; short vibTable[64]; blip_buffer_t* samp_bb; size_t samp_bbInLen; int samp_temp, samp_prevSample; short* samp_bbIn; short* samp_bbOut; unsigned char* metroTick; size_t metroTickLen; float metroFreq, metroPos; float metroAmp; size_t totalProcessed; private: int* jediTable; int dispatchCmd(DivCommand c); void processRow(int i, bool afterDelay); void nextOrder(); void nextRow(); void performVGMWrite(SafeWriter* w, DivSystem sys, DivRegWrite& write, int streamOff, double* loopTimer, double* loopFreq, int* loopSample, bool isSecond); // returns true if end of song. bool nextTick(bool noAccum=false); bool perSystemEffect(int ch, unsigned char effect, unsigned char effectVal); bool perSystemPostEffect(int ch, unsigned char effect, unsigned char effectVal); void recalcChans(); void renderSamples(); void reset(); void playSub(bool preserveDrift, int goalRow=0); bool loadDMF(unsigned char* file, size_t len); bool loadFur(unsigned char* file, size_t len); bool initAudioBackend(); bool deinitAudioBackend(); public: DivSong song; DivSystem sysOfChan[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; int dispatchOfChan[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; int dispatchChanOfChan[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; float* oscBuf[2]; float oscSize; void runExportThread(); void nextBuf(float** in, float** out, int inChans, int outChans, unsigned int size); DivInstrument* getIns(int index); DivWavetable* getWave(int index); // start fresh void createNew(); // load a file. bool load(unsigned char* f, size_t length); // save as .dmf. SafeWriter* saveDMF(); // save as .fur. SafeWriter* saveFur(); // build a ROM file (TODO). // specify system to build ROM for. SafeWriter* buildROM(int sys); // dump to VGM. SafeWriter* saveVGM(bool* sysToExport=NULL, bool loop=true); // export to an audio file bool saveAudio(const char* path, int loops, DivAudioExportModes mode); // wait for audio export to finish void waitAudioFile(); // stop audio file export bool haltAudioFile(); // notify instrument parameter change void notifyInsChange(int ins); // notify wavetable change void notifyWaveChange(int wave); // returns whether a system is VGM compatible bool isVGMExportable(DivSystem which); // save config bool saveConf(); // load config bool loadConf(); // get a config value bool getConfBool(String key, bool fallback); int getConfInt(String key, int fallback); float getConfFloat(String key, float fallback); double getConfDouble(String key, double fallback); String getConfString(String key, String fallback); // set a config value void setConf(String key, bool value); void setConf(String key, int value); void setConf(String key, float value); void setConf(String key, double value); void setConf(String key, String value); // calculate base frequency/period int calcBaseFreq(double clock, double divider, int note, bool period); // calculate frequency/period int calcFreq(int base, int pitch, bool period=false, int octave=0); // find song loop position void walkSong(int& loopOrder, int& loopRow, int& loopEnd); // play void play(); // play to row void playToRow(int row); // play by one row void stepOne(int row); // stop void stop(); // reset playback state void syncReset(); // trigger sample preview void previewSample(int sample, int note=-1); void stopSamplePreview(); // trigger wave preview void previewWave(int wave, int note); void stopWavePreview(); // get config path String getConfigPath(); // get sys channel count int getChannelCount(DivSystem sys); // get channel count int getTotalChannelCount(); // get effect description const char* getEffectDesc(unsigned char effect, int chan); // get channel type // - 0: FM // - 1: pulse // - 2: noise // - 3: wave/other // - 4: PCM // - 5: FM operator int getChannelType(int ch); // get preferred instrument type DivInstrumentType getPreferInsType(int ch); // get sys name const char* getSystemName(DivSystem sys); // get sys chips const char* getSystemChips(DivSystem sys); // get japanese system name const char* getSystemNameJ(DivSystem sys); // convert sample rate format int fileToDivRate(int frate); int divToFileRate(int drate); // get effective sample rate int getEffectiveSampleRate(int rate); // is FM system bool isFMSystem(DivSystem sys); // is STD system bool isSTDSystem(DivSystem sys); // is channel muted bool isChannelMuted(int chan); // toggle mute void toggleMute(int chan); // toggle solo void toggleSolo(int chan); // set mute status void muteChannel(int chan, bool mute); // get channel name const char* getChannelName(int chan); // get channel short name const char* getChannelShortName(int chan); // get channel max volume int getMaxVolumeChan(int chan); // get current order unsigned char getOrder(); // get current row int getRow(); // get speed 1 unsigned char getSpeed1(); // get speed 2 unsigned char getSpeed2(); // get Hz int getHz(); // get current Hz int getCurHz(); // get time int getTotalTicks(); // 1/1000000th of a second int getTotalSeconds(); // get repeat pattern bool getRepeatPattern(); // set repeat pattern void setRepeatPattern(bool value); // has ext value bool hasExtValue(); // get ext value unsigned char getExtValue(); // is playing bool isPlaying(); // is stepping bool isStepping(); // is exporting bool isExporting(); // add instrument int addInstrument(int refChan=0); // add instrument from file bool addInstrumentFromFile(const char* path); // delete instrument void delInstrument(int index); // add wavetable int addWave(); // add wavetable from file bool addWaveFromFile(const char* path); // delete wavetable void delWave(int index); // add sample int addSample(); // add sample from file bool addSampleFromFile(const char* path); // delete sample void delSample(int index); // add order void addOrder(bool duplicate, bool where); // delete order void deleteOrder(); // move order up void moveOrderUp(); // move order down void moveOrderDown(); // move thing up bool moveInsUp(int which); bool moveWaveUp(int which); bool moveSampleUp(int which); // move thing down bool moveInsDown(int which); bool moveWaveDown(int which); bool moveSampleDown(int which); // play note void noteOn(int chan, int ins, int note, int vol=-1); // stop note void noteOff(int chan); // go to order void setOrder(unsigned char order); // set system flags void setSysFlags(int system, unsigned int flags, bool restart); // set Hz void setSongRate(int hz, bool pal); // set remaining loops. -1 means loop forever. void setLoops(int loops); // get channel state DivChannelState* getChanState(int chan); // get dispatch channel state void* getDispatchChanState(int chan); // set the audio system. void setAudio(DivAudioEngines which); // set the view mode. void setView(DivStatusView which); // set the console mode. void setConsoleMode(bool enable); // get metronome bool getMetronome(); // set metronome void setMetronome(bool enable); // halt now void halt(); // resume from halt void resume(); // halt on next something void haltWhen(DivHaltPositions when); // is engine halted bool isHalted(); // get register cheatsheet const char** getRegisterSheet(int sys); // public render samples void renderSamplesP(); // change system void changeSystem(int index, DivSystem which); // add system bool addSystem(DivSystem which); // remove system bool removeSystem(int index); // write to register on system void poke(int sys, unsigned int addr, unsigned short val); // write to register on system void poke(int sys, std::vector& wlist); // get last error String getLastError(); // get warnings String getWarnings(); // switch master bool switchMaster(); // get audio desc want TAAudioDesc& getAudioDescWant(); // get audio desc TAAudioDesc& getAudioDescGot(); // init dispatch void initDispatch(); // quit dispatch void quitDispatch(); // initialize the engine. optionally provide an output file name. bool init(); // terminate the engine. bool quit(); unsigned char* adpcmMem; size_t adpcmMemLen; unsigned char* adpcmBMem; size_t adpcmBMemLen; DivEngine(): output(NULL), exportThread(NULL), chans(0), active(false), lowQuality(false), playing(false), freelance(false), speedAB(false), endOfSong(false), consoleMode(false), extValuePresent(false), repeatPattern(false), metronome(false), exporting(false), halted(false), forceMono(false), ticks(0), curRow(0), curOrder(0), remainingLoops(-1), nextSpeed(3), divider(60), cycles(0), clockDrift(0), stepPlay(0), changeOrd(-1), changePos(0), totalSeconds(0), totalTicks(0), totalTicksR(0), totalCmds(0), lastCmds(0), cmdsPerSecond(0), extValue(0), speed1(3), speed2(3), view(DIV_STATUS_NOTHING), haltOn(DIV_HALT_NONE), audioEngine(DIV_AUDIO_NULL), samp_bbInLen(0), samp_temp(0), samp_prevSample(0), metroTick(NULL), metroTickLen(0), metroFreq(0), metroPos(0), metroAmp(0.0f), totalProcessed(0), jediTable(NULL), oscBuf{NULL,NULL}, oscSize(1), adpcmMem(NULL), adpcmMemLen(0), adpcmBMem(NULL), adpcmBMemLen(0) {} }; #endif