/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include "engine.h" #include "instrument.h" #include "safeReader.h" #include "../ta-log.h" #include "../fileutils.h" #include "../audio/sdl.h" #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_JACK #include "../audio/jack.h" #endif #include #include #include void process(void* u, float** in, float** out, int inChans, int outChans, unsigned int size) { ((DivEngine*)u)->nextBuf(in,out,inChans,outChans,size); } const char* DivEngine::getEffectDesc(unsigned char effect, int chan, bool notNull) { switch (effect) { case 0x00: return "00xy: Arpeggio"; case 0x01: return "01xx: Pitch slide up"; case 0x02: return "02xx: Pitch slide down"; case 0x03: return "03xx: Portamento"; case 0x04: return "04xy: Vibrato (x: speed; y: depth)"; case 0x07: return "07xy: Tremolo (x: speed; y: depth)"; case 0x08: return "08xy: Set panning (x: left; y: right)"; case 0x09: return "09xx: Set speed 1"; case 0x0a: return "0Axy: Volume slide (0y: down; x0: up)"; case 0x0b: return "0Bxx: Jump to pattern"; case 0x0c: return "0Cxx: Retrigger"; case 0x0d: return "0Dxx: Jump to next pattern"; case 0x0f: return "0Fxx: Set speed 2"; case 0x80: return "80xx: Set panning (00: left; 80: center; FF: right)"; case 0x81: return "81xx: Set panning (left channel)"; case 0x82: return "82xx: Set panning (right channel)"; case 0xc0: case 0xc1: case 0xc2: case 0xc3: return "Cxxx: Set tick rate (hz)"; case 0xe0: return "E0xx: Set arp speed"; case 0xe1: return "E1xy: Note slide up (x: speed; y: semitones)"; case 0xe2: return "E2xy: Note slide down (x: speed; y: semitones)"; case 0xe3: return "E3xx: Set vibrato shape (0: up/down; 1: up only; 2: down only)"; case 0xe4: return "E4xx: Set vibrato range"; case 0xe5: return "E5xx: Set pitch (80: center)"; case 0xea: return "EAxx: Legato"; case 0xeb: return "EBxx: Set sample bank"; case 0xec: return "ECxx: Note cut"; case 0xed: return "EDxx: Note delay"; case 0xee: return "EExx: Send external command"; case 0xef: return "EFxx: Set global tuning (quirky!)"; case 0xf0: return "F0xx: Set tick rate (bpm)"; case 0xf1: return "F1xx: Single tick note slide up"; case 0xf2: return "F2xx: Single tick note slide down"; case 0xf3: return "F3xx: Fine volume slide up"; case 0xf4: return "F4xx: Fine volume slide down"; case 0xf8: return "F8xx: Single tick volume slide up"; case 0xf9: return "F9xx: Single tick volume slide down"; case 0xfa: return "FAxx: Fast volume slide (0y: down; x0: up)"; case 0xff: return "FFxx: Stop song"; default: if ((effect&0xf0)==0x90) { return "9xxx: Set sample offset*256"; } else if (chan>=0 && changetEffectName(effect); if (ret!=NULL) return ret; } break; } return notNull?"Invalid effect":NULL; } void DivEngine::walkSong(int& loopOrder, int& loopRow, int& loopEnd) { loopOrder=0; loopRow=0; loopEnd=-1; int nextOrder=-1; int nextRow=0; int effectVal=0; DivPattern* pat[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; for (int i=0; idata[j][5+(l<<1)]; if (effectVal<0) effectVal=0; if (pat[k]->data[j][4+(l<<1)]==0x0d) { if (nextOrder==-1 && (idata[j][4+(l<<1)]==0x0b) { if (nextOrder==-1) { nextOrder=effectVal; nextRow=0; } } } } if (nextOrder!=-1) { if (nextOrder<=i) { loopOrder=nextOrder; loopRow=nextRow; loopEnd=i; return; } i=nextOrder-1; nextOrder=-1; break; } } } } void _runExportThread(DivEngine* caller) { caller->runExportThread(); } bool DivEngine::isExporting() { return exporting; } #define EXPORT_BUFSIZE 2048 void DivEngine::runExportThread() { switch (exportMode) { case DIV_EXPORT_MODE_ONE: { SNDFILE* sf; SF_INFO si; si.samplerate=got.rate; si.channels=2; si.format=SF_FORMAT_WAV|SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; sf=sf_open(exportPath.c_str(),SFM_WRITE,&si); if (sf==NULL) { logE("could not open file for writing! (%s)",sf_strerror(NULL)); exporting=false; return; } float* outBuf[3]; outBuf[0]=new float[EXPORT_BUFSIZE]; outBuf[1]=new float[EXPORT_BUFSIZE]; outBuf[2]=new float[EXPORT_BUFSIZE*2]; // take control of audio output deinitAudioBackend(); playSub(false); logI("rendering to file..."); while (playing) { nextBuf(NULL,outBuf,0,2,EXPORT_BUFSIZE); for (int i=0; iEXPORT_BUFSIZE) { logE("error: total processed is bigger than export bufsize! %d>%d",totalProcessed,EXPORT_BUFSIZE); } if (sf_writef_float(sf,outBuf[2],totalProcessed)!=(int)totalProcessed) { logE("error: failed to write entire buffer!"); break; } } delete[] outBuf[0]; delete[] outBuf[1]; delete[] outBuf[2]; if (sf_close(sf)!=0) { logE("could not close audio file!"); } exporting=false; if (initAudioBackend()) { for (int i=0; isetRun(true)) { logE("error while activating audio!"); } } logI("done!"); break; } case DIV_EXPORT_MODE_MANY_SYS: { SNDFILE* sf[32]; SF_INFO si[32]; String fname[32]; for (int i=0; iisStereo()) { si[i].channels=2; } else { si[i].channels=1; } si[i].format=SF_FORMAT_WAV|SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; } for (int i=0; iisStereo()) { sysBuf[j]=disCont[i].bbOut[0][j]; } else { sysBuf[j<<1]=disCont[i].bbOut[0][j]; sysBuf[1+(j<<1)]=disCont[i].bbOut[1][j]; } } if (totalProcessed>EXPORT_BUFSIZE) { logE("error: total processed is bigger than export bufsize! (%d) %d>%d",i,totalProcessed,EXPORT_BUFSIZE); } if (sf_writef_short(sf[i],sysBuf,totalProcessed)!=(int)totalProcessed) { logE("error: failed to write entire buffer! (%d)",i); break; } } } delete[] outBuf[0]; delete[] outBuf[1]; delete[] sysBuf; for (int i=0; isetRun(true)) { logE("error while activating audio!"); } } logI("done!"); break; } case DIV_EXPORT_MODE_MANY_CHAN: { // take control of audio output deinitAudioBackend(); float* outBuf[3]; outBuf[0]=new float[EXPORT_BUFSIZE]; outBuf[1]=new float[EXPORT_BUFSIZE]; outBuf[2]=new float[EXPORT_BUFSIZE*2]; int loopCount=remainingLoops; logI("rendering to files..."); for (int i=0; imuteChannel(dispatchChanOfChan[j],isMuted[j]); } } curOrder=0; remainingLoops=loopCount; playSub(false); while (playing) { nextBuf(NULL,outBuf,0,2,EXPORT_BUFSIZE); for (int j=0; jEXPORT_BUFSIZE) { logE("error: total processed is bigger than export bufsize! %d>%d",totalProcessed,EXPORT_BUFSIZE); } if (sf_writef_float(sf,outBuf[2],totalProcessed)!=(int)totalProcessed) { logE("error: failed to write entire buffer!"); break; } } if (sf_close(sf)!=0) { logE("could not close audio file!"); } if (getChannelType(i)==5) { i++; while (true) { if (i>=chans) break; if (getChannelType(i)!=5) break; } i--; } if (stopExport) break; } exporting=false; delete[] outBuf[0]; delete[] outBuf[1]; delete[] outBuf[2]; for (int i=0; imuteChannel(dispatchChanOfChan[i],false); } } if (initAudioBackend()) { for (int i=0; isetRun(true)) { logE("error while activating audio!"); } } logI("done!"); break; } } stopExport=false; } bool DivEngine::saveAudio(const char* path, int loops, DivAudioExportModes mode) { exportPath=path; exportMode=mode; if (exportMode!=DIV_EXPORT_MODE_ONE) { // remove extension String lowerCase=exportPath; for (char& i: lowerCase) { if (i>='A' && i<='Z') i+='a'-'A'; } size_t extPos=lowerCase.rfind(".wav"); if (extPos!=String::npos) { exportPath=exportPath.substr(0,extPos); } } exporting=true; stopExport=false; stop(); repeatPattern=false; setOrder(0); remainingLoops=loops; exportThread=new std::thread(_runExportThread,this); return true; } void DivEngine::waitAudioFile() { if (exportThread!=NULL) { exportThread->join(); } } bool DivEngine::haltAudioFile() { stopExport=true; stop(); return true; } void DivEngine::notifyInsChange(int ins) { BUSY_BEGIN; for (int i=0; inotifyInsChange(ins); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::notifyWaveChange(int wave) { BUSY_BEGIN; for (int i=0; inotifyWaveChange(wave); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::renderSamplesP() { BUSY_BEGIN; renderSamples(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::renderSamples() { sPreview.sample=-1; sPreview.pos=0; // step 1: render samples for (int i=0; irender(); } // step 2: allocate ADPCM-A samples if (adpcmAMem==NULL) adpcmAMem=new unsigned char[16777216]; size_t memPos=0; for (int i=0; ilengthA+255)&(~0xff); if ((memPos&0xf00000)!=((memPos+paddedLen)&0xf00000)) { memPos=(memPos+0xfffff)&0xf00000; } if (memPos>=16777216) { logW("out of ADPCM-A memory for sample %d!",i); break; } if (memPos+paddedLen>=16777216) { memcpy(adpcmAMem+memPos,s->dataA,16777216-memPos); logW("out of ADPCM-A memory for sample %d!",i); } else { memcpy(adpcmAMem+memPos,s->dataA,paddedLen); } s->offA=memPos; memPos+=paddedLen; } adpcmAMemLen=memPos+256; // step 2: allocate ADPCM-B samples if (adpcmBMem==NULL) adpcmBMem=new unsigned char[16777216]; memPos=0; for (int i=0; ilengthB+255)&(~0xff); if ((memPos&0xf00000)!=((memPos+paddedLen)&0xf00000)) { memPos=(memPos+0xfffff)&0xf00000; } if (memPos>=16777216) { logW("out of ADPCM-B memory for sample %d!",i); break; } if (memPos+paddedLen>=16777216) { memcpy(adpcmBMem+memPos,s->dataB,16777216-memPos); logW("out of ADPCM-B memory for sample %d!",i); } else { memcpy(adpcmBMem+memPos,s->dataB,paddedLen); } s->offB=memPos; memPos+=paddedLen; } adpcmBMemLen=memPos+256; // step 4: allocate qsound pcm samples if (qsoundMem==NULL) qsoundMem=new unsigned char[16777216]; memset(qsoundMem,0,16777216); memPos=0; for (int i=0; ilength8; if (length>65536-16) { length=65536-16; } if ((memPos&0xff0000)!=((memPos+length)&0xff0000)) { memPos=(memPos+0xffff)&0xff0000; } if (memPos>=16777216) { logW("out of QSound PCM memory for sample %d!",i); break; } if (memPos+length>=16777216) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<16777216-(memPos+length); i++) { qsoundMem[(memPos+i)^0x8000]=s->data8[i]; } logW("out of QSound PCM memory for sample %d!",i); } else { for (int i=0; idata8[i]; } } s->offQSound=memPos^0x8000; memPos+=length+16; } qsoundMemLen=memPos+256; // step 4: allocate x1-010 pcm samples if (x1_010Mem==NULL) x1_010Mem=new unsigned char[1048576]; memset(x1_010Mem,0,1048576); memPos=0; for (int i=0; ilength8+4095)&(~0xfff); // fit sample bank size to 128KB for Seta 2 external bankswitching logic (not emulated yet!) if (paddedLen>131072) { paddedLen=131072; } if ((memPos&0xfe0000)!=((memPos+paddedLen)&0xfe0000)) { memPos=(memPos+0x1ffff)&0xfe0000; } if (memPos>=1048576) { logW("out of X1-010 memory for sample %d!",i); break; } if (memPos+paddedLen>=1048576) { memcpy(x1_010Mem+memPos,s->data8,1048576-memPos); logW("out of X1-010 memory for sample %d!",i); } else { memcpy(x1_010Mem+memPos,s->data8,paddedLen); } s->offX1_010=memPos; memPos+=paddedLen; } x1_010MemLen=memPos+256; } String DivEngine::encodeSysDesc(std::vector& desc) { String ret; if (desc[0]!=0) { int index=0; for (size_t i=0; i=32) break; } } return ret; } std::vector DivEngine::decodeSysDesc(String desc) { std::vector ret; bool hasVal=false; bool negative=false; int val=0; int curStage=0; int sysID=0; int sysVol=0; int sysPan=0; int sysFlags=0; desc+=' '; // ha for (char i: desc) { switch (i) { case ' ': if (hasVal) { if (negative) val=-val; switch (curStage) { case 0: sysID=val; curStage++; break; case 1: sysVol=val; curStage++; break; case 2: sysPan=val; curStage++; break; case 3: sysFlags=val; if (systemFromFileFur(sysID)!=0) { if (sysVol<-128) sysVol=-128; if (sysVol>127) sysVol=127; if (sysPan<-128) sysPan=-128; if (sysPan>127) sysPan=127; ret.push_back(systemFromFileFur(sysID)); ret.push_back(sysVol); ret.push_back(sysPan); ret.push_back(sysFlags); } curStage=0; break; } hasVal=false; negative=false; val=0; } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': val=(val*10)+(i-'0'); hasVal=true; break; case '-': if (!hasVal) negative=true; break; } } return ret; } void DivEngine::initSongWithDesc(const int* description) { int chanCount=0; if (description[0]!=0) { int index=0; for (int i=0; description[i]; i+=4) { song.system[index]=(DivSystem)description[i]; song.systemVol[index]=description[i+1]; song.systemPan[index]=description[i+2]; song.systemFlags[index]=description[i+3]; index++; chanCount+=getChannelCount(song.system[index]); if (chanCount>=63) break; if (index>=32) break; } song.systemLen=index; } } void DivEngine::createNew(const int* description) { quitDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); song.unload(); song=DivSong(); if (description!=NULL) { initSongWithDesc(description); } recalcChans(); renderSamples(); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; initDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN; reset(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::swapChannels(int src, int dest) { logV("swapping channel %d with %d",src,dest); if (src==dest) { logV("not swapping channels because it's the same channel!",src,dest); return; } for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { song.orders.ord[dest][i]^=song.orders.ord[src][i]; song.orders.ord[src][i]^=song.orders.ord[dest][i]; song.orders.ord[dest][i]^=song.orders.ord[src][i]; DivPattern* prev=song.pat[src].data[i]; song.pat[src].data[i]=song.pat[dest].data[i]; song.pat[dest].data[i]=prev; } song.pat[src].effectCols^=song.pat[dest].effectCols; song.pat[dest].effectCols^=song.pat[src].effectCols; song.pat[src].effectCols^=song.pat[dest].effectCols; String prevChanName=song.chanName[src]; String prevChanShortName=song.chanShortName[src]; bool prevChanShow=song.chanShow[src]; bool prevChanCollapse=song.chanCollapse[src]; song.chanName[src]=song.chanName[dest]; song.chanShortName[src]=song.chanShortName[dest]; song.chanShow[src]=song.chanShow[dest]; song.chanCollapse[src]=song.chanCollapse[dest]; song.chanName[dest]=prevChanName; song.chanShortName[dest]=prevChanShortName; song.chanShow[dest]=prevChanShow; song.chanCollapse[dest]=prevChanCollapse; } void DivEngine::stompChannel(int ch) { logV("stomping channel %d",ch); for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { song.orders.ord[ch][i]=0; } song.pat[ch].wipePatterns(); song.pat[ch].effectCols=1; song.chanName[ch]=""; song.chanShortName[ch]=""; song.chanShow[ch]=true; song.chanCollapse[ch]=false; } void DivEngine::swapChannelsP(int src, int dest) { if (src<0 || src>=chans) return; if (dest<0 || dest>=chans) return; BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); swapChannels(src,dest); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::changeSystem(int index, DivSystem which, bool preserveOrder) { int chanCount=chans; quitDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); if (!preserveOrder) { int firstChan=0; int chanMovement=getChannelCount(which)-getChannelCount(song.system[index]); while (dispatchOfChan[firstChan]!=index) firstChan++; int lastChan=firstChan+getChannelCount(song.system[index]); if (chanMovement!=0) { if (chanMovement>0) { // add channels for (int i=chanCount+chanMovement-1; i>=lastChan+chanMovement; i--) { swapChannels(i,i-chanMovement); } for (int i=lastChan; i32) { lastError="max number of systems is 32"; return false; } // this was DIV_MAX_CHANS but I am setting it to 63 for now due to an ImGui limitation if (chans+getChannelCount(which)>63) { lastError="max number of total channels is 63"; return false; } quitDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); song.system[song.systemLen]=which; song.systemVol[song.systemLen]=64; song.systemPan[song.systemLen]=0; song.systemFlags[song.systemLen++]=0; recalcChans(); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; initDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN; renderSamples(); reset(); BUSY_END; return true; } bool DivEngine::removeSystem(int index, bool preserveOrder) { if (song.systemLen<=1) { lastError="cannot remove the last one"; return false; } if (index<0 || index>=song.systemLen) { lastError="invalid index"; return false; } int chanCount=chans; quitDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); if (!preserveOrder) { int firstChan=0; while (dispatchOfChan[firstChan]!=index) firstChan++; for (int i=0; i=song.systemLen) return; BUSY_BEGIN; disCont[sys].dispatch->poke(addr,val); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::poke(int sys, std::vector& wlist) { if (sys<0 || sys>=song.systemLen) return; BUSY_BEGIN; disCont[sys].dispatch->poke(wlist); BUSY_END; } String DivEngine::getLastError() { return lastError; } String DivEngine::getWarnings() { return warnings; } DivInstrument* DivEngine::getIns(int index, DivInstrumentType fallbackType) { if (index==-2 && tempIns!=NULL) { return tempIns; } if (index<0 || index>=song.insLen) { switch (fallbackType) { case DIV_INS_OPLL: return &song.nullInsOPLL; break; case DIV_INS_OPL: return &song.nullInsOPL; break; default: break; } return &song.nullIns; } return song.ins[index]; } DivWavetable* DivEngine::getWave(int index) { if (index<0 || index>=song.waveLen) { if (song.waveLen>0) { return song.wave[0]; } else { return &song.nullWave; } } return song.wave[index]; } DivSample* DivEngine::getSample(int index) { if (index<0 || index>=song.sampleLen) return &song.nullSample; return song.sample[index]; } void DivEngine::setLoops(int loops) { remainingLoops=loops; } DivChannelState* DivEngine::getChanState(int ch) { if (ch<0 || ch>=chans) return NULL; return &chan[ch]; } void* DivEngine::getDispatchChanState(int ch) { if (ch<0 || ch>=chans) return NULL; return disCont[dispatchOfChan[ch]].dispatch->getChanState(dispatchChanOfChan[ch]); } unsigned char* DivEngine::getRegisterPool(int sys, int& size, int& depth) { if (sys<0 || sys>=song.systemLen) return NULL; if (disCont[sys].dispatch==NULL) return NULL; size=disCont[sys].dispatch->getRegisterPoolSize(); depth=disCont[sys].dispatch->getRegisterPoolDepth(); return disCont[sys].dispatch->getRegisterPool(); } DivMacroInt* DivEngine::getMacroInt(int chan) { if (chan<0 || chan>=chans) return NULL; return disCont[dispatchOfChan[chan]].dispatch->getChanMacroInt(dispatchChanOfChan[chan]); } DivDispatchOscBuffer* DivEngine::getOscBuffer(int chan) { if (chan<0 || chan>=chans) return NULL; return disCont[dispatchOfChan[chan]].dispatch->getOscBuffer(dispatchChanOfChan[chan]); } void DivEngine::enableCommandStream(bool enable) { cmdStreamEnabled=enable; } void DivEngine::getCommandStream(std::vector& where) { BUSY_BEGIN; where.clear(); for (DivCommand& i: cmdStream) { where.push_back(i); } cmdStream.clear(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::playSub(bool preserveDrift, int goalRow) { std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point timeStart=std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (int i=0; isetSkipRegisterWrites(false); reset(); if (preserveDrift && curOrder==0) return; bool oldRepeatPattern=repeatPattern; repeatPattern=false; int goal=curOrder; curOrder=0; curRow=0; stepPlay=0; int prevDrift; prevDrift=clockDrift; clockDrift=0; cycles=0; if (preserveDrift) { endOfSong=false; } else { ticks=1; totalTicks=0; totalSeconds=0; totalTicksR=0; } speedAB=false; playing=true; skipping=true; for (int i=0; isetSkipRegisterWrites(true); while (playing && curOrdersetSkipRegisterWrites(false); if (goal>0 || goalRow>0) { for (int i=0; iforceIns(); } for (int i=0; i(timeEnd-timeStart).count()); } /* int DivEngine::calcBaseFreq(double clock, double divider, int note, bool period) { double base=(period?(song.tuning*0.0625):song.tuning)*pow(2.0,(float)(note+3)/12.0); return period? round((clock/base)/divider): base*(divider/clock); }*/ double DivEngine::calcBaseFreq(double clock, double divider, int note, bool period) { double base=(period?(song.tuning*0.0625):song.tuning)*pow(2.0,(float)(note+3)/12.0); return period? (clock/base)/divider: base*(divider/clock); } unsigned short DivEngine::calcBaseFreqFNumBlock(double clock, double divider, int note, int bits) { int bf=calcBaseFreq(clock,divider,note,false); int block=note/12; if (block<0) block=0; if (block>7) block=7; bf>>=block; if (bf<0) bf=0; // octave boundaries while (bf>0 && bf<644 && block>0) { bf<<=1; block--; } if (bf>1288) { while (block<7) { bf>>=1; block++; } if (bf>((1<4095) pitch=4095; int ret=period? ((base*(reversePitchTable[pitch]))/whatTheFuck): (((base*(pitchTable[pitch]))>>10)*whatTheFuck)/1024; if (!song.pitchMacroIsLinear) { ret+=period?(-pitch2):pitch2; } return ret; } return period? base-pitch-pitch2: base+((pitch*octave)>>1)+pitch2; } int DivEngine::convertPanSplitToLinear(unsigned int val, unsigned char bits, int range) { int panL=val>>bits; int panR=val&((1<range) val=range; int maxV=(1<maxV) panL=maxV; if (panR>maxV) panR=maxV; return (panL<midiOut!=NULL) { int pos=totalTicksR/6; output->midiOut->send(TAMidiMessage(TA_MIDI_POSITION,(pos>>7)&0x7f,pos&0x7f)); output->midiOut->send(TAMidiMessage(TA_MIDI_MACHINE_PLAY,0,0)); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::playToRow(int row) { BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; sPreview.sample=-1; sPreview.wave=-1; sPreview.pos=0; freelance=false; playSub(false,row); for (int i=0; inotifyPlaybackStop(); } if (output) if (output->midiOut!=NULL) { output->midiOut->send(TAMidiMessage(TA_MIDI_MACHINE_STOP,0,0)); for (int i=0; i=0) { output->midiOut->send(TAMidiMessage(0x80|(i&15),chan[i].curMidiNote,0)); } } } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::halt() { BUSY_BEGIN; halted=true; BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::resume() { BUSY_BEGIN; halted=false; haltOn=DIV_HALT_NONE; BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::haltWhen(DivHaltPositions when) { BUSY_BEGIN; halted=false; haltOn=when; BUSY_END; } bool DivEngine::isHalted() { return halted; } const char** DivEngine::getRegisterSheet(int sys) { if (sys<0 || sys>=song.systemLen) return NULL; return disCont[sys].dispatch->getRegisterSheet(); } void DivEngine::recalcChans() { bool isInsTypePossible[DIV_INS_MAX]; chans=0; int chanIndex=0; memset(isInsTypePossible,0,DIV_INS_MAX*sizeof(bool)); for (int i=0; ichanInsType[j][0]!=DIV_INS_NULL) { isInsTypePossible[sysDefs[song.system[i]]->chanInsType[j][0]]=true; } if (sysDefs[song.system[i]]->chanInsType[j][1]!=DIV_INS_NULL) { isInsTypePossible[sysDefs[song.system[i]]->chanInsType[j][1]]=true; } } } } possibleInsTypes.clear(); for (int i=0; idispatch(DivCommand(DIV_CMD_GET_VOLMAX,dispatchChanOfChan[i]))<<8)|0xff; chan[i].volume=chan[i].volMax; if (!song.linearPitch) chan[i].vibratoFine=4; } extValue=0; extValuePresent=0; speed1=song.speed1; speed2=song.speed2; firstTick=false; nextSpeed=speed1; divider=60; if (song.customTempo) { divider=song.hz; } else { if (song.pal) { divider=60; } else { divider=50; } } globalPitch=0; for (int i=0; ireset(); disCont[i].clear(); } } void DivEngine::syncReset() { BUSY_BEGIN; reset(); BUSY_END; } const int sampleRates[6]={ 4000, 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000 }; int DivEngine::fileToDivRate(int frate) { if (frate<0) frate=0; if (frate>5) frate=5; return sampleRates[frate]; } int DivEngine::divToFileRate(int drate) { if (drate>26000) { return 5; } else if (drate>18000) { return 4; } else if (drate>14000) { return 3; } else if (drate>9500) { return 2; } else if (drate>6000) { return 1; } else { return 0; } return 4; } int DivEngine::getEffectiveSampleRate(int rate) { if (rate<1) return 0; switch (song.system[0]) { case DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759: return 8000; case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612: case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612_EXT: return 1278409/(1280000/rate); case DIV_SYSTEM_PCE: return 1789773/(1789773/rate); case DIV_SYSTEM_SEGAPCM: case DIV_SYSTEM_SEGAPCM_COMPAT: return (31250*MIN(255,(rate*255/31250)))/255; case DIV_SYSTEM_QSOUND: return (24038*MIN(65535,(rate*4096/24038)))/4096; case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610: case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_EXT: case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_FULL: case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_FULL_EXT: case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610B: case DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610B_EXT: return 18518; case DIV_SYSTEM_VERA: return (48828*MIN(128,(rate*128/48828)))/128; case DIV_SYSTEM_X1_010: return (31250*MIN(255,(rate*16/31250)))/16; // TODO: support variable clock case default: break; } return rate; } void DivEngine::previewSample(int sample, int note) { BUSY_BEGIN; if (sample<0 || sample>=(int)song.sample.size()) { sPreview.sample=-1; sPreview.pos=0; BUSY_END; return; } blip_clear(samp_bb); double rate=song.sample[sample]->rate; if (note>=0) { rate=(song.tuning*pow(2.0,(double)(note+3)/12.0)*((double)song.sample[sample]->centerRate/8363.0)); if (rate<=0) rate=song.sample[sample]->rate; } if (rate<100) rate=100; blip_set_rates(samp_bb,rate,got.rate); samp_prevSample=0; sPreview.pos=0; sPreview.sample=sample; sPreview.wave=-1; BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::stopSamplePreview() { BUSY_BEGIN; sPreview.sample=-1; sPreview.pos=0; BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::previewWave(int wave, int note) { BUSY_BEGIN; if (wave<0 || wave>=(int)song.wave.size()) { sPreview.wave=-1; sPreview.pos=0; BUSY_END; return; } if (song.wave[wave]->len<=0) { BUSY_END; return; } blip_clear(samp_bb); double rate=song.wave[wave]->len*((song.tuning*0.0625)*pow(2.0,(double)(note+3)/12.0)); if (rate<100) rate=100; blip_set_rates(samp_bb,rate,got.rate); samp_prevSample=0; sPreview.pos=0; sPreview.sample=-1; sPreview.wave=wave; BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::stopWavePreview() { BUSY_BEGIN; sPreview.wave=-1; sPreview.pos=0; BUSY_END; } String DivEngine::getConfigPath() { return configPath; } int DivEngine::getMaxVolumeChan(int ch) { return chan[ch].volMax>>8; } unsigned char DivEngine::getOrder() { return curOrder; } int DivEngine::getRow() { return curRow; } unsigned char DivEngine::getSpeed1() { return speed1; } unsigned char DivEngine::getSpeed2() { return speed2; } float DivEngine::getHz() { if (song.customTempo) { return song.hz; } else if (song.pal) { return 60.0; } else { return 50.0; } return 60.0; } float DivEngine::getCurHz() { return divider; } int DivEngine::getTotalSeconds() { return totalSeconds; } int DivEngine::getTotalTicks() { return totalTicks; } bool DivEngine::getRepeatPattern() { return repeatPattern; } void DivEngine::setRepeatPattern(bool value) { BUSY_BEGIN; repeatPattern=value; BUSY_END; } bool DivEngine::hasExtValue() { return extValuePresent; } unsigned char DivEngine::getExtValue() { return extValue; } bool DivEngine::isPlaying() { return (playing && !freelance); } bool DivEngine::isStepping() { return !(stepPlay==0); } bool DivEngine::isChannelMuted(int chan) { return isMuted[chan]; } void DivEngine::toggleMute(int chan) { muteChannel(chan,!isMuted[chan]); } void DivEngine::toggleSolo(int chan) { bool solo=false; for (int i=0; imuteChannel(dispatchChanOfChan[i],isMuted[i]); } } } else { for (int i=0; imuteChannel(dispatchChanOfChan[i],isMuted[i]); } } } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::muteChannel(int chan, bool mute) { BUSY_BEGIN; isMuted[chan]=mute; if (disCont[dispatchOfChan[chan]].dispatch!=NULL) { disCont[dispatchOfChan[chan]].dispatch->muteChannel(dispatchChanOfChan[chan],isMuted[chan]); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::unmuteAll() { BUSY_BEGIN; for (int i=0; imuteChannel(dispatchChanOfChan[i],isMuted[i]); } } BUSY_END; } int DivEngine::addInstrument(int refChan) { BUSY_BEGIN; DivInstrument* ins=new DivInstrument; int insCount=(int)song.ins.size(); DivInstrumentType prefType=getPreferInsType(refChan); switch (prefType) { case DIV_INS_OPLL: *ins=song.nullInsOPLL; break; case DIV_INS_OPL: *ins=song.nullInsOPL; break; default: break; } if (sysOfChan[refChan]==DIV_SYSTEM_QSOUND) { *ins=song.nullInsQSound; } ins->name=fmt::sprintf("Instrument %d",insCount); ins->type=prefType; saveLock.lock(); song.ins.push_back(ins); song.insLen=insCount+1; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return insCount; } int DivEngine::addInstrumentPtr(DivInstrument* which) { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); song.ins.push_back(which); song.insLen=song.ins.size(); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return song.insLen; } void DivEngine::loadTempIns(DivInstrument* which) { BUSY_BEGIN; if (tempIns==NULL) { tempIns=new DivInstrument; } *tempIns=*which; BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::delInstrument(int index) { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); if (index>=0 && index<(int)song.ins.size()) { for (int i=0; inotifyInsDeletion(song.ins[index]); } delete song.ins[index]; song.ins.erase(song.ins.begin()+index); song.insLen=song.ins.size(); for (int i=0; idata[k][2]>index) { song.pat[i].data[j]->data[k][2]--; } } } } } saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; } int DivEngine::addWave() { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); DivWavetable* wave=new DivWavetable; int waveCount=(int)song.wave.size(); song.wave.push_back(wave); song.waveLen=waveCount+1; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return waveCount; } bool DivEngine::addWaveFromFile(const char* path) { FILE* f=ps_fopen(path,"rb"); if (f==NULL) { return false; } unsigned char* buf; ssize_t len; if (fseek(f,0,SEEK_END)!=0) { fclose(f); return false; } len=ftell(f); if (len<0) { fclose(f); return false; } if (len==(SIZE_MAX>>1)) { fclose(f); return false; } if (len==0) { fclose(f); return false; } if (fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET)!=0) { fclose(f); return false; } buf=new unsigned char[len]; if (fread(buf,1,len,f)!=(size_t)len) { logW("did not read entire wavetable file buffer!"); delete[] buf; return false; } fclose(f); SafeReader reader=SafeReader(buf,len); unsigned char magic[16]; bool isFurnaceTable=false; try { reader.read(magic,16); if (memcmp("-Furnace waveta-",magic,16)==0) { isFurnaceTable=true; } } catch (EndOfFileException& e) { reader.seek(0,SEEK_SET); } DivWavetable* wave=new DivWavetable; try { if (isFurnaceTable) { reader.seek(16,SEEK_SET); short version=reader.readS(); reader.readS(); // reserved reader.seek(20,SEEK_SET); if (wave->readWaveData(reader,version)!=DIV_DATA_SUCCESS) { lastError="invalid wavetable header/data!"; delete wave; delete[] buf; return false; } } else { try { // read as .dmw reader.seek(0,SEEK_SET); int len=reader.readI(); wave->max=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); if (wave->max==255) { // new wavetable format unsigned char waveVersion=reader.readC(); logI("reading modern .dmw..."); logD("wave version %d",waveVersion); wave->max=reader.readC(); for (int i=0; idata[i]=reader.readI(); } } else if (reader.size()==(size_t)(len+5)) { // read as .dmw logI("reading .dmw..."); if (len>256) len=256; for (int i=0; idata[i]=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); } } else { // read as binary logI("reading binary..."); len=reader.size(); if (len>256) len=256; reader.seek(0,SEEK_SET); for (int i=0; idata[i]=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); if (wave->maxdata[i]) wave->max=wave->data[i]; } wave->len=len; } } catch (EndOfFileException& e) { // read as binary len=reader.size(); logI("reading binary for being too small..."); if (len>256) len=256; reader.seek(0,SEEK_SET); for (int i=0; idata[i]=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); if (wave->maxdata[i]) wave->max=wave->data[i]; } wave->len=len; } } } catch (EndOfFileException& e) { delete wave; delete[] buf; return false; } BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); int waveCount=(int)song.wave.size(); song.wave.push_back(wave); song.waveLen=waveCount+1; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } void DivEngine::delWave(int index) { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); if (index>=0 && index<(int)song.wave.size()) { delete song.wave[index]; song.wave.erase(song.wave.begin()+index); song.waveLen=song.wave.size(); } saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; } int DivEngine::addSample() { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); DivSample* sample=new DivSample; int sampleCount=(int)song.sample.size(); sample->name=fmt::sprintf("Sample %d",sampleCount); song.sample.push_back(sample); song.sampleLen=sampleCount+1; saveLock.unlock(); renderSamples(); BUSY_END; return sampleCount; } int DivEngine::addSampleFromFile(const char* path) { BUSY_BEGIN; warnings=""; const char* pathRedux=strrchr(path,DIR_SEPARATOR); if (pathRedux==NULL) { pathRedux=path; } else { pathRedux++; } String stripPath; const char* pathReduxEnd=strrchr(pathRedux,'.'); if (pathReduxEnd==NULL) { stripPath=pathRedux; } else { for (const char* i=pathRedux; i!=pathReduxEnd && (*i); i++) { stripPath+=*i; } } const char* ext=strrchr(path,'.'); if (ext!=NULL) { String extS; for (; *ext; ext++) { char i=*ext; if (i>='A' && i<='Z') { i+='a'-'A'; } extS+=i; } if (extS==String(".dmc")) { // read as .dmc size_t len=0; DivSample* sample=new DivSample; int sampleCount=(int)song.sample.size(); sample->name=stripPath; FILE* f=fopen(path,"rb"); if (f==NULL) { BUSY_END; lastError=fmt::sprintf("could not open file! (%s)",strerror(errno)); delete sample; return -1; } if (fseek(f,0,SEEK_END)<0) { fclose(f); BUSY_END; lastError=fmt::sprintf("could not get file length! (%s)",strerror(errno)); delete sample; return -1; } len=ftell(f); if (len==0) { fclose(f); BUSY_END; lastError="file is empty!"; delete sample; return -1; } if (len==(SIZE_MAX>>1)) { fclose(f); BUSY_END; lastError="file is invalid!"; delete sample; return -1; } if (fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET)<0) { fclose(f); BUSY_END; lastError=fmt::sprintf("could not seek to beginning of file! (%s)",strerror(errno)); delete sample; return -1; } sample->rate=33144; sample->centerRate=33144; sample->depth=1; sample->init(len*8); if (fread(sample->dataDPCM,1,len,f)==0) { fclose(f); BUSY_END; lastError=fmt::sprintf("could not read file! (%s)",strerror(errno)); delete sample; return -1; } saveLock.lock(); song.sample.push_back(sample); song.sampleLen=sampleCount+1; saveLock.unlock(); renderSamples(); BUSY_END; return sampleCount; } } SF_INFO si; SNDFILE* f=sf_open(path,SFM_READ,&si); if (f==NULL) { BUSY_END; int err=sf_error(NULL); if (err==SF_ERR_SYSTEM) { lastError=fmt::sprintf("could not open file! (%s %s)",sf_error_number(err),strerror(errno)); } else { lastError=fmt::sprintf("could not open file! (%s)",sf_error_number(err)); } return -1; } if (si.frames>16777215) { lastError="this sample is too big! max sample size is 16777215."; sf_close(f); BUSY_END; return -1; } short* buf=new short[si.channels*si.frames]; if (sf_readf_short(f,buf,si.frames)!=si.frames) { logW("sample read size mismatch!"); } DivSample* sample=new DivSample; int sampleCount=(int)song.sample.size(); sample->name=stripPath; int index=0; if ((si.format&SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK)==SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8) { sample->depth=8; } else { sample->depth=16; } sample->init(si.frames); for (int i=0; idata8[index++]=averaged>>8; } else { sample->data16[index++]=averaged; } } delete[] buf; sample->rate=si.samplerate; if (sample->rate<4000) sample->rate=4000; if (sample->rate>96000) sample->rate=96000; sample->centerRate=si.samplerate; SF_INSTRUMENT inst; if (sf_command(f, SFC_GET_INSTRUMENT, &inst, sizeof(inst)) == SF_TRUE) { // There's no documentation on libsndfile detune range, but the code // implies -50..50. Yet when loading a file you can get a >50 value. if(inst.detune > 50) inst.detune = inst.detune - 100; short pitch = ((0x3c-inst.basenote)*100) + inst.detune; sample->centerRate=si.samplerate*pow(2.0,pitch/(12.0 * 100.0)); if(inst.loop_count && inst.loops[0].mode == SF_LOOP_FORWARD) { sample->loopStart=inst.loops[0].start; if(inst.loops[0].end < (unsigned int)sampleCount) sampleCount=inst.loops[0].end; } } if (sample->centerRate<4000) sample->centerRate=4000; if (sample->centerRate>64000) sample->centerRate=64000; sf_close(f); saveLock.lock(); song.sample.push_back(sample); song.sampleLen=sampleCount+1; saveLock.unlock(); renderSamples(); BUSY_END; return sampleCount; } void DivEngine::delSample(int index) { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); if (index>=0 && index<(int)song.sample.size()) { delete song.sample[index]; song.sample.erase(song.sample.begin()+index); song.sampleLen=song.sample.size(); renderSamples(); } saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::addOrder(bool duplicate, bool where) { unsigned char order[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; if (song.ordersLen>=0xff) return; BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; if (duplicate) { for (int i=0; icurOrder; j--) { song.orders.ord[i][j]=song.orders.ord[i][j-1]; } song.orders.ord[i][curOrder+1]=order[i]; } song.ordersLen++; saveLock.unlock(); curOrder++; if (playing && !freelance) { playSub(false); } } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::deepCloneOrder(bool where) { unsigned char order[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; if (song.ordersLen>=0xff) return; warnings=""; BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; for (int i=0; idata,oldPat->data,256*32*sizeof(short)); logD("found at %d",j); didNotFind=false; break; } } if (didNotFind) { addWarning(fmt::sprintf("no free patterns in channel %d!",i)); } } if (where) { // at the end saveLock.lock(); for (int i=0; icurOrder; j--) { song.orders.ord[i][j]=song.orders.ord[i][j-1]; } song.orders.ord[i][curOrder+1]=order[i]; } song.ordersLen++; saveLock.unlock(); curOrder++; if (playing && !freelance) { playSub(false); } } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::deleteOrder() { if (song.ordersLen<=1) return; BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; saveLock.lock(); for (int i=0; i=song.ordersLen) curOrder=song.ordersLen-1; if (playing && !freelance) { playSub(false); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::moveOrderUp() { BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; if (curOrder<1) { BUSY_END; return; } saveLock.lock(); for (int i=0; i=song.ordersLen-1) { BUSY_END; return; } saveLock.lock(); for (int i=0; idata[k][2]==one) { song.pat[i].data[j]->data[k][2]=two; } else if (song.pat[i].data[j]->data[k][2]==two) { song.pat[i].data[j]->data[k][2]=one; } } } } } bool DivEngine::moveInsUp(int which) { if (which<1 || which>=(int)song.ins.size()) return false; BUSY_BEGIN; DivInstrument* prev=song.ins[which]; saveLock.lock(); song.ins[which]=song.ins[which-1]; song.ins[which-1]=prev; exchangeIns(which,which-1); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } bool DivEngine::moveWaveUp(int which) { if (which<1 || which>=(int)song.wave.size()) return false; BUSY_BEGIN; DivWavetable* prev=song.wave[which]; saveLock.lock(); song.wave[which]=song.wave[which-1]; song.wave[which-1]=prev; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } bool DivEngine::moveSampleUp(int which) { if (which<1 || which>=(int)song.sample.size()) return false; BUSY_BEGIN; DivSample* prev=song.sample[which]; saveLock.lock(); song.sample[which]=song.sample[which-1]; song.sample[which-1]=prev; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } bool DivEngine::moveInsDown(int which) { if (which<0 || which>=((int)song.ins.size())-1) return false; BUSY_BEGIN; DivInstrument* prev=song.ins[which]; saveLock.lock(); song.ins[which]=song.ins[which+1]; song.ins[which+1]=prev; exchangeIns(which,which+1); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } bool DivEngine::moveWaveDown(int which) { if (which<0 || which>=((int)song.wave.size())-1) return false; BUSY_BEGIN; DivWavetable* prev=song.wave[which]; saveLock.lock(); song.wave[which]=song.wave[which+1]; song.wave[which+1]=prev; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } bool DivEngine::moveSampleDown(int which) { if (which<0 || which>=((int)song.sample.size())-1) return false; BUSY_BEGIN; DivSample* prev=song.sample[which]; saveLock.lock(); song.sample[which]=song.sample[which+1]; song.sample[which+1]=prev; saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; return true; } void DivEngine::noteOn(int chan, int ins, int note, int vol) { if (chan<0 || chan>=chans) return; BUSY_BEGIN; pendingNotes.push(DivNoteEvent(chan,ins,note,vol,true)); if (!playing) { reset(); freelance=true; playing=true; } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::noteOff(int chan) { if (chan<0 || chan>=chans) return; BUSY_BEGIN; pendingNotes.push(DivNoteEvent(chan,-1,-1,-1,false)); if (!playing) { reset(); freelance=true; playing=true; } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::autoNoteOn(int ch, int ins, int note, int vol) { bool isViable[DIV_MAX_CHANS]; bool canPlayAnyway=false; bool notInViableChannel=false; if (midiBaseChan<0) midiBaseChan=0; if (midiBaseChan>=chans) midiBaseChan=chans-1; int finalChan=midiBaseChan; int finalChanType=getChannelType(finalChan); if (!playing) { reset(); freelance=true; playing=true; } // 1. check which channels are viable for this instrument DivInstrument* insInst=getIns(ins); if (getPreferInsType(finalChan)!=insInst->type && getPreferInsSecondType(finalChan)!=insInst->type) notInViableChannel=true; for (int i=0; i=song.insLen || getPreferInsType(i)==insInst->type || getPreferInsSecondType(i)==insInst->type) { if (insInst->type==DIV_INS_OPL) { if (insInst->fm.ops==2 || getChannelType(i)==DIV_CH_OP) { isViable[i]=true; canPlayAnyway=true; } else { isViable[i]=false; } } else { isViable[i]=true; canPlayAnyway=true; } } else { isViable[i]=false; } } if (!canPlayAnyway) return; // 2. find a free channel do { if (isViable[finalChan] && chan[finalChan].midiNote==-1 && (insInst->type==DIV_INS_OPL || getChannelType(finalChan)==finalChanType || notInViableChannel)) { chan[finalChan].midiNote=note; chan[finalChan].midiAge=midiAgeCounter++; pendingNotes.push(DivNoteEvent(finalChan,ins,note,vol,true)); return; } if (++finalChan>=chans) { finalChan=0; } } while (finalChan!=midiBaseChan); // 3. find the oldest channel int candidate=finalChan; do { if (isViable[finalChan] && (insInst->type==DIV_INS_OPL || getChannelType(finalChan)==finalChanType || notInViableChannel) && chan[finalChan].midiAge=chans) { finalChan=0; } } while (finalChan!=midiBaseChan); chan[candidate].midiNote=note; chan[candidate].midiAge=midiAgeCounter++; pendingNotes.push(DivNoteEvent(candidate,ins,note,vol,true)); } void DivEngine::autoNoteOff(int ch, int note, int vol) { if (!playing) { reset(); freelance=true; playing=true; } //if (ch<0 || ch>=chans) return; for (int i=0; i=song.ordersLen) curOrder=0; if (playing && !freelance) { playSub(false); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::setSysFlags(int system, unsigned int flags, bool restart) { BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; saveLock.lock(); song.systemFlags[system]=flags; saveLock.unlock(); disCont[system].dispatch->setFlags(song.systemFlags[system]); disCont[system].setRates(got.rate); if (restart && isPlaying()) { playSub(false); } BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::setSongRate(float hz, bool pal) { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); song.pal=!pal; song.hz=hz; // what? song.customTempo=true; divider=60; if (song.customTempo) { divider=song.hz; } else { if (song.pal) { divider=60; } else { divider=50; } } saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::setAudio(DivAudioEngines which) { audioEngine=which; } void DivEngine::setView(DivStatusView which) { view=which; } bool DivEngine::getMetronome() { return metronome; } void DivEngine::setMetronome(bool enable) { metronome=enable; metroAmp=0; } void DivEngine::setMetronomeVol(float vol) { metroVol=vol; } void DivEngine::setConsoleMode(bool enable) { consoleMode=enable; } bool DivEngine::switchMaster() { deinitAudioBackend(); quitDispatch(); initDispatch(); if (initAudioBackend()) { for (int i=0; isetRun(true)) { logE("error while activating audio!"); return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } void DivEngine::setMidiBaseChan(int chan) { if (chan<0 || chan>=chans) chan=0; midiBaseChan=chan; } void DivEngine::setMidiDirect(bool value) { midiIsDirect=value; } void DivEngine::setMidiCallback(std::function what) { midiCallback=what; } void DivEngine::synchronized(const std::function& what) { BUSY_BEGIN; what(); BUSY_END; } void DivEngine::lockSave(const std::function& what) { saveLock.lock(); what(); saveLock.unlock(); } void DivEngine::lockEngine(const std::function& what) { BUSY_BEGIN; saveLock.lock(); what(); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; } TAAudioDesc& DivEngine::getAudioDescWant() { return want; } TAAudioDesc& DivEngine::getAudioDescGot() { return got; } std::vector& DivEngine::getAudioDevices() { return audioDevs; } std::vector& DivEngine::getMidiIns() { return midiIns; } std::vector& DivEngine::getMidiOuts() { return midiOuts; } void DivEngine::rescanAudioDevices() { audioDevs.clear(); if (output!=NULL) { audioDevs=output->listAudioDevices(); if (output->midiIn!=NULL) { midiIns=output->midiIn->listDevices(); } if (output->midiOut!=NULL) { midiOuts=output->midiOut->listDevices(); } } } void DivEngine::initDispatch() { BUSY_BEGIN; for (int i=0; i2.0f) metroVol=2.0f; if (lowLatency) logI("using low latency mode."); switch (audioEngine) { case DIV_AUDIO_JACK: #ifndef HAVE_JACK logE("Furnace was not compiled with JACK support!"); setConf("audioEngine","SDL"); saveConf(); output=new TAAudioSDL; #else output=new TAAudioJACK; #endif break; case DIV_AUDIO_SDL: output=new TAAudioSDL; break; case DIV_AUDIO_DUMMY: output=new TAAudio; break; default: logE("invalid audio engine!"); return false; } audioDevs=output->listAudioDevices(); want.deviceName=getConfString("audioDevice",""); want.bufsize=getConfInt("audioBufSize",1024); want.rate=getConfInt("audioRate",44100); want.fragments=2; want.inChans=0; want.outChans=2; want.outFormat=TA_AUDIO_FORMAT_F32; want.name="Furnace"; output->setCallback(process,this); if (!output->init(want,got)) { logE("error while initializing audio!"); delete output; output=NULL; audioEngine=DIV_AUDIO_NULL; return false; } if (output->initMidi(false)) { midiIns=output->midiIn->listDevices(); midiOuts=output->midiOut->listDevices(); } else { logW("error while initializing MIDI!"); } if (output->midiIn) { String inName=getConfString("midiInDevice",""); if (!inName.empty()) { // try opening device logI("opening MIDI input."); if (!output->midiIn->openDevice(inName)) { logW("could not open MIDI input device!"); } } } if (output->midiOut) { String outName=getConfString("midiOutDevice",""); if (!outName.empty()) { // try opening device logI("opening MIDI output."); if (!output->midiOut->openDevice(outName)) { logW("could not open MIDI output device!"); } } } return true; } bool DivEngine::deinitAudioBackend() { if (output!=NULL) { if (output->midiIn) { if (output->midiIn->isDeviceOpen()) { logI("closing MIDI input."); output->midiIn->closeDevice(); } } if (output->midiOut) { if (output->midiOut->isDeviceOpen()) { logI("closing MIDI output."); output->midiOut->closeDevice(); } } output->quitMidi(); output->quit(); delete output; output=NULL; audioEngine=DIV_AUDIO_NULL; } return true; } #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winStuff.h" #endif bool DivEngine::init() { // register systems if (!systemsRegistered) registerSystems(); // init config #ifdef _WIN32 configPath=getWinConfigPath(); #else struct stat st; char* home=getenv("HOME"); if (home==NULL) { int uid=getuid(); struct passwd* entry=getpwuid(uid); if (entry==NULL) { logW("unable to determine config directory! (%s)",strerror(errno)); configPath="."; } else { configPath=entry->pw_dir; #ifdef __APPLE__ CHECK_CONFIG_DIR_MAC(); #else CHECK_CONFIG_DIR(); #endif } } else { configPath=home; #ifdef __APPLE__ CHECK_CONFIG_DIR_MAC(); #else CHECK_CONFIG_DIR(); #endif } #endif logD("config path: %s",configPath.c_str()); loadConf(); // set default system preset if (!hasLoadedSomething) { logI("setting"); std::vector preset=decodeSysDesc(getConfString("initialSys","")); logI("preset size %ld",preset.size()); if (preset.size()>0 && (preset.size()&3)==0) { preset.push_back(0); initSongWithDesc(preset.data()); } hasLoadedSomething=true; } // init the rest of engine bool haveAudio=false; if (!initAudioBackend()) { logE("no audio output available!"); } else { haveAudio=true; } samp_bb=blip_new(32768); if (samp_bb==NULL) { logE("not enough memory!"); return false; } samp_bbOut=new short[32768]; samp_bbIn=new short[32768]; samp_bbInLen=32768; blip_set_rates(samp_bb,44100,got.rate); for (int i=0; i<64; i++) { vibTable[i]=127*sin(((double)i/64.0)*(2*M_PI)); } for (int i=0; i<4096; i++) { reversePitchTable[i]=round(1024.0*pow(2.0,(2048.0-(double)i)/(12.0*128.0))); pitchTable[i]=round(1024.0*pow(2.0,((double)i-2048.0)/(12.0*128.0))); } for (int i=0; isetRun(true)) { logE("error while activating!"); return false; } } return true; } bool DivEngine::quit() { deinitAudioBackend(); quitDispatch(); logI("saving config."); saveConf(); active=false; delete[] oscBuf[0]; delete[] oscBuf[1]; return true; }