/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GUI #include "SDL_events.h" #endif #include "ta-log.h" #include "fileutils.h" #include "engine/engine.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #else #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GUI #include "gui/gui.h" #endif DivEngine e; #ifdef HAVE_GUI FurnaceGUI g; #endif String outName; String vgmOutName; int loops=1; int benchMode=0; DivAudioExportModes outMode=DIV_EXPORT_MODE_ONE; #ifdef HAVE_GUI bool consoleMode=false; #else bool consoleMode=true; #endif bool displayEngineFailError=false; std::vector params; TAParamResult pHelp(String) { printf("usage: furnace [params] [filename]\n" "you may specify the following parameters:\n"); for (auto& i: params) { if (i.value) { printf(" -%s %s: %s\n",i.name.c_str(),i.valName.c_str(),i.desc.c_str()); } else { printf(" -%s: %s\n",i.name.c_str(),i.desc.c_str()); } } return TA_PARAM_QUIT; } TAParamResult pAudio(String val) { if (outName!="") { logE("can't use -audio and -output at the same time."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } if (val=="jack") { e.setAudio(DIV_AUDIO_JACK); } else if (val=="sdl") { e.setAudio(DIV_AUDIO_SDL); } else { logE("invalid value for audio engine! valid values are: jack, sdl."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pView(String val) { if (val=="pattern") { e.setView(DIV_STATUS_PATTERN); } else if (val=="commands") { e.setView(DIV_STATUS_COMMANDS); } else if (val=="nothing") { e.setView(DIV_STATUS_NOTHING); } else { logE("invalid value for view type! valid values are: pattern, commands, nothing."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pConsole(String val) { consoleMode=true; return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pLogLevel(String val) { if (val=="trace") { logLevel=LOGLEVEL_TRACE; } else if (val=="debug") { logLevel=LOGLEVEL_DEBUG; } else if (val=="info") { logLevel=LOGLEVEL_INFO; } else if (val=="warning") { logLevel=LOGLEVEL_WARN; } else if (val=="error") { logLevel=LOGLEVEL_ERROR; } else { logE("invalid value for loglevel! valid values are: trace, debug, info, warning, error."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pVersion(String) { printf("Furnace version " DIV_VERSION ".\n\n"); printf("copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors.\n"); printf("licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later\n"); printf(".\n\n"); printf("this is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"); printf("pass the -warranty parameter for more information.\n\n"); printf("DISCLAIMER: this program is not affiliated with Delek in any form.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("furnace is powered by:\n"); printf("- libsndfile by Erik de Castro Lopo and rest of libsndfile team (LGPLv2.1)\n"); printf("- SDL2 by Sam Lantinga (zlib license)\n"); printf("- zlib by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib license)\n"); printf("- RtMidi by Gary P. Scavone (RtMidi license)\n"); printf("- backward-cpp by Google (MIT)\n"); printf("- Dear ImGui by Omar Cornut (MIT)\n"); printf("- Portable File Dialogs by Sam Hocevar (WTFPL)\n"); printf("- Native File Dialog (modified version) by Frogtoss Games (zlib license)\n"); printf("- FFTW by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- Nuked-OPM by Nuke.YKT (LGPLv2.1)\n"); printf("- Nuked-OPN2 by Nuke.YKT (LGPLv2.1)\n"); printf("- Nuked-OPL3 by Nuke.YKT (LGPLv2.1)\n"); printf("- Nuked-OPLL by Nuke.YKT (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- Nuked-PSG (modified version) by Nuke.YKT (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- ymfm by Aaron Giles (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- adpcm by superctr (public domain)\n"); printf("- MAME SN76496 emulation core by Nicola Salmoria (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- MAME AY-3-8910 emulation core by Couriersud (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- MAME SAA1099 emulation core by Juergen Buchmueller and Manuel Abadia (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- MAME Namco WSG by Nicola Salmoria and Aaron Giles (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- MAME RF5C68 core by Olivier Galibert and Aaron Giles (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- MAME MSM6258 core by Barry Rodewald (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- MAME YMZ280B core by Aaron Giles (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- QSound core by superctr (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- VICE VIC-20 by Rami Rasanen and viznut (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- VERA core by Frank van den Hoef (BSD 2-clause)\n"); printf("- SAASound by Dave Hooper and Simon Owen (BSD 3-clause)\n"); printf("- SameBoy by Lior Halphon (MIT)\n"); printf("- Mednafen PCE and WonderSwan by Mednafen Team (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- puNES by FHorse (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- NSFPlay by Brad Smith and Brezza (unknown open-source license)\n"); printf("- reSID by Dag Lem (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- Stella by Stella Team (GPLv2)\n"); printf("- vgsound_emu (first version) by cam900 (BSD 3-clause)\n"); return TA_PARAM_QUIT; } TAParamResult pWarranty(String) { printf("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n" "as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n" "of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n" "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n" "GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.\n"); return TA_PARAM_QUIT; } TAParamResult pLoops(String val) { try { int count=std::stoi(val); if (count<0) { loops=0; } else { loops=count+1; } } catch (std::exception& e) { logE("loop count shall be a number."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pOutMode(String val) { if (val=="one") { outMode=DIV_EXPORT_MODE_ONE; } else if (val=="persys") { outMode=DIV_EXPORT_MODE_MANY_SYS; } else if (val=="perchan") { outMode=DIV_EXPORT_MODE_MANY_CHAN; } else { logE("invalid value for outmode! valid values are: one, persys and perchan."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pBenchmark(String val) { if (val=="render") { benchMode=1; } else if (val=="seek") { benchMode=2; } else { logE("invalid value for benchmark! valid values are: render and seek."); return TA_PARAM_ERROR; } e.setAudio(DIV_AUDIO_DUMMY); return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pOutput(String val) { outName=val; e.setAudio(DIV_AUDIO_DUMMY); return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } TAParamResult pVGMOut(String val) { vgmOutName=val; e.setAudio(DIV_AUDIO_DUMMY); return TA_PARAM_SUCCESS; } bool needsValue(String param) { for (size_t i=0; i","output audio to file")); params.push_back(TAParam("O","vgmout",true,pVGMOut,"","output .vgm data")); params.push_back(TAParam("L","loglevel",true,pLogLevel,"debug|info|warning|error","set the log level (info by default)")); params.push_back(TAParam("v","view",true,pView,"pattern|commands|nothing","set visualization (pattern by default)")); params.push_back(TAParam("c","console",false,pConsole,"","enable console mode")); params.push_back(TAParam("l","loops",true,pLoops,"","set number of loops (-1 means loop forever)")); params.push_back(TAParam("o","outmode",true,pOutMode,"one|persys|perchan","set file output mode")); params.push_back(TAParam("B","benchmark",true,pBenchmark,"render|seek","run performance test")); params.push_back(TAParam("V","version",false,pVersion,"","view information about Furnace.")); params.push_back(TAParam("W","warranty",false,pWarranty,"","view warranty disclaimer.")); } #ifdef _WIN32 void reportError(String what) { logE("%s",what); MessageBox(NULL,what.c_str(),"Furnace",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } #else void reportError(String what) { logE("%s",what); } #endif // TODO: CoInitializeEx on Windows? // TODO: add crash log int main(int argc, char** argv) { initLog(); #ifdef _WIN32 HRESULT coResult=CoInitializeEx(NULL,COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (coResult!=S_OK) { logE("CoInitializeEx failed!"); } #endif #if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(ANDROID)) // workaround for Wayland HiDPI issue if (getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER")==NULL) { setenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER","x11",1); } #endif outName=""; vgmOutName=""; initParams(); // parse arguments String arg, val, fileName; size_t eqSplit, argStart; for (int i=1; i>1)) { reportError(fmt::sprintf("couldn't open file! (couldn't get file length: %s)",strerror(errno))); fclose(f); return 1; } if (len<1) { if (len==0) { reportError("that file is empty!"); } else { reportError(fmt::sprintf("couldn't open file! (tell error: %s)",strerror(errno))); } fclose(f); return 1; } unsigned char* file=new unsigned char[len]; if (fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET)<0) { reportError(fmt::sprintf("couldn't open file! (size error: %s)",strerror(errno))); fclose(f); delete[] file; return 1; } if (fread(file,1,(size_t)len,f)!=(size_t)len) { reportError(fmt::sprintf("couldn't open file! (read error: %s)",strerror(errno))); fclose(f); delete[] file; return 1; } fclose(f); if (!e.load(file,(size_t)len)) { reportError(fmt::sprintf("could not open file! (%s)",e.getLastError())); return 1; } } if (!e.init()) { if (consoleMode) { reportError("could not initialize engine!"); return 1; } else { logE("could not initialize engine!"); displayEngineFailError=true; } } if (benchMode) { logI("starting benchmark!"); if (benchMode==2) { e.benchmarkSeek(); } else { e.benchmarkPlayback(); } return 0; } if (outName!="" || vgmOutName!="") { if (vgmOutName!="") { SafeWriter* w=e.saveVGM(); if (w!=NULL) { FILE* f=fopen(vgmOutName.c_str(),"wb"); if (f!=NULL) { fwrite(w->getFinalBuf(),1,w->size(),f); fclose(f); } else { reportError(fmt::sprintf("could not open file! (%s)",e.getLastError())); } w->finish(); delete w; } else { reportError("could not write VGM!"); } } if (outName!="") { e.setConsoleMode(true); e.saveAudio(outName.c_str(),loops,outMode); e.waitAudioFile(); } return 0; } if (consoleMode) { logI("playing..."); e.play(); #ifdef HAVE_GUI SDL_Event ev; while (true) { SDL_WaitEvent(&ev); if (ev.type==SDL_QUIT) break; } e.quit(); return 0; #else while (true) { #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(500); #else usleep(500000); #endif } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_GUI g.bindEngine(&e); if (!g.init()) { reportError("error while starting GUI!"); return 1; } if (displayEngineFailError) { logE("displaying engine fail error."); g.showError("error while initializing audio!"); } if (!fileName.empty()) { g.setFileName(fileName); } g.loop(); logI("closing GUI."); g.finish(); #else logE("GUI requested but GUI not compiled!"); #endif logI("stopping engine."); e.quit(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (coResult==S_OK || coResult==S_FALSE) { CoUninitialize(); } #endif return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winMain.cpp" #endif