// Part of SAASound copyright 2020 Dave Hooper // // defns.h: compile-time configuration parameters // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef DEFNS_H_INCLUDED #define DEFNS_H_INCLUDED #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H // using CMAKE #include "saasound_cmake_config.h" #else // initial default SAA1099 crystal clock rate in HZ (can be changed subsequently by calling SetClockRate) #define EXTERNAL_CLK_HZ 8000000 // define SAAFREQ_FIXED_CLOCKRATE if the above external clock rate is the only supported clock rate // i.e. only support a single compile-time clock rate (=> this also prevents using the SetClockRate method) #undef SAAFREQ_FIXED_CLOCKRATE // #define SAAFREQ_FIXED_CLOCKRATE // initial default sample rate (audio samplerate) #define SAMPLE_RATE_HZ 44100 // initial default oversample (audio quality) recommend 0<=oversample<=6 #define DEFAULT_OVERSAMPLE 6 // Whether to dump out a log of all register and value changes and raw output pcm //#define DEBUGSAA #undef DEBUGSAA // the (default) names of the register output and pcm output log files. // If you're using a config file, you can change these (or, if you enable // debugging via the config file settings, but leave the filenames unspecified, // it will use these defaults) #define DEBUG_SAA_REGISTER_LOG "debugsaa.txt" #define DEBUG_SAA_PCM_LOG "debugsaa.pcm" // Whether to include support for these debug logs via config file (only making // sense if USE_CONFIG_FILE is also defined) // Whether to support a startup configuration file that is parsed at load time // #undef USE_CONFIG_FILE // NO! this is messy as heck! //#define USE_CONFIG_FILE // and if so, what is its location #ifdef USE_CONFIG_FILE #define CONFIG_FILE_PATH "SAASound.cfg" #endif // USE_CONFIG_FILE #define DEFAULT_UNBOOSTED_MULTIPLIER 11.35 #define DEFAULT_BOOST 1 #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H #endif // DEFNS_H_INCLUDED