/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "sms.h" #include "../engine.h" #include "../../ta-log.h" #include #define rWrite(a,v) {if (!skipRegisterWrites) {writes.emplace(a,v); if (dumpWrites) {addWrite(0x200+a,v);}}} const char* regCheatSheetSN[]={ "DATA", "0", NULL }; const char* regCheatSheetGG[]={ "DATA", "0", "Stereo", "1", NULL }; const char** DivPlatformSMS::getRegisterSheet() { return stereo?regCheatSheetGG:regCheatSheetSN; } void DivPlatformSMS::acquire_nuked(short* bufL, short* bufR, size_t start, size_t len) { int oL=0; int oR=0; for (size_t h=start; h32767) oL=32767; if (oR<-32768) oR=-32768; if (oR>32767) oR=32767; bufL[h]=oL; bufR[h]=oR; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (isMuted[i]) { oscBuf[i]->data[oscBuf[i]->needle++]=0; } else { oscBuf[i]->data[oscBuf[i]->needle++]=sn_nuked.vol_table[sn_nuked.volume_out[i]]*3; } } } } void DivPlatformSMS::acquire_mame(short* bufL, short* bufR, size_t start, size_t len) { while (!writes.empty()) { QueuedWrite w=writes.front(); if (stereo && (w.addr==1)) sn->stereo_w(w.val); else if (w.addr==0) { sn->write(w.val); } writes.pop(); } for (size_t h=start; hsound_stream_update(outs,1); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (isMuted[i]) { oscBuf[i]->data[oscBuf[i]->needle++]=0; } else { oscBuf[i]->data[oscBuf[i]->needle++]=sn->get_channel_output(i)*3; } } } } void DivPlatformSMS::acquire(short* bufL, short* bufR, size_t start, size_t len) { if (nuked) { acquire_nuked(bufL,bufR,start,len); } else { acquire_mame(bufL,bufR,start,len); } } double DivPlatformSMS::NOTE_SN(int ch, int note) { double CHIP_DIVIDER=toneDivider; if (ch==3) CHIP_DIVIDER=noiseDivider; if (parent->song.linearPitch==2 || !easyNoise) { return NOTE_PERIODIC(note); } if (note>easyThreshold) { return MAX(0,easyStartingPeriod-(note-easyThreshold)); } return NOTE_PERIODIC(note); } int DivPlatformSMS::snCalcFreq(int ch) { if (parent->song.linearPitch==2 && easyNoise && chan[ch].baseFreq+chan[ch].pitch+chan[ch].pitch2>(easyThreshold<<7)) { int ret=(((easyStartingPeriod<<7)+0x40)-(chan[ch].baseFreq+chan[ch].pitch+chan[ch].pitch2-(easyThreshold<<7)))>>7; if (ret<0) ret=0; return ret; } return parent->calcFreq(chan[ch].baseFreq,chan[ch].pitch,true,0,chan[ch].pitch2,chipClock,ch==3?noiseDivider:toneDivider); } void DivPlatformSMS::tick(bool sysTick) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { chan[i].std.next(); if (chan[i].std.vol.had) { chan[i].outVol=VOL_SCALE_LOG_BROKEN(chan[i].std.vol.val,chan[i].vol,15); if (chan[i].outVol<0) chan[i].outVol=0; // old formula // ((chan[i].vol&15)*MIN(15,chan[i].std.vol.val))>>4; chan[i].writeVol=true; } if (chan[i].std.arp.had) { if (!chan[i].inPorta) { // TODO: check whether this weird octave boundary thing applies to other systems as well // TODO: add compatibility flag. this is horrible. int areYouSerious=parent->calcArp(chan[i].note,chan[i].std.arp.val); while (areYouSerious>0x60) areYouSerious-=12; chan[i].baseFreq=NOTE_SN(i,areYouSerious); chan[i].actualNote=areYouSerious; chan[i].freqChanged=true; } } if (i==3) { if (chan[i].std.duty.had) { if (chan[i].std.duty.val!=snNoiseMode || parent->song.snDutyReset) { snNoiseMode=chan[i].std.duty.val; if (chan[i].std.duty.val<2) { chan[3].freqChanged=false; } updateSNMode=true; } } if (chan[i].std.phaseReset.had) { if (chan[i].std.phaseReset.val==1) { updateSNMode=true; } } } if (stereo) { if (chan[i].std.panL.had) { lastPan&=~(0x11<>1)&1)<<(i+4)); rWrite(1,lastPan); } } if (chan[i].std.pitch.had) { if (chan[i].std.pitch.mode) { chan[i].pitch2+=chan[i].std.pitch.val; CLAMP_VAR(chan[i].pitch2,-32768,32767); } else { chan[i].pitch2=chan[i].std.pitch.val; } chan[i].freqChanged=true; } } for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { if (chan[i].freqChanged) { chan[i].freq=snCalcFreq(i); if (chan[i].freq>1023) chan[i].freq=1023; if (parent->song.snNoLowPeriods) { if (chan[i].freq<8) chan[i].freq=1; } else { if (chan[i].freq<0) chan[i].freq=0; } //if (chan[i].actualNote>0x5d) chan[i].freq=0x01; rWrite(0,0x80|i<<5|(chan[i].freq&15)); rWrite(0,chan[i].freq>>4); // what? /*if (i==2 && snNoiseMode&2) { chan[3].baseFreq=chan[2].baseFreq; chan[3].actualNote=chan[2].actualNote; }*/ chan[i].freqChanged=false; } } if (chan[3].freqChanged || updateSNMode) { chan[3].freq=snCalcFreq(3); //parent->calcFreq(chan[3].baseFreq,chan[3].pitch,true,0,chan[3].pitch2,chipClock,noiseDivider); if (chan[3].freq>1023) chan[3].freq=1023; if (parent->song.snNoLowPeriods) { if (chan[3].actualNote>0x5d) chan[3].freq=0x01; } if (snNoiseMode&2) { // take period from channel 3 if (updateSNMode || resetPhase) { if (snNoiseMode&1) { rWrite(0,0xe7); } else { rWrite(0,0xe3); } if (updateSNMode) { rWrite(0,0xdf); } } if (chan[3].freqChanged) { rWrite(0,0xc0|(chan[3].freq&15)); rWrite(0,chan[3].freq>>4); } } else { // 3 fixed values unsigned char value; if (chan[3].std.arp.had) { value=parent->calcArp(chan[3].note,chan[3].std.arp.val)%12; } else { // pardon? value=chan[3].note%12; } if (value<3) { value=2-value; if (value!=oldValue || updateSNMode || resetPhase) { oldValue=value; rWrite(0,0xe0|value|((snNoiseMode&1)<<2)); } } } chan[3].freqChanged=false; updateSNMode=false; } for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (chan[i].writeVol) { rWrite(0,0x90|(i<<5)|(isMuted[i]?15:(15-(chan[i].outVol&15)))); chan[i].writeVol=false; } } } int DivPlatformSMS::dispatch(DivCommand c) { switch (c.cmd) { case DIV_CMD_NOTE_ON: if (c.value!=DIV_NOTE_NULL) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=NOTE_SN(c.chan,c.value); chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; chan[c.chan].note=c.value; chan[c.chan].actualNote=c.value; } chan[c.chan].active=true; //if (!parent->song.brokenOutVol2) { chan[c.chan].writeVol=true; chan[c.chan].outVol=chan[c.chan].vol; //rWrite(0,0x90|c.chan<<5|(isMuted[c.chan]?15:(15-(chan[c.chan].vol&15)))); //} chan[c.chan].macroInit(parent->getIns(chan[c.chan].ins,DIV_INS_STD)); if (!parent->song.brokenOutVol && !chan[c.chan].std.vol.will) { chan[c.chan].outVol=chan[c.chan].vol; } break; case DIV_CMD_NOTE_OFF: chan[c.chan].active=false; rWrite(0,0x9f|c.chan<<5); chan[c.chan].macroInit(NULL); break; case DIV_CMD_NOTE_OFF_ENV: case DIV_CMD_ENV_RELEASE: chan[c.chan].std.release(); break; case DIV_CMD_INSTRUMENT: chan[c.chan].ins=c.value; //chan[c.chan].macroInit(parent->getIns(chan[c.chan].ins,DIV_INS_STD)); break; case DIV_CMD_VOLUME: if (chan[c.chan].vol!=c.value) { chan[c.chan].vol=c.value; if (!chan[c.chan].std.vol.has) { chan[c.chan].outVol=c.value; } if (chan[c.chan].active) { chan[c.chan].writeVol=true; } } break; case DIV_CMD_GET_VOLUME: if (chan[c.chan].std.vol.has) { return chan[c.chan].vol; } return chan[c.chan].outVol; break; case DIV_CMD_PITCH: chan[c.chan].pitch=c.value; chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; break; case DIV_CMD_NOTE_PORTA: { int destFreq=NOTE_SN(c.chan,c.value2); bool return2=false; if (destFreq>chan[c.chan].baseFreq) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq+=c.value; if (chan[c.chan].baseFreq>=destFreq) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=destFreq; return2=true; } } else { chan[c.chan].baseFreq-=c.value; if (chan[c.chan].baseFreq<=destFreq) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=destFreq; return2=true; } } chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; if (return2) { chan[c.chan].inPorta=false; return 2; } break; } case DIV_CMD_STD_NOISE_MODE: snNoiseMode=(c.value&1)|((c.value&16)>>3); updateSNMode=true; break; case DIV_CMD_PANNING: { if (stereo) { if (c.chan>3) c.chan=3; lastPan&=~(0x11<0) pan|=0x10; if (c.value2>0) pan|=0x01; if (pan==0) pan=0x11; lastPan|=pan<song.resetMacroOnPorta) chan[c.chan].macroInit(parent->getIns(chan[c.chan].ins,DIV_INS_STD)); } if (!chan[c.chan].inPorta && c.value && !parent->song.brokenPortaArp && chan[c.chan].std.arp.will) chan[c.chan].baseFreq=NOTE_SN(c.chan,chan[c.chan].note); chan[c.chan].inPorta=c.value; break; case DIV_CMD_GET_VOLMAX: return 15; break; case DIV_ALWAYS_SET_VOLUME: return 0; break; default: break; } return 1; } void DivPlatformSMS::muteChannel(int ch, bool mute) { isMuted[ch]=mute; if (chan[ch].active) chan[ch].writeVol=true; } void DivPlatformSMS::forceIns() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (chan[i].active) { chan[i].insChanged=true; chan[i].freqChanged=true; } } updateSNMode=true; } void* DivPlatformSMS::getChanState(int ch) { return &chan[ch]; } DivMacroInt* DivPlatformSMS::getChanMacroInt(int ch) { return &chan[ch].std; } DivDispatchOscBuffer* DivPlatformSMS::getOscBuffer(int ch) { return oscBuf[ch]; } void DivPlatformSMS::reset() { while (!writes.empty()) writes.pop(); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { chan[i]=DivPlatformSMS::Channel(); chan[i].std.setEngine(parent); } if (dumpWrites) { addWrite(0xffffffff,0); } sn->device_start(); YMPSG_Init(&sn_nuked,isRealSN,12,isRealSN?13:15,isRealSN?16383:32767); snNoiseMode=3; rWrite(0,0xe7); updateSNMode=false; oldValue=0xff; lastPan=0xff; if (stereo) { rWrite(1,0xff); } } bool DivPlatformSMS::isStereo() { return stereo; } bool DivPlatformSMS::keyOffAffectsArp(int ch) { return true; } bool DivPlatformSMS::keyOffAffectsPorta(int ch) { return true; } int DivPlatformSMS::getPortaFloor(int ch) { return 12; } void DivPlatformSMS::notifyInsDeletion(void* ins) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { chan[i].std.notifyInsDeletion((DivInstrument*)ins); } } void DivPlatformSMS::poke(unsigned int addr, unsigned short val) { rWrite(addr,val); } void DivPlatformSMS::poke(std::vector& wlist) { for (DivRegWrite& i: wlist) rWrite(i.addr,i.val); } void DivPlatformSMS::setFlags(const DivConfig& flags) { switch (flags.getInt("clockSel",0)) { case 1: chipClock=COLOR_PAL*4.0/5.0; easyThreshold=84; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; case 2: chipClock=4000000; easyThreshold=86; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; case 3: chipClock=COLOR_NTSC/2.0; easyThreshold=72; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; case 4: chipClock=3000000; easyThreshold=81; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; case 5: chipClock=2000000; easyThreshold=74; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; case 6: chipClock=COLOR_NTSC/8.0; easyThreshold=48; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; default: chipClock=COLOR_NTSC; easyThreshold=84; easyStartingPeriod=13; break; } resetPhase=!flags.getBool("noPhaseReset",false); easyNoise=!flags.getBool("noEasyNoise",false); divider=16; toneDivider=64.0; noiseDivider=64.0; if (sn!=NULL) delete sn; switch (flags.getInt("chipType",0)) { case 1: // TI SN76489 sn=new sn76489_device(); isRealSN=true; stereo=false; noiseDivider=60.0; // 64 for match to tone frequency on non-Sega PSG but compatibility break; case 2: // TI+Atari sn=new sn76496_base_device(0x4000, 0x0f35, 0x01, 0x02, true, false, 1/*8*/, false, true); isRealSN=true; stereo=false; noiseDivider=60.0; break; case 3: // Game Gear (not fully emulated yet!) sn=new gamegear_device(); isRealSN=false; stereo=true; break; case 4: // TI SN76489A sn=new sn76489a_device(); isRealSN=false; // TODO stereo=false; noiseDivider=60.0; break; case 5: // TI SN76496 sn=new sn76496_device(); isRealSN=false; // TODO stereo=false; noiseDivider=60.0; break; case 6: // NCR 8496 sn=new ncr8496_device(); isRealSN=false; stereo=false; noiseDivider=60.0; break; case 7: // Tandy PSSJ 3-voice sound sn=new pssj3_device(); isRealSN=false; stereo=false; noiseDivider=60.0; break; case 8: // TI SN94624 sn=new sn94624_device(); isRealSN=true; stereo=false; divider=2; toneDivider=8.0; noiseDivider=7.5; break; case 9: // TI SN76494 sn=new sn76494_device(); isRealSN=false; // TODO stereo=false; divider=2; toneDivider=8.0; noiseDivider=7.5; break; default: // Sega sn=new segapsg_device(); isRealSN=false; stereo=false; break; } rate=chipClock/divider; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { oscBuf[i]->rate=rate; } } void DivPlatformSMS::setNuked(bool value) { nuked=value; } int DivPlatformSMS::init(DivEngine* p, int channels, int sugRate, const DivConfig& flags) { parent=p; dumpWrites=false; skipRegisterWrites=false; resetPhase=false; oldValue=0xff; lastPan=0xff; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { isMuted[i]=false; oscBuf[i]=new DivDispatchOscBuffer; } sn=NULL; setFlags(flags); reset(); return 4; } void DivPlatformSMS::quit() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { delete oscBuf[i]; } if (sn!=NULL) delete sn; } DivPlatformSMS::~DivPlatformSMS() { }