/* * Copyright (c) 2001 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "libbench2/bench.h" #include #include #include void (*report)(const bench_problem *p, double *t, int st); #undef min #undef max /* you never know */ struct stats { double min; double max; double avg; double median; }; static void mkstat(double *t, int st, struct stats *a) { int i, j; a->min = t[0]; a->max = t[0]; a->avg = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < st; ++i) { if (t[i] < a->min) a->min = t[i]; if (t[i] > a->max) a->max = t[i]; a->avg += t[i]; } a->avg /= (double)st; /* compute median --- silly bubblesort algorithm */ for (i = st - 1; i > 1; --i) { for (j = 0; j < i - 1; ++j) { double t0, t1; if ((t0 = t[j]) > (t1 = t[j + 1])) { t[j] = t1; t[j + 1] = t0; } } } a->median = t[st / 2]; } void report_mflops(const bench_problem *p, double *t, int st) { struct stats s; mkstat(t, st, &s); ovtpvt("(%g %g %g %g)\n", mflops(p, s.max), mflops(p, s.avg), mflops(p, s.min), mflops(p, s.median)); } void report_time(const bench_problem *p, double *t, int st) { struct stats s; UNUSED(p); mkstat(t, st, &s); ovtpvt("(%g %g %g %g)\n", s.min, s.avg, s.max, s.median); } void report_benchmark(const bench_problem *p, double *t, int st) { struct stats s; mkstat(t, st, &s); ovtpvt("%.8g %.8g %g\n", mflops(p, s.min), s.min, p->setup_time); } static void sprintf_time(double x, char *buf, int buflen) { #ifdef HAVE_SNPRINTF # define MY_SPRINTF(a, b) snprintf(buf, buflen, a, b) #else # define MY_SPRINTF(a, b) sprintf(buf, a, b) #endif if (x < 1.0E-6) MY_SPRINTF("%.2f ns", x * 1.0E9); else if (x < 1.0E-3) MY_SPRINTF("%.2f us", x * 1.0E6); else if (x < 1.0) MY_SPRINTF("%.2f ms", x * 1.0E3); else MY_SPRINTF("%.2f s", x); #undef MY_SPRINTF } void report_verbose(const bench_problem *p, double *t, int st) { struct stats s; char bmin[64], bmax[64], bavg[64], bmedian[64], btmin[64]; char bsetup[64]; int copyp = tensor_sz(p->sz) == 1; mkstat(t, st, &s); sprintf_time(s.min, bmin, 64); sprintf_time(s.max, bmax, 64); sprintf_time(s.avg, bavg, 64); sprintf_time(s.median, bmedian, 64); sprintf_time(time_min, btmin, 64); sprintf_time(p->setup_time, bsetup, 64); ovtpvt("Problem: %s, setup: %s, time: %s, %s: %.8g\n", p->pstring, bsetup, bmin, copyp ? "fp-move/us" : "``mflops''", mflops(p, s.min)); if (verbose) { ovtpvt("Took %d measurements for at least %s each.\n", st, btmin); ovtpvt("Time: min %s, max %s, avg %s, median %s\n", bmin, bmax, bavg, bmedian); } }