# effect list most of the effect numbers are from ProTracker / FastTracker 2. however, effects are continuous, which means you only need to type it once and then stop it with an effect value of `00` or no effect value at all. ## volume - `0Axy`: **Volume slide.** - If `x` is 0 then this slides volume down by `y` each tick. - If `y` is 0 then this slides volume up by `x` each tick. - `FAxy`: **Fast volume slide.** same as `0Axy` above but 4× faster. - `F3xx`: **Fine volume slide up.** same as `0Ax0` but 64× slower. - `F4xx`: **Fine volume slide down.** same as `0A0x` but 64× slower. - `F8xx`: **Single tick volume slide up.** adds `x` to volume on first tick only. - `F9xx`: **Single tick volume slide down.** subtracts `x` from volume on first tick only. - `07xy`: **Tremolo.** changes volume to be "wavy" with a sine LFO. `x` is the speed. `y` is the depth. - Tremolo is downward only. - Maximum tremolo depth is -60 volume steps. ## pitch - `E5xx`: **Set pitch.** `00` is -1 semitone, `80` is base pitch, `FF` is nearly +1 semitone. - `01xx`: **Pitch slide up.** - `02xx`: **Pitch slide down.** - `F1xx`: **Single tick pitch slide up.** - `F2xx`: **Single tick pitch slide down.** - `03xx`: **Portamento.** slides the current note's pitch to the specified note. `x` is the slide speed. - A note _must_ be present for this effect to work. - `E1xy`: **Note slide up.** `x` is the speed, while `y` is how many semitones to slide up. - `E2xy`: **Note slide down.** `x` is the speed, while `y` is how many semitones to slide down. - `EAxx`: **Toggle legato.** while on, notes instantly change the pitch of the currrently playing sound instead of starting it over. - `00xy`: **Arpeggio.** after using this effect the channel will rapidly switch between semitone values of `note`, `note + x` and `note + y`. - `E0xx`: **Set arpeggio speed.** this sets the number of ticks between arpeggio values. default is 1. - `04xy`: **Vibrato.** changes pitch to be "wavy" with a sine LFO. `x` is the speed, while `y` is the depth. - Maximum vibrato depth is ±1 semitone. - `E3xx`: **Set vibrato direction.** `xx` may be one of the following: - `00`: Up and down. default. - `01`: Up only. - `02`: Down only. - `E4xx`: **Set vibrato range** in 1/16th of a semitone. ## panning not all chips support these effects. - `08xy`: **Set panning.** changes stereo volumes independently. `x` is the left channel and `y` is the right one. - `88xy`: **Set rear panning.** changes rear channel volumes independently. `x` is the rear left channel and `y` is the rear right one. - `81xx`: **Set volume of left channel** (from `00` to `FF`). - `82xx`: **Set volume of right channel** (from `00` to `FF`). - `89xx`: **Set volume of rear left channel** (from `00` to `FF`). - `8Axx`: **Set volume of rear right channel** (from `00` to `FF`). - `80xx`: **Set panning (linear).** this effect behaves more like other trackers: - `00` is left. - `80` is center. - `FF` is right. ## time - `09xx`: **Set speed/groove.** if no grooves are defined, this sets speed. If alternating speeds are active, this sets the first speed. - `0Fxx`: **Set speed 2.** during alternating speeds or a groove, this sets the second speed. - `Cxxx`: **Set tick rate.** changes tick rate to `xxx` Hz (ticks per second). - `xxx` may be from `000` to `3FF`. - `F0xx`: **Set BPM.** changes tick rate according to beats per minute. range is `01` to `FF`. - `0Bxx`: **Jump to order.** `x` is the order to play after the current row. - this marks the end of a loop with order `x` as the loop start. - `0Dxx`: **Jump to next pattern.** skips the current row and remainder of current order. - this can be used to shorten the current order. - `FFxx`: **Stop song.** stops playback and ends the song. `x` is ignored. ## note - `0Cxx`: **Retrigger.** repeats current note every `xx` ticks. - This effect is not continuous; it must be entered on every row. - `ECxx`: **Note cut.** ends current note after `xx` ticks. For FM instruments, it's equivalent to a "key off". - `EDxx`: **Note delay.** delays note by `x` ticks. ## other - `9xxx`: **Set sample position.** jumps current sample to position `xxx * 0x100`. - Not all chips support this effect. - `EBxx`: **Set sample bank.** - Does not apply on Amiga. - `EExx`: **Send external command.** - This effect is currently incomplete. - `F5xx`: **Disable macro.** see macro table at the end of this document for possible values. - `F6xx`: **Enable macro.** additionally, [each chip has its own effects](../7-systems/README.md). ## macro table ID | macro -----|----------------------------- `00` | volume `01` | arpeggio `02` | duty/noise `03` | waveform `04` | pitch `05` | extra 1 `06` | extra 2 `07` | extra 3 `08` | extra A (ALG) `09` | extra B (FM) `0A` | extra C (FMS) `0B` | extra D (AMS) `0C` | panning left `0D` | panning right `0E` | phase reset `0F` | extra 4 `10` | extra 5 `11` | extra 6 `12` | extra 7 `13` | extra 8 | | **operator 1 macros** `20` | AM `21` | AR `22` | DR `23` | MULT `24` | RR `25` | SL `26` | TL `27` | DT2 `28` | RS `29` | DT `2A` | D2R `2B` | SSG-EG `2C` | DAM `2D` | DVB `2E` | EGT `2F` | KSL `30` | SUS `31` | VIB `32` | WS `33` | KSR `40` | **operator 2 macros** `60` | **operator 3 macros** `80` | **operator 4 macros** the interpretation of duty, wave and extra macros depends on chip/instrument type: ex | FM | OPM | OPZ | OPLL | AY-3-8910 | AY8930 | Lynx | C64 | SAA1099 | X1-010 | Namco 163 | FDS | Sound Unit | ES5506 | MSM6258 | QSound | SNES | MSM5232 | ---|--------|-----------|-----------|-------|------------|------------|----------|------------|----------|------------|------------|-----------|------------|-----------|----------|--------------|-----------|-----------| D | NoiseF | NoiseFreq | | | NoiseFreq | NoiseFreq | Duty/Int | Duty | | | Wave Pos | | Duty | Filt Mode | FreqDiv | Echo Level | NoiseFreq | GroupCtrl | W | | LFO Shape | LFO Shape | Patch | Waveform | Waveform | | Waveform | Waveform | Waveform | Waveform | Waveform | Waveform | | | | Waveform | | 1 | | AMD | AMD | | | Duty | | FilterMode | Envelope | EnvMode | WaveLen | Mod Depth | Cutoff | Filter K1 | ClockDiv | EchoFeedback | Special | GroupAtk | 2 | | PMD | PMD | | Envelope | Envelope | | Resonance | | Envelope | WaveUpdate | Mod Speed | Resonance | Filter K2 | | Echo Length | Gain | GroupDec | 3 | LFOSpd | LFO Speed | LFO Speed | | AutoEnvNum | AutoEnvNum | | Special | | AutoEnvNum | WaveLoad W | | Control | Env Count | | | | Noise | A | ALG | ALG | ALG | | AutoEnvDen | AutoEnvDen | | | | AutoEnvDen | WaveLoad P | | | Control | | | | | B | FB | FB | FB | | | Noise AND | | | | | WaveLoad L | | | | | | | | C | FMS | FMS | FMS | | | Noise OR | | | | | WaveLoad T | | | | | | | | D | AMS | AMS | AMS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | OpMask | OpMask | | | | | | Test/Gate | | | | | PResetTime | EnvRampL | | | | | 5 | | | AMD2 | | | | | | | | | | | EnvRampR | | | | | 6 | | | PMD2 | | | | | | | | | | | EnvRampK1 | | | | | 7 | | | LFO2Speed | | | | | | | | | | | EnvRampK2 | | | | | 8 | | | LFO2Shape | | | | | | | | | | | Env Mode | | | | |