/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "engine.h" #include "../ta-log.h" #include "song.h" #include #include #define DIV_READ_SIZE 131072 #define DIV_DMF_MAGIC ".DelekDefleMask." #define DIV_FUR_MAGIC "-Furnace module-" struct InflateBlock { unsigned char* buf; size_t len; size_t blockSize; InflateBlock(size_t s) { buf=new unsigned char[s]; len=s; blockSize=0; } ~InflateBlock() { delete[] buf; len=0; } }; static double samplePitches[11]={ 0.1666666666, 0.2, 0.25, 0.333333333, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; bool DivEngine::loadDMF(unsigned char* file, size_t len) { SafeReader reader=SafeReader(file,len); warnings=""; try { DivSong ds; ds.nullWave.len=32; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { ds.nullWave.data[i]=15; } ds.isDMF=true; if (!reader.seek(16,SEEK_SET)) { logE("premature end of file!\n"); lastError="incomplete file"; delete[] file; return false; } ds.version=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); logI("module version %d (0x%.2x)\n",ds.version,ds.version); if (ds.version>0x19) { logE("this version is not supported by Furnace yet!\n"); lastError="this version is not supported by Furnace yet"; delete[] file; return false; } unsigned char sys=0; ds.systemLen=1; if (ds.version<0x09) { // V E R S I O N -> 3 <- // AWESOME ds.system[0]=DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759; } else { sys=reader.readC(); ds.system[0]=systemFromFileDMF(sys); } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NULL) { logE("invalid system 0x%.2x!",sys); lastError="system not supported. running old version?"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759 && ds.version<0x10) { ds.vendor=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.carrier=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.category=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.name=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.author=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.writer=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.composer=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.arranger=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.copyright=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.manGroup=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.manInfo=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.createdDate=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.revisionDate=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); logI("%s by %s\n",ds.name.c_str(),ds.author.c_str()); logI("has YMU-specific data:\n"); logI("- carrier: %s\n",ds.carrier.c_str()); logI("- category: %s\n",ds.category.c_str()); logI("- vendor: %s\n",ds.vendor.c_str()); logI("- writer: %s\n",ds.writer.c_str()); logI("- composer: %s\n",ds.composer.c_str()); logI("- arranger: %s\n",ds.arranger.c_str()); logI("- copyright: %s\n",ds.copyright.c_str()); logI("- management group: %s\n",ds.manGroup.c_str()); logI("- management info: %s\n",ds.manInfo.c_str()); logI("- created on: %s\n",ds.createdDate.c_str()); logI("- revision date: %s\n",ds.revisionDate.c_str()); } else { ds.name=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); ds.author=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); logI("%s by %s\n",ds.name.c_str(),ds.author.c_str()); } // compatibility flags ds.limitSlides=true; ds.linearPitch=true; ds.loopModality=0; ds.properNoiseLayout=false; ds.waveDutyIsVol=false; ds.resetMacroOnPorta=true; ds.legacyVolumeSlides=true; ds.compatibleArpeggio=true; ds.noteOffResetsSlides=true; ds.targetResetsSlides=true; ds.arpNonPorta=false; ds.algMacroBehavior=false; ds.brokenShortcutSlides=false; ds.ignoreDuplicateSlides=true; ds.brokenDACMode=true; ds.oneTickCut=false; ds.newInsTriggersInPorta=true; ds.arp0Reset=true; ds.brokenSpeedSel=true; ds.noSlidesOnFirstTick=false; ds.rowResetsArpPos=false; ds.ignoreJumpAtEnd=true; ds.buggyPortaAfterSlide=true; ds.gbInsAffectsEnvelope=true; // 1.1 compat flags if (ds.version>24) { ds.waveDutyIsVol=true; ds.legacyVolumeSlides=false; } // Neo Geo detune if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610 || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_EXT || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_FULL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_FULL_EXT || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610B || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610B_EXT) { ds.tuning=443.23; } logI("reading module data...\n"); if (ds.version>0x0c) { ds.hilightA=reader.readC(); ds.hilightB=reader.readC(); } ds.timeBase=reader.readC(); ds.speed1=reader.readC(); if (ds.version>0x03) { ds.speed2=reader.readC(); ds.pal=reader.readC(); ds.hz=(ds.pal)?60:50; ds.customTempo=reader.readC(); } else { ds.speed2=ds.speed1; } if (ds.version>0x0a) { String hz=reader.readString(3); if (ds.customTempo) { try { ds.hz=std::stoi(hz); } catch (std::exception& e) { logW("invalid custom Hz!\n"); ds.hz=60; } } } if (ds.version>0x17) { ds.patLen=reader.readI(); } else { ds.patLen=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); } ds.ordersLen=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); if (ds.patLen<0) { logE("pattern length is negative!\n"); lastError="pattern lengrh is negative!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.patLen>256) { logE("pattern length is too large!\n"); lastError="pattern length is too large!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.ordersLen<0) { logE("song length is negative!\n"); lastError="song length is negative!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.ordersLen>127) { logE("song is too long!\n"); lastError="song is too long!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.version<20 && ds.version>3) { ds.arpLen=reader.readC(); } else { ds.arpLen=1; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759) { switch (ds.timeBase) { case 0: ds.hz=248; break; case 1: ds.hz=200; break; case 2: ds.hz=100; break; case 3: ds.hz=50; break; case 4: ds.hz=25; break; case 5: ds.hz=20; break; default: ds.hz=248; break; } ds.customTempo=true; ds.timeBase=0; addWarning("Yamaha YMU759 emulation is incomplete! please migrate your song to the OPL3 system."); } logI("reading pattern matrix (%d)...\n",ds.ordersLen); for (int i=0; i0x7f) { logE("order at %d, %d out of range! (%d)\n",i,j,ds.orders.ord[i][j]); lastError=fmt::sprintf("order at %d, %d out of range! (%d)",i,j,ds.orders.ord[i][j]); delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.version>0x18) { // 1.1 pattern names ds.pat[i].getPattern(j,true)->name=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); } } } if (ds.version>0x03) { ds.insLen=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); } else { ds.insLen=16; } logI("reading instruments (%d)...\n",ds.insLen); for (int i=0; i0x03) { ins->name=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); } logD("%d name: %s\n",i,ins->name.c_str()); if (ds.version<0x0b) { // instruments in ancient versions were all FM or STD. ins->mode=1; } else { unsigned char mode=reader.readC(); if (mode>1) logW("%d: invalid instrument mode %d!\n",i,mode); ins->mode=mode; } ins->type=ins->mode?DIV_INS_FM:DIV_INS_STD; if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GB) { ins->type=DIV_INS_GB; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_8580 || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_6581) { ins->type=DIV_INS_C64; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610 || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_EXT || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_FULL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610_FULL_EXT || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610B || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2610B_EXT) { if (!ins->mode) { ins->type=DIV_INS_AY; } ins->std.dutyMacroHeight=31; ins->std.waveMacroHeight=7; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_PCE) { ins->type=DIV_INS_PCE; ins->std.volMacroHeight=31; } if ((ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) && ins->type==DIV_INS_FM) { ins->type=DIV_INS_OPLL; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759) { ins->type=DIV_INS_OPL; } if (ins->mode) { // FM ins->fm.alg=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x13) { reader.readC(); } ins->fm.fb=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x13) { reader.readC(); } ins->fm.fms=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x13) { reader.readC(); ins->fm.ops=2+reader.readC()*2; if (ds.system[0]!=DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759) ins->fm.ops=4; } else { ins->fm.ops=4; } if (ins->fm.ops!=2 && ins->fm.ops!=4) { logE("invalid op count %d. did we read it wrong?\n",ins->fm.ops); lastError="file is corrupt or unreadable at operators"; delete[] file; return false; } ins->fm.ams=reader.readC(); for (int j=0; jfm.ops; j++) { ins->fm.op[j].am=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].ar=reader.readC(); if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) { ins->fm.op[j].ar&=15; } if (ds.version<0x13) { ins->fm.op[j].dam=reader.readC(); } ins->fm.op[j].dr=reader.readC(); if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) { ins->fm.op[j].dr&=15; } if (ds.version<0x13) { ins->fm.op[j].dvb=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].egt=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].ksl=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x11) { // don't know when did this change ins->fm.op[j].ksr=reader.readC(); } } ins->fm.op[j].mult=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].rr=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].sl=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x13) { ins->fm.op[j].sus=reader.readC(); } ins->fm.op[j].tl=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x13) { ins->fm.op[j].vib=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].ws=reader.readC(); } else { if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) { if (j==0) { ins->fm.opllPreset=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } } else { ins->fm.op[j].dt2=reader.readC(); } } if (ds.version>0x03) { if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) { ins->fm.op[j].ksr=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].vib=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].ksl=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].ssgEnv=reader.readC(); } else { ins->fm.op[j].rs=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].dt=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].d2r=reader.readC(); ins->fm.op[j].ssgEnv=reader.readC(); } } logD("OP%d: AM %d AR %d DAM %d DR %d DVB %d EGT %d KSL %d MULT %d RR %d SL %d SUS %d TL %d VIB %d WS %d RS %d DT %d D2R %d SSG-EG %d\n",j, ins->fm.op[j].am, ins->fm.op[j].ar, ins->fm.op[j].dam, ins->fm.op[j].dr, ins->fm.op[j].dvb, ins->fm.op[j].egt, ins->fm.op[j].ksl, ins->fm.op[j].mult, ins->fm.op[j].rr, ins->fm.op[j].sl, ins->fm.op[j].sus, ins->fm.op[j].tl, ins->fm.op[j].vib, ins->fm.op[j].ws, ins->fm.op[j].rs, ins->fm.op[j].dt, ins->fm.op[j].d2r, ins->fm.op[j].ssgEnv ); } } else { // STD if (ds.system[0]!=DIV_SYSTEM_GB || ds.version<0x12) { ins->std.volMacroLen=reader.readC(); for (int j=0; jstd.volMacroLen; j++) { if (ds.version<0x0e) { ins->std.volMacro[j]=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.volMacro[j]=reader.readI(); } } if (ins->std.volMacroLen>0) { ins->std.volMacroOpen=true; ins->std.volMacroLoop=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.volMacroOpen=false; } } ins->std.arpMacroLen=reader.readC(); for (int j=0; jstd.arpMacroLen; j++) { if (ds.version<0x0e) { ins->std.arpMacro[j]=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.arpMacro[j]=reader.readI(); } } if (ins->std.arpMacroLen>0) { ins->std.arpMacroLoop=reader.readC(); ins->std.arpMacroOpen=true; } else { ins->std.arpMacroOpen=false; } if (ds.version>0x0f) { ins->std.arpMacroMode=reader.readC(); } if (!ins->std.arpMacroMode) { for (int j=0; jstd.arpMacroLen; j++) { ins->std.arpMacro[j]-=12; } } ins->std.dutyMacroLen=reader.readC(); for (int j=0; jstd.dutyMacroLen; j++) { if (ds.version<0x0e) { ins->std.dutyMacro[j]=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.dutyMacro[j]=reader.readI(); } if ((ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_8580 || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_6581) && ins->std.dutyMacro[j]>24) { ins->std.dutyMacro[j]=24; } } if (ins->std.dutyMacroLen>0) { ins->std.dutyMacroOpen=true; ins->std.dutyMacroLoop=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.dutyMacroOpen=false; } ins->std.waveMacroLen=reader.readC(); for (int j=0; jstd.waveMacroLen; j++) { if (ds.version<0x0e) { ins->std.waveMacro[j]=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.waveMacro[j]=reader.readI(); } } if (ins->std.waveMacroLen>0) { ins->std.waveMacroOpen=true; ins->std.waveMacroLoop=reader.readC(); } else { ins->std.waveMacroOpen=false; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_6581 || ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_8580) { ins->c64.triOn=reader.readC(); ins->c64.sawOn=reader.readC(); ins->c64.pulseOn=reader.readC(); ins->c64.noiseOn=reader.readC(); ins->c64.a=reader.readC(); ins->c64.d=reader.readC(); ins->c64.s=reader.readC(); ins->c64.r=reader.readC(); ins->c64.duty=(reader.readC()*4095)/100; ins->c64.ringMod=reader.readC(); ins->c64.oscSync=reader.readC(); ins->c64.toFilter=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<0x11) { ins->c64.volIsCutoff=reader.readI(); } else { ins->c64.volIsCutoff=reader.readC(); } ins->c64.initFilter=reader.readC(); ins->c64.res=reader.readC(); ins->c64.cut=(reader.readC()*2047)/100; ins->c64.hp=reader.readC(); ins->c64.bp=reader.readC(); ins->c64.lp=reader.readC(); ins->c64.ch3off=reader.readC(); } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GB && ds.version>0x11) { ins->gb.envVol=reader.readC(); ins->gb.envDir=reader.readC(); ins->gb.envLen=reader.readC(); ins->gb.soundLen=reader.readC(); ins->std.volMacroOpen=false; logD("GB data: vol %d dir %d len %d sl %d\n",ins->gb.envVol,ins->gb.envDir,ins->gb.envLen,ins->gb.soundLen); } else if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GB) { // try to convert macro to envelope if (ins->std.volMacroLen>0) { ins->gb.envVol=ins->std.volMacro[0]; if (ins->std.volMacro[0]std.volMacro[1]) { ins->gb.envDir=true; } if (ins->std.volMacro[ins->std.volMacroLen-1]==0) { ins->gb.soundLen=ins->std.volMacroLen*2; } } addWarning("Game Boy volume macros converted to envelopes. may not be perfect!"); } } ds.ins.push_back(ins); } if (ds.version>0x0b) { ds.waveLen=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); logI("reading wavetables (%d)...\n",ds.waveLen); for (int i=0; ilen=(unsigned char)reader.readI(); if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GB) { wave->max=15; } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_FDS) { wave->max=63; } if (wave->len>65) { logE("invalid wave length %d. are we doing something wrong?\n",wave->len); lastError="file is corrupt or unreadable at wavetables"; delete[] file; return false; } logD("%d length %d\n",i,wave->len); for (int j=0; jlen; j++) { if (ds.version<0x0e) { wave->data[j]=reader.readC(); } else { wave->data[j]=reader.readI(); } } ds.wave.push_back(wave); } } logI("reading patterns (%d channels, %d orders)...\n",getChannelCount(ds.system[0]),ds.ordersLen); for (int i=0; i4 || chan.effectRows<1) { logE("invalid effect row count %d. are you sure everything is ok?\n",chan.effectRows); lastError="file is corrupt or unreadable at effect rows"; delete[] file; return false; } for (int j=0; jdata[k][0]=reader.readS(); // octave pat->data[k][1]=reader.readS(); if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS && ds.version<0x0e && pat->data[k][1]>0) { // apparently it was up one octave before pat->data[k][1]--; } else if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS && ds.version<0x0e && pat->data[k][1]>0 && i>5) { // ditto pat->data[k][1]--; } if (ds.version<0x12) { if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GB && i==3 && pat->data[k][1]>0) { // back then noise was 2 octaves lower pat->data[k][1]-=2; } } if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759 && pat->data[k][0]!=0) { // apparently YMU759 is stored 2 octaves lower pat->data[k][1]+=2; } if (pat->data[k][0]==0 && pat->data[k][1]!=0) { logD("what? %d:%d:%d note %d octave %d\n",i,j,k,pat->data[k][0],pat->data[k][1]); pat->data[k][0]=12; pat->data[k][1]--; } // volume pat->data[k][3]=reader.readS(); if (ds.version<0x0a) { // back then volume was stored as 00-ff instead of 00-7f/0-f if (i>5) { pat->data[k][3]>>=4; } else { pat->data[k][3]>>=1; } } if (ds.version<0x12) { if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_GB && i==2 && pat->data[k][3]>0) { // volume range of GB wave channel was 0-3 rather than 0-F pat->data[k][3]=(pat->data[k][3]&3)*5; } } for (int l=0; ldata[k][4+(l<<1)]=reader.readS(); pat->data[k][5+(l<<1)]=reader.readS(); if (ds.version<0x14) { if (pat->data[k][4+(l<<1)]==0xe5 && pat->data[k][5+(l<<1)]!=-1) { pat->data[k][5+(l<<1)]=128+((pat->data[k][5+(l<<1)]-128)/4); } } } // instrument pat->data[k][2]=reader.readS(); // this is sad if (ds.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_FDS) { if (i==5 && pat->data[k][2]!=-1) { if (pat->data[k][2]>=0 && pat->data[k][2]data[k][2]]->type=DIV_INS_FDS; } } } } } } ds.sampleLen=(unsigned char)reader.readC(); logI("reading samples (%d)...\n",ds.sampleLen); if (ds.version<0x0b && ds.sampleLen>0) { // TODO what is this for? reader.readC(); } for (int i=0; i0x16) { sample->name=reader.readString((unsigned char)reader.readC()); } else { sample->name=""; } logD("%d name %s (%d)\n",i,sample->name.c_str(),length); sample->rate=22050; if (ds.version>=0x0b) { sample->rate=fileToDivRate(reader.readC()); pitch=reader.readC(); vol=reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>0x15) { sample->depth=reader.readC(); if (sample->depth!=8 && sample->depth!=16) { logW("%d: sample depth is wrong! (%d)\n",i,sample->depth); sample->depth=16; } } else { sample->depth=16; } if (length>0) { if (ds.version<0x0b) { data=new short[1+(length/2)]; reader.read(data,length); length/=2; } else { data=new short[length]; reader.read(data,length*2); } if (pitch!=5) { logD("%d: scaling from %d...\n",i,pitch); } // render data if (!sample->init((double)length/samplePitches[pitch])) { logE("%d: error while initializing sample!\n",i); } unsigned int k=0; float mult=(float)(vol)/50.0f; for (double j=0; j=sample->samples) { break; } if (sample->depth==8) { float next=(float)(data[(unsigned int)j]-0x80)*mult; sample->data8[k++]=fmin(fmax(next,-128),127); } else { float next=(float)data[(unsigned int)j]*mult; sample->data16[k++]=fmin(fmax(next,-32768),32767); } } delete[] data; } ds.sample.push_back(sample); } if (reader.tell() patPtr; char magic[5]; memset(magic,0,5); SafeReader reader=SafeReader(file,len); warnings=""; try { DivSong ds; if (!reader.seek(16,SEEK_SET)) { logE("premature end of file!\n"); lastError="incomplete file"; delete[] file; return false; } ds.version=reader.readS(); logI("module version %d (0x%.2x)\n",ds.version,ds.version); if (ds.version>DIV_ENGINE_VERSION) { logW("this module was created with a more recent version of Furnace!\n"); addWarning("this module was created with a more recent version of Furnace!"); } if (ds.version<37) { // compat flags not stored back then ds.limitSlides=true; ds.linearPitch=true; ds.loopModality=0; } if (ds.version<43) { ds.properNoiseLayout=false; ds.waveDutyIsVol=false; } if (ds.version<45) { ds.resetMacroOnPorta=true; ds.legacyVolumeSlides=true; ds.compatibleArpeggio=true; ds.noteOffResetsSlides=true; ds.targetResetsSlides=true; } if (ds.version<46) { ds.arpNonPorta=true; ds.algMacroBehavior=true; } else { ds.arpNonPorta=false; ds.algMacroBehavior=false; } if (ds.version<49) { ds.brokenShortcutSlides=true; } if (ds.version<50) { ds.ignoreDuplicateSlides=false; } if (ds.version<62) { ds.stopPortaOnNoteOff=true; } if (ds.version<64) { ds.brokenDACMode=false; } if (ds.version<65) { ds.oneTickCut=false; } if (ds.version<66) { ds.newInsTriggersInPorta=false; } if (ds.version<69) { ds.arp0Reset=false; } if (ds.version<71) { ds.noSlidesOnFirstTick=false; ds.rowResetsArpPos=false; ds.ignoreJumpAtEnd=true; } if (ds.version<72) { ds.buggyPortaAfterSlide=true; ds.gbInsAffectsEnvelope=false; } ds.isDMF=false; reader.readS(); // reserved int infoSeek=reader.readI(); if (!reader.seek(infoSeek,SEEK_SET)) { logE("couldn't seek to info header at %d!\n",infoSeek); lastError="couldn't seek to info header!"; delete[] file; return false; } // read header reader.read(magic,4); if (strcmp(magic,"INFO")!=0) { logE("invalid info header!\n"); lastError="invalid info header!"; delete[] file; return false; } reader.readI(); ds.timeBase=reader.readC(); ds.speed1=reader.readC(); ds.speed2=reader.readC(); ds.arpLen=reader.readC(); ds.hz=reader.readF(); ds.pal=(ds.hz>=53); ds.customTempo=true; ds.patLen=reader.readS(); ds.ordersLen=reader.readS(); ds.hilightA=reader.readC(); ds.hilightB=reader.readC(); ds.insLen=reader.readS(); ds.waveLen=reader.readS(); ds.sampleLen=reader.readS(); int numberOfPats=reader.readI(); if (ds.patLen<0) { logE("pattern length is negative!\n"); lastError="pattern lengrh is negative!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.patLen>256) { logE("pattern length is too large!\n"); lastError="pattern length is too large!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.ordersLen<0) { logE("song length is negative!\n"); lastError="song length is negative!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.ordersLen>127) { logE("song is too long!\n"); lastError="song is too long!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.insLen<0 || ds.insLen>256) { logE("invalid instrument count!\n"); lastError="invalid instrument count!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.waveLen<0 || ds.waveLen>256) { logE("invalid wavetable count!\n"); lastError="invalid wavetable count!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.sampleLen<0 || ds.sampleLen>256) { logE("invalid sample count!\n"); lastError="invalid sample count!"; delete[] file; return false; } if (numberOfPats<0) { logE("invalid pattern count!\n"); lastError="invalid pattern count!"; delete[] file; return false; } for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { unsigned char sysID=reader.readC(); ds.system[i]=systemFromFileFur(sysID); if (sysID!=0 && systemToFileFur(ds.system[i])==0) { logE("unrecognized system ID %.2x\n",ds.system[i]); lastError=fmt::sprintf("unrecognized system ID %.2x!",ds.system[i]); delete[] file; return false; } if (ds.system[i]!=DIV_SYSTEM_NULL) ds.systemLen=i+1; } int tchans=0; for (int i=0; iDIV_MAX_CHANS) { tchans=DIV_MAX_CHANS; logW("too many channels!\n"); } // system volume for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { ds.systemVol[i]=reader.readC(); if (ds.version<59 && ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES) { ds.systemVol[i]/=4; } } // system panning for (int i=0; i<32; i++) ds.systemPan[i]=reader.readC(); // system props for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { ds.systemFlags[i]=reader.readI(); } // handle compound systems for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { if (ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS || ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS_EXT || ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_ARCADE) { for (int j=31; j>i; j--) { ds.system[j]=ds.system[j-1]; ds.systemVol[j]=ds.systemVol[j-1]; ds.systemPan[j]=ds.systemPan[j-1]; } if (++ds.systemLen>32) ds.systemLen=32; if (ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS) { ds.system[i]=DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612; if (i<31) { ds.system[i+1]=DIV_SYSTEM_SMS; ds.systemVol[i+1]=(((ds.systemVol[i]&127)*3)>>3)|(ds.systemVol[i]&128); } } if (ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS_EXT) { ds.system[i]=DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612_EXT; if (i<31) { ds.system[i+1]=DIV_SYSTEM_SMS; ds.systemVol[i+1]=(((ds.systemVol[i]&127)*3)>>3)|(ds.systemVol[i]&128); } } if (ds.system[i]==DIV_SYSTEM_ARCADE) { ds.system[i]=DIV_SYSTEM_YM2151; if (i<31) { ds.system[i+1]=DIV_SYSTEM_SEGAPCM_COMPAT; } } i++; } } ds.name=reader.readString(); ds.author=reader.readString(); logI("%s by %s\n",ds.name.c_str(),ds.author.c_str()); if (ds.version>=33) { ds.tuning=reader.readF(); } else { reader.readI(); } // compatibility flags if (ds.version>=37) { ds.limitSlides=reader.readC(); ds.linearPitch=reader.readC(); ds.loopModality=reader.readC(); if (ds.version>=43) { ds.properNoiseLayout=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=43) { ds.waveDutyIsVol=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=45) { ds.resetMacroOnPorta=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=45) { ds.legacyVolumeSlides=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=45) { ds.compatibleArpeggio=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=45) { ds.noteOffResetsSlides=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=45) { ds.targetResetsSlides=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=47) { ds.arpNonPorta=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=47) { ds.algMacroBehavior=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=49) { ds.brokenShortcutSlides=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=50) { ds.ignoreDuplicateSlides=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=62) { ds.stopPortaOnNoteOff=reader.readC(); ds.continuousVibrato=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=64) { ds.brokenDACMode=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=65) { ds.oneTickCut=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=66) { ds.newInsTriggersInPorta=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=69) { ds.arp0Reset=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); } } else { for (int i=0; i<20; i++) reader.readC(); } // pointers reader.read(insPtr,ds.insLen*4); reader.read(wavePtr,ds.waveLen*4); reader.read(samplePtr,ds.sampleLen*4); for (int i=0; i8) { logE("channel %d has zero or too many effect columns! (%d)\n",i,ds.pat[i].effectRows); lastError=fmt::sprintf("channel %d has too many effect columns! (%d)",i,ds.pat[i].effectRows); delete[] file; return false; } } if (ds.version>=39) { for (int i=0; i=59) { ds.masterVol=reader.readF(); } else { ds.masterVol=2.0f; } if (ds.version>=70) { // extended compat flags ds.brokenSpeedSel=reader.readC(); if (ds.version>=71) { ds.noSlidesOnFirstTick=reader.readC(); ds.rowResetsArpPos=reader.readC(); ds.ignoreJumpAtEnd=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); reader.readC(); reader.readC(); } if (ds.version>=72) { ds.buggyPortaAfterSlide=reader.readC(); ds.gbInsAffectsEnvelope=reader.readC(); } else { reader.readC(); reader.readC(); } for (int i=0; i<26; i++) { reader.readC(); } } // read instruments for (int i=0; ireadInsData(reader,ds.version)!=DIV_DATA_SUCCESS) { lastError="invalid instrument header/data!"; ds.unload(); delete ins; delete[] file; return false; } ds.ins.push_back(ins); } // read wavetables for (int i=0; ireadWaveData(reader,ds.version)!=DIV_DATA_SUCCESS) { lastError="invalid wavetable header/data!"; ds.unload(); delete wave; delete[] file; return false; } ds.wave.push_back(wave); } // read samples for (int i=0; iname=reader.readString(); sample->samples=reader.readI(); sample->rate=reader.readI(); if (ds.version<58) { vol=reader.readS(); pitch=reader.readS(); } else { reader.readI(); } sample->depth=reader.readC(); // reserved reader.readC(); // while version 32 stored this value, it was unused. if (ds.version>=38) { sample->centerRate=(unsigned short) reader.readS(); } else { reader.readS(); } if (ds.version>=19) { sample->loopStart=reader.readI(); } else { reader.readI(); } if (ds.version>=58) { // modern sample sample->init(sample->samples); reader.read(sample->getCurBuf(),sample->getCurBufLen()); } else { // legacy sample int length=sample->samples; short* data=new short[length]; reader.read(data,2*length); if (pitch!=5) { logD("%d: scaling from %d...\n",i,pitch); } // render data if (sample->depth!=8 && sample->depth!=16) { logW("%d: sample depth is wrong! (%d)\n",i,sample->depth); sample->depth=16; } sample->samples=(double)sample->samples/samplePitches[pitch]; sample->init(sample->samples); unsigned int k=0; float mult=(float)(vol)/50.0f; for (double j=0; j=sample->samples) { break; } if (sample->depth==8) { float next=(float)(data[(unsigned int)j]-0x80)*mult; sample->data8[k++]=fmin(fmax(next,-128),127); } else { float next=(float)data[(unsigned int)j]*mult; sample->data16[k++]=fmin(fmax(next,-32768),32767); } } delete[] data; } ds.sample.push_back(sample); } // read patterns for (int i: patPtr) { if (!reader.seek(i,SEEK_SET)) { logE("couldn't seek to pattern in %x!\n",i); lastError=fmt::sprintf("couldn't seek to pattern in %x!",i); ds.unload(); delete[] file; return false; } reader.read(magic,4); logD("reading pattern in %x...\n",i); if (strcmp(magic,"PATR")!=0) { logE("%x: invalid pattern header!\n",i); lastError="invalid pattern header!"; ds.unload(); delete[] file; return false; } reader.readI(); int chan=reader.readS(); int index=reader.readS(); reader.readI(); if (chan<0 || chan>=tchans) { logE("pattern channel out of range!\n",i); lastError="pattern channel out of range!"; ds.unload(); delete[] file; return false; } if (index<0 || index>127) { logE("pattern index out of range!\n",i); lastError="pattern index out of range!"; ds.unload(); delete[] file; return false; } logD("- %d, %d\n",chan,index); DivPattern* pat=ds.pat[chan].getPattern(index,true); for (int j=0; jdata[j][0]=reader.readS(); pat->data[j][1]=reader.readS(); pat->data[j][2]=reader.readS(); pat->data[j][3]=reader.readS(); for (int k=0; kdata[j][4+(k<<1)]=reader.readS(); pat->data[j][5+(k<<1)]=reader.readS(); } } if (ds.version>=51) { pat->name=reader.readString(); } } if (reader.tell() patPtr; char magic[4]={0,0,0,0}; short defaultVols[31]; int sampLens[31]; // 0=arp, 1=pslide, 2=vib, 3=trem, 4=vslide bool fxUsage[DIV_MAX_CHANS][5]; SafeReader reader=SafeReader(file,len); warnings=""; memset(defaultVols,0,31*sizeof(short)); memset(sampLens,0,31*sizeof(int)); memset(fxUsage,0,DIV_MAX_CHANS*5*sizeof(bool)); try { DivSong ds; ds.tuning=436.0; ds.version=DIV_VERSION_MOD; ds.linearPitch=false; ds.noSlidesOnFirstTick=true; ds.rowResetsArpPos=true; ds.ignoreJumpAtEnd=false; int insCount=31; bool bypassLimits=false; // check mod magic bytes if (!reader.seek(1080,SEEK_SET)) { logD("couldn't seek to 1080\n"); throw EndOfFileException(&reader,reader.tell()); } reader.read(magic,4); if (memcmp(magic,"M.K.",4)==0 || memcmp(magic,"M!K!",4)==0 || memcmp(magic,"M&K!",4)==0) { logD("detected a ProTracker module\n"); chCount=4; } else if (memcmp(magic,"CD81",4)==0 || memcmp(magic,"OKTA",4)==0 || memcmp(magic,"OCTA",4)==0) { logD("detected an Oktalyzer/Octalyzer/OctaMED module\n"); chCount=8; } else if (memcmp(magic+1,"CHN",3)==0 && magic[0]>='1' && magic[0]<='9') { logD("detected a FastTracker module\n"); chCount=magic[0]-'0'; } else if (memcmp(magic,"FLT",3)==0 && magic[3]>='1' && magic[3]<='9') { logD("detected a Fairlight module\n"); chCount=magic[3]-'0'; } else if (memcmp(magic,"TDZ",3)==0 && magic[3]>='1' && magic[3]<='9') { logD("detected a TakeTracker module\n"); chCount=magic[3]-'0'; } else if ((memcmp(magic+2,"CH",2)==0 || memcmp(magic+2,"CN",2)==0) && (magic[0]>='1' && magic[0]<='9' && magic[1]>='0' && magic[1]<='9')) { logD("detected a Fast/TakeTracker module\n"); chCount=((magic[0]-'0')*10)+(magic[1]-'0'); } else { // TODO: Soundtracker MOD? insCount=15; throw InvalidHeaderException(); } // song name reader.seek(0,SEEK_SET); ds.name=reader.readString(20); // samples for (int i=0; idepth=8; sample->name=reader.readString(22); int slen=((unsigned short)reader.readS_BE())*2; sampLens[i]=slen; if (slen==2) slen=0; signed char fineTune=reader.readC()&0x0f; if (fineTune>=8) fineTune-=16; sample->rate=(int)(pow(2.0,(double)fineTune/96.0)*8363.0); sample->centerRate=sample->rate; defaultVols[i]=reader.readC(); int loopStart=reader.readS_BE()*2; int loopLen=reader.readS_BE()*2; int loopEnd=loopStart+loopLen; // bunch of checks since ProTracker abuses those for one-shot samples if (loopStart>loopEnd || loopEnd<4 || loopLen<4) { loopStart=0; loopLen=0; } if(loopLen>=2) { if (loopEndloopStart=loopStart; } sample->init(slen); ds.sample.push_back(sample); } ds.sampleLen=ds.sample.size(); // orders ds.ordersLen=ordCount=reader.readC(); reader.readC(); // restart position, unused int patMax=0; for (int i=0; i<128; i++) { unsigned char pat=reader.readC(); if (pat>patMax) patMax=pat; for (int j=0; jdata[row]; unsigned char data[4]; reader.read(&data,4); // instrument short ins=(data[0]&0xf0)|(data[2]>>4); if (ins>0) { dstrow[2]=ins-1; dstrow[3]=defaultVols[ins-1]; } // note int period=data[1]+((data[0]&0x0f)<<8); if (period>0 && period<0x0fff) { short note=(short)round(log2(3424.0/period)*12); dstrow[0]=((note-1)%12)+1; dstrow[1]=(note-1)/12+1; if (period<114) { bypassLimits=true; } } // effects are done later short fxtyp=data[2]&0x0f; short fxval=data[3]; dstrow[4]=fxtyp; dstrow[5]=fxval; switch (fxtyp) { case 0: if (fxval!=0) fxUsage[ch][0]=true; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: fxUsage[ch][1]=true; break; case 4: fxUsage[ch][2]=true; break; case 5: fxUsage[ch][1]=true; fxUsage[ch][4]=true; break; case 6: fxUsage[ch][2]=true; fxUsage[ch][4]=true; break; case 7: fxUsage[ch][3]=true; break; case 10: if (fxval!=0) fxUsage[ch][4]=true; break; } } } } // samples size_t pos=reader.tell(); for (int i=0; i<31; i++) { reader.seek(pos,SEEK_SET); reader.read(ds.sample[i]->data8,ds.sample[i]->samples); pos+=sampLens[i]; } // convert effects for (int ch=0; ch<=chCount; ch++) { unsigned char fxCols=1; for (int pat=0; pat<=patMax; pat++) { auto* data=ds.pat[ch].getPattern(pat,true)->data; short lastPitchEffect=-1; short lastEffectState[5]={-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; short setEffectState[5]={-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; for (int row=0;row<64;row++) { const short fxUsageTyp[5]={0x00,0x01,0x04,0x07,0xFA}; short effectState[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned char curFxCol=0; short fxTyp=data[row][4]; short fxVal=data[row][5]; auto writeFxCol=[data,row,&curFxCol](short typ, short val) { data[row][4+curFxCol*2]=typ; data[row][5+curFxCol*2]=val; curFxCol++; }; writeFxCol(-1,-1); curFxCol=0; switch (fxTyp) { case 0: // arp effectState[0]=fxVal; break; case 5: // vol slide + porta effectState[4]=fxVal; fxTyp=3; fxVal=0; // fall through case 1: // note slide up case 2: // note slide down case 3: // porta if (fxTyp==3 && fxVal==0) { if (setEffectState[1]<0) break; fxVal=setEffectState[1]; } setEffectState[1]=fxVal; effectState[1]=fxVal; if ((effectState[1]!=lastEffectState[1]) || (fxTyp!=lastPitchEffect) || (effectState[1]!=0 && data[row][0]>0)) { writeFxCol(fxTyp,fxVal); } lastPitchEffect=fxTyp; lastEffectState[1]=fxVal; break; case 6: // vol slide + vibrato effectState[4]=fxVal; fxTyp=4; fxVal=0; // fall through case 4: // vibrato // TODO: handle 0 value? if (fxVal==0) { if (setEffectState[2]<0) break; fxVal=setEffectState[2]; } effectState[2]=fxVal; setEffectState[2]=fxVal; break; case 7: // tremolo if (fxVal==0) { if (setEffectState[3]<0) break; fxVal=setEffectState[3]; } effectState[3]=fxVal; setEffectState[3]=fxVal; break; case 9: // set offset writeFxCol(0x90,fxVal); break; case 10: // vol slide effectState[4]=fxVal; break; case 11: // jump to pos writeFxCol(fxTyp,fxVal); break; case 12: // set vol data[row][3]=fxVal; break; case 13: // break to row (BCD) writeFxCol(fxTyp,((fxVal>>4)*10)+(fxVal&15)); break; case 15: // set speed // TODO: somehow handle VBlank tunes // TODO: klisje is still broken, perhaps because there wasn't tempo set back then? if (fxVal>0x20) { writeFxCol(0xf0,fxVal); } else { writeFxCol(0x09,fxVal); writeFxCol(0x0f,fxVal); } break; case 14: // extended fxTyp=fxVal>>4; fxVal&=0x0f; switch (fxTyp) { case 0: writeFxCol(0x10,!fxVal); break; case 1: // single note slide up case 2: // single note slide down writeFxCol(fxTyp-1+0xf1,fxVal); break; case 9: // retrigger writeFxCol(0x0c,fxVal); break; case 10: // single vol slide up case 11: // single vol slide down writeFxCol(fxTyp-10+0xf8,fxVal); break; case 12: // note cut case 13: // note delay writeFxCol(fxTyp-12+0xec,fxVal); break; } break; } for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { // pitch slide and volume slide needs to be kept active on new note // even after target/max is reached if (fxUsage[ch][i] && (effectState[i]!=lastEffectState[i] || (effectState[i]!=0 && i==4 && data[row][3]>=0))) { writeFxCol(fxUsageTyp[i],effectState[i]); } } memcpy(lastEffectState,effectState,sizeof(effectState)); if (curFxCol>fxCols) { fxCols=curFxCol; } } } ds.pat[ch].effectRows=fxCols; } ds.pal=false; ds.hz=50; ds.customTempo=false; ds.systemLen=(chCount+3)/4; for(int i=0; i1 || bypassLimits)?2:0); // PAL } for(int i=0; itype=DIV_INS_AMIGA; ins->amiga.initSample=i; ins->name=ds.sample[i]->name; ds.ins.push_back(ins); } ds.insLen=ds.ins.size(); if (active) quitDispatch(); BUSY_BEGIN_SOFT; saveLock.lock(); song.unload(); song=ds; recalcChans(); renderSamples(); saveLock.unlock(); BUSY_END; if (active) { initDispatch(); syncReset(); } success=true; } catch (EndOfFileException& e) { //logE("premature end of file!\n"); lastError="incomplete file"; } catch (InvalidHeaderException& e) { //logE("invalid info header!\n"); lastError="invalid info header!"; } return success; } bool DivEngine::load(unsigned char* f, size_t slen) { unsigned char* file; size_t len; if (slen<16) { logE("too small!"); lastError="file is too small"; delete[] f; return false; } if (memcmp(f,DIV_DMF_MAGIC,16)!=0 && memcmp(f,DIV_FUR_MAGIC,16)!=0) { // try loading as a .mod first before trying to decompress // TODO: move to a different location? logD("loading as .mod...\n"); if (loadMod(f,slen)) { delete[] f; return true; } lastError="not a .mod song"; logD("loading as zlib...\n"); // try zlib z_stream zl; memset(&zl,0,sizeof(z_stream)); zl.avail_in=slen; zl.next_in=(Bytef*)f; zl.zalloc=NULL; zl.zfree=NULL; zl.opaque=NULL; int nextErr; nextErr=inflateInit(&zl); if (nextErr!=Z_OK) { if (zl.msg==NULL) { logE("zlib error: unknown! %d\n",nextErr); } else { logE("zlib error: %s\n",zl.msg); } inflateEnd(&zl); delete[] f; lastError="not a .dmf song"; return false; } std::vector blocks; while (true) { InflateBlock* ib=new InflateBlock(DIV_READ_SIZE); zl.next_out=ib->buf; zl.avail_out=ib->len; nextErr=inflate(&zl,Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if (nextErr!=Z_OK && nextErr!=Z_STREAM_END) { if (zl.msg==NULL) { logE("zlib error: unknown error! %d\n",nextErr); lastError="unknown decompression error"; } else { logE("zlib inflate: %s\n",zl.msg); lastError=fmt::sprintf("decompression error: %s",zl.msg); } for (InflateBlock* i: blocks) delete i; blocks.clear(); delete ib; inflateEnd(&zl); delete[] f; return false; } ib->blockSize=ib->len-zl.avail_out; blocks.push_back(ib); if (nextErr==Z_STREAM_END) { break; } } nextErr=inflateEnd(&zl); if (nextErr!=Z_OK) { if (zl.msg==NULL) { logE("zlib end error: unknown error! %d\n",nextErr); lastError="unknown decompression finish error"; } else { logE("zlib end: %s\n",zl.msg); lastError=fmt::sprintf("decompression finish error: %s",zl.msg); } for (InflateBlock* i: blocks) delete i; blocks.clear(); delete[] f; return false; } size_t finalSize=0; size_t curSeek=0; for (InflateBlock* i: blocks) { finalSize+=i->blockSize; } if (finalSize<1) { logE("compressed too small!\n"); lastError="file too small"; for (InflateBlock* i: blocks) delete i; blocks.clear(); delete[] f; return false; } file=new unsigned char[finalSize]; for (InflateBlock* i: blocks) { memcpy(&file[curSeek],i->buf,i->blockSize); curSeek+=i->blockSize; delete i; } blocks.clear(); len=finalSize; delete[] f; } else { logD("loading as uncompressed\n"); file=(unsigned char*)f; len=slen; } if (memcmp(file,DIV_DMF_MAGIC,16)==0) { return loadDMF(file,len); } else if (memcmp(file,DIV_FUR_MAGIC,16)==0) { return loadFur(file,len); } logE("not a valid module!\n"); lastError="not a compatible song"; delete[] file; return false; } SafeWriter* DivEngine::saveFur(bool notPrimary) { saveLock.lock(); int insPtr[256]; int wavePtr[256]; int samplePtr[256]; std::vector patPtr; size_t ptrSeek; warnings=""; if (!notPrimary) { song.isDMF=false; song.version=DIV_ENGINE_VERSION; } SafeWriter* w=new SafeWriter; w->init(); /// HEADER // write magic w->write(DIV_FUR_MAGIC,16); // write version w->writeS(DIV_ENGINE_VERSION); // reserved w->writeS(0); // song info pointer w->writeI(32); // reserved w->writeI(0); w->writeI(0); // high short is channel // low short is pattern number std::vector patsToWrite; bool alreadyAdded[256]; for (int i=0; iwrite("INFO",4); w->writeI(0); w->writeC(song.timeBase); w->writeC(song.speed1); w->writeC(song.speed2); w->writeC(song.arpLen); w->writeF(song.hz); w->writeS(song.patLen); w->writeS(song.ordersLen); w->writeC(song.hilightA); w->writeC(song.hilightB); w->writeS(song.insLen); w->writeS(song.waveLen); w->writeS(song.sampleLen); w->writeI(patsToWrite.size()); for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { if (i>=song.systemLen) { w->writeC(0); } else { w->writeC(systemToFileFur(song.system[i])); } } for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { w->writeC(song.systemVol[i]); } for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { w->writeC(song.systemPan[i]); } for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { w->writeI(song.systemFlags[i]); } // song name w->writeString(song.name,false); // song author w->writeString(song.author,false); w->writeF(song.tuning); // compatibility flags w->writeC(song.limitSlides); w->writeC(song.linearPitch); w->writeC(song.loopModality); w->writeC(song.properNoiseLayout); w->writeC(song.waveDutyIsVol); w->writeC(song.resetMacroOnPorta); w->writeC(song.legacyVolumeSlides); w->writeC(song.compatibleArpeggio); w->writeC(song.noteOffResetsSlides); w->writeC(song.targetResetsSlides); w->writeC(song.arpNonPorta); w->writeC(song.algMacroBehavior); w->writeC(song.brokenShortcutSlides); w->writeC(song.ignoreDuplicateSlides); w->writeC(song.stopPortaOnNoteOff); w->writeC(song.continuousVibrato); w->writeC(song.brokenDACMode); w->writeC(song.oneTickCut); w->writeC(song.newInsTriggersInPorta); w->writeC(song.arp0Reset); ptrSeek=w->tell(); // instrument pointers (we'll seek here later) for (int i=0; iwriteI(0); } // wavetable pointers (we'll seek here later) for (int i=0; iwriteI(0); } // sample pointers (we'll seek here later) for (int i=0; iwriteI(0); } // pattern pointers (we'll seek here later) for (size_t i=0; iwriteI(0); } for (int i=0; iwriteC(song.orders.ord[i][j]); } } for (int i=0; iwriteC(song.pat[i].effectRows); } for (int i=0; iwriteC(song.chanShow[i]); } for (int i=0; iwriteC(song.chanCollapse[i]); } for (int i=0; iwriteString(song.chanName[i],false); } for (int i=0; iwriteString(song.chanShortName[i],false); } w->writeString(song.notes,false); w->writeF(song.masterVol); // extended compat flags w->writeC(song.brokenSpeedSel); w->writeC(song.noSlidesOnFirstTick); w->writeC(song.rowResetsArpPos); w->writeC(song.ignoreJumpAtEnd); w->writeC(song.buggyPortaAfterSlide); w->writeC(song.gbInsAffectsEnvelope); for (int i=0; i<26; i++) { w->writeC(0); } /// INSTRUMENT for (int i=0; itell(); ins->putInsData(w); } /// WAVETABLE for (int i=0; itell(); wave->putWaveData(w); } /// SAMPLE for (int i=0; itell(); w->write("SMPL",4); w->writeI(0); w->writeString(sample->name,false); w->writeI(sample->samples); w->writeI(sample->rate); w->writeI(0); // reserved (for now) w->writeC(sample->depth); w->writeC(0); w->writeS(sample->centerRate); w->writeI(sample->loopStart); w->write(sample->getCurBuf(),sample->getCurBufLen()); } /// PATTERN for (int i: patsToWrite) { DivPattern* pat=song.pat[i>>16].getPattern(i&0xffff,false); patPtr.push_back(w->tell()); w->write("PATR",4); w->writeI(0); w->writeS(i>>16); w->writeS(i&0xffff); w->writeI(0); // reserved for (int j=0; jwriteS(pat->data[j][0]); // note w->writeS(pat->data[j][1]); // octave w->writeS(pat->data[j][2]); // instrument w->writeS(pat->data[j][3]); // volume w->write(&pat->data[j][4],2*song.pat[i>>16].effectRows*2); // effects } w->writeString(pat->name,false); } /// POINTERS w->seek(ptrSeek,SEEK_SET); for (int i=0; iwriteI(insPtr[i]); } // wavetable pointers (we'll seek here later) for (int i=0; iwriteI(wavePtr[i]); } // sample pointers (we'll seek here later) for (int i=0; iwriteI(samplePtr[i]); } // pattern pointers (we'll seek here later) for (int i: patPtr) { w->writeI(i); } saveLock.unlock(); return w; } SafeWriter* DivEngine::saveDMF(unsigned char version) { // fail if version is not supported if (version<24 || version>25) { logE("cannot save in this version!\n"); lastError="invalid version to save in! this is a bug!"; return NULL; } // check whether system is compound bool isFlat=false; if (song.systemLen==2) { if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612 && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS) { isFlat=true; } if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612_EXT && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS) { isFlat=true; } if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2151 && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_SEGAPCM_COMPAT) { isFlat=true; } if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_OPLL) { isFlat=true; } if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_VRC7) { isFlat=true; } if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_FDS) { isFlat=true; } } // fail if more than one system if (!isFlat && song.systemLen!=1) { logE("cannot save multiple systems in this format!\n"); lastError="multiple systems not possible on .dmf"; return NULL; } // fail if this is an YMU759 song if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YMU759) { logE("cannot save YMU759 song!\n"); lastError="YMU759 song saving is not supported"; return NULL; } // fail if the system is SMS+OPLL and version<25 if (version<25 && song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_OPLL) { logE("Master System FM expansion not supported in 1.0/legacy .dmf!\n"); lastError="Master System FM expansion not supported in 1.0/legacy .dmf!"; return NULL; } // fail if the system is NES+VRC7 and version<25 if (version<25 && song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_VRC7) { logE("NES + VRC7 not supported in 1.0/legacy .dmf!\n"); lastError="NES + VRC7 not supported in 1.0/legacy .dmf!"; return NULL; } // fail if the system is Furnace-exclusive if (!isFlat && systemToFileDMF(song.system[0])==0) { logE("cannot save Furnace-exclusive system song!\n"); lastError="this system is not possible on .dmf"; return NULL; } saveLock.lock(); warnings=""; song.version=version; song.isDMF=true; SafeWriter* w=new SafeWriter; w->init(); // write magic w->write(DIV_DMF_MAGIC,16); // version w->writeC(version); DivSystem sys=DIV_SYSTEM_NULL; if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612 && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS) { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS)); sys=DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS; } else if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2612_EXT && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS) { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS_EXT)); sys=DIV_SYSTEM_GENESIS_EXT; } else if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_YM2151 && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_SEGAPCM_COMPAT) { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(DIV_SYSTEM_ARCADE)); sys=DIV_SYSTEM_ARCADE; } else if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_OPLL) { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL)); sys=DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL; } else if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_VRC7) { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7)); sys=DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7; } else if (song.system[0]==DIV_SYSTEM_NES && song.system[1]==DIV_SYSTEM_FDS) { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(DIV_SYSTEM_NES_FDS)); sys=DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7; } else { w->writeC(systemToFileDMF(song.system[0])); sys=song.system[0]; } // song info w->writeString(song.name,true); w->writeString(song.author,true); w->writeC(song.hilightA); w->writeC(song.hilightB); w->writeC(song.timeBase); w->writeC(song.speed1); w->writeC(song.speed2); w->writeC(song.pal); w->writeC(song.customTempo); char customHz[4]; memset(customHz,0,4); snprintf(customHz,4,"%d",(int)song.hz); w->write(customHz,3); w->writeI(song.patLen); w->writeC(song.ordersLen); for (int i=0; iwriteC(song.orders.ord[i][j]); if (version>=25) { DivPattern* pat=song.pat[i].getPattern(j,false); w->writeString(pat->name,true); } } } if (sys==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_6581 || sys==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_8580) { addWarning("absolute duty/cutoff macro not available in .dmf!"); addWarning("duty precision will be lost"); } for (DivInstrument* i: song.ins) { if (i->type==DIV_INS_AMIGA) { addWarning(".dmf format does not support arbitrary-pitch sample mode"); break; } } for (DivInstrument* i: song.ins) { if (i->type==DIV_INS_FM) { addWarning("no FM macros in .dmf format"); break; } } w->writeC(song.ins.size()); for (DivInstrument* i: song.ins) { w->writeString(i->name,true); // safety check if (!isFMSystem(sys) && i->mode) { i->mode=0; } if (!isSTDSystem(sys) && i->mode==0) { i->mode=1; } w->writeC(i->mode); if (i->mode) { // FM w->writeC(i->fm.alg); w->writeC(i->fm.fb); w->writeC(i->fm.fms); w->writeC(i->fm.ams); for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { DivInstrumentFM::Operator& op=i->fm.op[j]; w->writeC(op.am); w->writeC(op.ar); w->writeC(op.dr); w->writeC(op.mult); w->writeC(op.rr); w->writeC(op.sl); w->writeC(op.tl); if ((sys==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || sys==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) && j==0) { w->writeC(i->fm.opllPreset); } else { w->writeC(op.dt2); } if (sys==DIV_SYSTEM_SMS_OPLL || sys==DIV_SYSTEM_NES_VRC7) { w->writeC(op.ksr); w->writeC(op.vib); w->writeC(op.ksl); w->writeC(op.ssgEnv); } else { w->writeC(op.rs); w->writeC(op.dt); w->writeC(op.d2r); w->writeC(op.ssgEnv); } } } else { // STD if (sys!=DIV_SYSTEM_GB) { w->writeC(i->std.volMacroLen); w->write(i->std.volMacro,4*i->std.volMacroLen); if (i->std.volMacroLen>0) { w->writeC(i->std.volMacroLoop); } } w->writeC(i->std.arpMacroLen); if (i->std.arpMacroMode) { w->write(i->std.arpMacro,4*i->std.arpMacroLen); } else { for (int j=0; jstd.arpMacroLen; j++) { w->writeI(i->std.arpMacro[j]+12); } } if (i->std.arpMacroLen>0) { w->writeC(i->std.arpMacroLoop); } w->writeC(i->std.arpMacroMode); w->writeC(i->std.dutyMacroLen); w->write(i->std.dutyMacro,4*i->std.dutyMacroLen); if (i->std.dutyMacroLen>0) { w->writeC(i->std.dutyMacroLoop); } w->writeC(i->std.waveMacroLen); w->write(i->std.waveMacro,4*i->std.waveMacroLen); if (i->std.waveMacroLen>0) { w->writeC(i->std.waveMacroLoop); } if (sys==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_6581 || sys==DIV_SYSTEM_C64_8580) { w->writeC(i->c64.triOn); w->writeC(i->c64.sawOn); w->writeC(i->c64.pulseOn); w->writeC(i->c64.noiseOn); w->writeC(i->c64.a); w->writeC(i->c64.d); w->writeC(i->c64.s); w->writeC(i->c64.r); logW("duty and cutoff precision will be lost!\n"); w->writeC((i->c64.duty*100)/4095); w->writeC(i->c64.ringMod); w->writeC(i->c64.oscSync); w->writeC(i->c64.toFilter); w->writeC(i->c64.volIsCutoff); w->writeC(i->c64.initFilter); w->writeC(i->c64.res); w->writeC((i->c64.cut*100)/2047); w->writeC(i->c64.hp); w->writeC(i->c64.bp); w->writeC(i->c64.lp); w->writeC(i->c64.ch3off); } if (sys==DIV_SYSTEM_GB) { w->writeC(i->gb.envVol); w->writeC(i->gb.envDir); w->writeC(i->gb.envLen); w->writeC(i->gb.soundLen); } } } w->writeC(song.wave.size()); for (DivWavetable* i: song.wave) { w->writeI(i->len); w->write(i->data,4*i->len); } for (int i=0; iwriteC(song.pat[i].effectRows); for (int j=0; jwriteS(pat->data[k][0]); // note w->writeS(pat->data[k][1]); // octave w->writeS(pat->data[k][3]); // volume w->write(&pat->data[k][4],2*song.pat[i].effectRows*2); // effects w->writeS(pat->data[k][2]); // instrument } } } if (song.sample.size()>0) { addWarning("samples' rates will be rounded to nearest compatible value"); } w->writeC(song.sample.size()); for (DivSample* i: song.sample) { w->writeI(i->samples); w->writeString(i->name,true); w->writeC(divToFileRate(i->rate)); w->writeC(5); w->writeC(50); // i'm too lazy to deal with .dmf's weird way of storing 8-bit samples w->writeC(16); w->write(i->data16,i->length16); } saveLock.unlock(); return w; }