# POKEY a sound and input chip developed by Atari for their 8-bit computers (Atari 400, 800, XL/XE and so on). 4 channels of signature Atari sounds. # effects - `10xx`: **set waveform.** - 0: harsh noise (poly5+17) - 1: square buzz (poly5) - 2: weird noise (poly4+5) - 3: square buzz (poly5) - 4: soft noise (poly17) - 5: square - 6: bass (poly4) - 7: buzz (poly4) - `11xx`: **set AUDCTL.** `xx` is a bitmask. - bit 7: 9-bit poly mode. shortens noise. - bit 6: high channel 1 clock (~1.79MHz on NTSC). - overrides 15KHz mode. - bit 5: high channel 3 clock (~1.79MHz on NTSC). - overrides 15KHz mode. - bit 4: join channels 1 and 2 for a wide period range. - use with conjunction with bit 6. - channel 2 becomes inaccessible when this is on. - bit 3: join channels 3 and 4 for a wide period range. - use with conjunction with bit 5. - channel 4 becomes inaccessible when this is on. - bit 2: high-pass filter (channels 1 and 3). - filtered output on channel 1 (I suggest you to set channel 3 volume to 0). - use for PWM effects (not automatic!). - bit 1: high-pass filter (channels 2 and 4). - filtered output on channel 2 (I suggest you to set channel 4 volume to 0). - use for PWM effects (not automatic!). - bit 0: 15KHz mode. - `12xx`: **toggle two-tone mode.** - when enabled, channel 2 modulates channel 1. I don't know how, but it does. - only on ASAP core.