# oscilloscope (per channel) The "Oscilloscope (per channel)" dialog shows an individual oscilloscope for each channel during playback. ![oscilloscope per-channel configuration view](chanosc.png) Right-clicking within the view will change it to the configuration view shown above: - **Columns**: Sets the number of columns the view will be split into. - **Size (ms)**: Sets what length of audio is visible in each oscilloscope. - **Center waveform**: Does its best to latch to the channel's note frequency and centers the display. - **Gradient**: (document this) - The color selector sets the waveform color. Right-clicking on it pops up an option dialog: - Select between the square selector and the color wheel selector. - **Alpha bar**: Adds a transparency selector. - The boxes below that are for selecting colors numerically by red-green-blue-alpha, hue-saturation-value-alpha, and HTML-style RGBA in hex. - The OK button returns from options view to regular.