/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "../ta-log.h" #include "../baseutils.h" #include "../fileutils.h" #include bool DivConfig::save(const char* path) { FILE* f=ps_fopen(path,"wb"); if (f==NULL) { logW("could not write config file! %s",strerror(errno)); return false; } for (auto& i: conf) { String toWrite=fmt::sprintf("%s=%s\n",i.first,i.second); if (fwrite(toWrite.c_str(),1,toWrite.size(),f)!=toWrite.size()) { logW("could not write config file! %s",strerror(errno)); fclose(f); return false; } } fclose(f); return true; } String DivConfig::toString() { String ret; for (auto& i: conf) { ret+=fmt::sprintf("%s=%s\n",i.first,i.second); } return ret; } String DivConfig::toBase64() { String data=toString(); return taEncodeBase64(data); } const std::map& DivConfig::configMap() { return conf; } void DivConfig::parseLine(const char* line) { String key=""; String value=""; bool keyOrValue=false; for (const char* i=line; *i; i++) { if (*i=='\n') continue; if (keyOrValue) { value+=*i; } else { if (*i=='=') { keyOrValue=true; } else { key+=*i; } } } if (keyOrValue) { conf[key]=value; } } bool DivConfig::loadFromFile(const char* path, bool createOnFail) { char line[4096]; FILE* f=ps_fopen(path,"rb"); if (f==NULL) { if (createOnFail) { logI("creating default config."); return save(path); } else { return false; } } logI("loading config."); while (!feof(f)) { if (fgets(line,4095,f)==NULL) { break; } parseLine(line); } fclose(f); return true; } bool DivConfig::loadFromMemory(const char* buf) { String line; const char* readPos=buf; while (*readPos) { line+=*readPos; readPos++; if ((*readPos)=='\n' || (*readPos)==0) { parseLine(line.c_str()); line=""; } } return true; } bool DivConfig::loadFromBase64(const char* buf) { String data=taDecodeBase64(buf); return loadFromMemory(data.c_str()); } bool DivConfig::getBool(String key, bool fallback) const { try { String val=conf.at(key); if (val=="true") { return true; } else if (val=="false") { return false; } } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { } return fallback; } int DivConfig::getInt(String key, int fallback) const { try { String val=conf.at(key); int ret=std::stoi(val); return ret; } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { } return fallback; } float DivConfig::getFloat(String key, float fallback) const { try { String val=conf.at(key); float ret=std::stof(val); return ret; } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { } return fallback; } double DivConfig::getDouble(String key, double fallback) const { try { String val=conf.at(key); double ret=std::stod(val); return ret; } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { } return fallback; } String DivConfig::getString(String key, String fallback) const { try { String val=conf.at(key); return val; } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { } return fallback; } std::vector DivConfig::getIntList(String key, std::initializer_list fallback) const { String next; std::vector ret; try { String val=conf.at(key); for (char i: val) { if (i==',') { int num=std::stoi(next); ret.push_back(num); next=""; } else { next+=i; } } if (!next.empty()) { int num=std::stoi(next); ret.push_back(num); } return ret; } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { } return fallback; } bool DivConfig::has(String key) const { try { String test=conf.at(key); } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { return false; } return true; } void DivConfig::set(String key, bool value) { if (value) { conf[key]="true"; } else { conf[key]="false"; } } void DivConfig::set(String key, int value) { conf[key]=fmt::sprintf("%d",value); } void DivConfig::set(String key, float value) { conf[key]=fmt::sprintf("%f",value); } void DivConfig::set(String key, double value) { conf[key]=fmt::sprintf("%f",value); } void DivConfig::set(String key, const char* value) { conf[key]=String(value); } void DivConfig::set(String key, String value) { conf[key]=value; } void DivConfig::set(String key, const std::vector& value) { String val; bool comma=false; for (int i: value) { if (comma) val+=','; val+=fmt::sprintf("%d",i); comma=true; } conf[key]=val; } bool DivConfig::remove(String key) { return conf.erase(key); } void DivConfig::clear() { conf.clear(); }