/** * Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "nes.h" #include "sound/nes/cpu_inline.h" #include "../engine.h" #include #include struct _nla_table nla_table; #define CHIP_DIVIDER 16 #define rWrite(a,v) if (!skipRegisterWrites) {apu_wr_reg(nes,a,v); regPool[(a)&0x7f]=v; if (dumpWrites) {addWrite(a,v);} } const char* regCheatSheetNES[]={ "S0Volume", "4000", "S0Sweep", "4001", "S0PeriodL", "4002", "S0PeriodH", "4003", "S1Volume", "4004", "S1Sweep", "4005", "S1PeriodL", "4006", "S1PeriodH", "4007", "TRVolume", "4008", "TRPeriodL", "400A", "TRPeriodH", "400B", "NSVolume", "400C", "NSPeriod", "400E", "NSLength", "400F", "DMCControl", "4010", "DMCLoad", "4011", "DMCAddr", "4012", "DMCLength", "4013", "APUControl", "4015", "APUFrameCtl", "4017", NULL }; const char** DivPlatformNES::getRegisterSheet() { return regCheatSheetNES; } const char* DivPlatformNES::getEffectName(unsigned char effect) { switch (effect) { case 0x12: return "12xx: Set duty cycle/noise mode (pulse: 0 to 3; noise: 0 or 1)"; break; case 0x13: return "13xy: Sweep up (x: time; y: shift)"; break; case 0x14: return "14xy: Sweep down (x: time; y: shift)"; break; } return NULL; } void DivPlatformNES::acquire(short* bufL, short* bufR, size_t start, size_t len) { for (size_t i=start; i=rate) { DivSample* s=parent->getSample(dacSample); if (s->samples>0) { if (!isMuted[4]) { rWrite(0x4011,((unsigned char)s->data8[dacPos]+0x80)>>1); } if (++dacPos>=s->samples) { if (s->loopStart>=0 && s->loopStart<(int)s->samples) { dacPos=s->loopStart; } else { dacSample=-1; } } dacPeriod-=rate; } else { dacSample=-1; } } } apu_tick(nes,NULL); nes->apu.odd_cycle=!nes->apu.odd_cycle; if (nes->apu.clocked) { nes->apu.clocked=false; } int sample=(pulse_output(nes)+tnd_output(nes)-128)<<7; if (sample>32767) sample=32767; if (sample<-32768) sample=-32768; bufL[i]=sample; } } static unsigned char noiseTable[253]={ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 }; void DivPlatformNES::tick() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { chan[i].std.next(); if (chan[i].std.hadVol) { // ok, why are the volumes like that? chan[i].outVol=MIN(15,chan[i].std.vol)-(15-(chan[i].vol&15)); if (chan[i].outVol<0) chan[i].outVol=0; if (i==2) { // triangle rWrite(0x4000+i*4,(chan[i].outVol==0)?0:255); chan[i].freqChanged=true; } else { rWrite(0x4000+i*4,0x30|chan[i].outVol|((chan[i].duty&3)<<6)); } } if (chan[i].std.hadArp) { if (i==3) { // noise if (chan[i].std.arpMode) { chan[i].baseFreq=chan[i].std.arp; } else { chan[i].baseFreq=chan[i].note+chan[i].std.arp; } if (chan[i].baseFreq>255) chan[i].baseFreq=255; if (chan[i].baseFreq<0) chan[i].baseFreq=0; } else { if (!chan[i].inPorta) { if (chan[i].std.arpMode) { chan[i].baseFreq=NOTE_PERIODIC(chan[i].std.arp); } else { chan[i].baseFreq=NOTE_PERIODIC(chan[i].note+chan[i].std.arp); } } } chan[i].freqChanged=true; } else { if (chan[i].std.arpMode && chan[i].std.finishedArp) { chan[i].baseFreq=NOTE_PERIODIC(chan[i].note); chan[i].freqChanged=true; } } if (chan[i].std.hadDuty) { chan[i].duty=chan[i].std.duty; if (i==3) { if (parent->song.properNoiseLayout) { chan[i].duty&=1; } else if (chan[i].duty>1) { chan[i].duty=1; } } if (i!=2) { rWrite(0x4000+i*4,0x30|chan[i].outVol|((chan[i].duty&3)<<6)); } if (i==3) { // noise chan[i].freqChanged=true; } } if (chan[i].sweepChanged) { chan[i].sweepChanged=false; if (i==0) { //rWrite(16+i*5,chan[i].sweep); } } if (chan[i].freqChanged || chan[i].keyOn || chan[i].keyOff) { if (i==3) { // noise int ntPos=chan[i].baseFreq; if (ntPos<0) ntPos=0; if (ntPos>252) ntPos=252; chan[i].freq=(parent->song.properNoiseLayout)?(15-(chan[i].baseFreq&15)):(noiseTable[ntPos]); } else { chan[i].freq=parent->calcFreq(chan[i].baseFreq,chan[i].pitch,true)-1; if (chan[i].freq>2047) chan[i].freq=2047; if (chan[i].freq<0) chan[i].freq=0; } if (chan[i].keyOn) { //rWrite(16+i*5+1,((chan[i].duty&3)<<6)|(63-(ins->gb.soundLen&63))); //rWrite(16+i*5+2,((chan[i].vol<<4))|(ins->gb.envLen&7)|((ins->gb.envDir&1)<<3)); } if (chan[i].keyOff) { //rWrite(16+i*5+2,8); if (i==2) { // triangle rWrite(0x4000+i*4,0x00); } else { rWrite(0x4000+i*4,0x30); } } if (i==3) { // noise rWrite(0x4002+i*4,(chan[i].duty<<7)|chan[i].freq); rWrite(0x4003+i*4,0xf0); } else { rWrite(0x4002+i*4,chan[i].freq&0xff); if ((chan[i].prevFreq>>8)!=(chan[i].freq>>8) || i==2) { rWrite(0x4003+i*4,0xf8|(chan[i].freq>>8)); } if (chan[i].freq!=65535 && chan[i].freq!=0) { chan[i].prevFreq=chan[i].freq; } } if (chan[i].keyOn) chan[i].keyOn=false; if (chan[i].keyOff) chan[i].keyOff=false; chan[i].freqChanged=false; } } // PCM if (chan[4].freqChanged) { chan[4].freq=parent->calcFreq(chan[4].baseFreq,chan[4].pitch,false); if (chan[4].furnaceDac) { double off=1.0; if (dacSample>=0 && dacSamplesong.sampleLen) { DivSample* s=parent->getSample(dacSample); off=(double)s->centerRate/8363.0; } dacRate=MIN(chan[4].freq*off,32000); if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0001,dacRate); } chan[4].freqChanged=false; } } int DivPlatformNES::dispatch(DivCommand c) { switch (c.cmd) { case DIV_CMD_NOTE_ON: if (c.chan==4) { // PCM DivInstrument* ins=parent->getIns(chan[c.chan].ins); if (ins->type==DIV_INS_AMIGA) { dacSample=ins->amiga.initSample; if (dacSample<0 || dacSample>=parent->song.sampleLen) { dacSample=-1; if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0002,0); break; } else { if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0000,dacSample); } dacPos=0; dacPeriod=0; chan[c.chan].baseFreq=parent->song.tuning*pow(2.0f,((float)(c.value+3)/12.0f)); if (c.value!=DIV_NOTE_NULL) { chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; chan[c.chan].note=c.value; } chan[c.chan].active=true; chan[c.chan].keyOn=true; chan[c.chan].furnaceDac=true; } else { if (c.value!=DIV_NOTE_NULL) { chan[c.chan].note=c.value; } dacSample=12*sampleBank+chan[c.chan].note%12; if (dacSample>=parent->song.sampleLen) { dacSample=-1; if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0002,0); break; } else { if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0000,dacSample); } dacPos=0; dacPeriod=0; dacRate=parent->getSample(dacSample)->rate; if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0001,dacRate); chan[c.chan].furnaceDac=false; } break; } else if (c.chan==3) { // noise if (c.value!=DIV_NOTE_NULL) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=c.value; } } else { if (c.value!=DIV_NOTE_NULL) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=NOTE_PERIODIC(c.value); } } if (c.value!=DIV_NOTE_NULL) { chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; chan[c.chan].note=c.value; } chan[c.chan].active=true; chan[c.chan].keyOn=true; chan[c.chan].std.init(parent->getIns(chan[c.chan].ins)); if (c.chan==2) { rWrite(0x4000+c.chan*4,0xff); } else { rWrite(0x4000+c.chan*4,0x30|chan[c.chan].vol|((chan[c.chan].duty&3)<<6)); } break; case DIV_CMD_NOTE_OFF: if (c.chan==4) { dacSample=-1; if (dumpWrites) addWrite(0xffff0002,0); } chan[c.chan].active=false; chan[c.chan].keyOff=true; chan[c.chan].std.init(NULL); break; case DIV_CMD_NOTE_OFF_ENV: case DIV_CMD_ENV_RELEASE: chan[c.chan].std.release(); break; case DIV_CMD_INSTRUMENT: if (chan[c.chan].ins!=c.value || c.value2==1) { chan[c.chan].ins=c.value; } break; case DIV_CMD_VOLUME: if (chan[c.chan].vol!=c.value) { chan[c.chan].vol=c.value; if (!chan[c.chan].std.hasVol) { chan[c.chan].outVol=c.value; } if (chan[c.chan].active) { if (c.chan==2) { rWrite(0x4000+c.chan*4,0xff); } else { rWrite(0x4000+c.chan*4,0x30|chan[c.chan].vol|((chan[c.chan].duty&3)<<6)); } } } break; case DIV_CMD_GET_VOLUME: return chan[c.chan].vol; break; case DIV_CMD_PITCH: chan[c.chan].pitch=c.value; chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; break; case DIV_CMD_NOTE_PORTA: { int destFreq=NOTE_PERIODIC(c.value2); bool return2=false; if (destFreq>chan[c.chan].baseFreq) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq+=c.value; if (chan[c.chan].baseFreq>=destFreq) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=destFreq; return2=true; } } else { chan[c.chan].baseFreq-=c.value; if (chan[c.chan].baseFreq<=destFreq) { chan[c.chan].baseFreq=destFreq; return2=true; } } chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; if (return2) { chan[c.chan].inPorta=false; return 2; } break; } case DIV_CMD_STD_NOISE_MODE: chan[c.chan].duty=c.value; if (c.chan==3) { // noise chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; } break; case DIV_CMD_NES_SWEEP: if (c.chan>1) break; if (c.value2==0) { chan[c.chan].sweep=0x08; } else { if (!c.value) { // down chan[c.chan].sweep=0x88|(c.value2&0x77); } else { // up chan[c.chan].sweep=0x80|(c.value2&0x77); } } rWrite(0x4001+(c.chan*4),chan[c.chan].sweep); break; case DIV_CMD_SAMPLE_BANK: sampleBank=c.value; if (sampleBank>(parent->song.sample.size()/12)) { sampleBank=parent->song.sample.size()/12; } break; case DIV_CMD_LEGATO: if (c.chan==3) break; chan[c.chan].baseFreq=NOTE_PERIODIC(c.value+((chan[c.chan].std.willArp && !chan[c.chan].std.arpMode)?(chan[c.chan].std.arp):(0))); chan[c.chan].freqChanged=true; chan[c.chan].note=c.value; break; case DIV_CMD_PRE_PORTA: if (chan[c.chan].active && c.value2) { if (parent->song.resetMacroOnPorta) chan[c.chan].std.init(parent->getIns(chan[c.chan].ins)); } chan[c.chan].inPorta=c.value; break; case DIV_CMD_GET_VOLMAX: return 15; break; case DIV_ALWAYS_SET_VOLUME: return 1; break; default: break; } return 1; } void DivPlatformNES::muteChannel(int ch, bool mute) { isMuted[ch]=mute; nes->muted[ch]=mute; } void DivPlatformNES::forceIns() { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { chan[i].insChanged=true; chan[i].prevFreq=65535; } rWrite(0x4001,chan[0].sweep); rWrite(0x4005,chan[1].sweep); } void* DivPlatformNES::getChanState(int ch) { return &chan[ch]; } unsigned char* DivPlatformNES::getRegisterPool() { return regPool; } int DivPlatformNES::getRegisterPoolSize() { return 32; } void DivPlatformNES::reset() { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { chan[i]=DivPlatformNES::Channel(); } if (dumpWrites) { addWrite(0xffffffff,0); } dacPeriod=0; dacPos=0; dacRate=0; dacSample=-1; sampleBank=0; apu_turn_on(nes,apuType); memset(regPool,0,128); nes->apu.cpu_cycles=0; nes->apu.cpu_opcode_cycle=0; rWrite(0x4015,0x1f); rWrite(0x4001,chan[0].sweep); rWrite(0x4005,chan[1].sweep); } bool DivPlatformNES::keyOffAffectsArp(int ch) { return true; } void DivPlatformNES::setFlags(unsigned int flags) { if (flags==2) { // Dendy rate=COLOR_PAL*2.0/5.0; apuType=2; nes->apu.type=apuType; } else if (flags==1) { // PAL rate=COLOR_PAL*3.0/8.0; apuType=1; nes->apu.type=apuType; } else { // NTSC rate=COLOR_NTSC/2.0; apuType=0; nes->apu.type=apuType; } chipClock=rate; } void DivPlatformNES::notifyInsDeletion(void* ins) { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { chan[i].std.notifyInsDeletion((DivInstrument*)ins); } } void DivPlatformNES::poke(unsigned int addr, unsigned short val) { rWrite(addr,val); } void DivPlatformNES::poke(std::vector& wlist) { for (DivRegWrite& i: wlist) rWrite(i.addr,i.val); } int DivPlatformNES::init(DivEngine* p, int channels, int sugRate, unsigned int flags) { parent=p; apuType=flags; dumpWrites=false; skipRegisterWrites=false; nes=new struct NESAPU; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { isMuted[i]=false; nes->muted[i]=false; } setFlags(flags); init_nla_table(500,500); reset(); return 5; } void DivPlatformNES::quit() { delete nes; } DivPlatformNES::~DivPlatformNES() { }