# tildearrow Sound Unit a fantasy sound chip, used in the specs2 fantasy computer designed by tildearrow. it has the following capabilities: - 8 channels of either waveform or sample - stereo sound - 8 waveforms (pulse, saw, sine, triangle, noise, periodic noise, XOR sine and XOR triangle) - 128 widths for the pulse wave - per-channel resonant filter - ring modulation - volume, frequency and cutoff sweep units (per-channel) - phase reset timer (per-channel) # effects - `10xx`: **set waveform.** - `0`: pulse wave - `1`: sawtooth - `2`: sine wave - `3`: triangle wave - `4`: noise - `5`: periodic noise - `6`: XOR sine - `7`: XOR triangle - `12xx`: **set pulse width.** range is `0` to `7F`. - `13xx`: **set resonance of filter.** range is `0` to `FF`. - despite what the internal effects list says (`0` to `F`), you can use a resonance value from `0` to `FF` (255). - `14xx`: **set filter mode and ringmod.** - bit 0: ring mod - bit 1: low pass - bit 2: high pass - bit 3: band pass - `15xx`: **set frequency sweep period low byte.** - `16xx`: **set frequency sweep period high byte.** - `17xx`: **set volume sweep period low byte.** - `18xx`: **set volume sweep period high byte.** - `19xx`: **set cutoff sweep period low byte.** - `1Axx`: **set cutoff sweep period high byte.** - `1Bxx`: **set frequency sweep boundary.** - `1Cxx`: **set volume sweep boundary.** - `1Dxx`: **set cutoff sweep boundary.** - `1Exx`: **set phase reset period low byte.** - `1Fxx`: **set phase reset period high byte.** - `20xx`: **toggle frequency sweep.** - bit 0-6: speed - bit 7: up direction - `21xx`: **toggle volume sweep.** - bit 0-4: speed - bit 5: up direction - bit 6: loop - bit 7: alternate - `22xx`: **toggle cutoff sweep.** - bit 0-6: speed - bit 7: up direction - `4xxx`: **set cutoff.** range is `0` to `FFF`. # info this chip uses the [Sound Unit](../4-instrument/soundunit.md) and [Generic Sample](../4-instrument/amiga.md) instrument editors.