// Code specific to working with the innertube API // https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1 import { Http } from "@capacitor-community/http"; import { getBetweenStrings, delay } from "./utils"; import rendererUtils from "./renderers"; import constants from "./constants"; class Innertube { //--- Initiation ---// constructor(ErrorCallback) { this.ErrorCallback = ErrorCallback || undefined; this.retry_count = 0; } checkErrorCallback() { return typeof this.ErrorCallback === "function"; } async initAsync() { const html = await Http.get({ url: constants.URLS.YT_URL, params: { hl: "en" }, }).catch((error) => error); try { if (html instanceof Error && this.checkErrorCallback) this.ErrorCallback(html.message, true); try { const data = JSON.parse( getBetweenStrings(html.data, "ytcfg.set(", ");") ); if (data.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT) { this.key = data.INNERTUBE_API_KEY; this.context = data.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT; this.logged_in = data.LOGGED_IN; this.context.client = constants.INNERTUBE_CLIENT(this.context.client); this.header = constants.INNERTUBE_HEADER(this.context.client); } } catch (err) { console.log(err); if (this.checkErrorCallback) { this.ErrorCallback(html.data, true); this.ErrorCallback(err, true); } if (this.retry_count < 10) { this.retry_count += 1; if (this.checkErrorCallback) this.ErrorCallback( `retry count: ${this.retry_count}`, false, `An error occurred while trying to init the innertube API. Retrial number: ${this.retry_count}/10` ); await delay(5000); await this.initAsync(); } else { if (this.checkErrorCallback) this.ErrorCallback( "Failed to retrieve Innertube session", true, "An error occurred while retrieving the innertube session. Check the Logs for more information." ); } } } catch (error) { this.ErrorCallback(error, true); } } static async createAsync(ErrorCallback) { const created = new Innertube(ErrorCallback); await created.initAsync(); return created; } //--- API Calls ---// async browseAsync(action_type) { let data = { context: this.context }; switch (action_type) { case "recommendations": data.browseId = "FEwhat_to_watch"; break; case "playlist": data.browseId = args.browse_id; break; default: } console.log(data); const response = await Http.post({ url: `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/browse?key=${this.key}`, data: data, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }).catch((error) => error); if (response instanceof Error) return { success: false, status_code: response.status, message: response.message, }; return { success: true, status_code: response.status, data: response.data, }; } async getContinuationsAsync(continuation, type, contextAdditional = {}) { let data = { context: { ...this.context, ...contextAdditional }, continuation: continuation, }; let url; switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "browse": url = `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/browse?key=${this.key}`; break; case "search": url = `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/search?key=${this.key}`; break; case "next": url = `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/next?key=${this.key}`; break; default: throw "Invalid type"; } const response = await Http.post({ url: url, data: data, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }).catch((error) => error); if (response instanceof Error) { return { success: false, status_code: response.status, message: response.message, }; } return { success: true, status_code: response.status, data: response.data, }; } async getVidAsync(id) { let data = { context: this.context, videoId: id }; const responseNext = await Http.post({ url: `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/next?key=${this.key}`, data: { ...data, ...{ context: { client: { clientName: constants.YT_API_VALUES.CLIENT_WEB_M, clientVersion: constants.YT_API_VALUES.VERSION_WEB, }, }, }, }, headers: constants.INNERTUBE_HEADER(this.context.client), }).catch((error) => error); const response = await Http.post({ url: `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/player?key=${this.key}`, data: data, headers: constants.INNERTUBE_HEADER(this.context.client), }).catch((error) => error); if (response.error) return { success: false, status_code: response.status, message: response.message, }; else if (responseNext.error) return { success: false, status_code: responseNext.status, message: responseNext.message, }; return { success: true, status_code: response.status, data: { output: response.data, outputNext: responseNext.data }, }; } async searchAsync(query) { let data = { context: this.context, query: query }; const response = await Http.post({ url: `${constants.URLS.YT_BASE_API}/search?key=${this.key}`, data: data, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }).catch((error) => error); if (response instanceof Error) return { success: false, status_code: response.status, message: response.message, }; return { success: true, status_code: response.status, data: response.data, }; } // WARNING: This is tracking the user's activity, but is required for recommendations to properly work async apiStats(params, url) { console.log(params); await Http.get({ url: url, params: { ...params, ...{ ver: 2, c: constants.YT_API_VALUES.CLIENTNAME.toLowerCase(), cbrver: constants.YT_API_VALUES.VERSION, cver: constants.YT_API_VALUES.VERSION, }, }, headers: this.header, }); } // Static methods static getThumbnail(id, resolution) { if (resolution == "max") { const url = `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${id}/maxresdefault.jpg`; let img = new Image(); img.src = url; img.onload = function () { if (img.height !== 120) return url; }; } return `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${id}/mqdefault.jpg`; } // Simple Wrappers async getRecommendationsAsync() { const rec = await this.browseAsync("recommendations"); console.log(rec.data); return rec; } async VidInfoAsync(id) { let response = await this.getVidAsync(id); if ( response.success == false || response.data.output?.playabilityStatus?.status == ("ERROR" || undefined) ) throw new Error( `Could not get information for video: ${ response.status_code || response.data.output?.playabilityStatus?.status } - ${ response.message || response.data.output?.playabilityStatus?.reason }` ); const responseInfo = response.data.output; const responseNext = response.data.outputNext; const details = responseInfo.videoDetails; // const columnUI = // responseInfo[3].response?.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults?.results // ?.results; const resolutions = responseInfo.streamingData; const columnUI = responseNext.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults.results.results; const vidMetadata = columnUI.contents.find( (content) => content.slimVideoMetadataSectionRenderer ).slimVideoMetadataSectionRenderer; const recommendations = columnUI?.contents.find( (content) => content?.itemSectionRenderer?.targetId == "watch-next-feed" ).itemSectionRenderer; const ownerData = vidMetadata.contents.find( (content) => content.slimOwnerRenderer )?.slimOwnerRenderer; const vidData = { id: details.videoId, title: details.title, isLive: details.isLiveContent, channelName: details.author, channelSubs: ownerData?.collapsedSubtitle?.runs[0]?.text, channelUrl: rendererUtils.getNavigationEndpoints(ownerData), channelImg: ownerData?.thumbnail?.thumbnails[0].url, availableResolutions: resolutions?.formats, availableResolutionsAdaptive: resolutions?.adaptiveFormats, metadata: { contents: vidMetadata.contents, description: details.shortDescription, thumbnails: details.thumbnails?.thumbnails, isPrivate: details.isPrivate, viewCount: details.viewCount, lengthSeconds: details.lengthSeconds, likes: parseInt( vidMetadata.contents .find((content) => content.slimVideoActionBarRenderer) .slimVideoActionBarRenderer.buttons.find( (button) => button.slimMetadataToggleButtonRenderer.isLike ) .slimMetadataToggleButtonRenderer.button.toggleButtonRenderer.defaultText.accessibility.accessibilityData.label.replace( /\D/g, "" ) ), // Yes. I know. }, renderedData: { description: responseNext.engagementPanels .find( (panel) => panel.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.panelIdentifier == "video-description-ep-identifier" ) .engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer.items.find( (item) => item.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer ).expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer, recommendations: recommendations, recommendationsContinuation: recommendations.contents[recommendations.contents.length - 1] .continuationItemRenderer?.continuationEndpoint.continuationCommand .token, }, engagementPanels: responseNext.engagementPanels, commentData: columnUI.contents .find((content) => content.itemSectionRenderer?.contents) ?.itemSectionRenderer.contents.find( (content) => content.commentsEntryPointHeaderRenderer )?.commentsEntryPointHeaderRenderer, playbackTracking: responseInfo.playbackTracking, commentContinuation: responseNext.engagementPanels .find( (panel) => panel.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.panelIdentifier == "engagement-panel-comments-section" ) ?.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.sectionListRenderer.contents.find( (content) => content.itemSectionRenderer ) ?.itemSectionRenderer.contents.find( (content) => content.continuationItemRenderer )?.continuationItemRenderer.continuationEndpoint.continuationCommand .token, }; return vidData; } async getSearchAsync(query) { const search = await this.searchAsync(query); if (search.success == false) throw new Error( `Could not get search results: ${search.status_code} - ${search.message}` ); console.log(search.data); return search.data; } } export default Innertube;