# Contributing to VueTube Hello! First of all, I'd like to say thank you for your interest in contribuiting to the VueTube project. If you haven't already, I'd like to extend to you a warm welcome to our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/7P8KJrdd5W). Hopefully this page will help make the contributing experience as seemless as possible. # Prerequisites - Android Studio "Arctic Fox" or Later - [Download](https://developer.android.com/studio#downloads) - NodeJS 16.x - [Download](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) - Java JRE 1.8 - [Download your preferred java runner] - Java JDK 1.8 - [Download your preferred jdk] - (Optional) Xcode [iOS app development] - [Download](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) # Setup Now that you have everything installed, you can proceed with installing your node dependancies. You can do this with the following commands in the project's root directory: `npm i; cd NUXT; npm i; cd ..` # Testing If you wish to test the app within your browser, you can enter the `NUXT` directory, and run `npm run dev`. You can then navigate to `http://localhost:80/` in your favorite web browser. > NOTE: TESTING THE APPLICATION FROM WITHIN YOUR WEB BROWSER DISALLOWS SOME FEATURES FROM WORKING. PLEASE COMPILE TO YOUR ANDROID DEVICE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PULL REQUEST If you're done with your changes and are ready to submit your code, there is one last step: compiling to your android device. Plug in your Android or iOS device. Then, in the root directory of the project, run `npx cap run android` to test on your Android device or `npx cap run ios` to test on your iPhone. The app will proceed to build and you will be asked what device to install the debug application on. Select your device and wait as it compiles for you! Hopefully everything goes smoothy, and you are ready to make your pull request! # Making a Pull Request A pull request is fairly simple, and it's done here on GitHub. All we ask is that you include a few screenshots (and/or screen recordings) of what you've actually changed within the app. # Thanks We hope that you have had a smooth experience contribuiting the VueTube. Any additional questions or concerns can be asked on our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/7P8KJrdd5W).