#!/usr/bin/env bash DIR=../android LOG_OUTPUT=./tmp/capacitor-android.txt CAP_VERSION=`grep '"version": ' ../package.json | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '",'` echo Attempting to build and publish Capacitor native libraries with version $CAP_VERSION # Make log dir if doesnt exist mkdir -p ./tmp # Export ENV variable used by Gradle for Versioning export CAP_VERSION # Get latest com.capacitorjs:core XML version info CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_URL="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/capacitorjs/core/maven-metadata.xml" CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_DATA=$(curl -s $CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_URL) CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_VERSION="$(perl -ne 'print and last if s/.*(.*)<\/latest>.*/\1/;' <<< $CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_DATA)" # Check if we need to publish a new native version of the Capacitor Android library if [[ $CAP_VERSION == $CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_VERSION ]]; then printf %"s\n" "Native Capacitor Android library version $CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_VERSION is already published on MavenCentral, skipping." else printf %"s\n" "Latest native Capacitor Android library is version $CAPACITOR_PUBLISHED_VERSION, publishing to MavenCentral staging..." # Build and publish $DIR/gradlew clean build --max-workers 1 -b $DIR/build.gradle -Pandroid.useAndroidX=true -Pandroid.enableJetifier=true > $LOG_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo $RESULT if grep --quiet "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" $LOG_OUTPUT; then printf %"s\n" "Success: Capacitor Android Library published to MavenCentral Staging. Manually review and release from the Sonatype Repository Manager https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/" else printf %"s\n" "Error publishing, check $LOG_OUTPUT for more info!" cat $LOG_OUTPUT exit 1 fi fi