//--- Modules/Imports ---// import { Http } from "@capacitor-community/http"; import { StatusBar, Style } from "@capacitor/status-bar"; import { NavigationBar } from "@hugotomazi/capacitor-navigation-bar"; import constants from "./constants"; import { hexToRgb, rgbToHex, parseEmoji } from "./utils"; import { Haptics, ImpactStyle } from "@capacitor/haptics"; import Vue from "vue"; import backHandler from "./classes/backHander"; Vue.directive("emoji", { inserted: function (el) { const twemojiParse = parseEmoji(el.innerHTML); if (twemojiParse) el.innerHTML = twemojiParse; }, }); let backActions; const module = { //--- Get GitHub Commits ---// commits: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Http.request({ method: "GET", url: `${constants.URLS.VT_GITHUB}/commits`, params: {}, }) .then((res) => { resolve(res.data); }) .catch((err) => { reject(err); }); }), getRuns(item, callback) { let url = `${constants.URLS.VT_GITHUB}/commits/${item.sha}/check-runs`; Http.request({ method: "GET", url: url, params: {}, }) .then((res) => { callback(res.data); }) .catch((err) => { callback(err); }); }, haptics: { async hapticsImpactHeavy(x) { await Haptics.impact({ style: ImpactStyle.Heavy, duration: x }); }, async hapticsImpactMedium(x) { await Haptics.impact({ style: ImpactStyle.Medium, duration: x }); }, async hapticsImpactLight(x) { await Haptics.impact({ style: ImpactStyle.Light, duration: x }); }, async hapticsVibrate(x) { await Haptics.vibrate(x); }, }, statusBar: { async hide() { return await StatusBar.hide(); }, async show() { return await StatusBar.show(); }, async setLight() { return await StatusBar.setStyle({ style: Style.Light }); }, async setDark() { return await StatusBar.setStyle({ style: Style.Dark }); }, async setTransparent() { return StatusBar.setOverlaysWebView({ overlay: true }); }, async setBackground(color) { return await StatusBar.setBackgroundColor({ color }); }, async setTheme(color, dark) { dark ? StatusBar.setStyle({ style: Style.Dark }) : StatusBar.setStyle({ style: Style.Light }); StatusBar.setBackgroundColor({ color }); }, }, navigationBar: { async hide() { return await NavigationBar.hide(); }, async show() { return await NavigationBar.show(); }, async setTheme(color, darkButtons) { return await NavigationBar.setColor({ color, darkButtons }); }, async setTransparent() { return NavigationBar.setTransparency({ isTransparent: true }); }, }, hexToRgb(hex) { return hexToRgb(hex); }, rgbToHex(r, g, b) { return rgbToHex(r, g, b); }, async launchBackHandling() { backActions = new backHandler(); return true; }, resetBackActions() { backActions.reset(); }, addBackAction(action) { backActions.addAction(action); }, back(listenerFunc) { backActions.back(listenerFunc); }, //--- Convert Time To Human Readable String ---// humanTime(seconds = 0) { seconds = Math.floor(seconds); // Not doing this seems to break the calculation let levels = [ Math.floor(seconds / 31536000) || null, //Years Math.floor((seconds % 31536000) / 86400) || null, //Days Math.floor(((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) / 3600) || null, //Hours Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) / 60), //Minutes Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) % 60), //Seconds ]; levels = levels.filter((level) => level !== null); for (let i = 1; i < levels.length; i++) { levels[i] = levels[i].toString().padStart(2, "0"); } // join the array into a string with : as a separator let returntext = levels.join(":"); return returntext; }, //--- End Convert Time To Human Readable String ---// }; //--- Start ---// export default ({ app }, inject) => { inject("vuetube", module); };