/* * Copyright 2013-2015 µg Project Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.microg.gms.maps; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import com.google.android.gms.R; import org.microg.gms.maps.camera.CameraUpdate; import org.microg.gms.maps.markup.Markup; import org.oscim.android.MapView; import org.oscim.android.cache.TileCache; import org.oscim.android.canvas.AndroidBitmap; import org.oscim.core.MapPosition; import org.oscim.layers.marker.ItemizedLayer; import org.oscim.layers.marker.MarkerItem; import org.oscim.layers.marker.MarkerSymbol; import org.oscim.layers.tile.buildings.BuildingLayer; import org.oscim.layers.tile.vector.VectorTileLayer; import org.oscim.layers.tile.vector.labeling.LabelLayer; import org.oscim.map.Layers; import org.oscim.map.Map; import org.oscim.map.Viewport; import org.oscim.theme.VtmThemes; import org.oscim.tiling.source.oscimap4.OSciMap4TileSource; import java.util.HashMap; public class BackendMap implements ItemizedLayer.OnItemGestureListener { private final static String TAG = "GmsBackendMap"; private final Context context; private final MapView mapView; private final BuildingLayer buildings; private final VectorTileLayer baseLayer; private final OSciMap4TileSource tileSource; private final TileCache cache; private final ItemizedLayer items; private java.util.Map markupMap = new HashMap<>(); private boolean redrawPosted = false; public BackendMap(Context context) { this.context = context; mapView = new MapView(new ContextContainer(context)); // TODO: Use a shared tile cache (provider?) cache = new TileCache(context, null, "tile.db"); cache.setCacheSize(512 * (1 << 10)); tileSource = new OSciMap4TileSource(); tileSource.setCache(cache); baseLayer = mapView.map().setBaseMap(tileSource); Layers layers = mapView.map().layers(); layers.add(buildings = new BuildingLayer(mapView.map(), baseLayer)); layers.add(new LabelLayer(mapView.map(), baseLayer)); layers.add(items = new ItemizedLayer<>(mapView.map(), new MarkerSymbol(new AndroidBitmap(BitmapFactory .decodeResource(ResourcesContainer.get(), R.drawable.nop)), 0.5F, 1))); items.setOnItemGestureListener(this); mapView.map().setTheme(VtmThemes.DEFAULT); } public void setInputListener(Map.InputListener listener) { mapView.map().input.bind(listener); } public Viewport getViewport() { return mapView.map().viewport(); } public void destroy() { //mapView.map().destroy(); } public void onResume() { /*try { Method onResume = MapView.class.getDeclaredMethod("onResume"); onResume.setAccessible(true); onResume.invoke(mapView); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ } public void onPause() { /*try { Method onPause = MapView.class.getDeclaredMethod("onPause"); onPause.setAccessible(true); onPause.invoke(mapView); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ } public MapPosition getMapPosition() { return mapView.map().getMapPosition(); } public View getView() { return mapView; } public boolean hasBuilding() { return mapView.map().layers().contains(buildings); } public void setBuildings(boolean buildingsEnabled) { if (!hasBuilding() && buildingsEnabled) { mapView.map().layers().add(buildings); } else if (hasBuilding() && !buildingsEnabled) { mapView.map().layers().remove(buildings); } redraw(); } public void redraw() { mapView.map().render(); } public void applyCameraUpdate(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) { cameraUpdate.apply(mapView.map()); } public void applyCameraUpdateAnimated(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate, int durationMs) { cameraUpdate.applyAnimated(mapView.map(), durationMs); } public void stopAnimation() { mapView.map().animator().cancel(); } public synchronized T add(T markup) { switch (markup.getType()) { case MARKER: markupMap.put(markup.getId(), markup); items.addItem(markup.getMarkerItem(context)); redraw(); break; case LAYER: Layers layers = mapView.map().layers(); layers.add(markup.getLayer(context, mapView.map())); layers.remove(items); layers.add(items); redraw(); break; default: Log.d(TAG, "Unknown markup: " + markup); } return markup; } public synchronized void clear() { markupMap.clear(); items.removeAllItems(); redraw(); } public synchronized void remove(Markup markup) { switch (markup.getType()) { case MARKER: markupMap.remove(markup.getId()); items.removeItem(items.getByUid(markup.getId())); redraw(); break; default: Log.d(TAG, "Unknown markup: " + markup); } } public synchronized void update(Markup markup) { if (markup == null || !markup.isValid()) { Log.d(TAG, "Tried to update() invalid markup!"); return; } switch (markup.getType()) { case MARKER: // TODO: keep order items.removeItem(items.getByUid(markup.getId())); items.addItem(markup.getMarkerItem(context)); redraw(); break; case LAYER: redraw(); break; default: Log.d(TAG, "Unknown markup: " + markup); } } @Override public boolean onItemSingleTapUp(int index, MarkerItem item) { Markup markup = markupMap.get(item.getUid()); if (markup != null) { if (markup.onClick()) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean onItemLongPress(int index, MarkerItem item) { // TODO: start drag+drop Log.d(TAG, "onItemLongPress: " + markupMap.get(item.getUid())); return false; } }