microG Services Core
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By continuing, you allow this app and Google to use your information in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies.
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Google Account Manager
"You don't have a network connection.
This could be a temporary problem or your Android device may not be provisioned for data services. Try again when connected to a mobile network, or connect to a Wi-Fi network."
"There was a problem communicating with Google servers.
Try again later."
"Your device is contacting Google to save information to your account.
This can take a couple of minutes."
listen to internal status broadcasts
listen to C2DM messages
send C2DM messages to other apps
Trust Google for app permissions
When disabled, the user is asked before an apps authorization request is sent to Google. Some applications will fail to use the Google account if this is disabled.
Enable device checkin
Device checkin is a hidden process that is used to create an unique identifier for Google services. microG Services strips identifying bits other than your Google account name from this data.
Enable Google Cloud Messaging
Google Cloud Messaging is a push notification provider used by many applications. To use it you must enable device checkin.
Background services
microG Settings