All Google services Allows app to access all Google services through any associated Google account. Android services Allows app to access Android services through any associated Google account. AdSense Allows app to access AdSense through any associated Google account. AdWords Allows app to access AdWords through any associated Google account. Google App Engine Allows app to access Google App Engine through any associated Google account. Blogger Allows app to access Blogger through any associated Google account. Google Calendar Allows app to access Google Calendar through any associated Google account. Contacts Allows app to access Contacts through any associated Google account. Dodgeball Allows app to access Dodgeball through any associated Google account. Google Finance Allows app to access Google Finance through any associated Google account. Google Base Allows app to access Google Base through any associated Google account. Google Voice Allows app to access Google Voice through any associated Google account. Google Groups Allows app to access Google Groups through any associated Google account. Google Health Allows app to access Google Health through any associated Google account. iGoogle Allows app to access iGoogle through any associated Google account. JotSpot Allows app to access JotSpot through any associated Google account. Knol Allows app to access Knol through any associated Google account. Picasa Web Albums Allows app to access Picasa Web Albums through any associated Google account. Google Maps Allows app to access Google Maps through any associated Google account. Google Mail Allows app to access Google Mail through any associated Google account. Google News Allows app to access Google News through any associated Google account. Google Notebook Allows app to access Google Notebook through any associated Google account. Orkut Allows app to access Orkut through any associated Google account. Google Book Search Allows app to access Google Book Search through any associated Google account. Google Checkout accounts Allows app to access Google Checkout accounts through any associated Google account. Google Checkout QA accounts Allows app to access Google Checkout QA accounts through any associated Google account. Google Checkout Sandbox accounts Allows app to access Google Checkout Sandbox accounts through any associated Google account. Google Webmaster Tools Allows app to access Google Webmaster Tools through any associated Google account. Voice Search Allows app to access Voice Search through any associated Google account. Personalized Speech Recognition Allows app to access Personalized Speech Recognition through any associated Google account. Google Talk Allows app to access Google Talk through any associated Google account. Google Wi-Fi Allows app to access Google Wi-Fi through any associated Google account. Google Spreadsheets Allows app to access Google Spreadsheets through any associated Google account. Google Docs Allows app to access Google Docs through any associated Google account. YouTube Allows app to access YouTube through any associated Google account. YouTube usernames Allows app to access YouTube username(s) used with any associated Google account. View the activity history of your Google Apps Manage your Ad Exchange buyer account configuration View your Ad Exchange data View and manage your Ad Exchange data View and manage your AdSense host data and associated accounts View your AdSense data View and manage your AdSense data View your Google Analytics data View and manage your Google Analytics data Access to the Google Play Android Developer App engine admin scope. Read and write access to Groups Migration API. View and manage the settings of a Google Apps Group Read/write access to License Manager API. For reseller administrators and users read/write access when testing in the API\'s sandbox, or read/write access when calling an API operation directly. In addition to the overall read/write OAuth scope, use the read only OAuth scope when retrieving the customer\'s data. Access to the Admin Audit API ReadOnly Scope for using the App State service. View your data in Google BigQuery View and manage your data in Google BigQuery Manage your Blogger account View your Blogger account Manage your books Manage your calendars View your calendars View and manage your google cloud print data View your Google Compute Engine resources View and manage your Google Compute Engine resources View your Google Coordinate jobs View and manage your Google Maps Coordinate jobs Manage your data and permissions in Google Cloud Storage View your data in Google Cloud Storage Manage your data in Google Cloud Storage View and manage DoubleClick for Advertisers reports Allows access to the Application Data folder View your Google Drive apps View and manage Google Drive files that you have opened or created with this app Special scope used to let users approve installation of an app View metadata for files and documents in your Google Drive View the files and documents in your Google Drive Modify your Google Apps Script scripts\' behavior View and manage the files and documents in your Google Drive view your Freebase account Sign in to Freebase with your account Manage your Fusion Tables View your Fusion Tables Scope for accessing data from Google Play Games. Manage your GAN data View your GAN data CloudMessaging for chrome Glass timeline scope Create, read, update, and delete drafts. Send messages and drafts. All read/write operations except immediate, permanent deletion of threads and messages, bypassing Trash. Read all resources and their metadata—no write operations. Manage your best-available location and location history Manage your city-level location and location history Manage your best-available location Manage your city-level location provides read and write access to the user\'s Maps Engine data from your application. provides read-only access to the user\'s Maps Engine data from your Full access to your Google Maps account Manage your Orkut activity View your Orkut data Know your name, basic info, and list of people you\'re connected to on Google+ Know who you are on Google Manage your data in the Google Prediction API View your product data Manage the list of sites and domains you control Manage your new site verifications with Google Read/write access to Shopping Content API. Consume Tasks from your Taskqueues Manage your Tasks Manage your tasks View your tasks Google Maps Tracks API, This scope allows read and write access to your project\'s data. Manage your short URLs View your email address View basic information about your account Manage your YouTube account View and manage your assets and associated content on YouTube View your YouTube account Manage your YouTube videos View YouTube Analytics monetary reports for your YouTube content View YouTube Analytics reports for your YouTube content