/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, microG Project Team * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ package org.microg.gms.profile import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.util.Log import org.microg.gms.settings.SettingsContract import org.microg.gms.settings.SettingsContract.Profile import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser import java.util.* import kotlin.random.Random object ProfileManager { private const val TAG = "ProfileManager" const val PROFILE_REAL = "real" const val PROFILE_AUTO = "auto" const val PROFILE_NATIVE = "native" private var initialized = false private fun getProfileFromSettings(context: Context) = SettingsContract.getSettings(context, Profile.getContentUri(context), arrayOf(Profile.PROFILE)) { it.getString(0) } private fun getAutoProfile(context: Context): String { val profile = "${android.os.Build.PRODUCT}_${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}" if (hasProfile(context, profile)) return profile return PROFILE_NATIVE } private fun getProfileResId(context: Context, profile: String) = context.resources.getIdentifier("${context.packageName}:xml/profile_$profile".toLowerCase(Locale.US), null, null) private fun hasProfile(context: Context, profile: String): Boolean = getProfileResId(context, profile) != 0 private fun getProfileData(context: Context, profile: String, realData: Map): Map { try { if (profile in listOf(PROFILE_REAL, PROFILE_NATIVE)) return realData val profileResId = getProfileResId(context, profile) if (profileResId == 0) return realData val resultData = mutableMapOf() resultData.putAll(realData) context.resources.getXml(profileResId).use { var next = it.next() while (next != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { when (next) { XmlPullParser.START_TAG -> when (it.name) { "data" -> { val key = it.getAttributeValue(null, "key") val value = it.getAttributeValue(null, "value") resultData[key] = value Log.d(TAG, "Overwrite from profile: $key = $value") } } } next = it.next() } } return resultData } catch (e: Exception) { Log.w(TAG, e) return realData } } private fun getActiveProfile(context: Context) = getProfileFromSettings(context).let { if (it != PROFILE_AUTO) it else getAutoProfile(context) } private fun getSerialFromSettings(context: Context): String? = SettingsContract.getSettings(context, Profile.getContentUri(context), arrayOf(Profile.SERIAL)) { it.getString(0) } private fun saveSerial(context: Context, serial: String) = SettingsContract.setSettings(context, Profile.getContentUri(context)) { put(Profile.SERIAL, serial) } private fun randomSerial(template: String, prefixLength: Int = (template.length / 2).coerceAtMost(6)): String { val serial = StringBuilder() template.forEachIndexed { index, c -> serial.append(when { index < prefixLength -> c c.isDigit() -> '0' + Random.nextInt(10) c.isLowerCase() && c <= 'f' -> 'a' + Random.nextInt(6) c.isLowerCase() -> 'a' + Random.nextInt(26) c.isUpperCase() && c <= 'F' -> 'A' + Random.nextInt(6) c.isUpperCase() -> 'A' + Random.nextInt(26) else -> c }) } return serial.toString() } @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") private fun getProfileSerialTemplate(context: Context, profile: String): String { // Native if (profile in listOf(PROFILE_REAL, PROFILE_NATIVE)) { var candidate = try { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) { android.os.Build.getSerial() } else { android.os.Build.SERIAL } } catch (e: Exception) { android.os.Build.SERIAL } if (candidate != android.os.Build.UNKNOWN) return candidate } // From profile try { val profileResId = getProfileResId(context, profile) if (profileResId != 0) { context.resources.getXml(profileResId).use { var next = it.next() while (next != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { when (next) { XmlPullParser.START_TAG -> when (it.name) { "serial" -> return it.getAttributeValue(null, "template") } } next = it.next() } } } } catch (e: Exception) { Log.w(TAG, e) } // Fallback return "008741A0B2C4D6E8" } @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") private fun getEffectiveProfileSerial(context: Context, profile: String): String { getSerialFromSettings(context)?.let { return it } val serialTemplate = getProfileSerialTemplate(context, profile) val serial = when { profile == PROFILE_REAL && serialTemplate != android.os.Build.UNKNOWN -> serialTemplate else -> randomSerial(serialTemplate) } saveSerial(context, serial) return serial } private fun getRealData(): Map = mutableMapOf( "Build.BOARD" to android.os.Build.BOARD, "Build.BOOTLOADER" to android.os.Build.BOOTLOADER, "Build.BRAND" to android.os.Build.BRAND, "Build.CPU_ABI" to android.os.Build.CPU_ABI, "Build.CPU_ABI2" to android.os.Build.CPU_ABI2, "Build.DEVICE" to android.os.Build.DEVICE, "Build.DISPLAY" to android.os.Build.DISPLAY, "Build.FINGERPRINT" to android.os.Build.FINGERPRINT, "Build.HARDWARE" to android.os.Build.HARDWARE, "Build.HOST" to android.os.Build.HOST, "Build.ID" to android.os.Build.ID, "Build.MANUFACTURER" to android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER, "Build.MODEL" to android.os.Build.MODEL, "Build.PRODUCT" to android.os.Build.PRODUCT, "Build.RADIO" to android.os.Build.RADIO, "Build.SERIAL" to android.os.Build.SERIAL, "Build.TAGS" to android.os.Build.TAGS, "Build.TIME" to android.os.Build.TIME.toString(), "Build.TYPE" to android.os.Build.TYPE, "Build.USER" to android.os.Build.USER, "Build.VERSION.CODENAME" to android.os.Build.VERSION.CODENAME, "Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL" to android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL, "Build.VERSION.RELEASE" to android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE, "Build.VERSION.SDK" to android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK, "Build.VERSION.SDK_INT" to android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.toString() ).apply { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { put("Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS", android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS.joinToString(",")) } if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { put("Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH", android.os.Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH) } } private fun applyProfileData(profileData: Map) { fun applyStringField(key: String, valueSetter: (String) -> Unit) = profileData[key]?.let { valueSetter(it) } fun applyIntField(key: String, valueSetter: (Int) -> Unit) = profileData[key]?.toIntOrNull()?.let { valueSetter(it) } fun applyLongField(key: String, valueSetter: (Long) -> Unit) = profileData[key]?.toLongOrNull()?.let { valueSetter(it) } applyStringField("Build.BOARD") { Build.BOARD = it } applyStringField("Build.BOOTLOADER") { Build.BOOTLOADER = it } applyStringField("Build.BRAND") { Build.BRAND = it } applyStringField("Build.CPU_ABI") { Build.CPU_ABI = it } applyStringField("Build.CPU_ABI2") { Build.CPU_ABI2 = it } applyStringField("Build.DEVICE") { Build.DEVICE = it } applyStringField("Build.DISPLAY") { Build.DISPLAY = it } applyStringField("Build.FINGERPRINT") { Build.FINGERPRINT = it } applyStringField("Build.HARDWARE") { Build.HARDWARE = it } applyStringField("Build.HOST") { Build.HOST = it } applyStringField("Build.ID") { Build.ID = it } applyStringField("Build.MANUFACTURER") { Build.MANUFACTURER = it } applyStringField("Build.MODEL") { Build.MODEL = it } applyStringField("Build.PRODUCT") { Build.PRODUCT = it } applyStringField("Build.RADIO") { Build.RADIO = it } applyStringField("Build.SERIAL") { Build.SERIAL = it } applyStringField("Build.TAGS") { Build.TAGS = it } applyLongField("Build.TIME") { Build.TIME = it } applyStringField("Build.TYPE") { Build.TYPE = it } applyStringField("Build.USER") { Build.USER = it } applyStringField("Build.VERSION.CODENAME") { Build.VERSION.CODENAME = it } applyStringField("Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL") { Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL = it } applyStringField("Build.VERSION.RELEASE") { Build.VERSION.RELEASE = it } applyStringField("Build.VERSION.SDK") { Build.VERSION.SDK = it } applyIntField("Build.VERSION.SDK_INT") { Build.VERSION.SDK_INT = it } if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS = profileData["Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS"]?.split(",")?.toTypedArray() ?: emptyArray() } else { Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS = emptyArray() } if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH = profileData["Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH"] } else { Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH = null } } private fun applyProfile(context: Context, profile: String) { val profileData = getProfileData(context, profile, getRealData()) ?: getRealData() applyProfileData(profileData) Build.SERIAL = getEffectiveProfileSerial(context, profile) Log.d(TAG, "Using Serial ${Build.SERIAL}") } fun setProfile(context: Context, profile: String?) { SettingsContract.setSettings(context, Profile.getContentUri(context)) { put(Profile.PROFILE, profile) put(Profile.SERIAL, null as String?) } applyProfile(context, profile ?: PROFILE_AUTO) } @JvmStatic fun ensureInitialized(context: Context) { synchronized(this) { if (initialized) return try { val profile = getActiveProfile(context) applyProfile(context, profile) initialized = true } catch (e: Exception) { Log.w(TAG, e) } } } }