bumped up version

This commit is contained in:
X1nto 2020-07-21 16:27:19 +04:00
parent ed74233e21
commit fee712e654
1 changed files with 1 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -53,11 +53,10 @@ def execResult(...args) {
return stdout.toString().trim()
def gmsVersion = "19.4.20"
def gmsVersion = "69.4.20"
def gmsVersionCode = Integer.parseInt(gmsVersion.replaceAll('\\.', ''))
def gitVersionBase = execResult('git', 'describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=0', '--match=v[0-9]*').substring(1)
def gitCommitCount = Integer.parseInt(execResult('git', 'rev-list', '--count', "v$gitVersionBase..HEAD"))
def gitCommitId = execResult('git', 'show-ref', '--abbrev=7', '--head', 'HEAD').split(' ')[0]
def gitDirty = execResult('git', 'status', '--porcelain').size() > 0
def ourVersionBase = gitVersionBase.substring(0, gitVersionBase.lastIndexOf('.'))
def ourVersionMinor = Integer.parseInt(ourVersionBase.substring(ourVersionBase.lastIndexOf('.') + 1))