package com.vanced.manager.utils import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import android.os.Build import com.topjohnwu.superuser.Shell import import com.vanced.manager.core.installer.AppInstallerService import com.vanced.manager.core.installer.AppUninstallerService import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.log import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.musicRootPkg import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.playStorePkg import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.sendCloseDialog import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.sendFailure import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.sendRefresh import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.vancedRootPkg import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import import import import import java.util.* object PackageHelper { const val apkInstallPath = "/data/adb" private const val INSTALLER_TAG = "VMInstall" private val vancedThemes = vanced.value?.array("themes")?.value ?: listOf("black", "dark", "pink", "blue") private fun getAppNameRoot(pkg: String): String { return when (pkg) { vancedRootPkg -> "vanced" musicRootPkg -> "music" else -> "" } } fun scriptExists(scriptName: String): Boolean { val serviceDScript ="$apkInstallPath/service.d/$") val postFsDataScript ="$apkInstallPath/post-fs-data.d/$") if (serviceDScript.exists() && postFsDataScript.exists()) { return true } return false } fun getPkgNameRoot(app: String): String { return when (app) { "vanced" -> vancedRootPkg "music" -> musicRootPkg else -> "" } } fun isPackageInstalled(packageName: String, packageManager: PackageManager): Boolean { return try { packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0) true } catch (e: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { false } } fun getPackageVersionName(packageName: String, packageManager: PackageManager): String { return if (isPackageInstalled(packageName, packageManager)) packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionName else "" } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") fun getPkgVerCode(pkg: String, pm: PackageManager): Int? { return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) pm.getPackageInfo(pkg, 0)?.longVersionCode?.and(0xFFFFFFFF)?.toInt() else pm.getPackageInfo(pkg, 0)?.versionCode } fun downloadStockCheck(pkg: String, versionCode: Int, context: Context): Boolean { return try { getPkgVerCode(pkg, context.packageManager) != versionCode } catch (e: Exception) { true } } fun apkExist(context: Context, apk: String): Boolean { val apkPath = File(context.getExternalFilesDir(apk.substring(0, apk.length - 4))?.path, apk) if (apkPath.exists()) return true return false } fun musicApkExists(context: Context): Boolean { val apkPath = File(context.getExternalFilesDir("music/nonroot")?.path, "nonroot.apk") if (apkPath.exists()) { return true } return false } fun vancedInstallFilesExist(context: Context): Boolean { val apksPath = File(context.getExternalFilesDir("vanced/nonroot")?.path.toString()) val splitFiles = mutableListOf() if (apksPath.exists()) { val files = apksPath.listFiles() if (files?.isNotEmpty() == true) { for (file in files) { when { vancedThemes.any { == "$it.apk" } && !splitFiles.contains("base") -> splitFiles.add( "base" )"split_config\\.(..)\\.apk")) && !splitFiles.contains( "lang" ) -> splitFiles.add("lang") ("split_config.arm") ||"split_config.x86")) && !splitFiles.contains( "arch" ) -> splitFiles.add("arch") } if (splitFiles.size == 3) { return true } } } return false } return false } fun uninstallRootApk(pkg: String): Boolean { val app = getAppNameRoot(pkg)"rm -rf $apkInstallPath/${app.capitalize(Locale.ROOT)}").exec()"rm $apkInstallPath/post-fs-data.d/$").exec()"rm $apkInstallPath/service.d/$").exec() return"pm uninstall $pkg").exec().isSuccess } fun uninstallApk(pkg: String, context: Context) { val callbackIntent = Intent(context, callbackIntent.putExtra("pkg", pkg) val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(context, 0, callbackIntent, intentFlags) try { context.packageManager.packageInstaller.uninstall(pkg, pendingIntent.intentSender) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } fun install(path: String, context: Context) { val callbackIntent = Intent(context, val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(context, 0, callbackIntent, intentFlags) val packageInstaller = context.packageManager.packageInstaller val params = PackageInstaller.SessionParams(PackageInstaller.SessionParams.MODE_FULL_INSTALL) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) { params.setRequireUserAction(PackageInstaller.SessionParams.USER_ACTION_NOT_REQUIRED) } val sessionId: Int var session: PackageInstaller.Session? = null try { sessionId = packageInstaller.createSession(params) session = packageInstaller.openSession(sessionId) val inputStream: InputStream = FileInputStream(path) val outputStream = session.openWrite("install", 0, -1) val buffer = ByteArray(65536) var length: Int while ( { length = it } > 0) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, length) } session.fsync(outputStream) inputStream.close() outputStream.close() session.commit(pendingIntent.intentSender) } catch (e: Exception) { log(INSTALLER_TAG, e.stackTraceToString()) sendFailure(e.stackTraceToString(), context) sendCloseDialog(context) } finally { session?.close() } } private fun installRootMusic(files: List, context: Context): Boolean { files.forEach { apk -> if ( != "root.apk") { val newPath = "/data/local/tmp/${}" //Copy apk to tmp folder in order to avoid permission denials"cp ${apk.path} $newPath").exec() val command ="pm install -r $newPath").exec()"rm $newPath").exec() if (!command.isSuccess) { sendFailure(command.out, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } } } return true } private fun installRootApp( context: Context, app: String, appVerCode: Int?, pkg: String, modApkBool: (fileName: String) -> Boolean ) = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { if (!isMagiskInstalled()) { sendFailure("NO_MAGISK", context) sendCloseDialog(context) return@launch } val apkFilesPath = context.getExternalFilesDir("$app/root")?.path val files = File(apkFilesPath.toString()).listFiles()?.toList() if (files != null) { val modApk: File? = files.lastOrNull { modApkBool( } if (modApk != null) { if (appVerCode != null) { if (overwriteBase(modApk, files, appVerCode, pkg, app, context)) { setInstallerPackage(context, pkg, playStorePkg) log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Finished installation") sendRefresh(context) sendCloseDialog(context) } } else { sendFailure("appVerCode is null", context) sendCloseDialog(context) } } else { sendFailure("ModApk_Missing", context) sendCloseDialog(context) } } else { sendFailure("Files_Missing_VA", context) sendCloseDialog(context) } } fun installMusicRoot(context: Context) { installRootApp( context, "music", music.value?.int("versionCode"), musicRootPkg ) { it == "root.apk" } } fun installVancedRoot(context: Context) { installRootApp( context, "vanced", vanced.value?.int("versionCode"), vancedRootPkg ) { fileName -> vancedThemes.any { fileName == "$it.apk" } } } fun installSplitApkFiles( context: Context, appName: String ) { val packageInstaller = context.packageManager.packageInstaller val folder = File(context.getExternalFilesDir("$appName/nonroot")?.path.toString()) var session: PackageInstaller.Session? = null val sessionId: Int val sessionParams = PackageInstaller.SessionParams(PackageInstaller.SessionParams.MODE_FULL_INSTALL) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) { sessionParams.setRequireUserAction(PackageInstaller.SessionParams.USER_ACTION_NOT_REQUIRED) } val callbackIntent = Intent(context, val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(context, 0, callbackIntent, intentFlags) try { sessionId = packageInstaller.createSession(sessionParams) session = packageInstaller.openSession(sessionId) folder.listFiles()?.forEach { apk -> val inputStream = FileInputStream(apk) val outputStream = session.openWrite(, 0, apk.length()) val buffer = ByteArray(65536) var length: Int while ( { length = it } > 0) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, length) } session.fsync(outputStream) inputStream.close() outputStream.close() } session.commit(pendingIntent.intentSender) } catch (e: Exception) { log(INSTALLER_TAG, e.stackTraceToString()) sendFailure(e.stackTraceToString(), context) sendCloseDialog(context) } finally { session?.close() } } private fun installSplitApkFilesRoot(apkFiles: List?, context: Context): Boolean { val filenames = arrayOf("black.apk", "dark.apk", "blue.apk", "pink.apk", "hash.json") log(INSTALLER_TAG, "installing split apk files: ${apkFiles?.map { }}") val sessionId ="pm install-create -r").exec().out.joinToString(" ").filter { it.isDigit() } .toIntOrNull() if (sessionId == null) { sendFailure("Session ID is null", context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } apkFiles?.filter { !filenames.contains( }?.forEach { apkFile -> val apkName = log(INSTALLER_TAG, "installing APK: $apkName") val newPath = "/data/local/tmp/$apkName" //Copy apk to tmp folder in order to avoid permission denials"cp ${apkFile.path} $newPath").exec() val command ="pm install-write $sessionId $apkName $newPath").exec()"rm $newPath").exec() if (!command.isSuccess) { sendFailure(command.out, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } } log(INSTALLER_TAG, "committing...") val installResult ="pm install-commit $sessionId").exec() if (!installResult.isSuccess) { sendFailure(installResult.out, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } return true } //overwrite stock Vanced/Music private fun overwriteBase( apkFile: File, baseApkFiles: List, versionCode: Int, pkg: String, app: String, context: Context ): Boolean { if (checkVersion(versionCode, baseApkFiles, pkg, context)) { val path = getPackageDir(context, pkg) val apath = apkFile.absolutePath setupFolder("$apkInstallPath/${app.capitalize(Locale.ROOT)}") if (path != null) { val apkFPath = "$apkInstallPath/${app.capitalize(Locale.ROOT)}/base.apk" if (moveAPK(apath, apkFPath, pkg, context)) { if (chConV(apkFPath, context)) { if (setupScript(apkFPath, path, app, pkg, context)) { return linkApp(apkFPath, pkg, path) } } } } } return false } private fun setupScript( apkFPath: String, path: String, app: String, pkg: String, context: Context ): Boolean { try { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Setting up script") context.writeServiceDScript(apkFPath, path, app)"""echo "#!/system/bin/sh\nwhile read line; do echo \${"$"}{line} | grep $pkg | awk '{print \${'$'}2}' | xargs umount -l; done< /proc/mounts" > /data/adb/post-fs-data.d/$""") .exec() return"chmod 744 /data/adb/service.d/$").exec().isSuccess } catch (e: IOException) { sendFailure(e.stackTraceToString(), context) sendCloseDialog(context) log(INSTALLER_TAG, e.stackTraceToString()) } return false } private fun linkApp(apkFPath: String, pkg: String, path: String): Boolean { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Linking app")"am force-stop $pkg").exec()"""for i in ${'$'}(ls /data/app/ | grep $pkg | tr " "); do umount -l "/data/app/${"$"}i/base.apk"; done """) .exec() val response ="""su -mm -c "mount -o bind $apkFPath $path"""").exec() Thread.sleep(500)"am force-stop $pkg").exec() return response.isSuccess } private fun setupFolder(apkInstallPath: String): Boolean { return"mkdir -p $apkInstallPath").exec().isSuccess } //check version and perform action based on result private fun checkVersion( versionCode: Int, baseApkFiles: List, pkg: String, context: Context ): Boolean { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Checking stock version") val path = getPackageDir(context, pkg) if (path != null) { if (path.contains("/data/app/")) { when (getVersionNumber(pkg, context)?.let { compareVersion(it, versionCode) }) { 1 -> return fixHigherVer(baseApkFiles, pkg, context) -1 -> return installStock(baseApkFiles, pkg, context) } return true } return installStock(baseApkFiles, pkg, context) } return installStock(baseApkFiles, pkg, context) } private fun getPkgInfo(pkg: String, context: Context): PackageInfo? { return try { context.packageManager.getPackageInfo(pkg, 0) } catch (e: Exception) { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Unable to get package info") null } } private fun compareVersion(pkgVerCode: Int, versionCode: Int): Int { return when { pkgVerCode > versionCode -> 1 pkgVerCode < versionCode -> -1 else -> 0 } } //uninstall current update and install base that works with patch private fun fixHigherVer(apkFiles: List, pkg: String, context: Context): Boolean { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Downgrading stock") if (uninstallRootApk(pkg)) { return if (pkg == vancedRootPkg) installSplitApkFilesRoot( apkFiles, context ) else installRootMusic(apkFiles, context) } sendFailure(listOf("Failed_Uninstall").toMutableList(), context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } //install stock youtube matching vanced version private fun installStock(baseApkFiles: List, pkg: String, context: Context): Boolean { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Installing stock") return if (pkg == vancedRootPkg) installSplitApkFilesRoot( baseApkFiles, context ) else installRootMusic(baseApkFiles, context) } private fun isMagiskInstalled() ="magisk -c").exec().isSuccess //set chcon to apk_data_file private fun chConV(apkFPath: String, context: Context): Boolean { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Running chcon") val response ="chcon u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 $apkFPath").exec() //val response ="chcon -R u:object_r:system_file:s0 $path").exec() if (!response.isSuccess) { sendFailure(response.out, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } return true } //move patch to data/app private fun moveAPK(apkFile: String, path: String, pkg: String, context: Context): Boolean { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Moving app")"am force-stop $pkg").exec() val mv ="cp $apkFile $path").exec() if (!mv.isSuccess) { sendFailure(mv.out.apply { add(0, "MV_Fail") }, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } val chmod ="chmod 644 $path").exec() if (!chmod.isSuccess) { sendFailure(chmod.out.apply { add(0, "Chmod_Fail") }, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } val chown ="chown system:system $path").exec() if (!chown.isSuccess) { sendFailure(chown.out.apply { add(0, "Chown_Fail") }, context) sendCloseDialog(context) return false } return true } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") private fun getVersionNumber(pkg: String, context: Context): Int? { try { return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) context.packageManager.getPackageInfo(vancedRootPkg, 0).longVersionCode.and( 0xFFFFFFFF ).toInt() else context.packageManager.getPackageInfo(vancedRootPkg, 0).versionCode } catch (e: Exception) { val execRes ="dumpsys package $pkg | grep versionCode").exec() if (execRes.isSuccess) { val result = execRes.out var version = 0 result .asSequence() .map { it.substringAfter("=") } .map { it.substringBefore(" ") } .filter { version < Integer.valueOf(it) } .forEach { version = Integer.valueOf(it) } return version } } return null } //get path of the installed youtube fun getPackageDir(context: Context, pkg: String): String? { val p = getPkgInfo(pkg, context) return if (p != null) { p.applicationInfo.sourceDir } else { val execRes ="dumpsys package $pkg | grep codePath").exec() if (execRes.isSuccess) { val result = execRes.out for (line in result) { if (line.contains("data/app")) "${line.substringAfter("=")}/base.apk" } } null } } private fun setInstallerPackage(context: Context, target: String, installer: String) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) return try { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Setting installer package to $installer for $target") val installerUid = context.packageManager.getPackageUid(installer, 0) val res ="""su $installerUid -c 'pm set-installer $target $installer'""").exec() if (res.out.any { line -> line.contains("Success") }) { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Installer package successfully set") return } log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Failed setting installer package") } catch (e: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { log(INSTALLER_TAG, "Installer package $installer not found. Skipping setting installer") } } }