Cancel Tanca Restableix Desa Select Your Apps Quant a Guide Logs Gestor Configuració Update Manager Is Your Device Rooted? Grant Root Permission Select at least one app! Vanced, but for YouTube Music!\nrelatively less feature-rich but fulfills your needs. YouTube Vanced is the stock Android YouTube App, but better! Let\'s get started Don\'t know what this is or don\'t want to use the root version? just click the blue arrow below! About %1$s Tap on the card to see the changelog. Changelog Descarregant %1$s Instal·lar Reinstal·la Instal·lat: Darrera: microG no està instal·lat L\'accés arrel no s\'ha concedit No disponible Actualitza Social Media Support us Color d\'èmfasi Appearance Behavior Esborrar fitxers descarregats Fitxers netejats correctament Firebase Analytics This lets us collect information about app performance and crash logs Language Utilitza pestanyes personalitzades del Chrome Els enllaços s\'obriran en pestanyes personalitzades del Chrome System Default Failed to save new time value Root Script Sleep Time Adjust sleep time value used in /data/adb/service.d/ script, useful for fixing mounting issues Tema Tema fosc Tema clar %1$s notificacions automàtiques Rebeu notificacions automàtiques quan es publiqui una actualització de%1$s Gestor d\'actualitzacions Cap actualització Variant Successfully saved logs Could not save logs Advanced %1$s installation files detected! Manager detected that all necessary files for %1$s installation were found. Do you want to install it? Checking for updates… Idioma: %1$s Tema: %1$s Version: %1$s Guia Atura! You are using the Magisk/TWRP version of Vanced, which is discontinued and cannot be updated using this app. Please remove it by removing the Magisk module/using TWRP Vanced uninstaller. MIUI Optimizations are enabled! To install Vanced, you MUST disable MIUI Optimizations in the developer settings. (You can ignore this warning if you are using 20.2.20 or later based ROM) Error Redownload Make sure that you downloaded the app from, the Vanced Discord server, or the Vanced GitHub %1$s Installation Preferences Version Bug in microG Due to a bug in the original microG, installing Vanced v16+ first requires you to install v15.43.32, open it, then login and only then can you install v16 and higher. Do you want to proceed with the installation of v15.43.32? Due to a bug in the original microG, installing Music v4.11+ first requires you to install v4.07.51, open it, then login and only then can you install v4.11 and higher. Do you want to proceed with the installation of v4.07.51? Please do NOT exit the app during this process! Benvingut Trieu els vostres idiomes preferits per a Vanced Latest Light + %1$s Select at least one language! Black Dark Gestor de desenvolupadors Other Contributors Fonts Equip avançat Failed to `chown` APK to system owner, please try again. Error en descarregar %1$s Error en instal·lar el paquet %1$s Failed to apply new accent color Failed to locate the required files for installation. Re-download the installation files, then try again. Failed to locate apk file for black/dark theme from storage, please try again. Installation failed because the user aborted the installation. Installation failed because the user blocked the installation. Installation failed because the user tried to downgrade the package. Uninstall updates from the stock app, then try again. Installation failed because the app conflicts with an already installed app. Uninstall the current version of the app, then try again. Installation failed for unknown reasons, join our Telegram or Discord for further support. Please also attach a screenshot from the Advanced menu La instal·lació ha fallat perquè el fitxer d\'instal·lació és incompatible amb el dispositiu. Esborreu els fitxers descarregats a Configuració i torneu-ho a provar. La instal·lació ha fallat perquè els fitxers apk estan danyats. Torneu-ho a provar. La instal·lació ha fallat perquè la verificació de la signatura apk està activada. Desactiveu la verificació de la signatura apk i torneu-ho a provar. La instal·lació ha fallat perquè l\'optimització MIUI està activada. Desactiveu l\'optimització MIUI i torneu-ho a provar. Installation failed because the device doesn\'t have enough free space. Failed to find apk file for black/dark theme from the installer. Clear app data of Manager, then try again. Failed to locate the stock YouTube installation path after split installation.