package com.vanced.manager.utils import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Build import androidx.core.content.FileProvider import com.vanced.manager.R import import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.log import com.vanced.manager.utils.AppUtils.sendCloseDialog import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import okhttp3.ResponseBody import retrofit2.Call import retrofit2.Callback import retrofit2.Response import retrofit2.http.GET import retrofit2.http.Streaming import retrofit2.http.Url import* object DownloadHelper : CoroutineScope by CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO) { interface DownloadHelper { @Streaming @GET fun download(@Url url: String): Call } fun download( url: String, baseUrl: String, fileFolder: String, fileName: String, context: Context, onDownloadComplete: () -> Unit = {}, onError: (error: String) -> Unit = {} ) { downloadingFile.postValue(context.getString(R.string.downloading_file, fileName)) val downloadInterface = createService(DownloadHelper::class, baseUrl) val download = currentDownload = download download.enqueue(object : Callback { override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) { if (response.isSuccessful) { launch { if (response.body()?.let { writeFile(it, context.getExternalFilesDir(fileFolder)?.path + "/" + fileName) } == true) { onDownloadComplete() } else { onError("Could not save file") downloadProgress.postValue(0) log("VMDownloader", "Failed to save file: $url\n${response.errorBody()}") } } } else { val errorBody = response.errorBody().toString() onError(errorBody) downloadProgress.postValue(0) log("VMDownloader", "Failed to download file: $url\n$errorBody") } } override fun onFailure(call: Call, t: Throwable) { if (call.isCanceled) { log("VMDownloader", "Download canceled") downloadProgress.postValue(0) } else { onError(t.stackTraceToString()) downloadProgress.postValue(0) log("VMDownloader", "Failed to download file: $url") } } }) } fun writeFile(body: ResponseBody, filePath: String): Boolean { return try { val file = File(filePath) val totalBytes = body.contentLength() var inputStream: InputStream? = null var outputStream: OutputStream? = null try { val fileReader = ByteArray(4096) var downloadedBytes: Long = 0 inputStream = body.byteStream() outputStream = FileOutputStream(file) var read: Int while ( { read = it } != -1) { outputStream.write(fileReader, 0, read) downloadedBytes += read.toLong() downloadProgress.postValue((downloadedBytes * 100 / totalBytes).toInt()) } outputStream.flush() true } catch (e: IOException) { false } finally { inputStream?.close() outputStream?.close() } } catch (e: IOException) { false } } fun downloadManager(context: Context) { val url = "" download(url,"", "manager", "manager.apk", context, onDownloadComplete = { val apk = File("${context.getExternalFilesDir("manager")?.path}/manager.apk") val uri = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, "${context.packageName}.provider", apk) else Uri.fromFile(apk) val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) intent.setDataAndType(uri, "application/") intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION) try { context.startActivity(intent) } catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) { log("VMDownloader", e.stackTraceToString()) } finally { sendCloseDialog(context) } }, onError = { downloadingFile.postValue( context.getString( R.string.error_downloading, "manager.apk" ) ) }) } }