
419 lines
36 KiB

#pragma once
#include <basis/seadRawPrint.h>
#include <basis/seadTypes.h>
#include <container/seadSafeArray.h>
#include <prim/seadSafeString.h>
#include <prim/seadScopedLock.h>
#include <thread/seadCriticalSection.h>
namespace sead
class EnumUtil
static void parseText_(char** text_ptr, char* text_all, int size);
static CriticalSection* getParseTextCS_();
static CriticalSection* getInitValueArrayCS_();
static constexpr int countValues(const char* text_all, size_t text_all_len)
int count = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < text_all_len; ++i)
if (text_all[i] == ',')
return count;
static void skipToWordEnd_(char** p_ptr, char** p_next);
static void skipToWordStart_(char** p_ptr);
} // namespace sead
/// Define an enum class. Custom enumerator values are *not* supported.
/// Example:
/// SEAD_ENUM(CoreId, cMain, cSub1, cSub2)
#define SEAD_ENUM(NAME, ...) \
class NAME \
{ \
/* Note: We cannot provide volatile overloads of the copy constructor and assignment \
* operator, because doing so would cause this class to stop being trivially copyable. \
* As a workaround we provide an implicit conversion to CvRef and a copy assignment \
* operator overload that takes a CvRef. The operator int() and NAME(int) constructor \
* allow construction from a const volatile NAME. */ \
struct CvRef \
{ \
const NAME& asRef() const { return const_cast<const NAME&>(cvref); } \
bool is_cv; \
const volatile NAME& cvref; \
}; \
public: \
enum ValueType \
{ \
__VA_ARGS__ \
}; \
/* This must be user-defined for correct codegen of static constructors. */ \
NAME() : mIdx(0) {} \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor,cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init) */ \
NAME(ValueType value) { setRelativeIndex(value); } \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor,cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init) */ \
NAME(int idx) { setRelativeIndex(idx); } \
NAME(const NAME& other) = default; \
NAME& operator=(const NAME& other) = default; \
NAME& operator=(ValueType value) \
{ \
setRelativeIndex(value); \
return *this; \
} \
volatile NAME& operator=(ValueType value) volatile \
{ \
setRelativeIndex(value); \
return *this; \
} \
volatile NAME& operator=(CvRef other) volatile \
{ \
setRelativeIndex(other.is_cv ? other.cvref.mIdx : other.asRef().mIdx); \
return *this; \
} \
bool operator==(const NAME& rhs) const { return mIdx == rhs.mIdx; } \
bool operator!=(const NAME& rhs) const { return mIdx != rhs.mIdx; } \
bool operator==(ValueType value) const { return ValueType(mIdx) == value; } \
bool operator==(ValueType value) const volatile { return ValueType(mIdx) == value; } \
bool operator!=(ValueType value) const { return ValueType(mIdx) != value; } \
bool operator!=(ValueType value) const volatile { return ValueType(mIdx) != value; } \
ValueType value() const { return static_cast<ValueType>(mIdx); } \
ValueType value() const volatile { return static_cast<ValueType>(mIdx); } \
/* XXX: Bafflingly, there is no purely const-qualified version of operator int(). */ \
/* This leads to suboptimal codegen in many places. */ \
operator int() const volatile { return value(); } \
operator CvRef() const { return {false, *this}; } \
operator CvRef() const volatile { return {true, *this}; } \
bool fromText(const sead::SafeString& name) \
{ \
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) \
{ \
if (name.isEqual(text(i))) \
{ \
mIdx = i; \
return true; \
} \
} \
return false; \
} \
const char* text() const { return text(mIdx); } \
const char* text() const volatile { return text(mIdx); } \
static const char* text(int idx) { return text_(idx); } \
int getRelativeIndex() const { return mIdx; } \
int getRelativeIndex() const volatile { return mIdx; } \
void setRelativeIndex(int idx) \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(u32(idx) < u32(size()), "range over: %d, [%d - %d)", idx, 0, size()); \
mIdx = idx; \
} \
void setRelativeIndex(int idx) volatile \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(u32(idx) < u32(size()), "range over: %d, [%d - %d)", idx, 0, size()); \
mIdx = idx; \
} \
const char* getTypeText() const { return #NAME; } \
const char* getTypeText() const volatile { return #NAME; } \
constexpr static int size() { return cCount; } \
constexpr static int getSize() { return size(); } \
constexpr static int getLastIndex() { return size() - 1; } \
static void initialize() { text(0); } \
class iterator \
{ \
public: \
iterator(int idx) /* NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor) */ : mIdx(idx) {} \
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const { return mIdx == rhs.mIdx; } \
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const { return mIdx != rhs.mIdx; } \
iterator& operator++() \
{ \
mIdx = mIdx <= getLastIndex() ? mIdx + 1 : size(); \
return *this; \
} \
iterator& operator--() \
{ \
--mIdx; \
return *this; \
} \
NAME operator*() const { return NAME(mIdx); } \
private: \
int mIdx; \
}; \
static iterator begin() { return iterator(0); } \
static iterator end() { return iterator(size()); } \
private: \
/* Returns nullptr when not found. */ \
static const char* text_(int idx) \
{ \
if (u32(idx) >= cCount) \
return nullptr; \
static char** spTextPtr = nullptr; \
if (spTextPtr) \
return spTextPtr[idx]; \
{ \
sead::ScopedLock<sead::CriticalSection> lock(sead::EnumUtil::getParseTextCS_()); \
if (!spTextPtr) \
{ \
static char* sTextPtr[cCount]; \
static sead::FixedSafeString<cTextAllLen> sTextAll = \
sead::SafeString(cTextAll); \
sead::EnumUtil::parseText_(sTextPtr, sTextAll.getBuffer(), cCount); \
spTextPtr = sTextPtr; \
} \
} \
return spTextPtr[idx]; \
} \
static constexpr const char* cTextAll = #__VA_ARGS__; \
static constexpr size_t cTextAllLen = sizeof(#__VA_ARGS__); \
static constexpr int cCount = sead::EnumUtil::countValues(cTextAll, cTextAllLen); \
int mIdx; \
/// Define a complex enum class with custom enumerator values with this macro.
/// You must then use SEAD_ENUM_EX_VALUES and define the enum values **in the same order**.
/// Example:
/// SEAD_ENUM_EX(AssetType, Wave, Stream, Unknown)
/// or SEAD_ENUM_EX(AssetType, Wave = 0, Stream = 1, Unknown = 0xFF)
/// followed by
/// SEAD_ENUM_EX_VALUES(AssetType, 0, 1, 0xFF)
/// or SEAD_ENUM_EX_VALUES(AssetType, Wave, Stream, Unknown)
/// Finally, in the .cpp file, add SEAD_ENUM_EX_IMPL(AssetType)
/// For the common case where enumerators do not require custom values, use SEAD_ENUM.
#define SEAD_ENUM_EX(NAME, ...) \
class NAME \
{ \
public: \
enum ValueType \
{ \
__VA_ARGS__ \
}; \
NAME() : mIdx(0) {} \
NAME(ValueType value) \
{ \
int idx = findRelativeIndex_(value); \
if (idx == -1) \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(false, "could not convert to relative index: %d", idx); \
idx = 0; \
} \
setRelativeIndex(idx); \
} \
NAME(int idx) { setRelativeIndex(idx); } \
NAME& operator=(const NAME& other) = default; \
bool operator==(const NAME& rhs) const { return mIdx == rhs.mIdx; } \
bool operator!=(const NAME& rhs) const { return mIdx != rhs.mIdx; } \
bool operator==(ValueType value) const { return mIdx == findRelativeIndex_(value); } \
bool operator!=(ValueType value) const { return mIdx != findRelativeIndex_(value); } \
ValueType value() const { return static_cast<ValueType>(getArray_()(mIdx)); } \
ValueType value() const volatile { return static_cast<ValueType>(getArray_()(mIdx)); } \
operator int() const volatile { return value(); } \
bool fromText(const sead::SafeString& name) \
{ \
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) \
{ \
if (name.isEqual(text(i))) \
{ \
mIdx = i; \
return true; \
} \
} \
return false; \
} \
const char* text() const { return text(mIdx); } \
const char* text() const volatile { return text(mIdx); } \
static const char* text(int idx) { return text_(idx); } \
int getRelativeIndex() const { return mIdx; } \
int getRelativeIndex() const volatile { return mIdx; } \
void setRelativeIndex(int idx) \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(u32(idx) < size(), "range over: %d, [%d - %d)", idx, 0, size()); \
mIdx = idx; \
} \
void setRelativeIndex(int idx) volatile \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(u32(idx) < size(), "range over: %d, [%d - %d)", idx, 0, size()); \
mIdx = idx; \
} \
static int findRelativeIndex(ValueType value) { return findRelativeIndex_(value); } \
const char* getTypeText() const { return #NAME; } \
const char* getTypeText() const volatile { return #NAME; } \
constexpr static int size() { return cCount; } \
constexpr static int getSize() { return size(); } \
static void initialize() { text(0); } \
class iterator \
{ \
public: \
iterator(int idx) : mIdx(idx) {} \
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const { return mIdx == rhs.mIdx; } \
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const { return mIdx != rhs.mIdx; } \
iterator& operator++() \
{ \
++mIdx; \
return *this; \
} \
iterator& operator--() \
{ \
--mIdx; \
return *this; \
} \
NAME operator*() const { return NAME(mIdx); } \
private: \
int mIdx; \
}; \
static iterator begin() { return iterator(0); } \
static iterator end() { return iterator(getArray_().size()); } \
private: \
class ValueArray \
{ \
public: \
ValueArray(); \
s32 size() const { return mSize; } \
int& operator()(s32 idx) { return *get(idx); } \
const int& operator()(s32 idx) const { return *get(idx); } \
int* get(s32 idx) \
{ \
if (mSize <= u32(idx)) \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(false, "index exceeded [%d/%d]", idx, mSize); \
return mBuffer; \
} \
return &mBuffer[idx]; \
} \
const int* get(s32 idx) const \
{ \
if (mSize <= u32(idx)) \
{ \
SEAD_ASSERT_MSG(false, "index exceeded [%d/%d]", idx, mSize); \
return mBuffer; \
} \
return &mBuffer[idx]; \
} \
private: \
s32 mSize = 0; \
int* mBuffer = nullptr; \
}; \
friend class ValueArray; \
static ValueArray& getArray_(); \
/* Returns nullptr when not found. */ \
static const char* text_(int idx) \
{ \
if (u32(idx) >= cCount) \
return nullptr; \
static char** spTextPtr = nullptr; \
if (spTextPtr) \
return spTextPtr[idx]; \
{ \
sead::ScopedLock<sead::CriticalSection> lock(sead::EnumUtil::getParseTextCS_()); \
if (!spTextPtr) \
{ \
static char* sTextPtr[cCount]; \
static sead::FixedSafeString<cTextAllLen> sTextAll = \
sead::SafeString(cTextAll); \
sead::EnumUtil::parseText_(sTextPtr, sTextAll.getBuffer(), cCount); \
spTextPtr = sTextPtr; \
} \
} \
return spTextPtr[idx]; \
} \
/* Returns -1 when not found. */ \
static int findRelativeIndex_(ValueType value); \
static constexpr const char* cTextAll = #__VA_ARGS__; \
static constexpr size_t cTextAllLen = sizeof(#__VA_ARGS__); \
static constexpr int cCount = sead::EnumUtil::countValues(cTextAll, cTextAllLen); \
int mIdx; \
/// For use with SEAD_ENUM_EX. Use immediately after SEAD_ENUM_EX.
#define SEAD_ENUM_EX_VALUES(NAME, ...) \
NAME::ValueArray::ValueArray() \
{ \
sead::ScopedLock<sead::CriticalSection> lock(sead::EnumUtil::getInitValueArrayCS_()); \
if (mBuffer) \
return; \
struct Array : sead::SafeArray<int, NAME::cCount> \
{ \
Array() : sead::SafeArray<int, NAME::cCount>{__VA_ARGS__} {} \
}; \
static Array sArray{}; \
mSize = sArray.size(); \
mBuffer = sArray.getBufferPtr(); \
/// For use with SEAD_ENUM_EX. Use this in the .cpp file.
NAME::ValueArray& NAME::getArray_() \
{ \
static ValueArray sBuffer; \
return sBuffer; \
} \
int NAME::findRelativeIndex_(NAME::ValueType value) \
{ \
ValueArray& array = getArray_(); \
if (array.size() < 1) \
return -1; \
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); ++i) \
{ \
if (array(i) == value) \
return i; \
} \
return -1; \