#include "server/Client.hpp" #include #include "al/actor/ActorSceneInfo.h" #include "al/layout/WindowConfirmWait.h" #include "al/util/LiveActorUtil.h" #include "algorithms/PlayerAnims.h" #include "game/GameData/GameDataFunction.h" #include "game/GameData/GameDataHolderAccessor.h" #include "game/Info/QuestInfo.h" #include "game/Player/PlayerActorHakoniwa.h" #include "game/StageScene/StageScene.h" #include "heap/seadHeapMgr.h" #include "helpers.hpp" #include "layouts/HideAndSeekIcon.h" #include "logger.hpp" #include "math/seadVector.h" #include "nn/err.h" #include "nn/result.h" #include "nn/swkbd/swkbd.h" #include "nn/util.h" #include "packets/ChangeStagePacket.h" #include "packets/InitPacket.h" #include "packets/Packet.h" #include "packets/PlayerConnect.h" #include "packets/TagInf.h" #include "sead/basis/seadRawPrint.h" #include "sead/math/seadQuat.h" #include "server/gamemode/GameModeBase.hpp" #include "server/gamemode/GameModeFactory.hpp" #include "server/HideAndSeekConfigMenu.hpp" #include "server/HideAndSeekMode.hpp" Client* Client::sInstance; typedef void (Client::*ClientThreadFunc)(void); /** * @brief Construct a new Client:: Client object * * @param bufferSize defines the maximum amount of puppets the client can handle */ Client::Client(int bufferSize) { this->mReadThread = new al::AsyncFunctorThread("ClientReadThread", al::FunctorV0M(this, &Client::readFunc), 0, 0x10000, {0}); // this->recvThread = new al::AsyncFunctorThread("ClientRecvThread", // al::FunctorV0M(this, &Client::recvFunc), 0, 0x10000, // {0}); mKeyboard = new Keyboard(nn::swkbd::GetRequiredStringBufferSize()); mSocket = new SocketClient("SocketClient"); maxPuppets = bufferSize - 1; mPuppetHolder = new PuppetHolder(maxPuppets); for (size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize + 1; i++) { mPuppetInfoArr[i] = new PuppetInfo(); sprintf(mPuppetInfoArr[i]->puppetName, "Puppet%zu", i); } strcpy(mDebugPuppetInfo.puppetName, "PuppetDebug"); puppetPlayerID.fill({0, 0}); mConnectCount = 0; curCollectedShines.fill(-1); collectedShineCount = 0; mShineArray.allocBuffer(100, nullptr); // max of 100 shine actors in buffer nn::account::GetLastOpenedUser(&mUserID); mUserID.print(); nn::account::Nickname playerName; nn::account::GetNickname(&playerName, mUserID); mUsername = playerName.name; Logger::log("Player Name: %s\n", playerName.name); #ifdef BUILDVER Logger::log("%s Build Number: %s\n", playerName.name, TOSTRING(BUILDVER)); #endif Logger::setLogName(playerName.name); // set Debug logger name to player name mServerMode = GameMode::HIDEANDSEEK; // temp for testing if(!sInstance) { sInstance = this; } } /** * @brief initializes client class using initInfo obtained from StageScene::init * * @param initInfo init info used to create layouts used by client */ void Client::init(al::LayoutInitInfo const &initInfo) { mConnectionWait = new al::WindowConfirmWait("ServerWaitConnect", "WindowConfirmWait", initInfo); mConnectionWait->setTxtMessage(u"Connecting to Server."); mConnectionWait->setTxtMessageConfirm(u"Failed to Connect!"); StartThreads(); // mConnectionWait->tryEndForce(); } /** * @brief creates and initializes the gamemode selected by either server or client settings * * @param initInfo init info used to initialize gamemode */ void Client::initMode(GameModeInitInfo const& initInfo) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is null!\n"); return; } GameModeInitInfo newInfo = initInfo; newInfo.initServerInfo(sInstance->mServerMode, sInstance->mPuppetHolder); GameModeFactory modeFactory("GameModeFactory"); const char* modeName = GameModeFactory::getModeString(newInfo.mMode); if (modeName) { auto creator = modeFactory.getCreator(modeName); if (creator) { sInstance->mCurMode = creator(modeName); } } if (sInstance->mCurMode) { sInstance->mCurMode->init(newInfo); } else { Logger::log("Failed to Create Gamemode! Mode: \n", modeName ? modeName : "Unknown"); } } /** * @brief starts client read thread * * @return true if read thread was sucessfully started * @return false if read thread was unable to start, or thread was already started. */ bool Client::StartThreads() { if(this->mReadThread->isDone()) { // && this->recvThread->isDone()) { this->mReadThread->start(); //this->recvThread->start(); Logger::log("Threads Sucessfully Started.\n"); return true; }else { Logger::log("Thread(s) has/have already started! Or other unknown reason.\n"); return false; } } /** * @brief restarts currently active connection to server * */ void Client::stopConnection() { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is null!\n"); return; } sInstance->mSocket->closeSocket(); sInstance->puppetPlayerID.fill({0,0}); sInstance->mConnectCount = 0; sInstance->mSocket->init(sInstance->mServerIP.cstr(), sInstance->mServerPort); if(sInstance->mSocket->getLogState() == SOCKET_LOG_CONNECTED) { Logger::log("Connected!\n"); PlayerConnect initPacket; initPacket.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; strcpy(initPacket.clientName, sInstance->mUsername.cstr()); initPacket.conType = ConnectionTypes::RECONNECT; sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&initPacket); } } /** * @brief starts a connection using client's TCP socket class, pulling up the software keyboard for user inputted IP if save file does not have one saved. * * @return true if successful connection to server * @return false if connection was unable to establish */ bool Client::startConnection() { if (mServerIP.isEmpty()) { mKeyboard->setHeaderText(u"Save File does not contain an IP!"); mKeyboard->setSubText(u"Please set a Server IP Below."); mServerIP = ""; Client::openKeyboardIP(); } if (!mServerPort) { mKeyboard->setHeaderText(u"Save File does not contain a port!"); mKeyboard->setSubText(u"Please set a Server Port Below."); mServerPort = 1027; Client::openKeyboardPort(); } bool socketConnected = mSocket->isConnected(); if (!socketConnected) { socketConnected = mSocket->init(mServerIP.cstr(), mServerPort).isSuccess(); } bool clientConnected = false; if (socketConnected) { // wait for client init packet while (true) { if (mSocket->RECV()) { Packet* curPacket = mSocket->mPacketQueue.popFront(); if (curPacket->mType == PacketType::CLIENTINIT) { InitPacket* initPacket = (InitPacket*)curPacket; Logger::log("Server Max Player Size: %d\n", initPacket->maxPlayers); maxPuppets = initPacket->maxPlayers - 1; clientConnected = true; } else { Logger::log("First Packet was not Init!\n"); clientConnected = false; } free(curPacket); } break; } } return clientConnected; } /** * @brief Opens up OS's software keyboard in order to change the currently used server IP. * */ void Client::openKeyboardIP() { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is null!\n"); return; } // opens swkbd with the initial text set to the last saved IP sInstance->mKeyboard->openKeyboard(sInstance->mServerIP.cstr(), [] (nn::swkbd::KeyboardConfig& config) { config.keyboardMode = nn::swkbd::KeyboardMode::ModeNumeric; config.leftOptionalSymbolKey = '.'; config.textMaxLength = 15; config.textMinLength = 1; config.isUseUtf8 = true; config.inputFormMode = nn::swkbd::InputFormMode::OneLine; }); while (true) { if (sInstance->mKeyboard->isThreadDone()) { sInstance->mServerIP = sInstance->mKeyboard->getResult(); break; } nn::os::YieldThread(); // allow other threads to run } } /** * @brief Opens up OS's software keyboard in order to change the currently used server port. * */ void Client::openKeyboardPort() { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is null!\n"); return; } // opens swkbd with the initial text set to the last saved port char buf[6]; nn::util::SNPrintf(buf, 6, "%u", sInstance->mServerPort); sInstance->mKeyboard->openKeyboard(buf, [] (nn::swkbd::KeyboardConfig& config) { config.keyboardMode = nn::swkbd::KeyboardMode::ModeNumeric; config.textMaxLength = 5; config.textMinLength = 2; config.isUseUtf8 = true; config.inputFormMode = nn::swkbd::InputFormMode::OneLine; }); while (true) { if (sInstance->mKeyboard->isThreadDone()) { sInstance->mServerPort = ::atoi(sInstance->mKeyboard->getResult()); break; } nn::os::YieldThread(); // allow other threads to run } } /** * @brief main thread function for read thread, responsible for receiving and processing packets from server * */ void Client::readFunc() { if (waitForGameInit) { nn::os::YieldThread(); // sleep the thread for the first thing we do so that game init can finish nn::os::SleepThread(nn::TimeSpan::FromSeconds(2)); waitForGameInit = false; } // we can use the start of readFunc to display an al::WindowConfirmWait while the server // connects mConnectionWait->appear(); mConnectionWait->playLoop(); if (!startConnection()) { al::hidePane(mConnectionWait, "Page01"); // hide A button prompt since connection message automatically hides after 0.25 seconds al::startAction(mConnectionWait, "Confirm", "State"); nn::os::SleepThread(nn::TimeSpan::FromNanoSeconds(250000000)); // sleep active thread for 0.25 seconds mConnectionWait->tryEnd(); return; } if (isFirstConnect) { sead::Heap* seqHeap = sead::HeapMgr::instance()->findHeapByName("SequenceHeap", 0); if (seqHeap) { Logger::log("Current Heap Name: %s\n", seqHeap->getName().cstr()); } } PlayerConnect initPacket; initPacket.mUserID = mUserID; strcpy(initPacket.clientName, mUsername.cstr()); if (isFirstConnect) { initPacket.conType = ConnectionTypes::INIT; } else { initPacket.conType = ConnectionTypes::RECONNECT; } mSocket->SEND(&initPacket); // send initial packet nn::os::SleepThread(nn::TimeSpan::FromNanoSeconds(500000000)); // sleep for 0.5 seconds to let connection layout fully show (probably should find a better way to do this) mConnectionWait->tryEnd(); isFirstConnect = false; while(true) { if (mSocket->getLogState() != SOCKET_LOG_CONNECTED) { if (!mConnectionWait->mIsAlive) { mConnectionWait->appear(); mConnectionWait->playLoop(); } // if we ever disconnect, reset all our values until we reconnect puppetPlayerID.fill({0,0}); mConnectCount = 0; mSocket->closeSocket(); mSocket->init(mServerIP.cstr(), mServerPort); if (mSocket->getLogState() == SOCKET_LOG_CONNECTED) { Logger::log("Connected!\n"); initPacket.conType = ConnectionTypes::RECONNECT; mSocket->SEND(&initPacket); // re-send init packet as reconnect packet mConnectionWait->tryEnd(); continue; } else { Logger::log("%s: not reconnected\n", __func__); } nn::os::YieldThread(); // if we're currently waiting on the socket to be initialized, wait until it is nn::os::SleepThread(nn::TimeSpan::FromSeconds(5)); // TODO: if a reconnect is sucessful, we should let the server know that this client has already connected, and that their player ID is already active } if(mSocket->RECV()) { // will block until a packet has been recieved, or socket disconnected while(!mSocket->mPacketQueue.isEmpty()) { Packet *curPacket = mSocket->mPacketQueue.popFront(); switch (curPacket->mType) { case PacketType::PLAYERINF: if(mIsInGame) { updatePlayerInfo((PlayerInf*)curPacket); } break; case PacketType::GAMEINF: updateGameInfo((GameInf*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::HACKCAPINF: updateHackCapInfo((HackCapInf *)curPacket); break; case PacketType::CAPTUREINF: updateCaptureInfo((CaptureInf*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::PLAYERCON: updatePlayerConnect((PlayerConnect*)curPacket); // send game info packet when client recieves connection if (lastGameInfPacket.mUserID != mUserID) { // assume game info packet is empty from first connection lastGameInfPacket.mUserID = mUserID; // leave rest blank } mSocket->SEND(&lastGameInfPacket); break; case PacketType::COSTUMEINF: updateCostumeInfo((CostumeInf*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::SHINECOLL: updateShineInfo((ShineCollect*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::PLAYERDC: Logger::log("Received Player Disconnect!\n"); curPacket->mUserID.print(); disconnectPlayer((PlayerDC*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::TAGINF: updateTagInfo((TagInf*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::CHANGESTAGE: sendToStage((ChangeStagePacket*)curPacket); break; case PacketType::CLIENTINIT: { InitPacket* initPacket = (InitPacket*)curPacket; Logger::log("Server Max Player Size: %d\n", initPacket->maxPlayers); maxPuppets = initPacket->maxPlayers - 1; break; } default: break; } free(curPacket); } }else { // if false, socket has errored or disconnected, so close the socket and end this thread. Logger::log("Client Socket Encountered an Error!\n"); } nn::os::YieldThread(); // allow other threads to run } } /** * @brief unused thread function for receiving thread * */ void Client::recvFunc() {} /** * @brief sends player info packet to current server * * @param player pointer to current player class, used to get translation, animation, and capture data */ void Client::sendPlayerInfPacket(const PlayerActorHakoniwa *player) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } if(!player) { Logger::log("Error: Null Player Reference\n"); return; } PlayerInf packet = PlayerInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; packet.playerPos = al::getTrans(player); al::calcQuat(&packet.playerRot, player); // calculate rotation based off pose instead of using quat rotation for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { packet.animBlendWeights[i] = player->mPlayerAnimator->getBlendWeight(i); } const char *hackName = player->mHackKeeper->getCurrentHackName(); if (hackName != nullptr) { sInstance->isClientCaptured = true; const char* actName = al::getActionName(player->mHackKeeper->currentHackActor); if (actName) { packet.actName = PlayerAnims::FindType(actName); packet.subActName = PlayerAnims::Type::Unknown; //strcpy(packet.actName, actName); } else { packet.actName = PlayerAnims::Type::Unknown; packet.subActName = PlayerAnims::Type::Unknown; } } else { packet.actName = PlayerAnims::FindType(player->mPlayerAnimator->mAnimFrameCtrl->getActionName()); packet.subActName = PlayerAnims::FindType(player->mPlayerAnimator->curSubAnim.cstr()); sInstance->isClientCaptured = false; } if(sInstance->lastPlayerInfPacket != packet) { sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); } sInstance->lastPlayerInfPacket = packet; } /** * @brief sends info related to player's cap actor to server * * @param hackCap pointer to cap actor, used to get translation, animation, and state info */ void Client::sendHackCapInfPacket(const HackCap* hackCap) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } bool isFlying = hackCap->isFlying(); // if cap is in flying state, send packet as often as this function is called if (isFlying) { HackCapInf packet = HackCapInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; packet.capPos = al::getTrans(hackCap); packet.isCapVisible = hackCap->isFlying(); packet.capQuat.x = hackCap->mJointKeeper->mJointRot.x; packet.capQuat.y = hackCap->mJointKeeper->mJointRot.y; packet.capQuat.z = hackCap->mJointKeeper->mJointRot.z; packet.capQuat.w = hackCap->mJointKeeper->mSkew; strcpy(packet.capAnim, al::getActionName(hackCap)); sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); sInstance->isSentHackInf = true; } else if (sInstance->isSentHackInf) { // if cap is not flying, check to see if previous function call sent a packet, and if so, send one final packet resetting cap data. HackCapInf packet = HackCapInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; packet.isCapVisible = false; packet.capPos = sead::Vector3f::zero; packet.capQuat = sead::Quatf::unit; sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); sInstance->isSentHackInf = false; } } /** * @brief * * @param player * @param holder */ void Client::sendGameInfPacket(const PlayerActorHakoniwa* player, GameDataHolderAccessor holder) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } GameInf packet = GameInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; if (player) { packet.is2D = player->mDimKeeper->is2DModel; } else { packet.is2D = false; } packet.scenarioNo = holder.mData->mGameDataFile->getScenarioNo(); strcpy(packet.stageName, GameDataFunction::getCurrentStageName(holder)); if(packet != sInstance->lastGameInfPacket) { sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); } sInstance->lastGameInfPacket = packet; } /** * @brief * * @param holder */ void Client::sendGameInfPacket(GameDataHolderAccessor holder) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } GameInf packet = GameInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; packet.is2D = false; packet.scenarioNo = holder.mData->mGameDataFile->getScenarioNo(); strcpy(packet.stageName, GameDataFunction::getCurrentStageName(holder)); sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); sInstance->lastGameInfPacket = packet; } /** * @brief * */ void Client::sendTagInfPacket() { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } if (sInstance->mServerMode != GameMode::HIDEANDSEEK) { Logger::log("State is not Hide and Seek!\n"); return; } HideAndSeekMode* hsMode = (HideAndSeekMode*)sInstance->mCurMode; HideAndSeekInfo* curInfo = (HideAndSeekInfo*)sInstance->mModeInfo; TagInf packet = TagInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; packet.isIt = hsMode->isPlayerIt(); packet.minutes = curInfo->mHidingTime.mMinutes; packet.seconds = curInfo->mHidingTime.mSeconds; packet.updateType = static_cast(TagUpdateType::STATE | TagUpdateType::TIME); sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); } /** * @brief * * @param body * @param cap */ void Client::sendCostumeInfPacket(const char* body, const char* cap) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } CostumeInf packet = CostumeInf(body, cap); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); } /** * @brief * * @param player */ void Client::sendCaptureInfPacket(const PlayerActorHakoniwa* player) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } if (sInstance->isClientCaptured && !sInstance->isSentCaptureInf) { CaptureInf packet = CaptureInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; strcpy(packet.hackName, tryConvertName(player->mHackKeeper->getCurrentHackName())); sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); sInstance->isSentCaptureInf = true; } else if (!sInstance->isClientCaptured && sInstance->isSentCaptureInf) { CaptureInf packet = CaptureInf(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; strcpy(packet.hackName, ""); sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); sInstance->isSentCaptureInf = false; } } /** * @brief * * @param shineID */ void Client::sendShineCollectPacket(int shineID) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Static Instance is Null!\n"); return; } if(sInstance->lastCollectedShine != shineID) { ShineCollect packet = ShineCollect(); packet.mUserID = sInstance->mUserID; packet.shineId = shineID; sInstance->lastCollectedShine = shineID; sInstance->mSocket->SEND(&packet); } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updatePlayerInfo(PlayerInf *packet) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } if(!curInfo->isConnected) { curInfo->isConnected = true; } curInfo->playerPos = packet->playerPos; // check if rotation is larger than zero and less than or equal to 1 if(abs(packet->playerRot.x) > 0.f || abs(packet->playerRot.y) > 0.f || abs(packet->playerRot.z) > 0.f || abs(packet->playerRot.w) > 0.f) { if(abs(packet->playerRot.x) <= 1.f || abs(packet->playerRot.y) <= 1.f || abs(packet->playerRot.z) <= 1.f || abs(packet->playerRot.w) <= 1.f) { curInfo->playerRot = packet->playerRot; } } if (packet->actName != PlayerAnims::Type::Unknown) { strcpy(curInfo->curAnimStr, PlayerAnims::FindStr(packet->actName)); } else { strcpy(curInfo->curAnimStr, "Wait"); } if (strlen(curInfo->curAnimStr) == 0) Logger::log("[ERROR] %s: actName was out of bounds: %d", __func__, packet->actName); if(packet->subActName != PlayerAnims::Type::Unknown) { strcpy(curInfo->curSubAnimStr, PlayerAnims::FindStr(packet->subActName)); } else { strcpy(curInfo->curSubAnimStr, ""); } if (strlen(curInfo->curSubAnimStr) == 0) Logger::log("[ERROR] %s: subActName was out of bounds: %d", __func__, packet->subActName); curInfo->curAnim = packet->actName; curInfo->curSubAnim = packet->subActName; for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // weights can only be between 0 and 1 if(packet->animBlendWeights[i] >= 0.f && packet->animBlendWeights[i] <= 1.f) { curInfo->blendWeights[i] = packet->animBlendWeights[i]; } } //TEMP if(!curInfo->isCapThrow) { curInfo->capPos = packet->playerPos; } } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updateHackCapInfo(HackCapInf *packet) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (curInfo) { curInfo->capPos = packet->capPos; curInfo->capRot = packet->capQuat; curInfo->isCapThrow = packet->isCapVisible; if (curInfo->capAnim && packet->capAnim) { strcpy(curInfo->capAnim, packet->capAnim); } } else { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); } } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updateCaptureInfo(CaptureInf *packet) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if (puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } curInfo->isCaptured = strlen(packet->hackName) > 0; if (curInfo->isCaptured) { strcpy(curInfo->curHack, packet->hackName); } } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updateCostumeInfo(CostumeInf *packet) { if(packet->bodyModel && packet->capModel) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } strcpy(curInfo->costumeBody, packet->bodyModel); strcpy(curInfo->costumeHead, packet->capModel); } } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updateShineInfo(ShineCollect* packet) { if(collectedShineCount < curCollectedShines.size() - 1) { curCollectedShines[collectedShineCount] = packet->shineId; collectedShineCount++; } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updatePlayerConnect(PlayerConnect *packet) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } curInfo->playerID = packet->mUserID; curInfo->isConnected = true; strcpy(curInfo->puppetName, packet->clientName); } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updateGameInfo(GameInf *packet) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } if(curInfo->isConnected) { curInfo->scenarioNo = packet->scenarioNo; if(strcmp(packet->stageName, "") != 0 && strlen(packet->stageName) > 3) { strcpy(curInfo->stageName, packet->stageName); } curInfo->is2D = packet->is2D; } } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::updateTagInfo(TagInf *packet) { // if the packet is for our player, edit info for our player if (packet->mUserID == mUserID && mCurMode->getMode() == GameMode::HIDEANDSEEK) { HideAndSeekMode* mMode = (HideAndSeekMode*)mCurMode; HideAndSeekInfo* curInfo = (HideAndSeekInfo*)mModeInfo; if (packet->updateType & TagUpdateType::STATE) { mMode->setPlayerTagState(packet->isIt); } if (packet->updateType & TagUpdateType::TIME) { curInfo->mHidingTime.mSeconds = packet->seconds; curInfo->mHidingTime.mMinutes = packet->minutes; } return; } int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } curInfo->isIt = packet->isIt; curInfo->seconds = packet->seconds; curInfo->minutes = packet->minutes; } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::sendToStage(ChangeStagePacket* packet) { if (mSceneInfo && mSceneInfo->mSceneObjHolder) { GameDataHolderAccessor accessor(mSceneInfo->mSceneObjHolder); Logger::log("Sending Player to %s at Entrance %s in Scenario %d\n", packet->changeStage, packet->changeID, packet->scenarioNo); ChangeStageInfo info(accessor.mData, packet->changeID, packet->changeStage, false, packet->scenarioNo, static_cast(packet->subScenarioType)); GameDataFunction::tryChangeNextStage(accessor, &info); } } /** * @brief * * @param packet */ void Client::disconnectPlayer(PlayerDC *packet) { int puppetIndex = findPuppetID(packet->mUserID); if(puppetIndex >= 0) { PuppetInfo* curInfo = mPuppetInfoArr[puppetIndex]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", puppetIndex); return; } curInfo->isConnected = false; curInfo->scenarioNo = -1; strcpy(curInfo->stageName, ""); curInfo->isInSameStage = false; mConnectCount--; if (mConnectCount < 0) { Logger::log("Connection Count went Negative!\n"); mConnectCount = 0; } } } /** * @brief * * @param shineId * @return true * @return false */ bool Client::isShineCollected(int shineId) { for (size_t i = 0; i < curCollectedShines.size(); i++) { if(curCollectedShines[i] >= 0) { if(curCollectedShines[i] == shineId) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @brief * * @param id * @return int */ int Client::findPuppetID(const nn::account::Uid &id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < this->puppetPlayerID.size(); i++) { if(this->puppetPlayerID[i].uid == id) { return this->puppetPlayerID[i].puppetIndex; } } if(this->puppetPlayerID.size() > mConnectCount) { int newIndex = mConnectCount; this->puppetPlayerID[newIndex].puppetIndex = newIndex; this->puppetPlayerID[newIndex].uid = id; mConnectCount++; return newIndex; } return -1; } /** * @brief * * @param holder */ void Client::setStageInfo(GameDataHolderAccessor holder) { if (sInstance) { sInstance->mStageName = GameDataFunction::getCurrentStageName(holder); sInstance->mScenario = holder.mData->mGameDataFile->getScenarioNo(); //holder.mData->mGameDataFile->getMainScenarioNoCurrent(); Client::sInstance->mPuppetHolder->setStageInfo(sInstance->mStageName.cstr(), sInstance->mScenario); } } /** * @brief * * @param puppet * @return true * @return false */ bool Client::tryAddPuppet(PuppetActor *puppet) { if(Client::sInstance) { return Client::sInstance->mPuppetHolder->tryRegisterPuppet(puppet); }else { return false; } } /** * @brief * * @param puppet * @return true * @return false */ bool Client::tryAddDebugPuppet(PuppetActor *puppet) { if(Client::sInstance) { return Client::sInstance->mPuppetHolder->tryRegisterDebugPuppet(puppet); }else { return false; } } /** * @brief * * @param idx * @return PuppetActor* */ PuppetActor *Client::getPuppet(int idx) { if(Client::sInstance) { return Client::sInstance->mPuppetHolder->getPuppetActor(idx); }else { return nullptr; } } /** * @brief * * @return PuppetInfo* */ PuppetInfo *Client::getLatestInfo() { if(Client::sInstance) { return Client::getPuppetInfo(Client::sInstance->mPuppetHolder->getSize() - 1); }else { return nullptr; } } /** * @brief * * @param idx * @return PuppetInfo* */ PuppetInfo *Client::getPuppetInfo(int idx) { if(Client::sInstance) { // unsafe get PuppetInfo *curInfo = Client::sInstance->mPuppetInfoArr[idx]; if (!curInfo) { Logger::log("Attempting to Access Puppet Out of Bounds! Value: %d\n", idx); return nullptr; } return curInfo; }else { return nullptr; } } /** * @brief * */ void Client::resetCollectedShines() { collectedShineCount = 0; curCollectedShines.fill(-1); } /** * @brief * * @param shineId */ void Client::removeShine(int shineId) { for (size_t i = 0; i < curCollectedShines.size(); i++) { if(curCollectedShines[i] == shineId) { curCollectedShines[i] = -1; collectedShineCount--; } } } /** * @brief * * @return true * @return false */ bool Client::isNeedUpdateShines() { return sInstance ? sInstance->collectedShineCount > 0 : false; } /** * @brief * */ void Client::updateShines() { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Client Null!\n"); return; } // skip shine sync if player is in cap kingdom scenario zero (very start of the game) if (sInstance->mStageName == "CapWorldHomeStage" && (sInstance->mScenario == 0 || sInstance->mScenario == 1)) { return; } GameDataHolderAccessor accessor(sInstance->mCurStageScene); for (size_t i = 0; i < sInstance->getCollectedShinesCount(); i++) { int shineID = sInstance->getShineID(i); if (shineID >= 0) { Shine* stageShine = findStageShine(shineID); if (!GameDataFunction::isGotShine(accessor, shineID)) { if (stageShine) { if (al::isDead(stageShine)) { stageShine->makeActorAlive(); } stageShine->getDirect(); stageShine->onSwitchGet(); accessor.mData->mGameDataFile->setGotShine(shineID); // TODO: add a system for displaying moon get layout when this runs } else { accessor.mData->mGameDataFile->setGotShine(shineID); } } } } sInstance->resetCollectedShines(); sInstance->mCurStageScene->stageSceneLayout->startShineCountAnim(false); } /** * @brief * */ void Client::updateStates() { if(sInstance) { sInstance->mPuppetHolder->update(); if(sInstance->mCurMode && sInstance->mCurMode->isModeActive()) sInstance->mCurMode->update(); } } /** * @brief * * @param state */ void Client::setGameActive(bool state) { if (sInstance) { sInstance->mIsInGame = state; // only modify mode state if mode should be active if (sInstance->mIsModeActive) { bool modeActive = sInstance->mCurMode->isModeActive(); if (state && !modeActive) { Logger::log("Resuming Current Mode.\n"); sInstance->mCurMode->begin(); } else if (!state && modeActive) { Logger::log("Pausing Current Mode.\n"); sInstance->mCurMode->end(); } } } } /** * @brief * */ void Client::clearArrays() { if(sInstance) { sInstance->mPuppetHolder->clearPuppets(); sInstance->mShineArray.clear(); } } /** * @brief * * @return PuppetInfo* */ PuppetInfo *Client::getDebugPuppetInfo() { if(Client::sInstance) { return &Client::sInstance->mDebugPuppetInfo; }else { return nullptr; } } /** * @brief * * @return PuppetActor* */ PuppetActor *Client::getDebugPuppet() { if(Client::sInstance) { return Client::sInstance->mPuppetHolder->getDebugPuppet(); }else { return nullptr; } } /** * @brief * * @return Keyboard* */ Keyboard* Client::getKeyboard() { if (sInstance) { return sInstance->mKeyboard; } return nullptr; } /** * @brief * * @return const char* */ const char* Client::getCurrentIP() { if (sInstance) { return sInstance->mServerIP.cstr(); } return nullptr; } /** * @brief * * @return const int */ const int Client::getCurrentPort() { if (sInstance) { return sInstance->mServerPort; } return -1; } /** * @brief sets server IP to supplied string, used specifically for loading IP from the save file. * * @param ip */ void Client::setLastUsedIP(const char* ip) { if (sInstance) { sInstance->mServerIP = ip; } } /** * @brief sets server port to supplied string, used specifically for loading port from the save file. * * @param port */ void Client::setLastUsedPort(const int port) { if (sInstance) { sInstance->mServerPort = port; } } /** * @brief creates new scene info and copies supplied info to the new info, as well as stores a const ptr to the current stage scene. * * @param initInfo * @param stageScene */ void Client::setSceneInfo(const al::ActorInitInfo& initInfo, const StageScene *stageScene) { if (!sInstance) { Logger::log("Client Null!\n"); return; } sInstance->mSceneInfo = new al::ActorSceneInfo(); memcpy(sInstance->mSceneInfo, &initInfo.mActorSceneInfo, sizeof(al::ActorSceneInfo)); sInstance->mCurStageScene = stageScene; } /** * @brief stores shine pointer supplied into a ptr array if space is available, and shine is not collected. * * @param shine * @return true if shine was able to be successfully stored * @return false if shine is already collected, or ptr array is full */ bool Client::tryRegisterShine(Shine* shine) { if (sInstance) { if (!sInstance->mShineArray.isFull()) { if (!shine->isGot()) { sInstance->mShineArray.pushBack(shine); return true; } } } return false; } /** * @brief finds the actor pointer stored in the shine ptr array based off shine ID * * @param shineID Unique ID used for shine actor * @return Shine* if shine ptr array contains actor with supplied shine ID. */ Shine* Client::findStageShine(int shineID) { if (sInstance) { for (int i = 0; i < sInstance->mShineArray.size(); i++) { Shine* curShine = sInstance->mShineArray[i]; if (curShine) { if (curShine->shineId == shineID) { return curShine; } } } } return nullptr; } /** * @brief gets the client's currently selected gamemode * * @return GameMode */ GameMode Client::getCurrentMode() { return sInstance && sInstance->mCurMode ? sInstance->mCurMode->getMode() : GameMode::NONE; } /** * @brief enables or disables currently selected gamemode * */ void Client::toggleCurrentMode() { if (!sInstance || !sInstance->mCurMode) { return; } GameModeBase* curMode = sInstance->mCurMode; if (curMode->isModeActive()) { Logger::log("Ending Gamemode: %s\n", curMode->getName()); curMode->end(); sInstance->mIsModeActive = false; } else { Logger::log("Starting Gamemode: %s\n", curMode->getName()); curMode->begin(); sInstance->mIsModeActive = true; } } /** * @brief re-enables current gamemode if previously activated (if a stage reload occurs while the gamemode was previously active, this will turn it back on after initialized) * */ void Client::tryRestartCurrentMode() { if (!sInstance || !sInstance->mCurMode) { return; } // restart mode if previous scene had one active if (sInstance->mIsModeActive) { sInstance->mCurMode->begin(); } } GameModeConfigMenu* Client::tryCreateModeMenu() { if (!sInstance) return nullptr; switch (sInstance->mServerMode) { case HIDEANDSEEK: { return new HideAndSeekConfigMenu(); } default: return nullptr; } }