name: Build artifacts inputs: tag: description : 'version tag' required : false default : '' prefix: description : 'filename prefix' required : false default : '' emu: description : 'what system the build is for, Switch or Emulators' required : false default : 'Switch' outputs: filename: description : 'Filename for the build artifacts' value : ${{ steps.env.outputs.filename }} runs: using: composite steps: - name : Environment id : env shell : bash run: | VERS=${{ inputs.tag }} echo "version=${VERS:1}" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "filename=${{ inputs.prefix }}SMO_Online${{ (inputs.tag != '' && format('_{0}', inputs.tag)) || '' }}_for_${{ inputs.emu }}" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT - name : Set up Docker Buildx uses : docker/setup-buildx-action@v2 - name : Build environment uses : docker/build-push-action@v3 with: pull : true push : false load : true context : . file : ./Dockerfile tags : smoo-build-env platforms : linux/amd64 cache-from : type=gha,scope=smoo-build-env cache-to : type=gha,scope=smoo-build-env,mode=max - name : Build mod shell : bash run: | docker run --rm \ -u `id -u`:`id -g` \ -v "/$PWD/":/app/ \ -e ISEMU=${{ (inputs.emu == 'Emulators' && '1') || '0' }} \ ${{ (steps.env.outputs.version != '' && format('-e BUILDVER={0}', steps.env.outputs.version)) || '' }} \ smoo-build-env \ ; cp -r ./romfs/ ./starlight_patch_100/atmosphere/contents/0100000000010000/. - name : Upload artifacts uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name : ${{ steps.env.outputs.filename }} path : ./starlight_patch_100/ if-no-files-found : error