#include "server/Client.hpp" #include "al/LiveActor/LiveActor.h" #include "al/layout/BalloonMessage.h" #include "al/layout/LayoutInitInfo.h" #include "al/string/StringTmp.h" #include "al/util.hpp" #include "al/util/LiveActorUtil.h" #include "algorithms/CaptureTypes.h" #include "logger.hpp" #include "actors/PuppetActor.h" #include "math/seadQuat.h" #include "math/seadVector.h" #include "server/gamemode/GameModeBase.hpp" #include "server/HideAndSeekMode.hpp" static const char *subActorNames[] = { "顔", // Face "目", // Eye "頭", // Head "左手", // Left Hand "右手" // Right Hand }; PuppetActor::PuppetActor(const char *name) : al::LiveActor(name) { mPuppetCap = new PuppetCapActor(name); mCaptures = new HackModelHolder(); mModelHolder = new PlayerModelHolder(3); // Regular Model, 2D Model, 2D Mini Model } void PuppetActor::init(al::ActorInitInfo const &initInfo) { mPuppetCap->init(initInfo); al::initActorWithArchiveName(this, initInfo, "PlayerActorHakoniwa", nullptr); const char *bodyName = "Mario"; const char *capName = "Mario"; if(mInfo) { bodyName = tryGetPuppetBodyName(mInfo); capName = tryGetPuppetCapName(mInfo); mNameTag = new NameTag(this, *al::getLayoutInitInfo(initInfo), 4900.0f, 5000.0f, mInfo->puppetName); } al::LiveActor *normalModel = new al::LiveActor("Normal"); mCostumeInfo = PlayerFunction::initMarioModelCommon(normalModel, initInfo, bodyName, capName, 0, false, nullptr, false, false); normalModel->mActorActionKeeper->mPadAndCamCtrl->mRumbleCount = 0; // set rumble count to zero so that no rumble actions will run mModelHolder->registerModel(normalModel, "Normal"); al::LiveActor *normal2DModel = new al::LiveActor("Normal2D"); PlayerFunction::initMarioModelActor2D(normal2DModel, initInfo, al::StringTmp<0x40>("%s2D", mCostumeInfo->mBodyInfo->costumeName).cstr(), PlayerFunction::isInvisibleCap(mCostumeInfo)); mModelHolder->registerModel(normal2DModel, "Normal2D"); al::setClippingInfo(normalModel, 50000.0f, 0); al::setClippingNearDistance(normalModel, 50000.0f); al::hideSilhouetteModelIfShow(normalModel); // "頭" = Head // "髪" = Hair // "キャップの目" = Cap Eyes // "[デモ用]キャップの目" = [Demo] Cap Eyes al::LiveActor* headModel = al::getSubActor(normalModel, "頭"); al::getSubActor(headModel, "キャップの目")->kill(); al::startVisAnimForAction(headModel, "CapOn"); mModelHolder->changeModel("Normal"); startAction("Wait"); al::validateClipping(normalModel); al::validateClipping(normal2DModel); } void PuppetActor::initAfterPlacement() { al::LiveActor::initAfterPlacement(); } void PuppetActor::initOnline(PuppetInfo *pupInfo) { mInfo = pupInfo; mPuppetCap->initOnline(pupInfo); } void PuppetActor::movement() { al::LiveActor::movement(); } void PuppetActor::control() { if(mInfo) { al::LiveActor* curModel = getCurrentModel(); // Animation Updating if(!al::isActionPlaying(curModel, mInfo->curSubAnimStr)) { startAction(mInfo->curAnimStr); }else if(al::isActionEnd(curModel)) { startAction(mInfo->curAnimStr); } if(isNeedBlending()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { setBlendWeight(i, mInfo->blendWeights[i]); } } // Position & Rotation Handling sead::Vector3f* pPos = al::getTransPtr(this); sead::Quatf *pQuat = al::getQuatPtr(this); if (!mIs2DModel) { mClosingSpeed = VisualUtils::SmoothMove({pPos, pQuat}, {&mInfo->playerPos, &mInfo->playerRot}, Time::deltaTime, mClosingSpeed, 1440.0f); } else { // do not linearly interpolate rotation if model is 2D, and use basic lerp instead of visual util's smooth move if(*pPos != mInfo->playerPos) { al::lerpVec(pPos, *pPos, mInfo->playerPos, 0.25); } al::setQuat(this, mInfo->playerRot); } // Model Updating if (!mIs2DModel && mInfo->is2D) { changeModel("Normal2D"); mIs2DModel = true; } else if (mIs2DModel && !mInfo->is2D) { changeModel("Normal"); mIs2DModel = false; } // Capture Updating if (mInfo->isCaptured && !mIsCaptureModel) { getCurrentModel()->makeActorDead(); // sets previous model to dead so we can try to // switch to capture model setCapture(mInfo->curHack); mIsCaptureModel = true; getCurrentModel()->makeActorAlive(); // make new model alive } else if (!mInfo->isCaptured && mIsCaptureModel) { getCurrentModel()->makeActorDead(); // make capture model dead mModelHolder->changeModel("Normal"); // set player model to normal mIsCaptureModel = false; getCurrentModel()->makeActorAlive(); // make player model alive } // Visibility Updating if(mInfo->isCapThrow) { if(al::isDead(mPuppetCap)) { mPuppetCap->makeActorAlive(); al::setTrans(mPuppetCap, mInfo->capPos); } }else { if(al::isAlive(mPuppetCap)) { mPuppetCap->makeActorDead(); startAction(mInfo->curSubAnimStr); al::LiveActor* headModel = al::getSubActor(curModel, "頭"); if (headModel) { al::startVisAnimForAction(headModel, "CapOn"); } } } if (mNameTag) { if (Client::isSelectedMode(GameMode::HIDEANDSEEK) && Client::isModeActive()) { mNameTag->mIsAlive = Client::getMode()->isPlayerIt() && mInfo->isIt; } else { if(!mNameTag->mIsAlive) mNameTag->appear(); } } // Sub-Actor Updating mPuppetCap->update(); // Syncing syncPose(); } } void PuppetActor::makeActorAlive() { al::LiveActor *curModel = getCurrentModel(); if (al::isDead(curModel)) { curModel->makeActorAlive(); } if (al::isDead(this)) { // update name tag when puppet becomes active again if (mInfo) { if (mNameTag) { mNameTag->setText(mInfo->puppetName); } } al::LiveActor::makeActorAlive(); } } void PuppetActor::makeActorDead() { al::LiveActor *curModel = getCurrentModel(); if (!al::isDead(curModel)) { curModel->makeActorDead(); } if (!al::isDead(this)) { mPuppetCap->makeActorDead(); // make sure we kill the cap puppet along with regular puppet al::LiveActor::makeActorDead(); } } // this is more or less how nintendo does it with marios demo puppet void PuppetActor::startAction(const char *actName) { al::LiveActor* curModel = getCurrentModel(); if(!actName) return; if(al::tryStartActionIfNotPlaying(curModel, actName)) { const char *curActName = al::getActionName(curModel); if(curActName) { if(al::isSklAnimExist(curModel, curActName)) { al::clearSklAnimInterpole(curModel); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { al::LiveActor* subActor = al::getSubActor(curModel, subActorNames[i]); const char *curActName = al::getActionName(curModel); if(subActor && curActName) { if (al::tryStartActionIfNotPlaying(subActor, curActName)) { if(al::isSklAnimExist(curModel, curActName)) { al::clearSklAnimInterpole(curModel); } } } } al::LiveActor* faceActor = al::tryGetSubActor(curModel, "顔"); if (faceActor) { al::StringTmp<0x80> faceAnim("%sFullFace", actName); if (al::tryStartActionIfNotPlaying(faceActor, faceAnim.cstr())) { if(al::isSklAnimExist(faceActor, faceAnim.cstr())) { al::clearSklAnimInterpole(faceActor); } } } } void PuppetActor::hairControl() { al::LiveActor *curModel = getCurrentModel(); if (mCostumeInfo->isNeedSyncBodyHair()) { PlayerFunction::syncBodyHairVisibility(al::getSubActor(curModel, "髪"), al::getSubActor(curModel, "頭")); } if (mCostumeInfo->isSyncFaceBeard()) { PlayerFunction::syncMarioFaceBeardVisibility(al::getSubActor(curModel, "顔"), al::getSubActor(curModel, "頭")); } if (mCostumeInfo->isSyncStrap()) { PlayerFunction::syncMarioHeadStrapVisibility(al::getSubActor(curModel, "頭")); } if (PlayerFunction::isNeedHairControl(mCostumeInfo->mBodyInfo, mCostumeInfo->mHeadInfo->costumeName)) { PlayerFunction::hideHairVisibility(al::getSubActor(curModel, "頭")); } } bool PuppetActor::isNeedBlending() { const char *curActName = al::getActionName(getCurrentModel()); if(curActName) { return al::isEqualSubString(curActName, "Move") || al::isEqualSubString(curActName, "Sand") || al::isEqualSubString(curActName, "MotorcycleRide"); }else { return false; } } bool PuppetActor::isInCaptureList(const char *hackName) { return mCaptures->getCapture(hackName) != nullptr; } bool PuppetActor::addCapture(PuppetHackActor* capture, const char* hackType) { if (mCaptures->addCapture(capture, hackType)) { return true; } return false; } void PuppetActor::changeModel(const char* newModel) { getCurrentModel()->makeActorDead(); mModelHolder->changeModel(newModel); getCurrentModel()->makeActorAlive(); } al::LiveActor* PuppetActor::getCurrentModel() { if (mIsCaptureModel) { al::LiveActor* curCapture = mCaptures->getCurrentActor(); if (curCapture) { return curCapture; } } return mModelHolder->currentModel->mLiveActor; } void PuppetActor::debugTeleportCaptures(const sead::Vector3f& pos) { for (int i = 0; i < mCaptures->getEntryCount(); i++) { al::LiveActor* capture = mCaptures->getCapture(i); if (capture) { al::setTrans(capture, al::getTrans(getCurrentModel())); } } } void PuppetActor::debugTeleportCapture(const sead::Vector3f& pos, int index) { al::LiveActor* capture = mCaptures->getCapture(index); if (capture) { al::setTrans(capture, al::getTrans(getCurrentModel())); } } bool PuppetActor::setCapture(const char* captureName) { if (captureName && mCaptures->setCurrent(captureName)) { mCurCapture = CaptureTypes::FindType(captureName); return true; } else { mCurCapture = CaptureTypes::Type::Unknown; return false; } } void PuppetActor::syncPose() { al::LiveActor* curModel = getCurrentModel(); curModel->mPoseKeeper->updatePoseQuat(al::getQuat(this)); // update pose using a quaternion instead of setting quaternion rotation al::setTrans(curModel, al::getTrans(this)); }