import os, sys, re, ctypes, struct from keystone import * class Patch: def __init__(self, offset, length, content): self.offset = offset self.length = length self.content = content # consts PATCH_DIR = "patches" PATCH_EXTENSION = ".slpatch" NSO_HEADER_LEN = 0x100 PATCH_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join(PATCH_DIR, "configs") PATCH_NSO_MAP_DIR = os.path.join(PATCH_DIR, "maps") PATCH_CONFIG_EXTENSION = ".config" IPS_OUT_DIR_NAME = "starlight_patch_{}" IPS_FORMAT = ".ips" IPS_HEADER_MAGIC = bytes("IPS32", 'ASCII') IPS_EOF_MAGIC = bytes("EEOF", 'ASCII') # globals buildVersion = None patchConfig = { "build_id" : {}, "nso_load_addr" : {}, "map_file" : {} } patchList = {} def initConfig(): configPath = os.path.join(PATCH_CONFIG_DIR, buildVersion + PATCH_CONFIG_EXTENSION) # read config file with open(configPath) as configFile: curConfigName = None for line in configFile: line = line.strip() configNameLineMatch = re.match(r'\[(.+)\]', line) if configNameLineMatch: curConfigName = continue if '=' in line: configNSO, configValue = line.split('=', 1) if not configNSO.isalnum(): continue if '+' in configValue: print(" error:", line, "awaits implementation") sys.exit(-1) patchConfig[curConfigName][configNSO] = configValue # read nso map files curVerMapDir = os.path.join(PATCH_NSO_MAP_DIR, buildVersion) for file in os.listdir(curVerMapDir): if file.endswith('.map'): with open(os.path.join(curVerMapDir, file), 'r') as f: patchConfig['map_file'][file[:-4]] = # returns symbol at it's loaded addr relative to main def getSymAddrFromMap(target, regexStr, symStr): mapFile = None def getFoundPosAddr(start): regexMatch =, mapFile[start:]) if not regexMatch: return -1, -1 foundLinePos = mapFile.rfind('\n', 0, regexMatch.span()[0] + start) + 1 foundLineEndPos = mapFile.find('\n', regexMatch.span()[1] + start) foundLine = mapFile[foundLinePos:foundLineEndPos].strip() foundAddr = int(foundLine[:foundLine.find(" ")].replace("00000000:00000071", ''), 16) return foundLineEndPos, foundAddr if target in patchConfig['map_file']: mapFile = patchConfig['map_file'][target] loadAddrAdjustment = int(patchConfig["nso_load_addr"][target], 16) else: mapFile = SLMapFile loadAddrAdjustment = int(patchConfig["nso_load_addr"]["subsdk1"], 16) foundPos, firstFoundAddr = getFoundPosAddr(0) if foundPos == -1: raise NameError # check uniqueness while True: foundPos, moreFoundAddr = getFoundPosAddr(foundPos) if foundPos == -1: break if moreFoundAddr != firstFoundAddr: print(" error:", symStr, "is ambiguous!") sys.exit(-1) # map stores signed address relative to starlight as unsigned? return loadAddrAdjustment + ctypes.c_long(firstFoundAddr).value def resolveAddressAndTarget(target, symbolStr): resolvedAddr = 0 # resolve + offset plusSplit = symbolStr.split('+', 1) if len(plusSplit) > 1: symbolStr = plusSplit[0] resolvedAddr += int(plusSplit[1], 16) # resolve different nso target with '!' notation targetSplit = symbolStr.split('!', 1) if len(targetSplit) > 1: target = targetSplit[0] symbolStr = targetSplit[1] else: # if symbol is one of the nso targets if symbolStr in patchConfig["nso_load_addr"]: target = symbolStr resolvedAddr += int(patchConfig["nso_load_addr"][symbolStr], 16) return target, resolvedAddr # if symbol is in starlight funcStr = symbolStr + r'\(' try: addrInStarlight = getSymAddrFromMap("starlight", funcStr, symbolStr) # if no exception, then symbolStr is found is starlight resolvedAddr += addrInStarlight return target, resolvedAddr except NameError: pass # if symbolStr is already an address try: resolvedAddr += int(symbolStr, 16) resolvedAddr += int(patchConfig["nso_load_addr"][target], 16) return target, resolvedAddr except ValueError: pass # search symbol in map regexStr = r'\w*'.join(re.findall(r'\w+', symbolStr)) try: resolvedAddr += getSymAddrFromMap(target, regexStr, symbolStr) except NameError: print(" error: cannot resolve", symbolStr) sys.exit(-1) return target, resolvedAddr def getPatchBin(target, patchAddress, patchValueStr): # bytes patch try: patchBin = bytearray.fromhex(patchValueStr) return patchBin except ValueError: pass # string patch stringMatch ='"(.+)"', patchValueStr) if stringMatch: return bytearray(bytes(, 'utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') + '\0', 'utf-8') # asm patch branchNeedResolveMatch = re.match(r'([Bb][Ll]?\s+)([^\#]+$)', patchValueStr) if branchNeedResolveMatch: target, toAddr = resolveAddressAndTarget(target, patchValueStr = ( + '#' + hex(toAddr - patchAddress)) ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) encodedBytes, insCount = ks.asm(patchValueStr) return bytearray(encodedBytes) def addPatchToPatchlist(target, patchAddress, patchContent): if target not in patchList: patchList[target] = [] patchList[target].append(Patch( patchAddress - int(patchConfig["nso_load_addr"][target], 16) + NSO_HEADER_LEN, len(patchContent), patchContent )) def addPatchFromFile(patchFilePath): PATCH_VERSION_ALL = "all" patchVars = { "version" : None, "target" : "main" } with open(patchFilePath) as patchFile: fileLinesIter = iter(patchFile) isInMultiPatch = False while True: # read next line if isInMultiPatch: # multiPatch check already read new line; simply false the flag isInMultiPatch = False else: try: line = next(fileLinesIter) except StopIteration: break line = line.split('/', 1)[0].strip() # if is patch variable line, e.g. [version=100] patchVarLineMatch = re.match(r'\[(.+)\]', line) if patchVarLineMatch: patchVarMatches = re.findall(r'(\w+)=(\w+)', for match in patchVarMatches: patchVars[match[0]] = match[1] continue # skip all lines not for our version if patchVars["version"] != buildVersion and patchVars["version"] != PATCH_VERSION_ALL: continue # parse patches addressSplit = line.split(' ', 1) isInMultiPatch = addressSplit[0].endswith(':') if len(addressSplit) < 2 and not isInMultiPatch: continue patchTarget, patchAddress = resolveAddressAndTarget(patchVars["target"], addressSplit[0] if not isInMultiPatch else addressSplit[0][:-1]) patchContent = bytearray() if isInMultiPatch: try: line = next(fileLinesIter).split('/', 1)[0] ident ='\s+', line).group() while True: patchContent += getPatchBin(patchTarget, patchAddress + len(patchContent), line.strip()) line = next(fileLinesIter).split('/', 1)[0] if not line.startswith(ident): break except StopIteration: addPatchToPatchlist(patchTarget, patchAddress, patchContent) break else: patchContent = getPatchBin(patchTarget, patchAddress, addressSplit[1]) addPatchToPatchlist(patchTarget, patchAddress, patchContent) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [version]') sys.exit(-1) buildVersion = sys.argv[1] initConfig() SLMapFilePath = os.path.join("build" + buildVersion, os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) + buildVersion + ".map") with open(SLMapFilePath, 'r') as f: SLMapFile = for file in os.listdir(PATCH_DIR): if file.endswith(PATCH_EXTENSION): addPatchFromFile(os.path.join(PATCH_DIR, file)) ipsOutDir = IPS_OUT_DIR_NAME.format(buildVersion) try: os.mkdir(ipsOutDir) except FileExistsError: pass for nso in patchList: ipsOutPath = os.path.join(ipsOutDir, patchConfig["build_id"][nso] + IPS_FORMAT) with open(ipsOutPath, 'wb') as ipsFile: ipsFile.write(IPS_HEADER_MAGIC) for patch in patchList[nso]: ipsFile.write(struct.pack('>I', patch.offset)) ipsFile.write(struct.pack('>H', patch.length)) ipsFile.write(patch.content) ipsFile.write(IPS_EOF_MAGIC) print("", nso, "->", ipsOutPath, "successful")