using System.Net.Sockets; using Shared; using Shared.Packet; using Shared.Packet.Packets; namespace Server; public class Client : IDisposable { public readonly Dictionary Metadata = new Dictionary(); // can be used to store any information about a player public bool Connected = false; public CostumePacket? CurrentCostume = null; public Guid Id; public Socket? Socket; public Server Server { get; init; } public void Dispose() { Socket?.Disconnect(false); } public async Task Send(ReadOnlyMemory data, Client? other) { if (!Connected) { Server.Logger.Info($"Didn't send {(PacketType) data.Span[16]} to {Id} because they weren't connected yet"); return; } // Server.Logger.Info($"Sending {(PacketType) data.Span[16]} to {Id} from {other?.Id.ToString() ?? "server"}"); await Socket!.SendAsync(data[..Constants.MaxPacketSize], SocketFlags.None); } public static bool operator ==(Client? left, Client? right) { return left is { } leftClient && right is { } rightClient && leftClient.Id == rightClient.Id; } public static bool operator !=(Client? left, Client? right) { return !(left == right); } }