using System.Buffers; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Shared; using Shared.Packet; using Shared.Packet.Packets; namespace Server; public class Client : IDisposable { public readonly ConcurrentDictionary Metadata = new ConcurrentDictionary(); // can be used to store any information about a player public bool Connected = false; public bool Ignored = false; public CostumePacket? CurrentCostume = null; // required for proper client sync public string Name { get => Logger.Name; set => Logger.Name = value; } public Guid Id; public Socket? Socket; public Server Server { get; init; } = null!; //init'd in object initializer public Logger Logger { get; } public Client(Socket socket) { Socket = socket; Logger = new Logger("Unknown User"); } // copy Client to use existing data for a new reconnected connection with a new socket public Client(Client other, Socket socket) { Metadata = other.Metadata; Connected = other.Connected; CurrentCostume = other.CurrentCostume; Id = other.Id; Socket = socket; Server = other.Server; Logger = other.Logger; } public void Dispose() { if (Socket?.Connected is true) Socket.Disconnect(false); } public async Task Send(T packet, Client? sender = null) where T : struct, IPacket { IMemoryOwner memory = MemoryPool.Shared.RentZero(Constants.HeaderSize + packet.Size); PacketAttribute packetAttribute = Constants.PacketMap[typeof(T)]; try { Server.FillPacket(new PacketHeader { Id = sender?.Id ?? Id, Type = packetAttribute.Type, PacketSize = packet.Size }, packet, memory.Memory); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error($"Failed to serialize {packetAttribute.Type}"); Logger.Error(e); } await Socket!.SendAsync(memory.Memory[..(Constants.HeaderSize + packet.Size)], SocketFlags.None); memory.Dispose(); } public async Task Send(Memory data, Client? sender) { PacketHeader header = new PacketHeader(); header.Deserialize(data.Span); if (!Connected && header.Type is not PacketType.Connect) { Server.Logger.Error($"Didn't send {header.Type} to {Id} because they weren't connected yet"); return; } await Socket!.SendAsync(data[..(Constants.HeaderSize + header.PacketSize)], SocketFlags.None); } public void CleanMetadataOnNewConnection() { object? tmp; Metadata.TryRemove("time", out tmp); Metadata.TryRemove("seeking", out tmp); Metadata.TryRemove("lastCostumePacket", out tmp); Metadata.TryRemove("lastCapturePacket", out tmp); Metadata.TryRemove("lastGamePacket", out tmp); Metadata.TryRemove("lastPlayerPacket", out tmp); } public TagPacket? GetTagPacket() { var time = (Time?) this.Metadata?["time"]; var seek = (bool?) this.Metadata?["seeking"]; if (time == null && seek == null) { return null; } return new TagPacket { UpdateType = (seek != null ? TagPacket.TagUpdate.State : 0) | (time != null ? TagPacket.TagUpdate.Time: 0), IsIt = seek ?? false, Seconds = (byte) (time?.Seconds ?? 0), Minutes = (ushort) (time?.Minutes ?? 0), }; } public static bool operator ==(Client? left, Client? right) { return left is { } leftClient && right is { } rightClient && leftClient.Id == rightClient.Id; } public static bool operator !=(Client? left, Client? right) { return !(left == right); } public override bool Equals(object? obj) { if (obj is Client) return this == (Client)obj; else return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return Id.GetHashCode(); //relies upon same info as == operator. } }