using System.Buffers; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Shared; using Shared.Packet; using Shared.Packet.Packets; namespace Server; public class Server { public readonly List Clients = new List(); public readonly Logger Logger = new Logger("Server"); private readonly MemoryPool memoryPool = MemoryPool.Shared; public Func? PacketHandler = null!; public event Action ClientJoined = null!; public async Task Listen(CancellationToken? token = null) { Socket serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); serverSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); serverSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Settings.Instance.Server.Address), Settings.Instance.Server.Port)); serverSocket.Listen(); Logger.Info($"Listening on {serverSocket.LocalEndPoint}"); try { while (true) { Socket socket = token.HasValue ? await serverSocket.AcceptAsync(token.Value) : await serverSocket.AcceptAsync(); socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, true); Logger.Warn($"Accepted connection for client {socket.RemoteEndPoint}"); try { if (Clients.Count == Constants.MaxClients) { Logger.Warn("Turned away client due to max clients"); await socket.DisconnectAsync(false); continue; } Task.Run(() => HandleSocket(socket)); } catch { // super ignore this } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // ignore the exception, it's just for closing the server } Logger.Info("Server closing"); try { serverSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); } catch (Exception) { // ignore } finally { serverSocket.Close(); } Logger.Info("Server closed"); } public static void FillPacket(PacketHeader header, T packet, Memory memory) where T : struct, IPacket { Span data = memory.Span; MemoryMarshal.Write(data, ref header); packet.Serialize(data[Constants.HeaderSize..]); } // broadcast packets to all clients public delegate void PacketReplacer(Client from, Client to, T value); // replacer must send public async Task BroadcastReplace(T packet, Client sender, PacketReplacer packetReplacer) where T : struct, IPacket { foreach (Client client in Clients.Where(client => sender.Id != client.Id)) { packetReplacer(sender, client, packet); } } public async Task Broadcast(T packet, Client sender) where T : struct, IPacket { IMemoryOwner memory = memoryPool.RentZero(Constants.MaxPacketSize); PacketHeader header = new PacketHeader { Id = sender?.Id ?? Guid.Empty, Type = Constants.PacketMap[typeof(T)].Type }; FillPacket(header, packet, memory.Memory); await Broadcast(memory, sender); } /// /// Takes ownership of data and disposes once done. /// /// Memory owner to dispose once done /// Optional sender to not broadcast data to public async Task Broadcast(IMemoryOwner data, Client? sender = null) { await Task.WhenAll(Clients.Where(c => c.Connected && c != sender).Select(client => client.Send(data.Memory, sender))); data.Dispose(); } /// /// Broadcasts memory whose memory shouldn't be disposed, should only be fired by server code. /// /// Memory to send to the clients /// Optional sender to not broadcast data to public async void Broadcast(Memory data, Client? sender = null) { await Task.WhenAll(Clients.Where(c => c.Connected && c != sender).Select(client => client.Send(data, sender))); } public Client? FindExistingClient(Guid id) { return Clients.Find(client => client.Id == id); } private async void HandleSocket(Socket socket) { Client client = new Client(socket) { Server = this }; IMemoryOwner memory = null!; bool first = true; try { while (true) { memory = memoryPool.Rent(Constants.MaxPacketSize); { int readOffset = 0; while (readOffset < Constants.MaxPacketSize) { int size = await socket.ReceiveAsync(memory.Memory[readOffset..Constants.MaxPacketSize], SocketFlags.None); if (size == 0) { // treat it as a disconnect and exit Logger.Info($"Socket {socket.RemoteEndPoint} disconnected."); if (socket.Connected) await socket.DisconnectAsync(false); break; } readOffset += size; } if (readOffset < Constants.MaxPacketSize) break; } PacketHeader header = GetHeader(memory.Memory.Span[..Constants.MaxPacketSize]); // connection initialization if (first) { first = false; if (header.Type != PacketType.Connect) throw new Exception($"First packet was not init, instead it was {header.Type}"); ConnectPacket connect = new ConnectPacket(); connect.Deserialize(memory.Memory.Span[Constants.HeaderSize..Constants.MaxPacketSize]); lock (Clients) { bool firstConn = false; switch (connect.ConnectionType) { case ConnectionTypes.FirstConnection: { firstConn = true; break; } case ConnectionTypes.Reconnecting: { client.Id = header.Id; client.Name = connect.ClientName; if (FindExistingClient(header.Id) is { } newClient) { if (newClient.Connected) throw new Exception($"Tried to join as already connected user {header.Id}"); newClient.Socket = client.Socket; client = newClient; } else { firstConn = true; connect.ConnectionType = ConnectionTypes.FirstConnection; } break; } default: throw new Exception($"Invalid connection type {connect.ConnectionType}"); } client.Connected = true; if (firstConn) { // do any cleanup required when it comes to new clients List toDisconnect = Clients.FindAll(c => c.Id == header.Id && c.Connected && c.Socket != null); Clients.RemoveAll(c => c.Id == header.Id); client.Id = header.Id; Clients.Add(client); Parallel.ForEachAsync(toDisconnect, (c, token) => c.Socket!.DisconnectAsync(false, token)); // done disconnecting and removing stale clients with the same id ClientJoined?.Invoke(client, connect); } } List otherConnectedPlayers = Clients.FindAll(c => c.Id != header.Id && c.Connected && c.Socket != null); await Parallel.ForEachAsync(otherConnectedPlayers, async (other, _) => { IMemoryOwner tempBuffer = MemoryPool.Shared.RentZero(Constants.MaxPacketSize); PacketHeader connectHeader = new PacketHeader { Id = other.Id, Type = PacketType.Connect }; MemoryMarshal.Write(tempBuffer.Memory.Span, ref connectHeader); ConnectPacket connectPacket = new ConnectPacket { ConnectionType = ConnectionTypes.FirstConnection, // doesn't matter what it is :) ClientName = other.Name }; connectPacket.Serialize(tempBuffer.Memory.Span[Constants.HeaderSize..]); await client.Send(tempBuffer.Memory, null); if (other.CurrentCostume.HasValue) { connectHeader.Type = PacketType.Costume; MemoryMarshal.Write(tempBuffer.Memory.Span, ref connectHeader); other.CurrentCostume.Value.Serialize(tempBuffer.Memory.Span[Constants.HeaderSize..]); await client.Send(tempBuffer.Memory, null); } tempBuffer.Dispose(); }); Logger.Info($"Client {client.Name} ({client.Id}/{socket.RemoteEndPoint}) connected."); } else if (header.Id != client.Id && client.Id != Guid.Empty) throw new Exception($"Client {client.Name} sent packet with invalid client id {header.Id} instead of {client.Id}"); if (header.Type == PacketType.Costume) { CostumePacket costumePacket = new CostumePacket { BodyName = "" }; costumePacket.Deserialize(memory.Memory.Span[Constants.HeaderSize..Constants.MaxPacketSize]); client.CurrentCostume = costumePacket; } try { // if (header.Type is not PacketType.Cap and not PacketType.Player) client.Logger.Warn($"lol {header.Type}"); IPacket packet = (IPacket) Activator.CreateInstance(Constants.PacketIdMap[header.Type])!; packet.Deserialize(memory.Memory.Span[Constants.HeaderSize..Constants.MaxPacketSize]); if (PacketHandler?.Invoke(client, packet) is false) { memory.Dispose(); continue; } } catch (Exception e){ client.Logger.Error($"Packet handler warning: {e}"); } Broadcast(memory, client); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is SocketException { SocketErrorCode: SocketError.ConnectionReset }) { client.Logger.Info($"Client {socket.RemoteEndPoint} ({client.Id}) disconnected from the server"); } else { client.Logger.Error($"Exception on socket {socket.RemoteEndPoint} ({client.Id}) and disconnecting for: {e}"); if (socket.Connected) Task.Run(() => socket.DisconnectAsync(false)); } memory?.Dispose(); } Clients.Remove(client); client.Dispose(); Task.Run(() => Broadcast(new DisconnectPacket(), client)); } private static PacketHeader GetHeader(Span data) { //no need to error check, the client will disconnect when the packet is invalid :) return MemoryMarshal.Read(data); } }