#define SEND_RESP_TO_BAD_REQ //should the bot send a message to people who attempt to run a command from an invalid location? (Comment out to disable) #define LOG_BAD_REQ //should the bot log aformentioned invalid requests? #define LOG_CHANNELS_ON_COMMAND_ATTEMPT_VERBOSE //print a message describing relevant channel ids whenever a command is attempted to be sent? using DSharpPlus; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Shared; namespace Server; public class DiscordBot { private DiscordClient? DiscordClient; private string? Token; private Settings.DiscordTable Config => Settings.Instance.Discord; private string Prefix => Config.Prefix; private readonly Logger Logger = new Logger("Discord"); private DiscordChannel? LogChannel; private bool Reconnecting; private bool warnedAboutNullLogChannel = false; //print warning message public DiscordBot() { Token = Config.Token; Logger.AddLogHandler(Log); CommandHandler.RegisterCommand("dscrestart", _ => { // this should be async'ed but i'm lazy Reconnecting = true; Task.Run(Reconnect); return "Restarting Discord bot"; }); if (Config.Token == null) return; Settings.LoadHandler += SettingsLoadHandler; } private async Task Reconnect() { warnedAboutNullLogChannel = false; if (DiscordClient != null) // usually null prop works, not here though...` await DiscordClient.DisconnectAsync(); await Run(); } private async void SettingsLoadHandler() { try { if (DiscordClient == null || Token != Config.Token) await Run(); if (Config.LogChannel != null) LogChannel = await (DiscordClient?.GetChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(Config.LogChannel)) ?? throw new NullReferenceException("Discord client not setup yet!")); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error($"Failed to get log channel \"{Config.LogChannel}\""); Logger.Error(e); } } private static List SplitMessage(string message, int maxSizePerElem = 2000) { List result = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i += maxSizePerElem) { result.Add(message.Substring(i, message.Length - i < maxSizePerElem ? message.Length - i : maxSizePerElem)); } return result; } private async void Log(string source, string level, string text, ConsoleColor _) { try { if (DiscordClient != null && LogChannel != null) { foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"{level} [{source}]"), 1994)) //room for 6 '`' await DiscordClient.SendMessageAsync(LogChannel, $"```{mesg}```"); } } catch (Exception e) { // don't log again, it'll just stack overflow the server! if (Reconnecting) return; // skip if reconnecting await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Exception in discord logger"); await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(e.ToString()); } } public async Task Run() { Token = Config.Token; DiscordClient?.Dispose(); if (Config.Token == null) { DiscordClient = null; return; } try { DiscordClient = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration { Token = Config.Token, MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.None }); await DiscordClient.ConnectAsync(new DiscordActivity("Hide and Seek", ActivityType.Competing)); SettingsLoadHandler(); Logger.Info( $"Discord bot logged in as {DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Username}#{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Discriminator}"); Reconnecting = false; string mentionPrefix = $"{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Mention} "; DiscordClient.MessageCreated += async (_, args) => { if (args.Author.IsCurrent) return; //dont respond to commands from ourselves (prevent "sql-injection" esq attacks) #if LOG_CHANNELS_ON_COMMAND_ATTEMPT_VERBOSE //Logger.Info($"Message recieved on channel \"{args.Channel.Id}\", accepting commands from channel \"{Config.LogChannel ?? "(Any Channel)"}\", do channels match: {(args.Channel.Id.ToString() == Config.LogChannel) || (Config.LogChannel == null && !(args.Channel is DiscordDmChannel))}"); Logger.Info($"cmdchannel == channel id exec ({args.Channel.Id.ToString() == Config.LogChannel})"); #endif //prevent commands via dm and non-public channels if (Config.LogChannel == null) { if (!warnedAboutNullLogChannel) { Logger.Warn("You probably should set your LogChannel in settings.json"); warnedAboutNullLogChannel = true; } if (args.Channel is DiscordDmChannel) { #if LOG_BAD_REQ Logger.Warn("A command was sent to the bot in a direct message channel. This will not be processed. (Send commands in the specified LogChannel in settings.json or only in public channels)"); #endif #if SEND_RESP_TO_BAD_REQ await args.Message.RespondAsync("This channel is not valid for running commands. (Your command was not processed)."); #endif return; } } else { ulong chId = ulong.Parse(Config.LogChannel); if (args.Channel.Id != chId) { #if LOG_BAD_REQ Logger.Warn("A command was sent to the bot in some non-public channel. This will not be processed. (Send commands in the specified LogChannel in settings.json or only in public channels)"); #endif #if SEND_RESP_TO_BAD_REQ await args.Message.RespondAsync("This channel is not valid for running commands. (Your command was not processed)."); #endif return; } } //run command try { DiscordMessage msg = args.Message; string? resp = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Prefix)) { await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content).ReturnStrings); } else if (msg.Content.StartsWith(Prefix)) { await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[Prefix.Length..]).ReturnStrings); } else if (msg.Content.StartsWith(mentionPrefix)) { await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[mentionPrefix.Length..]).ReturnStrings); } if (resp != null) { foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(resp)) await msg.RespondAsync(mesg); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e); } }; DiscordClient.ClientErrored += (_, args) => { Logger.Error("Discord client caught an error in handler!"); Logger.Error(args.Exception); return Task.CompletedTask; }; DiscordClient.SocketErrored += (_, args) => { Logger.Error("Discord client caught an error on socket!"); Logger.Error(args.Exception); return Task.CompletedTask; }; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Exception occurred in discord runner!"); Logger.Error(e); } } }