Removed some log messages as they would trigger before prefix checking, would start spamming the server if they remained

This commit is contained in:
TheUbMunster 2022-08-22 17:37:38 -06:00
parent cd04c9b096
commit 7f0a729080
1 changed files with 12 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
#define SEND_RESP_TO_BAD_REQ //should the bot send a message to people who attempt to run a command from an invalid location? (Comment out to disable)
#define LOG_BAD_REQ //should the bot log aformentioned invalid requests?
#define LOG_CHANNELS_ON_COMMAND_ATTEMPT_VERBOSE //print a message describing relevant channel ids whenever a command is attempted to be sent?
#define SEND_RESP_TO_BAD_REQ_DM // should the bot send a message to people who attempt to run commands/speak in dms
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
@ -15,7 +13,7 @@ public class DiscordBot {
private Settings.DiscordTable Config => Settings.Instance.Discord;
private string Prefix => Config.Prefix;
private readonly Logger Logger = new Logger("Discord");
private DiscordChannel? CommandChannel;
//private DiscordChannel? CommandChannel;
private DiscordChannel? LogChannel;
private bool Reconnecting;
@ -45,9 +43,10 @@ public class DiscordBot {
try {
if (DiscordClient == null || Token != Config.Token)
await Run();
if (Config.CommandChannel != null)
CommandChannel = await (DiscordClient?.GetChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(Config.CommandChannel)) ??
throw new NullReferenceException("Discord client not setup yet!"));
//CommandChannel not currently used
//if (Config.CommandChannel != null)
// CommandChannel = await (DiscordClient?.GetChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(Config.CommandChannel)) ??
// throw new NullReferenceException("Discord client not setup yet!"));
if (Config.LogChannel != null)
LogChannel = await (DiscordClient?.GetChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(Config.LogChannel)) ??
throw new NullReferenceException("Discord client not setup yet!"));
@ -99,40 +98,26 @@ public class DiscordBot {
$"Discord bot logged in as {DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Username}#{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Discriminator}");
Reconnecting = false;
string mentionPrefix = $"{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Mention} ";
string mentionPrefix = $"{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Mention}";
DiscordClient.MessageCreated += async (_, args) => {
if (args.Author.IsCurrent) return; //dont respond to commands from ourselves (prevent "sql-injection" esq attacks)
//Logger.Info($"Message recieved on channel \"{args.Channel.Id}\", accepting commands from channel \"{Config.LogChannel ?? "(Any Channel)"}\", do channels match: {(args.Channel.Id.ToString() == Config.LogChannel) || (Config.LogChannel == null && !(args.Channel is DiscordDmChannel))}");
Logger.Info($"cmdchannel == channel id exec ({args.Channel.Id.ToString() == Config.CommandChannel})");
//prevent commands via dm and non-public channels
if (Config.CommandChannel == null) {
if (!warnedAboutNullLogChannel) {
Logger.Warn("You probably should set your LogChannel in settings.json");
Logger.Warn("You probably should set your CommandChannel in settings.json");
warnedAboutNullLogChannel = true;
if (args.Channel is DiscordDmChannel) {
Logger.Warn("A command was sent to the bot in a direct message channel. This will not be processed. (Send commands in the specified LogChannel in settings.json or only in public channels)");
await args.Message.RespondAsync("This channel is not valid for running commands. (Your command was not processed).");
await args.Message.RespondAsync("DM's are not valid for running commands or communication to the bot. (Your command was not processed).");
else {
ulong chId = ulong.Parse(Config.CommandChannel);
if (args.Channel.Id != chId) {
Logger.Warn("A command was sent to the bot in some non-public channel. This will not be processed. (Send commands in the specified LogChannel in settings.json or only in public channels)");
await args.Message.RespondAsync("This channel is not valid for running commands. (Your command was not processed).");
if (args.Channel.Id != chId)
//run command
try {
@ -146,7 +131,7 @@ public class DiscordBot {
resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[Prefix.Length..]).ReturnStrings);
} else if (msg.Content.StartsWith(mentionPrefix)) {
await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[mentionPrefix.Length..]).ReturnStrings);
resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[mentionPrefix.Length..].TrimStart()).ReturnStrings);
if (resp != null)