Property migration of LogChannel->AdminChannel in discord settings, general cleanup.

This commit is contained in:
TheUbMunster 2023-07-02 21:18:52 -06:00
parent e549723e56
commit 3b935d1f5b
2 changed files with 20 additions and 194 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ public class DiscordBot
private readonly Logger logger = new Logger("Discord");
private Settings.DiscordTable localSettings = Settings.Instance.Discord;
private DiscordSocketClient? client = null;
//private SocketTextChannel? commandChannel = null;
private SocketTextChannel? logChannel = null;
private bool firstInitTriggered = false;
@ -74,37 +73,22 @@ public class DiscordBot
//filter it out to avoid logging it to discord.
if (localSettings.FilterOutNonIssueWarnings)
//if (a.Message.Contains("Server requested a reconnect"))
if (a.Exception?.ToString().Contains("Server requested a reconnect") ?? false)
string[] disinterestedMessages =
{ //these messages happen sometimes, and are of no concern.
"Server requested a reconnect",
"The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake",
"without listening to any events related to that intent, consider removing the intent from"
foreach (string dis in disinterestedMessages)
//This is to filter out this message. This warning is for discord server load balancing and isn't a problem
//Warning[Discord: Gateway] Discord.WebSocket.GatewayReconnectException: Server requested a reconnect
//Warning[Discord: Gateway] at Discord.ConnectionManager.<> c__DisplayClass29_0.<< StartAsync > b__0 > d.MoveNext()
else if (a.Exception?.ToString().Contains("The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.") ?? false)
if ((a.Exception?.ToString().Contains(dis) ?? false) ||
(a.Message?.Contains(dis) ?? false))
//From Discord.NET discord's server, support:
//Discord does this normally and it effects all bots, as long as your bot is reconnecting
//after the error it is expected and should just be ignored.
/*{18:21:02 Gateway System.Exception: WebSocket connection was closed
---> System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ThrowIfEOFUnexpected(Boolean throwOnPrematureClosure)
at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.EnsureBufferContainsAsync(Int32 minimumRequiredBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Boolean throwOnPrematureClosure)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder`1.StateMachineBox`1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token)
at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ReceiveAsyncPrivate[TResult](Memory`1 payloadBuffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder`1.StateMachineBox`1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<TResult>.GetResult(Int16 token)
at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask`1.ValueTaskSourceAsTask.<>c.<.cctor>b__4_0(Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Discord.Net.WebSockets.DefaultWebSocketClient.RunAsync(CancellationToken cancelToken)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Discord.ConnectionManager.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()}*/
string message = a.Message + (a.Exception != null ? "Exception: " + a.Exception.ToString() : "");
string message = a.Message ?? string.Empty + (a.Exception != null ? "Exception: " + a.Exception.ToString() : ""); //TODO: this crashes
ConsoleColor col;
switch (a.Severity)
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@ public class DiscordBot
await wait.WaitAsync();
//we need to wait for the ready event before we can do any of this nonsense.
logChannel = (ulong.TryParse(localSettings.AdminChannel, out ulong lcid) ? (client != null ? await client.GetChannelAsync(lcid) : null) : null) as SocketTextChannel;
//commandChannel = (ulong.TryParse(localSettings.CommandChannel, out ulong ccid) ? (client != null ? await client.GetChannelAsync(ccid) : null) : null) as SocketTextChannel;
client!.MessageReceived += (m) => HandleCommandAsync(m);
logger.Info("Discord bot has been initialized.");
@ -159,7 +142,6 @@ public class DiscordBot
catch { /*lol (lmao)*/ }
client = null;
logChannel = null;
//commandChannel = null;
localSettings = Settings.Instance.Discord;
@ -177,7 +159,7 @@ public class DiscordBot
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"{level} [{source}]"), 1994)) //room for 6 '`'
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"```{mesg}```");
case ConsoleColor.Yellow:
case ConsoleColor.Yellow: //this is actually light blue now (discord changed it awhile ago).
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"{level} [{source}]"), 1990)) //room for 6 '`', "fix" and "\n"
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"```fix\n{mesg}```");
@ -267,12 +249,6 @@ public class DiscordBot
private async Task WeGotRateLimitedLBozo(IRateLimitInfo info)
//this is spamming because apparently this is called for more than just rate limiting.
//await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("We got rate limited!");
private static List<string> SplitMessage(string message, int maxSizePerElem = 2000)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
@ -287,159 +263,4 @@ public class DiscordBot
#region Old
//private DiscordClient? DiscordClient;
//private string? Token;
//private Settings.DiscordTable Config => Settings.Instance.Discord;
//private string Prefix => Config.Prefix;
//private readonly Logger Logger = new Logger("Discord");
//private DiscordChannel? CommandChannel;
//private DiscordChannel? LogChannel;
//private bool Reconnecting;
//public DiscordBot() {
// Token = Config.Token;
// Logger.AddLogHandler(Log);
// CommandHandler.RegisterCommand("dscrestart", _ => {
// // this should be async'ed but i'm lazy
// Reconnecting = true;
// Task.Run(Reconnect);
// return "Restarting Discord bot";
// });
// if (Config.Token == null) return;
// if (Config.CommandChannel == null)
// Logger.Warn("You probably should set your CommandChannel in settings.json");
// if (Config.LogChannel == null)
// Logger.Warn("You probably should set your LogChannel in settings.json");
// Settings.LoadHandler += SettingsLoadHandler;
//private async Task Reconnect() {
// if (DiscordClient != null) // usually null prop works, not here though...`
// await DiscordClient.DisconnectAsync();
// await Run();
//private async void SettingsLoadHandler() {
// if (DiscordClient == null || Token != Config.Token) {
// await Run();
// }
// if (DiscordClient == null) {
// Logger.Error(new NullReferenceException("Discord client not setup yet!"));
// return;
// }
// if (Config.CommandChannel != null) {
// try {
// CommandChannel = await DiscordClient.GetChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(Config.CommandChannel));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Logger.Error($"Failed to get command channel \"{Config.CommandChannel}\"");
// Logger.Error(e);
// }
// }
// if (Config.LogChannel != null) {
// try {
// LogChannel = await DiscordClient.GetChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(Config.LogChannel));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Logger.Error($"Failed to get log channel \"{Config.LogChannel}\"");
// Logger.Error(e);
// }
// }
//private static List<string> SplitMessage(string message, int maxSizePerElem = 2000)
// List<string> result = new List<string>();
// for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i += maxSizePerElem)
// {
// result.Add(message.Substring(i, message.Length - i < maxSizePerElem ? message.Length - i : maxSizePerElem));
// }
// return result;
//private async void Log(string source, string level, string text, ConsoleColor _) {
// try {
// if (DiscordClient != null && LogChannel != null) {
// foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"{level} [{source}]"), 1994)) //room for 6 '`'
// await DiscordClient.SendMessageAsync(LogChannel, $"```{mesg}```");
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // don't log again, it'll just stack overflow the server!
// if (Reconnecting) return; // skip if reconnecting
// await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Exception in discord logger");
// await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(e.ToString());
// }
//public async Task Run() {
// Token = Config.Token;
// DiscordClient?.Dispose();
// if (Config.Token == null) {
// DiscordClient = null;
// return;
// }
// try {
// DiscordClient = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration {
// Token = Config.Token,
// MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.None
// });
// await DiscordClient.ConnectAsync(new DiscordActivity("Hide and Seek", ActivityType.Competing));
// SettingsLoadHandler();
// Logger.Info(
// $"Discord bot logged in as {DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Username}#{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Discriminator}");
// Reconnecting = false;
// string mentionPrefix = $"{DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Mention}";
// DiscordClient.MessageCreated += async (_, args) => {
// if (args.Author.IsCurrent) return; //dont respond to commands from ourselves (prevent "sql-injection" esq attacks)
// //prevent commands via dm and non-public channels
// if (CommandChannel == null) {
// if (args.Channel is DiscordDmChannel)
// return; //no dm'ing the bot allowed!
// }
// else if (args.Channel.Id != CommandChannel.Id && (LogChannel != null && args.Channel.Id != LogChannel.Id))
// return;
// //run command
// try {
// DiscordMessage msg = args.Message;
// string? resp = null;
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Prefix)) {
// await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
// resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content).ReturnStrings);
// } else if (msg.Content.StartsWith(Prefix)) {
// await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
// resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[Prefix.Length..]).ReturnStrings);
// } else if (msg.Content.StartsWith(mentionPrefix)) {
// await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
// resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(msg.Content[mentionPrefix.Length..].TrimStart()).ReturnStrings);
// }
// if (resp != null)
// {
// foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(resp))
// await msg.RespondAsync(mesg);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Logger.Error(e);
// }
// };
// DiscordClient.ClientErrored += (_, args) => {
// Logger.Error("Discord client caught an error in handler!");
// Logger.Error(args.Exception);
// return Task.CompletedTask;
// };
// DiscordClient.SocketErrored += (_, args) => {
// Logger.Error("This is probably that stupid bug again!");
// Logger.Error("Discord client caught an error on socket!");
// Logger.Error(args.Exception);
// return Task.CompletedTask;
// };
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Logger.Error("Exception occurred in discord runner!");
// Logger.Error(e);
// }

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@ -74,8 +74,13 @@ public class Settings {
public string? Token { get; set; }
public string Prefix { get; set; } = "$";
public string? CommandChannel { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "LogChannel")]
//This funkyness is to migrate the JSON "LogChannel" to "AdminChannel"
public string? AdminChannel { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "LogChannel")]
public string? LogChannel
set => AdminChannel = value;
public bool LogCommands { get; set; } = false;
public bool FilterOutNonIssueWarnings { get; set; } = true;