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2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using Discord.Net;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Shared;
namespace Server;
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
public class DiscordBot
private readonly Logger logger = new Logger("Discord");
private Settings.DiscordTable localSettings = Settings.Instance.Discord;
private DiscordSocketClient? client = null;
private SocketTextChannel? logChannel = null;
private bool firstInitTriggered = false;
//check how this works with neither, one or the other, or both channels set.
public DiscordBot()
CommandHandler.RegisterCommand("dscrestart", _ =>
//Task.Run is to fix deadlock (dispose can only be finalized if all discord callbacks are returned,
//and since this delegate is called directly from a callback, it would cause a deadlock).
Task.Run(() =>
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
#pragma warning disable CS4014
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
#pragma warning restore CS4014
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
return "Restarting Discord bot...";
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
logger.Info("Starting discord bot (ctor)");
Settings.LoadHandler += OnLoadSettings;
2023-07-11 11:04:54 +00:00
//this nonsense is to prevent race conditions from starting multiple bots.
//this would be a great thing to instead simply have an "await Init()" put
//in the ctor (but awaits can't be there), and Task.Wait shouldn't be used that way.
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
private object firstInitLockObj = new object();
public async Task FirstInit()
lock (firstInitLockObj)
if (firstInitTriggered)
firstInitTriggered = true;
await Init();
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
private async Task Init()
if (client != null)
return; //this is bad if the client ever crashes and isn't reassigned to null, but we don't want multiple instances of the bot running at the same time.
if (localSettings.Token == null || (localSettings.AdminChannel == null && localSettings.CommandChannel == null))
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
//no point trying to run anything if there's no discord token and/or no channel for a user to interact with the bot through.
logger.Error("Tried to run the discord bot, but the Token and/or communication channels are not specified in the settings.");
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
client = new DiscordSocketClient(
new DiscordSocketConfig()
LogLevel = LogSeverity.Warning
2022-12-24 12:02:21 +00:00
client.Log += async (a) => await Task.Run(() =>
//as time goes on, we may encounter logged info that we literally don't care about. Fill out an if statement to properly
//filter it out to avoid logging it to discord.
if (localSettings.FilterOutNonIssueWarnings)
2022-12-25 03:15:34 +00:00
string[] disinterestedMessages =
{ //these messages happen sometimes, and are of no concern.
"Server requested a reconnect",
"The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake",
"without listening to any events related to that intent, consider removing the intent from"
foreach (string dis in disinterestedMessages)
if ((a.Exception?.ToString().Contains(dis) ?? false) ||
(a.Message?.Contains(dis) ?? false))
2022-12-25 03:15:34 +00:00
string message = a.Message ?? string.Empty + (a.Exception != null ? "Exception: " + a.Exception.ToString() : ""); //TODO: this crashes
2022-12-24 12:02:21 +00:00
ConsoleColor col;
switch (a.Severity)
case LogSeverity.Info:
case LogSeverity.Debug:
col = ConsoleColor.White;
case LogSeverity.Critical:
case LogSeverity.Error:
col = ConsoleColor.Red;
case LogSeverity.Warning:
col = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
LogToDiscordLogChannel($"Discord: {a.Source}", a.Severity.ToString(), message, col);
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
await client.LoginAsync(Discord.TokenType.Bot, localSettings.Token);
await client.StartAsync();
SemaphoreSlim wait = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
#pragma warning disable CS1998
client.Ready += async () =>
#pragma warning restore CS1998
await wait.WaitAsync();
//we need to wait for the ready event before we can do any of this nonsense.
logChannel = (ulong.TryParse(localSettings.AdminChannel, out ulong lcid) ? (client != null ? await client.GetChannelAsync(lcid) : null) : null) as SocketTextChannel;
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
client!.MessageReceived += (m) => HandleCommandAsync(m);
logger.Info("Discord bot has been initialized.");
catch (Exception e)
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
private void Stop()
if (client != null)
2023-07-11 10:58:27 +00:00
if (!client.StopAsync().Wait(60000))
logger.Warn("Tried to stop the discord bot, but attempt took >60 seconds, so it failed!");
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
catch { /*lol (lmao)*/ }
client = null;
logChannel = null;
localSettings = Settings.Instance.Discord;
private async void LogToDiscordLogChannel(string source, string level, string text, ConsoleColor color)
logChannel = (ulong.TryParse(localSettings.AdminChannel, out ulong lcid) ? (client != null ? await client.GetChannelAsync(lcid) : null) : null) as SocketTextChannel;
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
if (logChannel != null)
switch (color)
//I looked into other hacky methods of doing more colors, the rest seemed unreliable.
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"{level} [{source}]"), 1994)) //room for 6 '`'
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"```{mesg}```");
case ConsoleColor.Yellow: //this is actually light blue now (discord changed it awhile ago).
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"{level} [{source}]"), 1990)) //room for 6 '`', "fix" and "\n"
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"```fix\n{mesg}```");
case ConsoleColor.Red:
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"-{level} [{source}]"), 1989)) //room for 6 '`', "diff" and "\n"
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"```diff\n{mesg}```");
case ConsoleColor.Green:
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(Logger.PrefixNewLines(text, $"+{level} [{source}]"), 1989)) //room for 6 '`', "diff" and "\n"
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"```diff\n{mesg}```");
catch (Exception e)
// don't log again, it'll just stack overflow the server!
await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Exception in discord logger");
await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(e.ToString());
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage arg)
if (arg is not SocketUserMessage)
return; //idk what to do in this circumstance.
if ((arg.Channel.Id.ToString() == localSettings.CommandChannel || arg.Channel.Id.ToString() == localSettings.AdminChannel) && !arg.Author.IsBot)
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
string message = (await arg.Channel.GetMessageAsync(arg.Id)).Content;
//run command
string? args = null;
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localSettings.Prefix))
args = message;
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else if (message.StartsWith(localSettings.Prefix))
args = message[localSettings.Prefix.Length..];
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
else if (message.StartsWith($"<@{client!.CurrentUser.Id}>"))
args = message[client!.CurrentUser.Mention.Length..].TrimStart();
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
if (args != null)
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
await arg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
string resp = string.Join('\n', CommandHandler.GetResult(args).ReturnStrings);
if (localSettings.LogCommands)
logger.Info($"\"{arg.Author.Username}\" ran the command: \"{message}\" via discord");
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
foreach (string mesg in SplitMessage(resp))
await (arg as SocketUserMessage).ReplyAsync(mesg);
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
catch (Exception e)
//don't respond to commands not in these channels, and no bots
//probably don't print out error message because DDOS
private void OnLoadSettings()
Settings.DiscordTable oldSettings = localSettings;
localSettings = Settings.Instance.Discord;
if (localSettings.CommandChannel == null)
logger.Warn("You probably should set your CommandChannel in settings.json");
if (localSettings.AdminChannel == null)
2023-07-11 10:58:27 +00:00
logger.Warn("You probably should set your AdminChannel in settings.json");
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
if (oldSettings.Token != localSettings.Token || oldSettings.AdminChannel != localSettings.AdminChannel || oldSettings.CommandChannel != localSettings.CommandChannel)
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
//start over fresh (there might be a more intelligent way to do this without restarting the bot if only the log/command channel changed, but I'm lazy.
#pragma warning disable CS4014
#pragma warning restore CS4014
private static List<string> SplitMessage(string message, int maxSizePerElem = 2000)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i += maxSizePerElem)
result.Add(message.Substring(i, message.Length - i < maxSizePerElem ? message.Length - i : maxSizePerElem));
return result;
2022-12-22 00:42:43 +00:00