import dns from 'dns'; import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import type { IncomingMessage } from 'node:http'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import type { PluginOption, UserConfig } from 'vite'; import * as yaml from 'js-yaml'; import locales from '../../locales/index.js'; import { getConfig } from './vite.config.js'; import packageInfo from './package.json' with { type: 'json' }; dns.setDefaultResultOrder('ipv4first'); const defaultConfig = getConfig(); const { port } = yaml.load(await readFile('../../.config/default.yml', 'utf-8')); const httpUrl = `http://localhost:${port}/`; const websocketUrl = `ws://localhost:${port}/`; const embedUrl = `http://localhost:5174/`; // activitypubリクエストはProxyを通し、それ以外はViteの開発サーバーを返す function varyHandler(req: IncomingMessage) { if (req.headers.accept?.includes('application/activity+json')) { return null; } return '/index.html'; } const externalPackages = [ // sharkey: Used for SkFlashPlayer, has large wasm files so it's loaded via Ruffle's preferred CDN { name: 'ruffle', match: /^@ruffle-rs\/ruffle\/?(?.*)$/, path(id: string, pattern: RegExp): string { const match = pattern.exec(id)?.groups; return match ? `${packageInfo.dependencies['@ruffle-rs/ruffle']}/${match['file']}?raw` : id; }, }, ] const devConfig: UserConfig = { // 基本の設定は vite.config.js から引き継ぐ ...defaultConfig, root: 'src', publicDir: '../assets', base: './', server: { host: 'localhost', port: 5173, proxy: { '/api': { changeOrigin: true, target: httpUrl, }, '/assets': httpUrl, '/static-assets': httpUrl, '/client-assets': httpUrl, '/files': httpUrl, '/twemoji': httpUrl, '/fluent-emoji': httpUrl, '/tossface': httpUrl, '/sw.js': httpUrl, '/streaming': { target: websocketUrl, ws: true, }, '/favicon.ico': httpUrl, '/robots.txt': httpUrl, '/embed.js': httpUrl, '/embed': { target: embedUrl, ws: true, }, '/identicon': { target: httpUrl, rewrite(path) { return path.replace('@localhost:5173', ''); }, }, '/url': httpUrl, '/proxy': httpUrl, '/_info_card_': httpUrl, '/bios': httpUrl, '/cli': httpUrl, '/inbox': httpUrl, '/emoji/': httpUrl, '/notes': { target: httpUrl, bypass: varyHandler, }, '/users': { target: httpUrl, bypass: varyHandler, }, '/.well-known': { target: httpUrl, }, }, }, build: {, rollupOptions: {, external: => p.match), output: {, paths(id) { for (const p of externalPackages) { if (p.match.test(id)) { return p.path(id, p.match); } } return id; }, }, input: 'index.html', }, }, define: { ...defaultConfig.define, _LANGS_FULL_: JSON.stringify(Object.entries(locales)), }, }; export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => devConfig);