/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: hazelnoot and other Sharkey contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { KEYWORD } from 'color-convert/conversions.js'; import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; import type Redis from 'ioredis'; import { LegacyRateLimit, LimitCounter, RateLimit, SkRateLimiterService } from '@/server/api/SkRateLimiterService.js'; import { LoggerService } from '@/core/LoggerService.js'; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition */ describe(SkRateLimiterService, () => { let mockTimeService: { now: number, date: Date } = null!; let mockRedisGet: ((key: string) => string | null) | undefined = undefined; let mockRedisSet: ((args: unknown[]) => void) | undefined = undefined; let mockEnvironment: Record = null!; let serviceUnderTest: () => SkRateLimiterService = null!; let loggedMessages: { level: string, data: unknown[] }[] = []; beforeEach(() => { mockTimeService = { now: 0, get date() { return new Date(mockTimeService.now); }, }; mockRedisGet = undefined; mockRedisSet = undefined; const mockRedisClient = { get(key: string) { if (mockRedisGet) return Promise.resolve(mockRedisGet(key)); else return Promise.resolve(null); }, set(...args: unknown[]): Promise { if (mockRedisSet) mockRedisSet(args); return Promise.resolve(); }, } as unknown as Redis.Redis; mockEnvironment = Object.create(process.env); mockEnvironment.NODE_ENV = 'production'; const mockEnvService = { env: mockEnvironment, }; loggedMessages = []; const mockLogService = { getLogger() { return { createSubLogger(context: string, color?: KEYWORD) { return mockLogService.getLogger(context, color); }, error(...data: unknown[]) { loggedMessages.push({ level: 'error', data }); }, warn(...data: unknown[]) { loggedMessages.push({ level: 'warn', data }); }, succ(...data: unknown[]) { loggedMessages.push({ level: 'succ', data }); }, debug(...data: unknown[]) { loggedMessages.push({ level: 'debug', data }); }, info(...data: unknown[]) { loggedMessages.push({ level: 'info', data }); }, }; }, } as unknown as LoggerService; let service: SkRateLimiterService | undefined = undefined; serviceUnderTest = () => { return service ??= new SkRateLimiterService(mockTimeService, mockRedisClient, mockLogService, mockEnvService); }; }); function expectNoUnhandledErrors() { const unhandledErrors = loggedMessages.filter(m => m.level === 'error'); if (unhandledErrors.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Test failed: got unhandled errors ${unhandledErrors.join('\n')}`); } } describe('limit', () => { const actor = 'actor'; const key = 'test'; let counter: LimitCounter | undefined = undefined; let minCounter: LimitCounter | undefined = undefined; beforeEach(() => { counter = undefined; minCounter = undefined; mockRedisGet = (key: string) => { if (key === 'rl_actor_test_bucket' && counter) { return JSON.stringify(counter); } if (key === 'rl_actor_test_min' && minCounter) { return JSON.stringify(minCounter); } return null; }; mockRedisSet = (args: unknown[]) => { const [key, value] = args; if (key === 'rl_actor_test_bucket') { if (value == null) counter = undefined; else if (typeof(value) === 'string') counter = JSON.parse(value); else throw new Error('invalid redis call'); } if (key === 'rl_actor_test_min') { if (value == null) minCounter = undefined; else if (typeof(value) === 'string') minCounter = JSON.parse(value); else throw new Error('invalid redis call'); } }; }); it('should bypass in non-production', async () => { mockEnvironment.NODE_ENV = 'test'; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit({ key: 'l', type: undefined, max: 0 }, 'actor'); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); expect(info.remaining).toBe(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(0); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(0); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(0); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(0); }); describe('with bucket limit', () => { let limit: RateLimit = null!; beforeEach(() => { limit = { type: 'bucket', key: 'test', size: 1, }; }); it('should allow when limit is not reached', async () => { const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not error when allowed', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expectNoUnhandledErrors(); }); it('should return correct info when allowed', async () => { limit.size = 2; counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(0); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(2); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(2000); }); it('should increment counter when called', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(counter?.c).toBe(1); }); it('should set timestamp when called', async () => { mockTimeService.now = 1000; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(counter?.t).toBe(1000); }); it('should decrement counter when dripRate has passed', async () => { counter = { c: 2, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 2000; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(counter?.c).toBe(1); // 2 (starting) - 2 (2x1 drip) + 1 (call) = 1 }); it('should decrement counter by dripSize', async () => { counter = { c: 2, t: 0 }; limit.dripSize = 2; mockTimeService.now = 1000; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(counter?.c).toBe(1); // 2 (starting) - 2 (1x2 drip) + 1 (call) = 1 }); it('should maintain counter between calls over time', async () => { limit.size = 5; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 0 + 1 = 1 mockTimeService.now += 1000; // 1 - 1 = 0 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 0 + 1 = 1 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 1 + 1 = 2 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 2 + 1 = 3 mockTimeService.now += 1000; // 3 - 1 = 2 mockTimeService.now += 1000; // 2 - 1 = 1 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 1 + 1 = 2 expect(counter?.c).toBe(2); expect(counter?.t).toBe(3000); }); it('should log error and continue when update fails', async () => { mockRedisSet = () => { throw new Error('test error'); }; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); const matchingError = loggedMessages .find(m => m.level === 'error' && m.data .some(d => typeof(d) === 'string' && d.includes('Failed to update limit'))); expect(matchingError).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should block when bucket is filled', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should calculate correct info when blocked', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(1000); }); it('should allow when bucket is filled but should drip', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should scale limit by factor', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const i1 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor, 2); // 1 + 1 = 2 const i2 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor, 2); // 2 + 1 = 3 expect(i1.blocked).toBeFalsy(); expect(i2.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should set key expiration', async () => { const mock = jest.fn(mockRedisSet); mockRedisSet = mock; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['rl_actor_test_bucket', '{"t":0,"c":1}', 'EX', 1]); }); it('should not increment when already blocked', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 100; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter?.c).toBe(1); expect(counter?.t).toBe(0); }); }); describe('with min interval', () => { let limit: MutableLegacyRateLimit = null!; beforeEach(() => { limit = { type: undefined, key, minInterval: 1000, }; }); it('should allow when limit is not reached', async () => { const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not error when allowed', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expectNoUnhandledErrors(); }); it('should calculate correct info when allowed', async () => { const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(0); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(1000); }); it('should increment counter when called', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(minCounter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(minCounter?.c).toBe(1); }); it('should set timestamp when called', async () => { mockTimeService.now = 1000; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(minCounter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(minCounter?.t).toBe(1000); }); it('should decrement counter when minInterval has passed', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(minCounter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(minCounter?.c).toBe(1); // 1 (starting) - 1 (interval) + 1 (call) = 1 }); it('should reset counter entirely', async () => { minCounter = { c: 2, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(minCounter).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(minCounter?.c).toBe(1); // 2 (starting) - 2 (interval) + 1 (call) = 1 }); it('should maintain counter between calls over time', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 0 + 1 = 1 mockTimeService.now += 1000; // 1 - 1 = 0 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 0 + 1 = 1 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // blocked await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // blocked mockTimeService.now += 1000; // 1 - 1 = 0 mockTimeService.now += 1000; // 0 - 1 = 0 await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); // 0 + 1 = 1 expect(minCounter?.c).toBe(1); expect(minCounter?.t).toBe(3000); }); it('should log error and continue when update fails', async () => { mockRedisSet = () => { throw new Error('test error'); }; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); const matchingError = loggedMessages .find(m => m.level === 'error' && m.data .some(d => typeof(d) === 'string' && d.includes('Failed to update limit'))); expect(matchingError).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should block when interval exceeded', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should calculate correct info when blocked', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(1000); }); it('should allow when bucket is filled but interval has passed', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should scale interval by factor', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 500; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor, 2); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should set key expiration', async () => { const mock = jest.fn(mockRedisSet); mockRedisSet = mock; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['rl_actor_test_min', '{"t":0,"c":1}', 'EX', 1]); }); it('should not increment when already blocked', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 100; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(minCounter?.c).toBe(1); expect(minCounter?.t).toBe(0); }); }); describe('with legacy limit', () => { let limit: MutableLegacyRateLimit = null!; beforeEach(() => { limit = { type: undefined, key, max: 1, duration: 1000, }; }); it('should allow when limit is not reached', async () => { const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not error when allowed', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expectNoUnhandledErrors(); }); it('should infer dripRate from duration', async () => { limit.max = 10; limit.duration = 10000; counter = { c: 10, t: 0 }; const i1 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); mockTimeService.now += 1000; const i2 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); mockTimeService.now += 2000; const i3 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); const i4 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); const i5 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); mockTimeService.now += 2000; const i6 = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(i1.blocked).toBeTruthy(); expect(i2.blocked).toBeFalsy(); expect(i3.blocked).toBeFalsy(); expect(i4.blocked).toBeFalsy(); expect(i5.blocked).toBeTruthy(); expect(i6.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should calculate correct info when allowed', async () => { limit.max = 10; limit.duration = 10000; counter = { c: 10, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 2000; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(1); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(0); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(0); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(9); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(9000); }); it('should calculate correct info when blocked', async () => { limit.max = 10; limit.duration = 10000; counter = { c: 10, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(0); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(10); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(10000); }); it('should allow when bucket is filled but interval has passed', async () => { counter = { c: 10, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should scale limit by factor', async () => { counter = { c: 10, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor, 2); // 10 + 1 = 11 expect(info.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should set key expiration', async () => { const mock = jest.fn(mockRedisSet); mockRedisSet = mock; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['rl_actor_test_bucket', '{"t":0,"c":1}', 'EX', 1]); }); it('should not increment when already blocked', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 100; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter?.c).toBe(1); expect(counter?.t).toBe(0); }); }); describe('with legacy limit and min interval', () => { let limit: MutableLegacyRateLimit = null!; beforeEach(() => { limit = { type: undefined, key, max: 5, duration: 5000, minInterval: 1000, }; }); it('should allow when limit is not reached', async () => { const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not error when allowed', async () => { await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expectNoUnhandledErrors(); }); it('should block when limit exceeded', async () => { counter = { c: 5, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should block when minInterval exceeded', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should calculate correct info when allowed', async () => { counter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(0); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(2); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(2000); }); it('should calculate correct info when blocked by limit', async () => { counter = { c: 5, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(0); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(5); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(5000); }); it('should calculate correct info when blocked by minInterval', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.remaining).toBe(0); expect(info.resetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.resetMs).toBe(1000); expect(info.fullResetSec).toBe(1); expect(info.fullResetMs).toBe(1000); }); it('should allow when counter is filled but interval has passed', async () => { counter = { c: 5, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should allow when minCounter is filled but interval has passed', async () => { minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now = 1000; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should scale limit and interval by factor', async () => { counter = { c: 5, t: 0 }; minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 500; const info = await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor, 2); expect(info.blocked).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should set key expiration', async () => { const mock = jest.fn(mockRedisSet); mockRedisSet = mock; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['rl_actor_test_bucket', '{"t":0,"c":1}', 'EX', 1]); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['rl_actor_test_min', '{"t":0,"c":1}', 'EX', 1]); }); it('should not increment when already blocked', async () => { counter = { c: 5, t: 0 }; minCounter = { c: 1, t: 0 }; mockTimeService.now += 100; await serviceUnderTest().limit(limit, actor); expect(counter?.c).toBe(5); expect(counter?.t).toBe(0); expect(minCounter?.c).toBe(1); expect(minCounter?.t).toBe(0); }); }); }); }); // The same thing, but mutable interface MutableLegacyRateLimit extends LegacyRateLimit { key: string; duration?: number; max?: number; minInterval?: number; }