/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: dakkar and sharkey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals'; import type { IObject } from '@/core/activitypub/type.js'; import { assertActivityMatchesUrls } from '@/core/activitypub/misc/check-against-url.js'; function assertOne(activity: IObject, good = 'http://good') { // return a function so we can use `.toThrow` return () => assertActivityMatchesUrls(activity, [good]); } describe('assertActivityMatchesUrls', () => { it('should throw when no ids are URLs', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', id: 'bad' }, 'bad')).toThrow(/bad Activity/); }); test('id', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', id: 'http://bad' })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', id: 'http://good' })).not.toThrow(); }); test('simple url', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: 'http://bad' })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: 'http://good' })).not.toThrow(); }); test('array of urls', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: ['http://bad'] })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: ['http://bad', 'http://other'] })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: ['http://good'] })).not.toThrow(); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: ['http://bad', 'http://good'] })).not.toThrow(); }); test('array of objects', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: [{ type: 'Test', href: 'http://bad' }] })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: [{ type: 'Test', href: 'http://bad' }, { type: 'Test', href: 'http://other' }] })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: [{ type: 'Test', href: 'http://good' }] })).not.toThrow(); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: [{ type: 'Test', href: 'http://bad' }, { type: 'Test', href: 'http://good' }] })).not.toThrow(); }); test('mixed array', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: [{ type: 'Test', href: 'http://bad' }, 'http://other'] })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: [{ type: 'Test', href: 'http://bad' }, 'http://good'] })).not.toThrow(); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', url: ['http://bad', { type: 'Test', href: 'http://good' }] })).not.toThrow(); }); test('id and url', () => { expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', id: 'http://other', url: 'http://bad' })).toThrow(/bad Activity/); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', id: 'http://bad', url: 'http://good' })).not.toThrow(); expect(assertOne({ type: 'Test', id: 'http://good', url: 'http://bad' })).not.toThrow(); }); });