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Raw Blame History

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local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_structures")
mcl_structures ={}
local rotations = {
local function ecb_place(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param)
if calls_remaining >= 1 then return end
minetest.place_schematic(param.pos, param.schematic, param.rotation, param.replacements, param.force_placement, param.flags)
if param.after_placement_callback and param.p1 and param.p2 then
param.after_placement_callback(param.p1, param.p2, param.size, param.rotation, param.pr)
mcl_structures.place_schematic = function(pos, schematic, rotation, replacements, force_placement, flags, after_placement_callback, pr)
local s = loadstring(minetest.serialize_schematic(schematic, "lua", {lua_use_comments = false, lua_num_indent_spaces = 0}) .. " return(schematic)")()
if s and s.size then
local x, z = s.size.x, s.size.z
if rotation then
if rotation == "random" and pr then
rotation = rotations[pr:next(1,#rotations)]
if rotation == "random" then
x = math.max(x, z)
z = x
elseif rotation == "90" or rotation == "270" then
x, z = z, x
local p1 = {x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z }
local p2 = {x=pos.x+x-1, y=pos.y+s.size.y-1, z=pos.z+z-1}
minetest.log("verbose","[mcl_structures] size=" ..minetest.pos_to_string(s.size) .. ", rotation=" .. tostring(rotation) .. ", emerge from "..minetest.pos_to_string(p1) .. " to " .. minetest.pos_to_string(p2))
local param = {pos=vector.new(pos), schematic=s, rotation=rotation, replacements=replacements, force_placement=force_placement, flags=flags, p1=p1, p2=p2, after_placement_callback = after_placement_callback, size=vector.new(s.size), pr=pr}
minetest.emerge_area(p1, p2, ecb_place, param)
mcl_structures.get_struct = function(file)
local localfile = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/"..file
local file, errorload = io.open(localfile, "rb")
if errorload ~= nil then
minetest.log("error", '[mcl_structures] Could not open this struct: ' .. localfile)
return nil
local allnode = file:read("*a")
return allnode
-- Call on_construct on pos.
-- Useful to init chests from formspec.
local init_node_construct = function(pos)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if def and def.on_construct then
return true
return false
-- The call of Struct
mcl_structures.call_struct = function(pos, struct_style, rotation, pr)
minetest.log("action","[mcl_structures] call_struct " .. struct_style.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
if not rotation then
rotation = "random"
if struct_style == "desert_temple" then
return mcl_structures.generate_desert_temple(pos, rotation, pr)
elseif struct_style == "desert_well" then
return mcl_structures.generate_desert_well(pos, rotation)
elseif struct_style == "igloo" then
return mcl_structures.generate_igloo(pos, rotation, pr)
elseif struct_style == "witch_hut" then
return mcl_structures.generate_witch_hut(pos, rotation)
elseif struct_style == "ice_spike_small" then
return mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_small(pos, rotation)
elseif struct_style == "ice_spike_large" then
return mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_large(pos, rotation)
elseif struct_style == "boulder" then
return mcl_structures.generate_boulder(pos, rotation, pr)
elseif struct_style == "fossil" then
return mcl_structures.generate_fossil(pos, rotation, pr)
elseif struct_style == "end_exit_portal" then
return mcl_structures.generate_end_exit_portal(pos, rotation)
elseif struct_style == "end_portal_shrine" then
return mcl_structures.generate_end_portal_shrine(pos, rotation, pr)
elseif struct_style == "ruined_portal_large" then
return mcl_structures.generate_ruined_portal_large(pos, rotation, pr)
elseif struct_style == "ruined_portal_small" then
return mcl_structures.generate_ruined_portal_small(pos, rotation, pr)
mcl_structures.generate_desert_well = function(pos)
local newpos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-2,z=pos.z}
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_desert_well.mts"
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, "0", nil, true)
mcl_structures.generate_igloo = function(pos, rotation, pr)
-- Place igloo
local success, rotation = mcl_structures.generate_igloo_top(pos, pr)
-- Place igloo basement with 50% chance
local r = pr:next(1,2)
if r == 1 then
-- Select basement depth
local dim = mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension(pos)
local buffer = pos.y - (mcl_vars.mg_lava_overworld_max + 10)
if dim == "nether" then
buffer = pos.y - (mcl_vars.mg_lava_nether_max + 10)
elseif dim == "end" then
buffer = pos.y - (mcl_vars.mg_end_min + 1)
elseif dim == "overworld" then
buffer = pos.y - (mcl_vars.mg_lava_overworld_max + 10)
return success
if buffer <= 19 then
return success
local depth = pr:next(19, buffer)
local bpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-depth, z=pos.z}
-- trapdoor position
local tpos
local dir, tdir
if rotation == "0" then
dir = {x=-1, y=0, z=0}
tdir = {x=1, y=0, z=0}
tpos = {x=pos.x+7, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+3}
elseif rotation == "90" then
dir = {x=0, y=0, z=-1}
tdir = {x=0, y=0, z=-1}
tpos = {x=pos.x+3, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+1}
elseif rotation == "180" then
dir = {x=1, y=0, z=0}
tdir = {x=-1, y=0, z=0}
tpos = {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+3}
elseif rotation == "270" then
dir = {x=0, y=0, z=1}
tdir = {x=0, y=0, z=1}
tpos = {x=pos.x+3, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z+7}
return success
local set_brick = function(pos)
local c = pr:next(1, 3) -- cracked chance
local m = pr:next(1, 10) -- chance for monster egg
local brick
if m == 1 then
if c == 1 then
brick = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrickcracked"
brick = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrick"
if c == 1 then
brick = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked"
brick = "mcl_core:stonebrick"
minetest.set_node(pos, {name=brick})
local ladder_param2 = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(tdir)
local real_depth = 0
-- Check how deep we can actuall dig
for y=1, depth-5 do
real_depth = real_depth + 1
local node = minetest.get_node({x=tpos.x,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z})
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if (not def) or (not def.walkable) or (def.liquidtype ~= "none") or (not def.is_ground_content) then
bpos.y = tpos.y-y+1
if real_depth <= 6 then
return success
-- Place hidden trapdoor
minetest.set_node(tpos, {name="mcl_doors:trapdoor", param2=20+minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir)}) -- TODO: more reliable param2
-- Generate ladder to basement
for y=1, real_depth-1 do
set_brick({x=tpos.x-1,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z })
set_brick({x=tpos.x+1,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z })
set_brick({x=tpos.x ,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z-1})
set_brick({x=tpos.x ,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z+1})
minetest.set_node({x=tpos.x,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z}, {name="mcl_core:ladder", param2=ladder_param2})
-- Place basement
mcl_structures.generate_igloo_basement(bpos, rotation, pr)
return success
mcl_structures.generate_igloo_top = function(pos, pr)
-- FIXME: This spawns bookshelf instead of furnace. Fix this!
-- Furnace does ot work atm because apparently meta is not set. :-(
local newpos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_igloo_top.mts"
local rotation = tostring(pr:next(0,3)*90)
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, rotation, nil, true), rotation
local function igloo_placement_callback(p1, p2, size, orientation, pr)
local chest_offset
if orientation == "0" then
chest_offset = {x=5, y=1, z=5}
elseif orientation == "90" then
chest_offset = {x=5, y=1, z=3}
elseif orientation == "180" then
chest_offset = {x=3, y=1, z=1}
elseif orientation == "270" then
chest_offset = {x=1, y=1, z=5}
local size = {x=9,y=5,z=7}
local lootitems = mcl_loot.get_multi_loot({
stacks_min = 1,
stacks_max = 1,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold", weight = 1 },
stacks_min = 2,
stacks_max = 8,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:coal_lump", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:wheat_item", weight = 10, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_nugget", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", weight = 10 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_tools:axe_stone", weight = 2 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:emerald", weight = 1 },
}}, pr)
local chest_pos = vector.add(p1, chest_offset)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(chest_pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
mcl_loot.fill_inventory(inv, "main", lootitems, pr)
mcl_structures.generate_igloo_basement = function(pos, orientation, pr)
-- TODO: Add brewing stand
-- TODO: Add monster eggs
-- TODO: Spawn villager and zombie villager
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_igloo_basement.mts"
mcl_structures.place_schematic(pos, path, orientation, nil, true, nil, igloo_placement_callback, pr)
mcl_structures.generate_boulder = function(pos, rotation, pr)
-- Choose between 2 boulder sizes (2×2×2 or 3×3×3)
local r = pr:next(1, 10)
local path
if r <= 3 then
path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_boulder_small.mts"
path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_boulder.mts"
local newpos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}
return minetest.place_schematic(newpos, path) -- don't serialize schematics for registered biome decorations, for MT 5.4.0, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10995
local function hut_placement_callback(p1, p2, size, orientation, pr)
if not p1 or not p2 then return end
local legs = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_core:tree")
for i = 1, #legs do
while minetest.get_item_group(mcl_mapgen_core.get_node({x=legs[i].x, y=legs[i].y-1, z=legs[i].z}, true, 333333).name, "water") ~= 0 do
legs[i].y = legs[i].y - 1
minetest.swap_node(legs[i], {name = "mcl_core:tree", param2 = 2})
mcl_structures.generate_witch_hut = function(pos, rotation, pr)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_witch_hut.mts"
mcl_structures.place_schematic(pos, path, rotation, nil, true, nil, hut_placement_callback, pr)
mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_small = function(pos)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_ice_spike_small.mts"
return minetest.place_schematic(pos, path, "random", nil, false) -- don't serialize schematics for registered biome decorations, for MT 5.4.0
mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_large = function(pos)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_ice_spike_large.mts"
return minetest.place_schematic(pos, path, "random", nil, false) -- don't serialize schematics for registered biome decorations, for MT 5.4.0
mcl_structures.generate_fossil = function(pos, rotation, pr)
-- Generates one out of 8 possible fossil pieces
local newpos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}
local fossils = {
"mcl_structures_fossil_skull_1.mts", -- 4×5×5
"mcl_structures_fossil_skull_2.mts", -- 5×5×5
"mcl_structures_fossil_skull_3.mts", -- 5×5×7
"mcl_structures_fossil_skull_4.mts", -- 7×5×5
"mcl_structures_fossil_spine_1.mts", -- 3×3×13
"mcl_structures_fossil_spine_2.mts", -- 5×4×13
"mcl_structures_fossil_spine_3.mts", -- 7×4×13
"mcl_structures_fossil_spine_4.mts", -- 8×5×13
local r = pr:next(1, #fossils)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/"..fossils[r]
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, "random", nil, true)
mcl_structures.generate_end_exit_portal = function(pos)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_end_exit_portal.mts"
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(pos, path, "0", nil, true)
local function shrine_placement_callback(p1, p2, size, rotation, pr)
-- Find and setup spawner with silverfish
local spawners = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_mobspawners:spawner")
for s=1, #spawners do
local meta = minetest.get_meta(spawners[s])
mcl_mobspawners.setup_spawner(spawners[s], "mobs_mc:silverfish")
-- Shuffle stone brick types
local bricks = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_core:stonebrick")
for b=1, #bricks do
local r_bricktype = pr:next(1, 100)
local r_infested = pr:next(1, 100)
local bricktype
if r_infested <= 5 then
if r_bricktype <= 30 then -- 30%
bricktype = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrickmossy"
elseif r_bricktype <= 50 then -- 20%
bricktype = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrickcracked"
else -- 50%
bricktype = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrick"
if r_bricktype <= 30 then -- 30%
bricktype = "mcl_core:stonebrickmossy"
elseif r_bricktype <= 50 then -- 20%
bricktype = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked"
-- 50% stonebrick (no change necessary)
if bricktype ~= nil then
minetest.set_node(bricks[b], { name = bricktype })
-- Also replace stairs
local stairs = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, {"mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick", "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer", "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner"})
for s=1, #stairs do
local stair = minetest.get_node(stairs[s])
local r_type = pr:next(1, 100)
if r_type <= 30 then -- 30% mossy
if stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy_outer"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy_inner"
minetest.set_node(stairs[s], stair)
elseif r_type <= 50 then -- 20% cracky
if stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked_outer"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked_inner"
minetest.set_node(stairs[s], stair)
-- 50% no change
-- Randomly add ender eyes into end portal frames, but never fill the entire frame
local frames = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_portals:end_portal_frame")
local eyes = 0
for f=1, #frames do
local r_eye = pr:next(1, 10)
if r_eye == 1 then
eyes = eyes + 1
if eyes < #frames then
local frame_node = minetest.get_node(frames[f])
frame_node.name = "mcl_portals:end_portal_frame_eye"
minetest.set_node(frames[f], frame_node)
mcl_structures.generate_end_portal_shrine = function(pos, rotation, pr)
local offset = {x=6, y=4, z=6}
local size = {x=13, y=8, z=13}
local newpos = { x = pos.x - offset.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - offset.z }
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_end_portal_room_simple.mts"
mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, "0", nil, true, nil, shrine_placement_callback, pr)
local function ruined_portal_callback(p1, p2, size, rotation, pr)
local biome_data = minetest.get_biome_data(p1)
local biome_is_cold = (biome_data.heat < 15) or false
local biome_name = minetest.get_biome_name(biome_data.biome)
local biome_is_ocean = string.find(biome_name, "ocean") and true or false
local r_boobytrapped = pr:next(1, 100)
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, {
for n=1, #nodes do
local node = minetest.get_node(nodes[n])
-- Rotate walls (needs to be done first)
if rotation == "90" or rotation == "270" then
if "mcl_walls:stonebrick_5" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrick_10"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_10" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrick_5"
if "mcl_walls:stonebrick_16" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrick_21"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_21" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrick_16"
if (p1.y > mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min) and (p1.y < mcl_vars.mg_overworld_max) then
local r_bricktype = pr:next(1, 100)
-- Replace stone brick with mossy variants (30%)
if r_bricktype <= 30 then -- 30%
if "mcl_core:stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_core:stonebrickmossy"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickmossy"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_top" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickmossy_top"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_double" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickmossy_double"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy_outer"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy_inner"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_0" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_0"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_1" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_1"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_10" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_10"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_11" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_11"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_12" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_12"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_13" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_13"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_14" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_14"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_15" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_15"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_16" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_16"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_2" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_2"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_21" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_21"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_3" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_3"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_4" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_4"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_5" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_5"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_6" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_6"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_7" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_7"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_8" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_8"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_9" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy_9"
-- Replace stone brick with cracked variants (20%)
elseif r_bricktype <= 50 then -- 20%
if "mcl_core:stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickcracked"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_top" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickcracked_top"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_double" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickcracked_double"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked_outer"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked_inner"
-- Booby trap all redstone mechanisms (20%)
if r_boobytrapped <= 20 and (
"mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off" == node.name or
"mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off" == node.name
) then
node.name = "mcl_tnt:tnt"
-- Replace gold with air (30%)
elseif (
"mcl_core:goldblock" == node.name or
"mcl_stairs:slab_goldblock" == node.name or
"mcl_stairs:slab_goldblock_double" == node.name or
"mcl_stairs:slab_goldblock_top" == node.name or
"mcl_stairs:stair_goldblock" == node.name or
"mcl_stairs:stair_goldblock_inner" == node.name or
"mcl_stairs:stair_goldblock_outer" == node.name
) then
local r_air = pr:next(1,100)
if r_air <= 30 then
node.name = "air"
-- Replace obsidian with crying obsidian (20%)
elseif "mcl_core:obsidian" == node.name then
local r_crying = pr:next(1,100)
if r_crying <= 30 then
node.name = "mcl_nether:crying_obsidian"
-- Replace Nether rack with magma (7% if not cold)
elseif "mcl_nether:netherrack" == node.name then
if not biome_is_cold then
local r_magma = pr:next(1,100)
if r_magma <= 7 then
node.name = "mcl_nether:magma"
-- Replace lava (underwater: 100% magma / cold: 100% Nether rack / else: 20% magma)
elseif "mcl_core:lava_source" == node.name then
if biome_is_ocean and nodes[n].y < 0 then -- do not replace at surface
node.name = "mcl_nether:magma"
elseif biome_is_cold then
node.name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"
local r_magma = pr:next(1,100)
if r_magma <= 20 then
node.name = "mcl_nether:magma"
-- Replace stone brick variants with (red) Nether brick in the Nether
-- TODO: Replace stone brick variants with blackstone when we have it
if (p1.y > mcl_vars.mg_nether_min) and (p1.y < mcl_vars.mg_nether_max) then
if "mcl_core:stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_nether:nether_brick"
elseif "mcl_core:stonebrickcarved" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_nether:nether_brick_carved"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_nether_brick"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_top" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_nether_brick_top"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_double" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_nether_brick_double"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stone" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_red_nether_brick"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stone_top" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_red_nether_brick_top"
elseif "mcl_stairs:slab_stone_double" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:slab_red_nether_brick_double"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_nether_brick"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_nether_brick_outer"
elseif "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_nether_brick_inner"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_0" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_0"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_1" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_1"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_10" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_10"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_11" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_11"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_12" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_12"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_13" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_13"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_14" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_14"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_15" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_15"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_16" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_16"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_2" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_2"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_21" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_21"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_3" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_3"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_4" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_4"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_5" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_5"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_6" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_6"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_7" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_7"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_8" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_8"
elseif "mcl_walls:stonebrick_9" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_walls:netherbrick_9"
-- Replace lava with Nether lava
elseif "mcl_core:lava_source" == node.name then
node.name = "mcl_nether:nether_lava_source"
minetest.set_node(nodes[n], node)
-- Add loot into chests.
local chests = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, {
for c=1, #chests do
local lootitems = mcl_loot.get_multi_loot({
stacks_min = 4,
stacks_max = 8,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:iron_nugget", weight = 46, amount_min = 9, amount_max = 18 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:flint", weight = 46, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:obsidian", weight = 46, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_fire:fire_charge", weight = 46, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_fire:flint_and_steel", weight = 46, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_nugget", weight = 21, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 24 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold", weight = 21 },
-- TODO: enchanted golden axe / hoe / pickaxe / shovel / sword / helmet / chestplate / leggings / boots
{ itemstring = "mcl_potions:speckled_melon", weight = 7, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 12 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:carrot_item_gold", weight = 7, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 12 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_ingot", weight = 7, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 6 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_clock:clock", weight = 7, },
{ itemstring = "mobs_mc:gold_horse_armor", weight = 7, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:goldblock", weight = 2, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold_enchanted", weight = 2, },
}, pr)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(chests[c])
local meta = minetest.get_meta(chests[c])
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
mcl_loot.fill_inventory(inv, "main", lootitems, pr)
mcl_structures.generate_ruined_portal_large = function(pos, orientation, pr)
-- Generates one out of 1 possible small ruined nether portals
local newpos = {
x = pos.x,
y = pos.y - 10,
z = pos.z
local portals = {
local r = pr:next(1, #portals)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures") .. "/schematics/" .. portals[r]
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, orientation, nil, true, nil, ruined_portal_callback, pr)
mcl_structures.generate_ruined_portal_small = function(pos, orientation, pr)
-- Generates one out of 5 possible small ruined nether portals
local newpos = {
x = pos.x,
y = pos.y - 4,
z = pos.z
local portals = {
local r = pr:next(1, #portals)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures") .. "/schematics/" .. portals[r]
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, orientation, nil, true, nil, ruined_portal_callback, pr)
local function temple_placement_callback(p1, p2, size, rotation, pr)
-- Delete cacti leftovers:
local cactus_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(p1, p2, "mcl_core:cactus")
if cactus_nodes and #cactus_nodes > 0 then
for _, pos in pairs(cactus_nodes) do
local node_below = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z})
if node_below and node_below.name == "mcl_core:sandstone" then
minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="air"})
-- Find chests.
-- FIXME: Searching this large area just for the chets is not efficient. Need a better way to find the chests;
-- probably let's just infer it from newpos because the schematic always the same.
local chests = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_chests:chest")
-- Add desert temple loot into chests
for c=1, #chests do
local lootitems = mcl_loot.get_multi_loot({
stacks_min = 2,
stacks_max = 4,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:bone", weight = 25, amount_min = 4, amount_max=6 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", weight = 25, amount_min = 3, amount_max=7 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:spider_eye", weight = 25, amount_min = 1, amount_max=3 },
{ itemstack = mcl_enchanting.get_uniform_randomly_enchanted_book({"soul_speed"}), weight = 20, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:saddle", weight = 20, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold", weight = 20, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_ingot", weight = 15, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 7 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:iron_ingot", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:emerald", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "", weight = 15, },
{ itemstring = "mobs_mc:iron_horse_armor", weight = 15, },
{ itemstring = "mobs_mc:gold_horse_armor", weight = 10, },
{ itemstring = "mobs_mc:diamond_horse_armor", weight = 5, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:diamond", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold_enchanted", weight = 2, },
stacks_min = 4,
stacks_max = 4,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:bone", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:gunpowder", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:sand", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:string", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 8 },
}}, pr)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(chests[c])
local meta = minetest.get_meta(chests[c])
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
mcl_loot.fill_inventory(inv, "main", lootitems, pr)
-- Initialize pressure plates and randomly remove up to 5 plates
local pplates = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_stone_off")
local pplates_remove = 5
for p=1, #pplates do
if pplates_remove > 0 and pr:next(1, 100) >= 50 then
-- Remove plate
pplates_remove = pplates_remove - 1
-- Initialize plate
mcl_structures.generate_desert_temple = function(pos, rotation, pr)
-- No Generating for the temple ... Why using it ? No Change
local path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_structures").."/schematics/mcl_structures_desert_temple.mts"
local newpos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-12,z=pos.z}
local size = {x=22, y=24, z=22}
if newpos == nil then
mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, "random", nil, true, nil, temple_placement_callback, pr)
local registered_structures = {}
--[[ Returns a table of structure of the specified type.
Currently the only valid parameter is "stronghold".
Format of return value:
{ pos = <position>, generated=<true/false> }, -- first structure
{ pos = <position>, generated=<true/false> }, -- second structure
-- and so on
TODO: Implement this function for all other structure types as well.
mcl_structures.get_registered_structures = function(structure_type)
if registered_structures[structure_type] then
return table.copy(registered_structures[structure_type])
return {}
-- Register a structures table for the given type. The table format is the same as for
-- mcl_structures.get_registered_structures.
mcl_structures.register_structures = function(structure_type, structures)
registered_structures[structure_type] = structures
local function dir_to_rotation(dir)
local ax, az = math.abs(dir.x), math.abs(dir.z)
if ax > az then
if dir.x < 0 then
return "270"
return "90"
if dir.z < 0 then
return "180"
return "0"
-- Debug command
minetest.register_chatcommand("spawnstruct", {
params = "desert_temple | desert_well | igloo | witch_hut | boulder | ice_spike_small | ice_spike_large | fossil | end_exit_portal | end_portal_shrine | ruined_portal_large | ruined_portal_small",
description = S("Generate a pre-defined structure near your position."),
privs = {debug = true},
func = function(name, param)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if not player then return end
local pos = player:get_pos()
if not pos then return end
pos = vector.round(pos)
local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(player:get_look_horizontal())
local rot = dir_to_rotation(dir)
local pr = PseudoRandom(pos.x+pos.y+pos.z)
local errord = false
local message = S("Structure placed.")
if param == "desert_temple" then
mcl_structures.generate_desert_temple(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "desert_well" then
mcl_structures.generate_desert_well(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "igloo" then
mcl_structures.generate_igloo(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "witch_hut" then
mcl_structures.generate_witch_hut(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "boulder" then
mcl_structures.generate_boulder(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "fossil" then
mcl_structures.generate_fossil(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "ice_spike_small" then
mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_small(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "ice_spike_large" then
mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_large(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_exit_portal" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_exit_portal(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_portal_shrine" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_portal_shrine(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "ruined_portal_large" then
mcl_structures.generate_ruined_portal_large(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "ruined_portal_small" then
mcl_structures.generate_ruined_portal_small(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "" then
message = S("Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct <type>”.")
errord = true
message = S("Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct <type>”.")
errord = true
minetest.chat_send_player(name, message)
if errord then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types."))