#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Texture Converter.
# Converts Minecraft resource packs to Minetest texture packs.
# See README.md.
__author__ = "Wuzzy"
__license__ = "MIT License"
__status__ = "Development"
import shutil, csv, os, tempfile, sys, getopt
# Helper vars
home = os.environ["HOME"]
mineclone2_path = home + "/.minetest/games/mineclone2"
working_dir = os.getcwd()
output_dir_name = "New_MineClone_2_Texture_Pack"
appname = "Texture_Converter.py"
### SETTINGS ###
output_dir = working_dir
base_dir = None
# If True, will only make console output but not convert anything.
dry_run = False
# If True, textures will be put into a texture pack directory structure.
# If False, textures will be put into MineClone 2 directories.
make_texture_pack = True
# If True, prints all copying actions
verbose = False
syntax_help = appname+""" -i [-o