#!/usr/bin/env python # EXPERIMENTAL texture pack copying utility. # This Python script helps in converting Minecraft texture packs. It has 2 main features: # - Can create a Minetest texture pack (default) # - Can update the MineClone 2 textures # This script is currently incomplete, not all textures are converted. # # Requirements: # - Python 3 # - Python Library: Pillow # - ImageMagick # # Usage (to be simplified later): # - Put extracted texture pack into $HOME/tmp/pp # - Make sure the file “Texture_Conversion_Table.csv” is in the same directory as the script # - Run the script in its directory # - If everything worked, retrieve texture pack in texture_pack/ __author__ = "Wuzzy" __license__ = "WTFPL" __status__ = "Development" ### SETTINGS ### # If True, will only make console output but not convert anything. dry_run = False # If True, textures will be put into a texture pack directory structure. # If False, textures will be put into MineClone 2 directories. make_texture_pack = True # If True, prints all copying actions verbose = False ### END OF SETTINGS ### import shutil, csv, os, tempfile from PIL import Image # Helper variables home = os.environ["HOME"] mineclone2_path = home + "/.minetest/games/mineclone2" working_dir = os.getcwd() base_dir = home + "/tmp/pp" tex_dir = base_dir + "/assets/minecraft/textures" # FUNCTION DEFINITIONS def convert_alphatex(one, two, three, four, five): os.system("convert "+one+" -crop 1x1+"+three+" -depth 8 -resize "+four+"x"+four+" "+tempfile1.name) os.system("composite -compose Multiply "+tempfile1.name+" "+two+" "+tempfile2.name) os.system("composite -compose Dst_In "+two+" "+tempfile1.name+" -alpha Set "+five) def target_dir(directory): if make_texture_pack: return working_dir + "/texture_pack" else: return mineclone2_path + directory # Copy texture files def convert_textures(): failed_conversions = 0 print("Texture conversion BEGINS NOW!") with open("Texture_Conversion_Table.csv", newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"') first_row = True for row in reader: # Skip first row if first_row: first_row = False continue src_dir = row[0] src_filename = row[1] dst_dir = row[2] dst_filename = row[3] if row[4] != "": xs = int(row[4]) ys = int(row[5]) xl = int(row[6]) yl = int(row[7]) xt = int(row[8]) yt = int(row[9]) else: xs = None src_file = base_dir + src_dir + "/" + src_filename # source file src_file_exists = os.path.isfile(src_file) dst_file = target_dir(dst_dir) + "/" + dst_filename # destination file if src_file_exists == False: print("WARNING: Source file does not exist: "+src_file) failed_conversions = failed_conversions + 1 continue if xs != None: # Crop and copy images image = Image.open(src_file) if not dry_run: region = image.crop((xs, ys, xs+xl, ys+yl)) region.load() region.save(dst_file) if verbose: print(src_file + " → " + dst_file) else: # Copy image verbatim if not dry_run: shutil.copy2(src_file, dst_file) if verbose: print(src_file + " → " + dst_file) # Convert chest textures (requires ImageMagick) PXSIZE = 16 chest_file = tex_dir + "/entity/chest/normal.png" if os.path.isfile(chest_file): CHPX=((PXSIZE / 16 * 14)) # Chests in MC are 2/16 smaller! os.system("convert " + chest_file + " \ \( -clone 0 -crop "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str(CHPX)+"+"+str(CHPX)+"+0 \) -geometry +0+0 -composite -extent "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str(CHPX)+" "+target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/textures")+"/default_chest_top.png") os.system("convert " + chest_file + " \ \( -clone 0 -crop "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str((PXSIZE/16)*5)+"+"+str(CHPX)+"+"+str(CHPX)+" \) -geometry +0+0 -composite \ \( -clone 0 -crop "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str((PXSIZE/16)*10)+"+"+str(CHPX)+"+"+str((2*CHPX) + ((PXSIZE/16)*5))+" \) -geometry +0+"+str((PXSIZE/16)*5)+" -composite \ -extent "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str(CHPX)+" "+target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/textures")+"/default_chest_front.png") # TODO: Convert other chest sides # Convert grass grass_file = tex_dir + "/blocks/grass_top.png" if os.path.isfile(grass_file): FOLIAG = tex_dir+"/colormap/foliage.png" GRASS = tex_dir+"/colormap/grass.png" os.system("convert "+GRASS+" -crop 1x1+70+120 -depth 8 -resize "+str(PXSIZE)+"x"+str(PXSIZE)+" "+tempfile1.name) os.system("composite -compose Multiply "+tempfile1.name+" "+tex_dir+"/blocks/grass_top.png "+target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_grass.png") convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/grass_side_overlay.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_grass_side.png") # Leaves convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_oak.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_leaves.png") convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_big_oak.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_leaves_big_oak.png") convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_acacia.png", "16+240", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_acacia_leaves.png") convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_spruce.png", "226+240", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_leaves_spruce.png") convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_birch.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_leaves_birch.png") convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_jungle.png", "16+32", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_jungleleaves.png") # Waterlily convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/waterlily.png", "16+32", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/flowers_waterlily.png") # Vines convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/vine.png", "16+32", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_vine.png") # Tall grass, fern convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/tallgrass.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_tallgrass.png") convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/fern.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_fern.png") convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/double_plant_fern_bottom.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_double_plant_fern_bottom.png") convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/double_plant_fern_top.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_double_plant_fern_top.png") convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/double_plant_grass_bottom.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_double_plant_grass_bottom.png") convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/double_plant_grass_top.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_double_plant_grass_top.png") # TODO: Convert banner masks # if os.path.isdir(tex_dir + "/entity/banner"): # These are the ImageMagick commands needed to convert the mask images # os.system("mogrify -transparent-color "+filename) # os.system("mogrify -clip-mask "+tex_dir+"/entity/banner/base.png"+" -alpha Copy "+filename) # os.system("mogrify -fill white -colorize 100 "+filename) print("Textures conversion COMPLETE!") if failed_conversions > 0: print("WARNING: Number of missing files in original resource pack: "+str(failed_conversions)) print("NOTE: Please keep in mind this script does not reliably convert all the textures yet.") if make_texture_pack: print("You can now retrieve the texture pack in "+working_dir+"/texture_pack/") # ENTRY POINT if make_texture_pack and not os.path.isdir("./texture_pack"): os.mkdir("texture_pack") tempfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() tempfile2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() convert_textures() tempfile1.close() tempfile2.close()