tt = {}
tt.COLOR_DEFAULT = "#d0ffd0"
tt.COLOR_DANGER = "#ffff00"
tt.COLOR_GOOD = "#00ff00"
-- API
tt.registered_snippets = {}
tt.register_snippet = function(func)
table.insert(tt.registered_snippets, func)
-- Apply item description updates
local function append_snippets()
for itemstring, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do
if itemstring ~= "" and itemstring ~= "air" and itemstring ~= "ignore" and itemstring ~= "unknown" and def ~= nil and def.description ~= nil and def.description ~= "" and def._tt_ignore ~= true then
local desc = def.description
local orig_desc = desc
local first = true
-- Apply snippets
for s=1, #tt.registered_snippets do
local str, snippet_color = tt.registered_snippets[s](itemstring)
if snippet_color == nil then
snippet_color = tt.COLOR_DEFAULT
elseif snippet_color == false then
snippet_color = false
if str then
if first then
first = false
desc = desc .. "\n"
if snippet_color then
desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(snippet_color, str)
desc = desc .. str
if desc ~= def.description then
minetest.override_item(itemstring, { description = desc, _tt_original_description = orig_desc })