
407 lines
12 KiB

Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Frame #defines that might get used by a source file for a tool, such
as source files for the chunky compiler. This file should only contain
#defines, and the values for the #defines should be constant values
(no arithmetic).
#ifndef FRAMEDEF_H
#define FRAMEDEF_H
#ifdef MAC
#define MacWin(mac,win) mac
#define Mac(foo) foo
#define Win(foo)
#elif defined(WIN)
#define MacWin(mac,win) win
#define Mac(foo)
#define Win(foo) foo
#endif //WIN
Miscellaneous defines
#define kdzpInch 72
#define klwSigPackedFile 'kapa'
#define klwSigUnpackedFile 'kaup'
#define stidNil 0xFFFFFFFF // nil string id
#define kdtimSecond 60
Compression formats.
#define cfmtNil 0
#define kcfmtKauai 'KCDC'
#define kcfmtKauai2 'KCD2'
For flushing events.
#define fevtNil 0x00000000
#define fevtMouse 0x00000001
#define fevtKey 0x00000002
#define kgrfevtAll 0xFFFFFFFF
Sound manager constants.
#define sclNil 0xFFFFFFFF // nil sound class
#define sqnNil 0xFFFFFFFF // nil queue (for wild card)
#define ksqnNone 0 // non-queued sound
#define kvlmFull 0x00010000 // normal volume level
Cursor state constants.
bits 0-7 are reserved by GUI Kauai.
bits 8-15 are reserved by Kidspace Kauai.
bits 16-31 are reserved for application use.
#define fcustNil 0
#define fcustCmd 1
#define fcustShift 2
#define fcustOption 4
#define kgrfcustKeys 7
#define fcustMouse 8
#define kgrfcustUser 15
#define kgrfcustFrame 0x000000FF
#define kgrfcustKid 0x0000FF00
#define kgrfcustApp 0xFFFF0000
Property id's. For APPB::FSetProp and APPB::FGetProp.
#define kpridMaximized 1
#define kpridFullScreen 2
#define kpridToolTipDelay 3
Transitions that Kauai knows how to do.
#define gftNil 0
#define kgftWipe 1
#define kgftSlide 2
#define kgftDissolve 3
#define kgftFade 4
#define kgftIris 5
// transition directions for Wipe and Slide
#define kgfdLeft 0x00 // 0000
#define kgfdRight 0x05 // 0101
#define kgfdUp 0x0A // 1010
#define kgfdDown 0x0F // 1111
#define kgfdLeftRight 0x04 // 0100
#define kgfdRightLeft 0x01 // 0001
#define kgfdUpDown 0x0E // 1110
#define kgfdDownUp 0x0B // 1011
// transition directions for Iris
#define kgfdOpen 0x00 // 00
#define kgfdClose 0x03 // 11
#define kgfdCloseOpen 0x01 // 01
#define kgfdOpenClose 0x02 // 10
Standard command handler IDs.
GUI Kauai reserves values below 10000.
Kidspace Kauai reserves values below 20000.
Values >= 20000 can be used by the application.
//The framework reserves values below khidLimFrame
#define hidNil 0
#define khidApp 1
#define khidScreen 2
#define khidMdi 3 //generic mdi windows should get this
#define khidSizeBox 4 //all size boxes (WSBs) get this
#define khidDialog 5 //for modal dialogs
#define khidHScroll 6 //standard horizontal scroll bar
#define khidVScroll 7 //standard vertical scroll bar
#define khidDoc 8 //standard hid for a document
#define khidDsg 9 //standard dsg (child of dmw)
#define khidDdg 10 //standard ddg (child of dsg)
#define khidDsspHorz 11 //standard horizontal document window split box
#define khidDsspVert 12 //standard vertical document window split box
#define khidDssm 13 //standard split mover
#define khidDmw 14 //convenient for single DMW window
#define khidDmd 15 //standard dmd
#define khidEdit 16 //edit control
#define khidToolTip 17 //tool tip
#define khidLimFrame 10000
Chunky file constants.
//convenient to indicate none (chunk places no restrictions on these)
#define cnoNil 0xFFFFFFFF
#define ctgNil 0
#define chidNil 0xFFFFFFFF
#define kctgFramework 'FRAM' //for chunky file creator
#define kctgMacro 'GLCM'
#define kctgGl 'GL '
#define kctgAl 'AL '
#define kctgGg 'GG '
#define kctgAg 'AG '
#define kctgGst 'GST '
#define kctgAst 'AST '
#define kctgRsc 'RSC '
#define kctgMeta 'META'
#define kctgMacPict 'MPIC'
#define kctgPictNative MacWin(kctgMacPict,kctgMeta)
#define kctgGraphic 'GRAF'
#define kctgScript 'GLOP'
#define kctgMask 'MASK'
#define kctgMbmp 'MBMP'
#define kctgMidi 'MIDS'
#define kctgWave 'WAVE'
#define kctgChkCmp 'CHMP'
#define kctgColorTable 'GLCR'
#define kctgCursor 'GGCR'
#define kctgText 'TEXT'
#define kctgTxtProps 'GLMP'
#define kctgTxtPropArgs 'AGPA'
#define kctgRichText 'RTXT'
#define kctgScriptStrs 'GSTX'
#define kctgStringReg 'GSTR'
Command IDs
Commands above 64K cannot be put on Win menus.
Commands between 40000 and 50000 should be reserved for AppStudio
defined values (these are defined in .h files generated by AppStudio).
Commands between 50000 and 65535 are reserved for Windows menu list
Commands between cidMinNoRepeat and cidLimNoRepeat will be recorded
only once when multiple instances of the command occur consecutively.
Commands between cidMinNoRecord and cidLimNoRecord will not be recorded
at all.
//id of main key accelerator table (if one is used)
#define acidMain 128
#define cidNil 0
//Windows MDI reserves ids 1-10, so start at 100
// command IDs
#define wcidMinApp 100
#define cidNew 100
#define cidOpen 101
#define cidClose 102
#define cidSave 103
#define cidSaveAs 104
#define cidSaveCopy 105 // save a copy of the doc
#define cidQuit 106
#define cidAbout 107
#define cidNewWnd 108
#define cidCloseWnd 109 // just the current window, not the whole doc
#define cidChooseWnd 110 // a dynamic list
#define cidOpenDA 111 // (Mac only) a desk accessory list
#define cidChooseFont 112 // a font menu list
#define cidCexStopPlay 113 // stop playing a command stream
#define cidCexStopRec 114 // stop recording a command stream
#define cidCexPlayDone 115 // notify the world that play stopped
#define cidCexRecordDone 116 // notify the world that record stopped
#define cidSaveAndClose 117
#define cidCut 118
#define cidCopy 119
#define cidPaste 120
#define cidClear 121
#define cidShowClipboard 122
#define cidJustifyLeft 123
#define cidJustifyCenter 124
#define cidJustifyRight 125
#define cidIndentNone 126
#define cidIndentFirst 127
#define cidIndentRest 128
#define cidIndentAll 129
#define cidBold 130
#define cidItalic 131
#define cidUnderline 132
#define cidUndo 133
#define cidRedo 134
#define cidChooseFontSize 135 // a dynamic list
#define cidPlain 136
#define cidChooseSubSuper 137 // a dynamic list
#define cidPrint 138
#define cidPrintSetup 139
#define cidPasteSpecial 140
#define wcidListBase 50000 // for windows menu list handling
#define dwcidList 500 // increment between list base values
#define wcidLimApp 0xF000 // windows reserves larger values
non-menu, non-key invoked commands
These commands cannot be put on
#define cidMinNoMenu 100000
#define cidDoScroll 100000
#define cidEndScroll 100001
#define cidSplitDsg 100002
#define cidKey 100003
#define cidBadKey 100004
#define cidAlarm 100005
#define cidActivateSel 100006
#define cidMouseDown 100007
#define cidClicked 100008
#define cidEndModal 100009
no-repeat commands:
when recording, multiple (identical)
instances of these are recorded only
#define cidMinNoRepeat 200000
#define cidTrackMouse 200000
#define cidLimNoRepeat 400000
no-record commands:
when recording, don't record
these at all.
#define cidMinNoRecord 400000
#define cidIdle 400000
#define cidSelIdle 400001 // idle for settting/clearing selection.
#define cidMouseMove 400002 // mouse moved
#define cidRollOff 400003 // mouse rolled off the GOB
#define cidLimNoRecord 600000
Error codes
0 - 9999: Util-issued error codes
// 00000 - 00099: low-memory errors
#define ercNil 0xFFFFFFFF
#define ercOomHq 0
#define ercOomPv 1
#define ercOomNew 2
// 00100 - 00199: file errors
#define ercFileGeneral 100 //enum files and check el's
#define ercFilePerm 101 //can't set write permissions
#define ercFileOpen 102 //can't open a file
#define ercFileCreate 103 //can't create a file
#define ercFileSwapNames 104 //FSwapNames failed
#define ercFileRename 105 //FRename failed
#define ercStnRead 106 //reading a string failed
// 00200 - 00299: fni errors
#define ercFniGeneral 200 //couldn't build an fni
#define ercFniDelete 201 //delete failed
#define ercFniRename 202 //rename failed
#define ercFniMismatch 203 //requested dir is a file or file is dir
#define ercFniHidden 204 //requested file/dir is hidden or alias
#define ercFniDirCreate 205 //can't create directory
// 00300 - 00399: fne errors
#define ercFneGeneral 300
// 00400 - 00499: chunk errors
#define ercCflOpen 400
#define ercCflCreate 401
#define ercCflSave 402
#define ercCflSaveCopy 403
// 00500 - 00599: crf errors
#define ercCrfCantLoad 500
// 00600 - 00699: sound manager
#define ercSndmCantInit 600
#define ercSndmPartialInit 601
#define ercSndamWaveDeviceBusy 602
#define ercSndMidiDeviceBusy 603
10000 - 19999: Frame-issued error codes
// 10000 - 10099: gdi errors
#define ercOomGdi 10000
// 10100 - 10199: gfx errors
#define ercGfxCantDraw 10100
#define ercGfxCantSetFont 10101
#define ercGfxNoFontList 10102
#define ercGfxCantSetPalette 10103
// 10200 - 10299: dlg errors
#define ercDlgCantGetArgs 10200
#define ercDlgCantFind 10201
#define ercDlgOom 10202
// 10300 - 10399: rtxd errors
#define ercCantSave 10300
#define ercRtxdTooMuchText 10301
#define ercRtxdReadFailed 10302
#define ercRtxdSaveFailed 10303
// 11000 - 11999: misc errors
#define ercCantOpenVideo 11000
#define ercMbmpCantOpenBitmap 11001
#define ercSpellNoDll 11002
#define ercSpellNoDict 11003
#define ercSpellNoUserDict 11004
Custom window messages for testing
WARNING: because of Chicago stupidity, these have to be less than 64K.
Chicago truncates to 16 bits! Long live NT!
#define WM_GOB_STATE 0x00004000
#define WM_GOB_LOCATION 0x00004001
#define WM_GLOBAL_STATE 0x00004002
#define WM_CURRENT_CURSOR 0x00004003
#define WM_GET_PROP 0x00004004
#define WM_SCALE_TIME 0x00004005
#define WM_GOB_FROM_PT 0x00004006
#define WM_FIRST_CHILD 0x00004007
#define WM_NEXT_SIB 0x00004008
#define WM_PARENT 0x00004009
#define WM_GOB_TYPE 0x0000400A
#define WM_IS_GOB 0x0000400B
#endif //!FRAMEDEF_H